Man pages for AndySouth/rtsetse
simulating tsetse fly populations

aRecordoutput from an example simulation run
rtAgeingageing of adults or pupae in a single population
rtAgeingGridageing of adults or pupae in all cells on a passed grid
rtCalcPupaPerSexAgecalculating number of pupae in each age and sex class based...
rtControlGridfirst test of tsetse control
rtCreateGridcreate a grid array to represent a spatial, sex & age...
rtCreateRecordcreate a record array to store a daily record for a spatial,...
rtDDTesttests density dependence and outputs a plot
rtDensityDependencemodifies mortality according to density dependence
rtGetFromGridto access population data from the grid of [x,y,sex,age]
rtGetFromRecordto access population data from a record array...
rtLarvalDepositiontsetse larval deposition
rtLarvalDepositionGridtsetse larval deposition on a grid
rtMortalitytsetse mortality
rtMortalityGridtsetse mortality on a grid **in development**
rtMortalityStableSeekseeks day1 mortality rates for F&M that give popn stability
rtMovemovement to neighbouring cells with reflecting area...
rtMoveIslandmovement to cells NESW, island model
rtMoveReflectmovement to cells NESW, reflecting boundaries
rtMoveReflectNoGomovement with NoGo areas, to cells NESW, reflecting...
rtMoveReflectNoGoVegmovement affected by vegetation and NoGo areas, to cells...
rtMoveReflectNoGoVegBoundarymovement affected by vegetation and NoGo areas, to cells...
rtPlotAgeStructureplots age structure over multiple days 'rtPlotAgeStructure'...
rtPlotMapPopplots map(s) of populations
rtPlotMapVegplots a vegetation map (raster)
rtPlotMeanAgeplots mean age of a popn over time
rtPlotMeanAgeGridplots mean age of M&F over multiple days and grid cells
rtPlotMortRatesByAgeplotting age specific mortality rates for Tsetse
rtPlotPopplots popn over multiple days
rtPlotPopAndPupaeplots popn and pupae over multiple days
rtPlotPopGridplots popn of M&F over multiple days and grid cells
rtPupalAgeingtsetse pupal ageing
rtPupalEmergencetsetse pupal emergence
rtPupalEmergenceGridtsetse pupal emergence on a grid
rtPupalMortalitytsetse pupal mortality
rtPupalMortalityGridtsetse pupal mortality on a GRID
rtReadMapVegreads a vegetation map (raster) from a text or gridascii file
rtReportPhase2produces a report for one run NOTE! this is not used by shiny...
rt_runAspatialan a-spatial tsetse population simulation, a third test of...
rt_runGridspatial tsetse population simulation with mortality varying...
rt_runGridTestSpreada simple spatial tsetse population simulation, start popn in...
rtSetAgeStructuresetting an age structure, the abundance in each age class
rtSetDepositionRatesByAgeDEPRECATED setting age specific density-dependent larval...
rtSetDepositionRatesByAgeDIsetting age specific density-INdependent larval deposition...
rtSetGridFromVegsetting a grid of anything from a vegetation grid
rtSetMortRatesByAgesetting age specific mortality rates for Tsetse
rtsetsesimulating tsetse fly populations to investigate control...
rtSetVegDifGridsto return an array of grids used internally to represent...
rtSetVegMoveGridsto return an array of grids used internally to represent...
shiftGridIslandEshift a matrix one cell E fill empty cells with 0 for island...
shiftGridIslandNshift a matrix one cell N fill empty cells with 0 for island...
shiftGridIslandSshift a matrix one cell S fill empty cells with 0 for island...
shiftGridIslandWshift a matrix one cell W fill empty cells with 0 for island...
shiftGridReflectEshift a matrix one cell E, copy boundary to represent...
shiftGridReflectNshift a matrix one cell N, copy boundary to represent...
shiftGridReflectSshift a matrix one cell S, copy boundary to represent...
shiftGridReflectWshift a matrix one cell W, copy boundary to represent...
AndySouth/rtsetse documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:02 a.m.