
Defines functions plot.syntheticNucReads plot.syntheticNucMap syntheticNucReadsFromMap syntheticNucReadsFromDist syntheticNucMapFromDist

Documented in plot.syntheticNucMap plot.syntheticNucReads syntheticNucMapFromDist syntheticNucReadsFromDist syntheticNucReadsFromMap

#' @title Generate a synthetic nucleosome map containing complete sequences
#' @description Generate a synthetic nucleosome map, a map with complete
#' sequences covering the nucleosome regions, using the distribution
#' selected by the user. The distribution is used to assign the start
#' position to the sequences associated with the nucleosomes. The user has
#' choice between three different distributions: Normal, Student and Uniform.
#' The synthetic nucleosome map creation is separated into 3 steps :
#' 1. Adding well-positioned nucleosomes following specified parameters. The
#' nucleosomes are all positioned at equidistance. Assigning sequences of
#' variable length to each nucleosome using a normal distribution
#' and specified variance.
#' 2. Deleting some well-positioned nucleosomes following specified parameters.
#' Each nucleosome has an equal probability to be selected.
#' 3. Adding fuzzy nucleosomes following an uniform distribution ad specified
#' parameters. Assigning sequences of variable length to each nucleosome
#' using the specified
#' distribution and parameters. The sequence length is always following a
#' normal distribution.
#' This function is a modified version of the syntheticNucMap() function
#' from Bioconductor nucleR package (Flores and Orozco, 2011).
#' @param wp.num a non-negative \code{integer}, the number of well-positioned
#' (non-overlapping) nucleosomes.
#' @param wp.del a non-negative \code{integer}, the number of well-positioned
#' nucleosomes to remove to create uncovered regions.
#' @param wp.var a non-negative \code{integer}, the variance associated with
#' the distribution used to assign the start position to the sequences of the
#' well-positioned nucleosomes. This parameter introduces some variation in
#' the starting positions.
#' @param fuz.num a non-negative \code{integer}, the number of
#' fuzzy nucleosomes. Those nucleosomes are
#' distributed accordingly to an uniform distribution all over the region.
#' Those nucleosomes can overlap other well-positioned or fuzzy nucleosomes.
#' @param fuz.var a non-negative \code{integer}, the variance associated with
#' the distribution used to assign the start position to the sequences of the
#' fuzzy nucleosomes. This parameter introduces some variation in
#' the starting positions.
#' @param max.cover a positive \code{integer}, the maximum coverage for
#' one nucleosome. The final coverage
#' can have a higher value than \code{max.cover} since sequences from
#' different nucleosomes can be overlapping. Default = 100.
#' @param nuc.len a non-negative \code{numeric}, the nucleosome length.
#' Default = 147.
#' @param len.var a non-negative \code{integer}, the variance associated to
#' the normal distribution used to add some variance to the length of each
#' sequence. Default = 10.
#' @param lin.len a non-negative \code{integer}, the length of
#' the DNA linker. Default = 20.
#' @param rnd.seed a single value, interpreted as an \code{integer}, or
#' \code{NULL}. If a \code{integer} is given, the value is used to set the seed
#' of the random number generator. By fixing the seed, the generated results
#' can be reproduced. Default = \code{NULL}.
#' @param as.ratio a \code{logical}, if \code{TRUE}, a synthetic naked DNA
#' control map is created and the ratio between it and the nucleosome coverage
#' are calculated. It can be used to simulate hybridization ratio data, like
#' the one in Tiling Arrays. Both control map and obtained ratio are
#' returned. Default = \code{FALSE}.
#' @param distr the name of the distribution used to generate the nucleosome
#' map. The choices are : \code{"Uniform"}, \code{"Normal"} and
#' \code{"Student"}. Default = \code{"Uniform"}.
#' @return an \code{list} of \code{class} "syntheticNucMap" containing the
#' following elements:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{call} the matched call.
#'     \item \code{wp.starts} a \code{vector} of \code{integer}, the start
#' positions of all well-positioned nucleosome regions. The central
#' position of the nucleosome is calculated as wp.starts + round(nuc.len/2).
#'     \item \code{wp.nreads} a \code{vector} of \code{integer}, the number of
#' sequences associated to each well-positioned nucleosome.
#'     \item \code{wp.reads} a \code{IRanges} containing the well-positioned
#' nucleosome sequences.
#'     \item \code{fuz.starts} a \code{vector} of \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the fuzzy nucleosomes.
#'     \item \code{fuz.nreads} a \code{vector} of \code{integer}, the number
#' of sequences associated to each fuzzy nucleosome.
#'     \item \code{fuz.reads} a \code{IRanges} containing the fuzzy nucleosome
#' sequences.
#'     \item \code{syn.reads} a \code{IRanges} containing all the synthetic
#' nucleosome sequences (from both fuzzy and well-positioned nucleosomes).
#'     \item \code{nuc.len} a \code{numeric} the nucleosome length.
#' }
#' The following elements will be only returned if \code{as.ratio=TRUE}:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{ctr.reads} a \code{IRanges} containing the naked DNA
#' (control) sequences.
#'     \item \code{syn.ratio} a \code{Rle} containing the calculated ratio
#' between the nucleosome coverage and the control coverage.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Generate a synthetic map with 20 well-positioned nucleosomes and 10 fuzzy
#' ## nucleosomes using a Normal distribution with a variance of 30 for the
#' ## well-positioned nucleosomes, a variance of 40 for the fuzzy nucleosomes
#' ## and a seed of 15.
#' syntheticNucMapFromDist(wp.num = 20, wp.del = 0, wp.var = 30,
#'     fuz.num = 10, fuz.var = 40, rnd.seed = 15,
#'     distr = "Normal")
#' ## Same output but with ratio
#' syntheticNucMapFromDist(wp.num = 20, wp.del = 0, wp.var = 30,
#'     fuz.num = 10, fuz.var = 40,
#'     rnd.seed = 15, as.ratio = TRUE, distr = "Normal")
#' @author Rawane Samb, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom stats runif rnorm rt
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges coverage start
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines abline points legend
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle start
#' @export
syntheticNucMapFromDist <- function(wp.num, wp.del, wp.var, fuz.num, fuz.var,
                                max.cover = 100,
                                nuc.len = 147,
                                len.var = 10,
                                lin.len = 20,
                                rnd.seed = NULL,
                                as.ratio = FALSE,
                                distr= c("Uniform", "Normal", "Student"))
    # Get call information
    cl <- match.call()

    # Validate parameters
    syntheticNucMapFromDistValidation(wp.num, wp.del, wp.var, fuz.num, fuz.var,
                            max.cover, nuc.len, len.var, lin.len, rnd.seed,

    # Validate distribution value
    distr <- match.arg(distr, several.ok = FALSE)

    # Set seed if given
    if (!is.null(rnd.seed)) {


    # Starting point of putative nucleosomes
    wp.starts <- (nuc.len + lin.len) * seq(0, wp.num - 1) + 1

    # How many times a sequence is repeated
    wp.nreads <- round(runif(wp.num, min = 1, max = max.cover))

    # Delete some nucleosomes
    wp.deleted <- sample(x = seq_len(wp.num), size = wp.del, replace = FALSE)
    wp.nreads[wp.deleted] <- 0

    # Set each nucleosome as a repeated single start position
    wp.repstar <- rep(wp.starts, wp.nreads)

    # Add some variance to the starting points
    if (distr == "Normal")
        wp.varstar <- wp.repstar + round(rnorm(length(wp.repstar), 0,
    else if (distr == "Student")
        wp.varstar <- wp.repstar + round(rt(length(wp.repstar), 4))
        wp.varstar <- wp.repstar + round(runif(length(wp.repstar),
                                                min=-wp.var, max=wp.var))

    # Add some variance to the length of the sequences
    # The variance associated to the length of the sequences is always
    # following a normal distribution
    wp.varlen <- nuc.len + round(rnorm(length(wp.repstar), 0, len.var^0.5))

    # Putative sequences
    wp.reads <- IRanges(start=wp.varstar, end=wp.varstar + wp.varlen)


    # Starting point of fuzzy nucleosomes (random)
    fuz.starts <- round(runif(fuz.num, min = 1,
                                    max = (nuc.len + lin.len) * wp.num))

    # How many times a seuqence is repeated
    fuz.nreads <- round(runif(fuz.num, min = 1, max = max.cover))

    # Set each nucleosome as a repeated single start position
    fuz.repstar <- rep(fuz.starts, fuz.nreads)

    # Add some variance to the starting points
    if (distr == "Normal")
        fuz.varstar <- fuz.repstar + round(rnorm(length(fuz.repstar), 0,
    else if (distr == "Student")
        fuz.varstar <- fuz.repstar + round(rt(length(fuz.repstar), 4))
        fuz.varstar <- fuz.repstar + round(runif(length(fuz.repstar),
                                                min = -fuz.var,
                                                max = fuz.var))

    # Add some variance to the length of the sequences
    # The variance associated to the length of the sequences is always
    # following a normal distribution
    fuz.varlen  <- nuc.len + round(rnorm(length(fuz.repstar), 0, len.var^0.5))

    # All fuzzy sequences into an IRanges
    fuz.reads <- IRanges(start = fuz.varstar, end = fuz.varstar + fuz.varlen)

    # All synthetic sequences (from fuzzy and well-positioned nucleosomes)
    syn.reads <- c(wp.reads, fuz.reads)

    if (as.ratio) {
        # Just put the same amount of sequences as before randomly
        ctr.starts <- round(runif(length(syn.reads),
                                    min = 1,
                                    max = max(start(syn.reads))))

        # A random sequence length, between 50 and 250
        ctr.widths <- round(runif(length(syn.reads), min = 50, max = 250))

        # Create control sequences
        ctr.reads <- IRanges(start = ctr.starts, width = ctr.widths)

        # Calculate ratio
        syn.ratio <- suppressWarnings(log2(as.vector(coverage(syn.reads))) -

        # Some lost bases... such as in reality
        syn.ratio[abs(syn.ratio) == Inf] <- NA
        syn.ratio <- Rle(syn.ratio)

    # Preparing returned list
    result <- list(call = cl)

    # The deleted nucleosomes are not returned
    if (wp.del > 0) {
        result[["wp.starts"]] <- wp.starts[-c(wp.deleted)]
        result[["wp.nreads"]] <- wp.nreads[-c(wp.deleted)]
    } else {
        result[["wp.starts"]] <- wp.starts
        result[["wp.nreads"]] <- wp.nreads
    result[["wp.reads"]]  <- wp.reads

    result[["fuz.starts"]] <- fuz.starts
    result[["fuz.nreads"]] <- fuz.nreads
    result[["fuz.reads"]]  <- fuz.reads

    result[["syn.reads"]]  <- syn.reads

    if(as.ratio) {
        result[["ctr.reads"]] <- ctr.reads
        result[["syn.ratio"]] <- syn.ratio

    result[["nuc.len"]] <- nuc.len

    # Return a list marked as an syntheticNucMap class
    class(result) <- "syntheticNucMap"

#' @title Generate a synthetic nucleosome map containing forward and
#' reverse reads (paired-end reads)
#' @description Generate a synthetic nucleosome map, a map with forward and
#' reverses reads (paired-end reads) covering the nucleosome regions, using the
#' distribution selected by the user. The distribution is used to assign the
#' start position to the forward reads associated with the nucleosomes.
#' The user has choice between three different
#' distributions: Normal, Student and Uniform. The final map is composed of
#' paired-end reads.
#'#' The synthetic nucleosome map creation is separated into 3 steps :
#' 1. Adding well-positioned nucleosomes following specified parameters. The
#' nucleosomes are all positioned at equidistance. Assigning the starting
#' positions of forward reads using the specified
#' distribution and parameters. The distance between starting positions of
#' paired-end reads is assigned using a normal
#' distribution and specified variance.
#' 2. Deleting some well-positioned nucleosomes following specified parameters.
#' Each nucleosome has an equal probability to be selected.
#' 3. Adding fuzzy nucleosomes following an uniform distribution and specified
#' parameters. Assigning the starting
#' positions of forward reads using the specified
#' distribution and parameters. The distance between starting positions of
#' paired-end reads is assigned using a normal
#' distribution and specified variance.
#' This function has been largely inspired by the Generating synthetic maps
#' section of the nucleR package (Flores et Orozco, 2011).
#' @param wp.num a non-negative \code{integer}, the number of well-positioned
#' (non-overlapping) nucleosomes.
#' @param wp.del a  non-negative \code{integer}, the number of well-positioned
#' nucleosomes to remove to create uncovered regions.
#' @param wp.var a non-negative \code{integer}, the variance associated with
#' the distribution used to assign the start position to the forward reads of
#' the well-positioned nucleosomes. This parameter introduces some variation
#' in the starting positions.
#' @param fuz.num a non-negative \code{numeric}, the number of fuzzy
#' nucleosomes. Those nucleosomes are
#' distributed accordingly to an uniform distribution all over the region.
#' Those nucleosomes can overlap other well-positioned or fuzzy nucleosomes.
#' @param fuz.var a non-negative \code{numeric}, the maximum variance of the
#' fuzzy nucleosomes. This variance
#' can be different than the one used for the well-positioned
#' nucleosome reads.
#' @param max.cover a positive \code{numeric}, the maximum coverage for one
#' nucleosome. The final coverage can have a higher value than \code{max.cover}
#' since reads from different nucleosomes can be overlapping. Default = 100.
#' @param nuc.len a positive \code{integer}, the nucleosome length.
#' Default = 147.
#' @param len.var a positive \code{numeric}, the variance of the distance
#' between a forward read and its paired reverse read. Default = 10.
#' @param lin.len a non-negative \code{integer}, the length of the DNA linker.
#' Default = 20.
#' @param read.len a positive \code{integer}, the length of each of the
#' paired-end reads. Default = 40.
#' @param rnd.seed a single value, interpreted as an \code{integer}, or
#' \code{NULL}. If an \code{integer} is given, the value is used to set the
#' seed of the random number generator. By fixing the seed, the generated
#' results can be reproduced. Default = \code{NULL}.
#' @param distr the name of the distribution used to generate the nucleosome
#' map. The choices are : \code{"Uniform"}, \code{"Normal"} and
#' \code{"Student"}. Default = \code{"Uniform"}.
#' @param offset a non-negative \code{integer}, the number of bases used to
#' offset all nucleosomes and reads. This is done to ensure that all
#' nucleosome positions and read alignment are of positive values.
#' @return an \code{list} of \code{class} "syntheticNucReads" containing the
#' following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{call} the matched call.
#' \item \code{dataIP} a \code{data.frame} with the chromosome name, the
#' starting and ending positions and the direction of all forward
#' and reverse reads for all well-positioned and fuzzy nucleosomes.
#' Paired-end reads are identified with an unique id.
#' \item \code{wp} a \code{data.frame} with the positions of all the
#' well-positioned nucleosomes, as well as the number of paired-reads
#' associated to each one.
#' \item \code{fuz} a \code{data.frame} with the positions of all the fuzzy
#' nucleosomes, as well as the number of paired-reads associated to each one.
#' \item \code{paired} a \code{data.frame} with the starting and ending
#' positions of the reads used to generate the paired-end reads. Paired-end
#' reads are identified with an unique id.
#' }
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Rawane Samb, Astrid Deschenes
#' @examples
#'## Generate a synthetic map with 20 well-positioned + 10 fuzzy nucleosomes
#'## using a Normal distribution with a variance of 30 for the well-positioned
#'## nucleosomes, a variance of 40 for the fuzzy nucleosomes and a seed of 15.
#'## Because of the fixed seed, each time is going to be run, the results
#'## are going to be the seed.
#'res <- syntheticNucReadsFromDist(wp.num = 20, wp.del = 0, wp.var = 30,
#'fuz.num = 10, fuz.var = 40, rnd.seed = 15, distr = "Normal",
#'offset = 1000)
#' @export
syntheticNucReadsFromDist <- function(wp.num, wp.del, wp.var, fuz.num, fuz.var,
                                    max.cover = 100,
                                    nuc.len = 147,
                                    len.var = 10,
                                    lin.len = 20,
                                    read.len = 40,
                                    rnd.seed = NULL,
                                    distr = c("Uniform", "Normal", "Student"),
    ## Validation of parameters not used by syntheticNucMapFromDist() function
    syntheticNucReadsValidation(read.len, offset)

    ## Get call information
    cl <- match.call()

    ## Create a nucleosome map using the parameters of the user
    map <- syntheticNucMapFromDist(wp.num = wp.num, wp.del = wp.del,
                                    wp.var = wp.var, fuz.num = fuz.num,
                                    fuz.var = fuz.var, max.cover = max.cover,
                                    nuc.len = nuc.len, len.var = len.var,
                                    lin.len = lin.len, rnd.seed = rnd.seed,
                                    as.ratio = FALSE, distr = distr)

    return(createNucReadsFromNucMap(map, read.len, offset, cl))

#' @title Generate a synthetic nucleosome map containing forward and
#' reverse reads
#' @description Generate a synthetic nucleosome map using a synthetic
#' nucleosome map.
#' This function is using a modified version of the syntheticNucMap() function
#' from Bioconductor nucleR package (Flores and Orozco, 2011).
#' @param syntheticNucMap a \code{list} of \code{class} "syntheticNucMap"
#' @param read.len a positive \code{integer}, the length of each of
#' the paired-end reads. Default = 40.
#' @param offset a non-negatvie \code{integer},the number of bases used to
#' offset all nucleosomes and reads.
#' This is done to ensure that all nucleosome positions and read alignments
#' are of positive values.
#' @return a \code{list} of \code{class} "syntheticNucReads" containing the
#' following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{call} the matched call.
#' \item \code{dataIP} a \code{data.frame} with the chromosome name, the
#' starting and ending positions and the direction of all forward
#' and reverse reads for all well-positioned and fuzzy nucleosomes.
#' Paired-end reads are identified with an unique id.
#' \item \code{wp} a \code{data.frame} with the positions of all the
#' well-positioned nucleosomes, as well as the number of paired-reads
#' associated to each one.
#' \item \code{fuz} a \code{data.frame} with the positions of all the fuzzy
#' nucleosomes, as well as the number of paired-reads associated to each one.
#' \item \code{paired} a \code{data.frame} with the starting and ending
#' positions of the reads used to generate the paired-end reads. Paired-end
#' reads are identified with an unique id.
#' }
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Rawane Samb, Astrid Deschenes
#' @examples
#' ## Generate a synthetic map with 20 well-positioned + 10 fuzzy nucleosomes
#' ## using a Normal distribution with a variance of 30 for the well-positioned
#' ## nucleosomes, a variance of 40 for the fuzzy nucleosomes and a seed of 15
#' ## Because of the fixed seed, each time is going to be run, the results
#' ## are going to be the seed
#' syntheticMap <- syntheticNucMapFromDist(wp.num = 20, wp.del = 0,
#'     wp.var = 30, fuz.num = 10, fuz.var = 40,
#'     rnd.seed = 335, as.ratio = FALSE, distr = "Uniform")
#' res <- nucleoSim:::syntheticNucReadsFromMap(syntheticMap, read.len = 45,
#'     offset = 1000)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
syntheticNucReadsFromMap <- function(syntheticNucMap, read.len = 40, offset) {

    ## Validate that object is of type "syntheticNucMap"
    if (!is(syntheticNucMap, "syntheticNucMap")) {
        stop("syntheticNucMap must be an object of class \'syntheticNucMap\'")

    ## Validation of remaining parameters
    syntheticNucReadsValidation(read.len, offset)

    ## Get call information
    cl <- match.call()

    return(createNucReadsFromNucMap(syntheticNucMap, read.len, offset, cl))

#' @title Generate a graph of a synthetic nucleosome map
#' @description Generate a graph for
#' a list marked as an \code{syntheticNucMap} class
#' @method plot syntheticNucMap
#' @param x a list marked as an \code{syntheticNucMap}  class
#' @param ... \code{...} extra arguments passed to the \code{plot} function
#' @return a graph of a synthetic nucleosome map
#' @examples
#' ## Generate a synthetic map with 20 well-positioned nucleosomes, 5 fuzzy
#' ## nucleosomes and 10 deleted nucleosomes using a Student distribution
#' ## with a variance of 10 for the well-positioned nucleosomes,
#' ## a variance of 20 for the fuzzy nucleosomes and a seed of 15
#' syntheticMap <- syntheticNucMapFromDist(wp.num = 30, wp.del = 10,
#' wp.var = 10, fuz.num = 5, fuz.var = 20, rnd.seed = 15,
#' distr = "Student")
#' ## Create graph using the synthetic map
#' plot(syntheticMap, xlab="Position", ylab="Coverage")
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Rawane Samb
#' @importFrom IRanges coverage
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines abline points legend polygon
#' @export
plot.syntheticNucMap <- function(x, ...) {

    ## Extract as.ratio parameter if present
    as.ratio <- FALSE
    if (exists('syn.ratio', where=x)) {
        as.ratio <- TRUE

    ## Set Y axis maximum range
    max <- max(coverage(x$syn.reads), na.rm = TRUE) + 10

    ## Always set Y axis minimum to zero
    min <- 0

    ## Adapt values when as.ratio present
    if (as.ratio) {
        min <- min(x$syn.ratio, na.rm = TRUE)

    # Plot coverage
    coverage <- c(0, as.integer(coverage(x$syn.reads)), 0)
    position <- c(0, seq_len((length(coverage)-1)))
    plot(position, coverage, type = "l", col = "gray",
            ylim = c(min, max), ...)
    polygon(c(0, position, 0), c(0, coverage, 0), col="gray", border = "gray")

    # Plot ratio, if asked for
    if (as.ratio) {
        lines(as.vector(x$syn.ratio), type = "l", col = "darkorange",
                lwd = 2)
        abline(h = 0, col = "black")

    # Plot nucleosome positions
    space <- round(x$nuc.len/2)
    points(x$wp.starts  + space, x$wp.nreads,  col = "forestgreen",  pch = 19)
    points(x$fuz.starts + space, x$fuz.nreads, col = "red", pch = 19)

    # Add legend
    if (as.ratio) {
        legend("top", c("Ratio", "Well", "Fuzzy", "Coverage"),
                fill = c("darkorange", "forestgreen", "red", "gray"),
                bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)
    } else {
        legend("top", c("Well", "Fuzzy", "Coverage"),
                fill = c("forestgreen", "red", "gray"), bty = "n",
                horiz = TRUE)

#' @title Generate a graph of a synthetic nucleosome map containing forward and
#' reverse reads
#' @description Generate a graph for
#' a list marked as an \code{syntheticNucReads} class
#' @method plot syntheticNucReads
#' @param x a list marked as a \code{syntheticNucReads} class
#' @param ... \code{...} extra arguments passed to the \code{plot} function
#' @return a graph of a synthetic nucleosome map containing forward and
#' reverse reads
#' @examples
#' ## Generate a synthetic map with 20 well-positioned nucleosomes, 5 fuzzy
#' ## nucleosomes and 10 deleted nucleosomes using a Student distribution
#' ## with a variance of 10 for the well-positioned nucleosomes,
#' ## a variance of 20 for the fuzzy nucleosomes and a seed of 15
#' syntheticNucSample <- syntheticNucReadsFromDist(wp.num = 30, wp.del = 10,
#' wp.var = 10, fuz.num = 5, fuz.var = 20, rnd.seed = 15,
#' distr = "Student", offset = 1000)
#' ## Create graph using the synthetic map
#' plot(syntheticNucSample, xlab="Position", ylab="Coverage")
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Rawane Samb
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges coverage
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines abline points legend polygon
#' @export
plot.syntheticNucReads <- function(x, ...) {

    ## Create a range using the sequences
    seqRanges <- IRanges(start=x$dataIP$start, end=x$dataIP$end)

    ## Set Y axis maximum range
    y_max <- max(coverage(seqRanges), na.rm = TRUE) + 10

    ## Always set Y axis minimum to zero
    y_min <- 0

    ## Set X axis minimum limit
    x_min <- min(x$dataIP$start) + 5

    ## Set X axis maximum limit
    x_max <- max(x$dataIP$end) + 5

    # Plot coverage
    coverage <- c(0, as.integer(coverage(seqRanges)), 0)
    position <- c(0, seq_len((length(coverage)-1)))
    plot(position, coverage, type = "l", col = "gray",
            ylim = c(y_min, y_max), xlim = c(x_min, x_max), ...)
    polygon(c(0, position, 0), c(0, coverage, 0), col="gray", border = "gray")

    # Plot nucleosome positions
    points(x$wp$nucleopos,  x$wp$nreads,  col = "forestgreen",  pch = 20)
    points(x$fuz$nucleopos, x$fuz$nreads, col = "red",          pch = 20)

    # Add legend
    legend("top", c("Coverage", "Well", "Fuzzy"),
            fill = c("gray", "forestgreen", "red"), bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)
ArnaudDroitLab/nucleoSim documentation built on March 17, 2022, 11 p.m.