
Defines functions vadose.recharge

Documented in vadose.recharge

#' A Vadose recharge time series generator.
#'This function reads in a timeseries of surface recharge for zones in a catchment and estimates the timeseries of vadose recharge.
# Each zone has recharge for dryland, irrigated land and from the river.
# The dryland and irrigated land can be recharging to different aquifers which contribute different amounts to the groundwater that is being modelled.
# The vadose recharge is assumed to be well estimated by an exponential weighted moving average.
#'Equations are from:
#' Bidwell, V., Burbery, L., 2011. Groundwater Data Analysis - quantifying aquifer dynamics. Prepared for Envirolink Project 420-NRLC50 (No. 4110/1). Lincoln Ventures Ltd.
#' which in turn cites the following, though note that the symbol labels are different.
#' Bidwell, V.J., Stenger, R., Barkle, G.F., 2008. Dynamic analysis of groundwater discharge and partial-area contribution to Pukemanga Stream, New Zealand. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 12, 975-987. doi:10.5194/hess-12-975-2008
#' @param ZoneStorageTime The time (in days) that it takes for water to get through the vadose zone into the groundwater, one value for each zone.
#' @param AquiferZoneDryFractions a list of vectors of the proportion of each aquifer's dryland recharge that is contributing to each zones vadose recharge
#' @param AquiferZoneIrrigFractions a list of vectors of the proportion of each aquifer's irrigation recharge that is contributing to each zones vadose recharge
#' @param RiverRechargeFractions The fraction of the river discahrge that contributes to the groundwater for each zone.
#' @param RechargeFilename The csv file with all the data in it. This is the daily timeseries of vadose recharge for each zone, and river recharge in mm
#' @keywords groundwater, hydrology
#' @export
#' @examples
#' R
#' fishRecharge<-vadose.recharge(ZoneStorageTime=c(4,3,3,3),AquiferZoneDryFractions = list(c(0.8,0.8,0.8,0.8),c(0,0,0,0),c(0,0,0.193,0.8263)),AquiferZoneIrrigFractions=list(c(0,0,0,0),c(0,0,0,0),c(0,0,0.0069,0.1737)),RiverRechargeFractions=c(1,1,0.958,1),RechargeFileName=system.file("extdata","GoldenBayLandSurfaceRechargeData.csv",package="GDATools"),PumpingFileName=system.file("extdata","GoldenBayGWPumpingData.csv",package="GDATools"))
#' VadoseL36_2369<-vadose.recharge(ZoneStorageTime=c(12.2,12.2,12.2),AquiferZoneDryFractions = list(c(0,0,0)),AquiferZoneIrrigFractions=list(c(1,1,1)),RiverRechargeFractions=c(0,0,0),RechargeFileName="\\\\aqualinc-sbs\\data\\ARL Projects\\RD Projects\\RD18016_Ecan groundwater level forecast\\Data\\GDAToolsTestData\\L36-2369LandSurfaceRechargeData.csv",PumpingFileName="\\\\aqualinc-sbs\\data\\ARL Projects\\RD Projects\\RD18016_Ecan groundwater level forecast\\Data\\GDAToolsTestData\\L36-2369GWPumpingData.csv")

vadose.recharge <- function(ZoneStorageTime = c(30,30,30,20),
                            AquiferZoneDryFractions = list(c(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3),
                            AquiferZoneIrrigFractions = list(c(0,0,0,0),
                            RiverRechargeFractions = c(0,0,0,0),
                            RechargeFileName ="GoldenBayLandSurfaceRechargeData.csv")

{  #Start of the function

#Load libraries
library(TTR)          #This library includes the EMA exponentially weighted moving average

#read in the data
ZoneTimeseries        <-  read.csv(RechargeFileName)                              #this is the daily timeseries of observed discharge and groundwater level, vadose recharge for each zone, river recharge to groundwater and groundwater pumping in mm

#Calculate the number of zones and aquifers based on the
NumberOfZones         <- length(AquiferZoneDryFractions[[1]])
NumberOfAquifers      <- length(AquiferZoneDryFractions)

#The Pumping time series are the last columns of the zone time series'
PumpingTimeSeries       <- ZoneTimeseries[c(1,(ncol(ZoneTimeseries)-NumberOfZones+1):ncol(ZoneTimeseries))]

#Multiply the aquifer recharge fractions by the recharge timeseries to calculate a total recharge for each zone
ZoneFractions  <- c()                                               #Initialise ZoneFractions to an empty set
for (ZoneNo in 1:NumberOfZones){

  for (AquiferNo in 1:NumberOfAquifers){
    ZoneFractions <- c(ZoneFractions,AquiferZoneDryFractions[[AquiferNo]][ZoneNo],AquiferZoneIrrigFractions[[AquiferNo]][ZoneNo])

#Multiply the recharge timeseries by their respective fractions
ZoneSurfaceRecharge  <- sweep(ZoneTimeseries[2:(ncol(ZoneTimeseries)-2*NumberOfZones)],MARGIN=2,ZoneFractions,'*')
ZoneRiverRecharge <- sweep(ZoneTimeseries[(ncol(ZoneTimeseries)-2*NumberOfZones+1):(ncol(ZoneTimeseries)-NumberOfZones)],MARGIN=2,RiverRechargeFractions,'*')

#Get the sums for each zone so that we are left with just one timeseries for each zone
ZoneSurfaceRechargeTotals    <- c()     #Initialise
for (ZoneNo in 1:(NumberOfZones)){
  ZoneSurfaceRechargeTotals <- cbind(ZoneSurfaceRechargeTotals,rowSums(ZoneSurfaceRecharge[,c(((ZoneNo-1)*(2*NumberOfAquifers)+1):(ZoneNo*2*NumberOfAquifers)),drop=FALSE]))

#Uncomment below and comment out the line below below if the river recharge is to have a delay into the vadose zone
##Add in the river recharge
#ZoneRechargeTotals <- ZoneSurfaceRechargeTotals + ZoneRiverRecharge
ZoneRechargeTotals <- ZoneSurfaceRechargeTotals

#build a list of lists of the recharge data with the weighting time constant, needed to apply the exp weighted moving average
RechargeList <- list()
for (ZoneNo in 1:(NumberOfZones)){

#Apply the exponential weighted moving average
#ZoneVadoseRecharge <- sapply(RechargeList, function(x) EMA(x$series,n=1,ratio=1-exp(-1/max(x$timeConstant,0.000001))))

ZoneVadoseRecharge <- sapply(seq_along(RechargeList), function(RechargeListIndex) {

  LSRSeries <- RechargeList[[RechargeListIndex]]$series
  TimeConstant <- RechargeList[[RechargeListIndex]]$timeConstant

  OffsetSeries <- c(0,LSRSeries[1:(length(LSRSeries)-1)])

  CurrentDaysWeightedVadose <- LSRSeries*(1-exp(-1/max(TimeConstant,0.000001)))

  VadoseLSR <- rep(0,length(LSRSeries))
  for (VadoseValueIndex in 1:length(LSRSeries)) {
    if(VadoseValueIndex == 1) VadoseLSR[VadoseValueIndex] <- CurrentDaysWeightedVadose[VadoseValueIndex]
    else {VadoseLSR[VadoseValueIndex] <- VadoseLSR[VadoseValueIndex-1]*exp(-1/max(TimeConstant,0.000001))+CurrentDaysWeightedVadose[VadoseValueIndex]}

names(ZoneVadoseRecharge) <- paste0("VadoseZ",seq(1,length.out=NumberOfZones))

#This recharge is for when the stream is directly connected to the groundwater, so no delay.
#Add in the river recharge
ZoneVadoseRecharge <- ZoneVadoseRecharge + ZoneRiverRecharge

#Take out any pumping
#Somehow get the proportions of each aquifer for each zone for pumping.
#Add together the dry land and irrigated land fractions to get aquifer fractions
#Use these aquifer fractions to get total pumping
AquiferFractions <- sapply(as.matrix(AquiferZoneDryFractions), unlist) + sapply(as.matrix(AquiferZoneIrrigFractions),unlist)

PumpingScaled <- sweep(PumpingTimeSeries[,2:ncol(PumpingTimeSeries)],MARGIN=2, as.vector(t(AquiferFractions)),'*')
#Now I need to add together the aquifers
PumpingTotals    <- c()     #Initialise
for (ZoneNo in 1:(NumberOfZones)){
  PumpingTotals <- cbind(PumpingTotals,rowSums(PumpingScaled[,c(((ZoneNo-1)*(NumberOfAquifers)+1):(ZoneNo*NumberOfAquifers)),drop=FALSE]))
PumpingTotals <- as.data.frame(PumpingTotals)

ZoneVadoseRecharge <- ZoneVadoseRecharge - PumpingTotals

#Convert from millimetres to metres
ZoneVadoseRecharge<- ZoneVadoseRecharge / 1000

#Put the dates back on
rownames(ZoneVadoseRecharge) <- ZoneTimeseries[,1]

#Rename the columns
colnames(ZoneVadoseRecharge) <- paste0("Zone",c(1:NumberOfZones))

#Put the observed data back on
#ZoneVadoseRecharge <- cbind(ZoneTimeseries[,2:3],ZoneVadoseRecharge)

} #End of function
Aqualinc/GDATools documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:05 a.m.