
Defines functions StdCoef coefTable.hurdle coefTable.zeroinfl coefTable.coxph coefTable.survreg coefTable.lm coefTable.default .makeCoefTable coeffs.default PartialSD .partialsd NMAE NMSE SMAPE.lm SMAPE MAPE.lm MAPE RMSE.lm RMSE MSE.lm MSE MAE.lm MAE

Documented in MAE MAE.lm MAPE MAPE.lm MSE MSE.lm NMAE NMSE PartialSD RMSE RMSE.lm SMAPE SMAPE.lm StdCoef

MAE <- function(x, ...) {


MAE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  MAE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

MAE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {
  # mean will bark, if there are NAs, so no need to do here anyhing further
  # (the difference will report NAs anyway)
  mean(abs(ref-x), na.rm=na.rm, ...)

MSE <- function(x, ...) {


MSE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  MSE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

MSE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {
  mean((ref-x)^2, na.rm=na.rm, ...)

RMSE <- function(x, ...) {


RMSE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  RMSE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

RMSE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {
  sqrt(MSE(x, ref, na.rm, ...))

MAPE <- function(x, ...) {


MAPE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  MAPE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

MAPE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {
  # mean will bark, if there are NAs, so no need to do here anyhing further
  # (the difference will report NAs anyway)
  mean(abs((ref-x)/ref), na.rm=na.rm, ...)

SMAPE <- function(x, ...) {


SMAPE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  SMAPE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

SMAPE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {

  mean( 2 * abs(ref-x) / (abs(x) + abs(ref)), na.rm=na.rm, ...)

# Chen and Yang (2004), in an unpublished working paper, defined the sMAPE as
# \[\text{sMAPE} = \text{mean}(2|y_t - \hat{y}_t|/(|y_t| + |\hat{y}_t|)).\]
# They still called it a measure of "percentage error" even though they dropped the multiplier 100.
# At least they got the range correct, stating that this measure has a maximum value of two when
# either y_t or \hat{y}_t is zero, but is undefined when both are zero.
# The range of this version of sMAPE is (0,2). Perhaps this is the definition that Makridakis and
# Armstrong intended all along, although neither has ever managed to include it correctly
# in one of their papers or books.
# source: http://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/smape/

NMSE <- function(x, ref, train.y){

  sse <- sum((ref-x)^2)

NMAE <- function(x, ref, train.y){

  sae <- sum(abs(ref-x))

.partialsd <- function(x, sd, vif, n, p = length(x) - 1) {
  sd * sqrt(1 / vif) * sqrt((n - 1)/(n - p))

PartialSD <- function(x) {

  mm <- model.matrix(x)
  .partialsd(coef(x), apply(mm, 2L, sd), VIF(x), nobs(x),
             sum(attr(mm, "assign") != 0))


coeffs <-
  function (model) UseMethod("coeffs")

coeffs.multinom <-
  function (model) {
    cf <- coef(model)
    if (!is.vector(cf)) {
      cf <- t(as.matrix(cf))
      cfnames <- expand.grid(dimnames(cf), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      cfnames <- sprintf("%s(%s)", cfnames[,2L], cfnames[,1L])
      structure(as.vector(cf), names = cfnames)
    } else cf

coeffs.survreg <-
  function (model) {
    rval <- coef(model)
    if (nrow(vcov(model)) > length(rval)) { # scale was estimated
      lgsc <- log(model$scale)
      names(lgsc) <- if(is.null(names(lgsc)))
        "Log(scale)" else
          paste0("Log(scale):", names(lgsc))
      rval <- c(rval, lgsc)

coeffs.default <-
  function(model) coef(model)

coefTable <-
  function (model, ...) UseMethod("coefTable")

.makeCoefTable <-
  function(x, se, df = NA_real_, coefNames = names(x)) {
    if(n <- length(x)) {
      xdefined <- !is.na(x)
      ndef <- sum(xdefined)
      if(ndef < n) {
        if(length(se) == ndef) {
          y <- rep(NA_real_, n); y[xdefined] <- se; se <- y
        if(length(df) == ndef) {
          y <- rep(NA_real_, n); y[xdefined] <- df; df <- y
    if(n && n != length(se)) stop("length(x) is not equal to length(se)")
    ret <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = 3L, nrow = length(x),
                  dimnames = list(coefNames, c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "df")))
    if(n) ret[, ] <- cbind(x, se, rep(if(is.null(df)) NA_real_ else df,
                                      length.out = n), deparse.level = 0L)
    class(ret) <- c("coefTable", "matrix")

coefTable.default <-
  function(model, ...) {
    dfs <- tryCatch(df.residual(model), error = function(e) NA_real_)
    cf <- summary(model, ...)$coefficients
    .makeCoefTable(cf[, 1L], cf[, 2L], dfs, coefNames = rownames(cf))

coefTable.lm <-
  function(model, ...)
    .makeCoefTable(coef(model), sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))), model$df.residual)

coefTable.survreg <-
  function(model, ...) {
      sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))),

coefTable.coxph <-
  function(model, ...) {
    .makeCoefTable(coef(model), if(all(is.na(model$var)))
      rep(NA_real_, length(coef(model))) else sqrt(diag(model$var)),

coefTable.multinom <-
  function (model, ...) {
    .makeCoefTable(coeffs(model), sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))))

coefTable.zeroinfl <-
  function(model, ...)
    .makeCoefTable(coef(model), sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))))

coefTable.hurdle <-
  function(model, ...) {
    cts <- summary(model)$coefficients
    ct <- do.call("rbind", unname(cts))
    cfnames <- paste0(rep(names(cts), vapply(cts, nrow, 1L)), "_", rownames(ct))
    .makeCoefTable(ct[, 1L], ct[, 2L], coefNames = cfnames)
    #.makeCoefTable(coef(model), sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))))

StdCoef <- function(x, partial.sd = FALSE, ...) {

  coefmat <- coefTable(x, ...)

  mm <- model.matrix(x)

  if(partial.sd) {
    bx <- .partialsd(coefmat[, 1L], apply(mm, 2L, sd),
                     VIF(x), nobs(x), sum(attr(mm, "assign") != 0))
  } else {
    response.sd <- sd(model.response(model.frame(x)))
    bx <- apply(mm, 2L, sd) / response.sd
  coefmat[, 1L:2L] <- coefmat[, 1L:2L] * bx
  colnames(coefmat)[1L:2L] <- c("Estimate*", "Std. Error*")
  return (coefmat)

AndriSignorell/DescTools documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 7:14 p.m.