
Defines functions SavePlot InsertBasePipe InsertIn FlushToSource GetExcelTable GetExcelRangeH GetExcelRange InspectPnt NewObject Shuffle SortDesc SortAsc EvalEnquote EnquoteS Enquote SetArrow FlipBackSlash IntView ToWrd XLView FileSaveAs FileImport FileBrowserOpen FileOpen Some Info Head PlotD Plot BuildModel .InsertSelectedText Select Desc Unclass Edit Cat Summary Abstract Example Str1 Str

Documented in Abstract BuildModel Cat Desc Edit Enquote EnquoteS EvalEnquote Example FileBrowserOpen FileOpen FileSaveAs FlipBackSlash FlushToSource GetExcelRange GetExcelRangeH GetExcelTable Head Info InspectPnt IntView NewObject Plot PlotD Select SetArrow Shuffle Some SortAsc SortDesc Str Str1 Summary ToWrd Unclass XLView

# insert_in <- function() {
#   rstudioapi::insertText(" %in% ", location = )
# }

Str <- function(){


  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("DescTools::Str(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Str1 <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("DescTools::Str(%s, max.level=1)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Example <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("example(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Abstract <- function(){


  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("DescTools::Abstract(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Summary <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("summary(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Cat <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("cat(%s, sep='\n')", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Edit <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("fix(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Unclass <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("unclass(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Desc <- function(){


  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("DescTools::Desc(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Select <- function(){

  selkey <- getOption("selkey", default=list(file=c("fn","file","filename"),
                                             dir=c("path","dir", "pathname"),
                                             col=c("color", "col"),
                                             pch=c("pch"), locate=c("loc","xy"), 
                                             bookmark=c("wbm", "bmt")))
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    if(sel %in% selkey$pch) {
        PlotPch(newwin = TRUE)
    } else if(sel %in% selkey$col){
        txt <- eval(parse(text="ColPicker(newwin=TRUE)"))
        rstudioapi::insertText(gettextf("col=c(%s)", paste(shQuote(txt), collapse=", ")))

    } else if(sel %in% selkey$file) {
      txt <- eval(parse(text="FileOpenDlg(fmt='%path%%fname%.%ext%')"))
      if(txt != "")
        rstudioapi::insertText(gettextf("%s=%s", sel, shQuote(txt)))

    } else if(sel %in% selkey$dir) {
      txt <- eval(parse(text="dir.choose()"))
      if(txt != "")
        rstudioapi::insertText(gettextf("%s=%s", sel, shQuote(txt)))

    } else if(sel %in% selkey$locate) {
      xy <- eval(parse(text="locator()"))
        txt <- gettextf("%s <- list(\n  x = c(%s),\n  y = c(%s),\n  xlab = '$x', ylab = '$y')", 
                        sel, paste(xy$x, collapse=", "), paste(xy$y, collapse=", "))

    } else if(sel %in% selkey$bookmark) {

    } else {
      if(sel != ""){
        txt <- eval(parse(text=gettextf("SelectVarDlg(%s)", sel)))
        if(txt != "") rstudioapi::insertText(txt)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


.InsertSelectedText <- function(txt){
  rng <- getActiveDocumentContext()
  # store selection
  sel <- rng$selection[[1]]$range
  # insert the text
  # select inserted text
  nsel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$range
  sel$end <- nsel$start

BuildModel <- function(){

  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
    lst <- .LsDataFrame()
      sel <- SelectVarDlg(x = lst)[1]
        sel <- eval(parse(text=sel))[1]
  if(sel != ""){
    txt <- eval(parse(text=gettextf("ModelDlg(%s)", sel)))
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


# BuildModel()

Plot <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
      rstudioapi::sendToConsole("PlotMar()", focus = FALSE)
      rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("plot(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

PlotD <- function(){


  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("plot(DescTools::Desc(%s))", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Head <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != ""){
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("head(%s)", sel), execute = TRUE, focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


Info <- function(){

  .Info <- function(x){

    class_x <- strwrap(paste(class(x), collapse=", "),
                       width= getOption("width") - nchar("  Class(es):   "))
    class_x[-1] <- paste(strrep(" ", nchar("  Class(es):  ")), class_x[-1])

    cat(gettextf("Properties -------- \n  Object:      %s\n  TypeOf:      %s\n  Class(es):   %s\n  Mode:        %s\n  Dimension:   %s\n  Length:      %s\n  Size:        %s\n  Attributes:  ",
                 deparse(substitute(x)), typeof(x),
                 paste(class_x, collapse="\n"),
                 ifelse(is.null(dim(x)), "NULL", toString(dim(x))), length(x),
                 paste0(Format(as.numeric(object.size(x)), fmt="engabb",  digits=1), "B")
    if(!is.null(attributes(x))) {
      opt <- options(width=getOption("width") - 4)
      cat(paste("    ", capture.output(attributes(x))), sep="\n")
    } else

  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text

  if(sel != ""){
#    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf(".Info(%s)", sel), execute = TRUE, focus = FALSE)
    eval(parse(text = gettextf(".Info(%s)", sel)))

  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


Some <- function(){


  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != ""){
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("DescTools::Some(%s)", sel), execute = TRUE, focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


# Save <- function(){
#   sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
#   if(sel != "") {
#     f <- tclvalue(eval(parse(text=gettextf("tkgetSaveFile(initialfile='%s.rda', title='Save a file...')", sel))))
#     if(f != "")
#       rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("save(x=%s, file='%s')", sel, f), focus = FALSE)
#   } else {
#     cat("No selection!\n")
#   }
# }

FileOpen <- function(){

  txt <- eval(parse(text="FileOpenDlg(fmt=NULL)"))
  if(txt != "") {

FileBrowserOpen <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != ""){
    path <- eval(parse(text=sel)) # should we do some cleansing here?
    si <- Sys.info()["sysname"]
    if (si == "Darwin") {
      # mac
      system2("open", path)
    } else if (si == "Windows") {
      # win
    } else if (si == "Linux") {
      # linux
      system(paste0("xdg-open ", path))
    } else {
      stop("Open browser is not implemented for your system (",
           si, ") in this package (due to incompetence of the author).")

  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

FileImport <- function(){

  txt <- eval(parse(text="FileImportDlg()"))
  if(txt != "") {

FileSaveAs <- function() {

  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if (sel != "") {

    f <- tclvalue(eval(parse(text = gettextf("tkgetSaveFile(initialfile='%s', title='Save a file...', filetypes = '{{R (binary)} {.rda}} {{Comma separated} {.csv}} {Text {.txt}} {{Excel} {*.xlsx} }', defaultextension = '.rda')",
    if (f != "") {
      ext <- tools::file_ext(f)

        rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("save(x=%s, file='%s')",
                                           sel, f), focus = FALSE)
      } else if(ext=="csv"){
        rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("write.csv(x=%s, file='%s')",
                                           sel, f), focus = FALSE)

      } else if(ext=="xlsx"){

        rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("writexl::write_xlsx(x=%s, path='%s')",
                                           sel, f), focus = FALSE)

      } else if(ext=="txt"){
        if(eval(parse(text = gettextf("inherits(%s, 'character')", sel)))){
          rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("writeLines(text=%s, con='%s')", sel, f), focus = FALSE)

        } else {
          rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("dput(x=%s, file='%s')", sel, f), focus = FALSE)


  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

XLView <- function(){


  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("DescTools::XLView(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

ToWrd <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    if(sel=="\n") sel <- "'\n'"
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("DescTools::ToWrd(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

IntView <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(gettextf("View(%s)", sel), focus = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

FlipBackSlash <- function() {
  flip <- function(txt){
    txt <- gsub("\\\\", "/", txt)
    if(getOption("ReplaceDoubleSlash", default = FALSE))
      # replace double // by /
      txt <- gsub("/+", "/", txt)

  flop <- function(txt){
    gsub("/", "\\\\", txt)
  rng <- getActiveDocumentContext()
  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(txt != "") {
    if(!grepl("\\\\", txt) & grepl("/", txt))
      txt <- flop(txt)
      txt <- flip(txt)
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


# FlipSlash <- function() {
#   txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
#   if(txt != "") {
#     txt <- gsub("/", "\\\\", txt)
#     rstudioapi::modifyRange(txt)
#   } else {
#     cat("No selection!\n")
#   }
# }

SetArrow <- function(){

  xy <- eval(parse(text="locator(n = 2)"))
  eval(parse(text="Arrow(x0 = xy$x[2], y0 = xy$y[2], x1 = xy$x[1], y1 = xy$y[1], head=3)"))
  txt <- gettextf("Arrow(x0 = %s, y0 = %s, x1 = %s, y1 = %s, head = 3)\n",
                  round(xy$x[2],2), round(xy$y[2],2), round(xy$x[1],2), round(xy$y[1],2))

Enquote <- function(){
  rng <- getActiveDocumentContext()
  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(txt != "") {
    txt <- paste(shQuote(strsplit(txt, split="\n")[[1]]), collapse=",")
    # store selection
    sel <- rng$selection[[1]]$range
    # insert the text
    # select inserted text
    nsel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$range
    sel$end <- nsel$start

  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


EnquoteS <- function(){

  rng <- getActiveDocumentContext()
  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(txt != "") {
    txt <- paste(sQuote(strsplit(txt, split="\n")[[1]]), collapse=",")

    # store selection
    sel <- rng$selection[[1]]$range
    # insert the text

    # select inserted text
    nsel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$range
    sel$end <- nsel$start
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


EvalEnquote <- function(){

  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(txt != "") {

    txt <- eval(parse(text=txt))

    txt <- paste(shQuote(txt), collapse=",")

  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


SortAsc <- function(){
  rng <- getActiveDocumentContext()
  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text

  if(txt != "") {
    rep_txt <- paste(sort(strsplit(txt, split="\n")[[1]]), collapse="\n")
    if(length(grep("\\n$", txt))!=0)
      rep_txt <- paste0(rep_txt, "\n")
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

SortDesc <- function(){
  rng <- getActiveDocumentContext()
  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(txt != "") {
    rep_txt <- paste(sort(strsplit(txt, split="\n")[[1]], decreasing = TRUE), collapse="\n")
    if(length(grep("\\n$", txt))!=0)
      rep_txt <- paste0(rep_txt, "\n")
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

Shuffle <- function(){
  rng <- getActiveDocumentContext()
  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(txt != "") {
    rep_txt <- paste(sample(strsplit(txt, split="\n")[[1]]), collapse="\n")
    if(length(grep("\\n$", txt))!=0)
      rep_txt <- paste0(rep_txt, "\n")
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

RemoveDuplicates <- function () {
  rng <- getActiveDocumentContext()
  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if (txt != "") {
    txt <- strsplit(txt, split = "\n")[[1]]
    u <- unique(txt)
    utxt <- paste(u, collapse = "\n")
    # add the last cr if the original already had it
    if(length(grep("\\n$", txt))!=0)
      utxt <- paste0(utxt, "\n")
    sel <- rng$selection[[1]]$range
    sel$end[1] <- sel$end[1] - (length(txt) - length(u))
    note <- gettextf("\033[36m\nNote: ------\n  %s duplicates have been found and removed. %s values remain.\n\n\033[39m", 
                    length(txt) - length(u), length(u)) 
  else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

NewObject <- function(){

  obj <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(obj == "") obj <- "m"

  m <- edit(data.frame())

     "m" = {
        m <- as.matrix(m)

        if(!all(dimnames(m)[[2]] == paste("var", 1:length(dimnames(m)[[2]]), sep="")))
          dnames <- gettextf(", \n       dimnames=list(%s)", toString(dimnames(m)))
          dnames <- ""

          m[!is.na(m)] <- shQuote(m[!is.na(m)])

        txt <- gettextf("m <- matrix(c(%s), nrow=%s%s)\n",
                        toString(m), dim(m)[1], dnames)
       m <- as.vector(m)
       txt <- gettextf("v <- %s\n", toString(m))

       txt <- paste("d <- data.frame(", paste(names(m), "=", m, collapse = ", "), ")\n", sep="")
       # genuine data.frame



InspectPnt <- function(){


  .ToClipboard <- function (x, ...) {

    sn <- Sys.info()["sysname"]
    if (sn == "Darwin") {
      file <- pipe("pbcopy")
      cat(x, file = file, ...)
    else if (sn == "Windows") {
      cat(x, file = "clipboard", ...)
    else {
      stop("Writing to the clipboard is not implemented for your system (",
           sn, ") in this package.")

  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text

  if(sel != ""){
    i <- eval(parse(text=gettextf("DescTools::IdentifyA(%s, poly=TRUE)", sel)))

    .ToClipboard(paste("c(", paste(i, collapse=","), ")", sep=""))

    # Todo:
    # Display directly by looking up the data in the formula
    # View(mtcars[i,])

  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


GetExcelRange <- function(env=.GlobalEnv, header=FALSE, echo=TRUE){

  # we need to declare the variable here to avoid the barking of the check
  rng <- data.frame()   
  eval(parse(text=gettextf("rng <- DescTools::XLGetRange(header=%s)", header)))
  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(txt != "") {
    # remove any assignment
    txt <- StrTrim(gsub("<- *$|= *$", "", txt))
    # assign the imported data to the selected name in GlobalEnv
    assign(txt, rng, envir = env)
    # add the assignment to the selected name
    txt <- paste(txt, "<-")
  txt <- paste(txt, attr(rng, "call"), "\n")

  if(echo) print(rng)


GetExcelRangeH <- function(env=.GlobalEnv){

GetExcelTable <- function(env=.GlobalEnv){
  # get a matrix data with rownames and columnnames as 3 sequentially 
  # selected ranges
  # we need to declare the variable here to avoid the barking of the check
  rng <- data.frame()   
  eval(parse(text="rng <- DescTools::XLGetRange(header=FALSE)"))
  txt <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(txt != "") {
    # remove any assignment
    txt <- StrTrim(gsub("<- *$|= *$", "", txt))
    # assign the imported data to the selected name in GlobalEnv
    assign(txt, rng, envir = env)
    # add the assignment to the selected name
    txt <- paste(txt, "<-")
  txt <- gettextf("%s as.table(matrix(c(%s), nrow=%s, \r  dimnames=list(c(%s),  c(%s))))",
                  txt, toString(as.matrix(rng[[1]])), nrow(rng[[1]]),
                  toString(dQuote(rng[[2]][,1])), toString(dQuote(rng[[3]][1,])))
  rstudioapi::sendToConsole(txt, focus = FALSE)


FlushToSource <- function(){

  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != ""){
    txt <- capture.output(eval(parse(text=gettextf("dput(%s)", sel))))
    rstudioapi::insertText(paste(sel, "<-", paste(txt, collapse="\n"), "\n"))
  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")


InsertIn <- function(){
  rstudioapi::insertText(" %in% ")

InsertBasePipe <- function(){
  rstudioapi::insertText(" |> ")

SavePlot <- function(){
  sel <- getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
  if(sel != "") {
    # look for something like 'SavePlot' in the stringpart before the first :
    ok <- grepl("SavePlot", strsplit(sel, ":")[[1]][1], ignore.case = TRUE)
    if(ok) {
      opendevcmd <- StrTrim(regmatches(sel, gregexpr("(?s)(?<=:).*?(?=\\{)", sel, perl=TRUE)))
      # remove comments
      opendevcmd <- paste(gsub("^#", "", strsplit(opendevcmd, split="\n")[[1]]), collapse=" ")
      # open device according to the given code 
      eval(parse(text = opendevcmd))
      # extract R code between brackets {}
      code <- regmatches(sel, gregexpr("(?s)(?<=\\{).*(?=\\})", sel, perl=TRUE))[[1]]
      # run code
      eval(parse(text = code))
      # close the device

  } else {
    cat("No selection!\n")

# gsub("^[^:]*:", "", sel)
# sel <- '
# # SavePlot:
# # png(filename = "C:/Users/andri/Documents/HWZ/21-22/AnStat/FLK/Armlaenge.png",
# #     width=600, height=400, pointsize = 16)
# {
#   data(cats, package="MASS")
#   cols <- SetNames(c(hred, hblue), names=c("F", "M"))
#   plot(Hwt ~ Bwt, cats, pch=16, col=hblue,
#        xlab="rechter Arm [cm]", ylab="linker Arm [cm]",
#        main="", panel.first=quote(grid()), las=1)
#   lines(lm(Hwt ~ Bwt, data=frm), col=cols[x])
# }
# '
AndriSignorell/DescToolsAddIns documentation built on July 28, 2024, 8:47 p.m.