
#' plot simulation results
#' plot insecticide use and resulting changes in population and resistance
#' @param dF dataframe containing simulation results
#' @examples
#' #blank plot
#' dF <- init_sim_oldest(20)
#' plot_sim_oldest(dF)
#' #default run
#' plot_sim_oldest( run_sim_oldest())
#' #modify params
#' plot_sim_oldest( run_sim_oldest( insecticide_kill = 0.3, resist_incr = 0.05 ))
#' @return maybe nothing, produces a plot
#' @export

plot_sim_oldest <- function(dF) 
  #so that it can be called from elsewhere, e.g. to plot scenarios in a document
  #initially just get function to accept the dataframe with use_*, pop & resist_pyr
  #set up space for a number of plots
  #par(mfrow=c(4,1), mar=c(0,4,2,0)) #bltr
  #disbaled cost for now so just need 3
  par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(2,4,2,0)) #bltr
  #plot insecticide use
  #adj=0 to left justify title
  #, pch=15 filled square
  plot(dF$use_car, axes=FALSE, col='orange', pch=15, cex=2, xlim=c(0,nrow(dF)), ylim=c(0.5,4.5), main="insecticide used", adj=0, cex.main=1.4, font.main=1, frame.plot=FALSE, ylab='' )
  points(dF$use_ops*2, col='blue', pch=15, cex=2)    
  points(dF$use_ddt*3, col='red', pch=15, cex=2) 
  points(dF$use_pyr*4, col='green', pch=15, cex=2)  
  #to add x axis labels, las=1 to make labels horizontal
  axis(2,at=1:4,labels=c('carb','ops','ddt','pyr'),las=1,cex.axis=1.3, tick=FALSE)
  #plot vector population
  plot.default(dF$pop, axes=FALSE, ylim=c(0,1), type='l', main="vector population", adj=0, cex.main=1.4, font.main=1, frame.plot=FALSE, ylab='')
  axis(2,at=c(0,1), labels=c('lo','hi'), las=1, cex.axis=1.3, tick=TRUE)
  #plot resistance (can have diff colour lines for diff insecticides)
  plot.default(dF$resist_pyr, axes=FALSE, ylim=c(0,1), type='l', col='green', main="resistance to pyrethroids", adj=0, cex.main=1.4, font.main=1, frame.plot=FALSE, ylab='')
  #to add x axis labels, las=1 to make labels horizontal
  #for resistance constrain 0-1
  axis(2,at=c(0,1), labels=c(0,1), las=1, cex.axis=1.3, tick=TRUE)
  #add an x axis to the lower plot, let R set values
  #disabled cost for now      
  #plot cost
  #plot.default(dF$cost, axes=FALSE, type='l', main="cost", adj=0, cex.main=1.4, font.main=1, frame.plot=FALSE, ylab='')

#' plot simulation results for old carrying capacity driven simulations
#' plot insecticide use and resulting changes in population and resistance
#' @param l_time list containing simulation results
#' @param plot_cc whether to add carryin capacity to the population plot
#' @examples
#' #blank plot
#' l_time <- init_sim(20)
#' plot_sim_oldcc(l_time)
#' #default run
#' plot_sim_oldcc( run_sim_oldcc())
#' #modify params
#' plot_sim_oldcc( run_sim_oldcc( insecticide_kill = 0.3, resist_incr = 0.05 ))
#' @return maybe nothing, produces a plot
#' @export

plot_sim_oldcc <- function(l_time, plot_cc=FALSE) 
  #hack to avoid problem with null lists
  if (is.null(l_time))
    warning("null list")
  #set up space for a number of plots
  #par(mfrow=c(4,1), mar=c(0,4,2,0)) #bltr
  #disbaled cost for now so just need 3
  par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(2,4,2,0)) #bltr
  #plot insecticide use
  #in v2 I need to get it to cope with variable num controls
  #take controls from l_time (it does have all potential controls from the config)
  #tricky to get out the time series of use for each insecticide
  #actaully by chance found it might not be too hard
  #this produces a matrix of control names by time
  #mat_control <- sapply(l_time, "[[", "controls_used")
  #drop=FALSE to cope when just one control
  mat_control <- sapply(l_time, function(x) x[["controls_used", drop=FALSE]])
  #hack to cope if just one control (otherwise it stops being a matrix & fails)
  if (is.null(nrow(mat_control)))
    mat_control <- as.matrix(t(mat_control))
    rownames(mat_control) <- names(l_time[[1]]$controls_used)
  if ( sum(mat_control,na.rm=TRUE) > 0 )
    #this multiplies by row numbers
    mat_control <- mat_control * row(mat_control)
    #plot pattern of control use, zlim keeps colours constant
  } else {
    mat_control[] <- 0
    #blank plot
  #axis( 1, at=seq(0,1,length.out=ncol( mat_control ) ), labels= colnames( mat_control ), las= 2 )
  #num_x_labs <- ncol( mat_control )
  num_x_labs <- 5
  axis( 1, at=seq(0,1,length.out=num_x_labs), labels=seq(0,ncol( mat_control ),length.out=num_x_labs))
  #y axis
  axis( 2, at=seq(0,1,length.out=nrow( mat_control ) ), labels= rownames( mat_control ), las= 2)
  #plot vector population
  pop <- sapply(l_time, "[[", "pop")
  cat("plotting pop :",pop,"\n")
  plot.default(pop, axes=FALSE, ylim=c(0,1), type='l', main="vector population", adj=0, cex.main=1.4, font.main=1, frame.plot=FALSE, ylab='')
  axis(2,at=c(0,1), labels=c('lo','hi'), las=1, cex.axis=1.3, tick=TRUE)
  if (plot_cc)
    #carry_cap in this old version is copied from emergence which it has been renamed to
    carry_cap <- sapply(l_time, "[[", "emergence")
    lines( carry_cap, col='red', lty=2 ) #lty=3 dotted, 2 dashed
    legend( "bottomleft", legend=c("popn","carry cap"), 
            col=c("black","red"), lty=c(1,2), bty="n" )
  #plot resistance (can have diff colour lines for diff insecticides)
  resist <- sapply(l_time, "[[", "resist")
  cat("plotting resist :",resist,"\n")
  plot.default(resist, axes=FALSE, ylim=c(0,1), type='l', col='green', main="resistance", adj=0, cex.main=1.4, font.main=1, frame.plot=FALSE, ylab='')
  #to add x axis labels, las=1 to make labels horizontal
  #for resistance constrain 0-1
  axis(2,at=c(0,1), labels=c(0,1), las=1, cex.axis=1.3, tick=TRUE)
  #add an x axis to the lower plot, let R set values
AndySouth/resistanceGame documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:01 a.m.