
lbm = function( p, DATA,  storage.backend="bigmemory.ram", tasks=c("initiate", "stage1", "save"), vindex=1 ) {

  #\\ localized modelling of space and time data to predict/interpolate upon a grid OUT
  #\\ overwrite = FALSE restarts from a saved state
  #\\ speed ratings: bigmemory.ram (1), ff (2), bigmemory.filebacked (3)

  # TODO: splancs::kernel3d as a method ? .. for count data?
  # TODO: gaussian process // see lbm_interpolate_xy_simple
  #       .. the convoSPAT seems almost fast enough
  # TODO: LaplacesDemon method
  # TODO: look at bayesX a little more carefully.
  # TODO: MBA mba.surf method? ... seems very fast

  p$time.start = Sys.time()

  if ( "continue" %in% tasks) {
    message( "||| lbm: Continuing from an interrupted start" ) 
    p = lbm_db( p=p, DS="load.parameters" )  # ie. restart with saved parameters
    suppressMessages( RLibrary( p$libs ) )
    lbm_db(p=p, DS="statistics.status.reset" )

  if ( "initiate" %in% tasks) {

    p$savedir = file.path(p$project.root, "modelled", p$variables$Y, p$spatial.domain )
    message( paste( "||| lbm: In case something should go wrong, intermediary outputs will be placed at:", p$savedir ) )
    if ( !file.exists(p$savedir)) dir.create( p$savedir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE )
    p$lbm_current_status = file.path( p$savedir, "lbm_current_status" ) 

    p$stloc = file.path( p$project.root, "lbm", p$spatial.domain, "tmp" )
    message( paste( "||| lbm: Temporary files are being created at:", p$stloc ) )
    if ( !file.exists(p$stloc)) dir.create( p$stloc, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE )

    p$libs = unique( c( p$libs, "sp", "rgdal", "parallel", "RandomFields", "geoR" ) )

    if (!exists("storage.backend", p)) p$storage.backend = storage.backend
    if (any( grepl ("ff", p$storage.backend)))         p$libs = c( p$libs, "ff", "ffbase" )
    if (any( grepl ("bigmemory", p$storage.backend)))  p$libs = c( p$libs, "bigmemory" )

    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine=="bayesx")  p$libs = c( p$libs, "R2BayesX" )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("gam", "mgcv", "habitat") )  p$libs = c( p$libs, "mgcv" )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("LaplacesDemon") )  p$libs = c( p$libs, "LaplacesDemonCpp" )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("inla") )  p$libs = c( p$libs, "INLA" )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("fft", "gaussianprocess2Dt") )  p$libs = c( p$libs, "fields" )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("gaussianprocess") )  p$libs = c( p$libs  )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("spate") )  p$libs = c( p$libs, "spate" )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("splancs") )  p$libs = c( p$libs, "splancs" )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("twostep") )  p$libs = c( p$libs, "mgcv", "fields" )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("krige") ) p$libs = c( p$libs, "fields" )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine %in% c("gstat") ) p$libs = c( p$libs, "gstat" )
    p$libs = unique( p$libs )
    suppressMessages( RLibrary( p$libs ) )

    if (p$storage.backend=="bigmemory.ram") {
      if ( length( unique(p$clusters)) > 1 ) stop( "||| lbm: More than one unique cluster server was specified .. the RAM-based method only works within one server." )

    p = lbm_parameters(p=p) # fill in parameters with defaults where possible
    p = lbm_db( p=p, DS="filenames" )
    p$ptr = list() # location for data pointers

    # set up the data and problem using data objects

    tmpfiles = unlist( p$cache)
    for (tf in tmpfiles) if (file.exists( tf)) file.remove(tf)

    p$variables$all = NULL
    if (exists("lbm_local_modelformula", p))  {
      p$variables$local_all = all.vars( p$lbm_local_modelformula )
      p$variables$local_cov = intersect( p$variables$local_all, p$variables$COV ) 
      p$variables$all = unique( c( p$variables$all, p$variables$local_all ) )
    if (exists("lbm_global_modelformula", p)) {
      p$variables$global_all = all.vars( p$lbm_global_modelformula )
      p$variables$global_cov = intersect( p$variables$global_all, p$variables$COV )      
      p$variables$all = unique( c( p$variables$all, p$variables$global_all ) )

    # permit passing a function rather than data directly .. less RAM usage in parent call
    if (class(DATA)=="character") assign("DATA", eval(parse(text=DATA) ) )
    testvars = c(p$variables$Y, p$variables$COV, p$variables$TIME, p$variables$LOC)
    withdata = which(is.finite( (rowSums(DATA$input[, testvars] )) ) )
    if (length(withdata) < 1) stop( "Missing data or insufficient data")
    DATA$input = DATA$input[withdata, ]

    # number of time slices
    if (!exists("nt", p)) {
      p$nt = 1  # default to 1 == no time
      if (exists( "ny", p)) p$nt = p$nt * p$ny  # annual time slices
      if (exists( "nw", p)) p$nt = p$nt * p$nw  # sub-annual time slices

    # prediction times for space.annual methods, treat time as independent timeslices
    if ( !exists("prediction.ts", p)) p$prediction.ts = 1

    # require knowledge of size of stats output before create S, which varies with a given type of analysis
    othervars = c( )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine == "habitat") othervars = c( )
    if (p$lbm_local_modelengine == "spate") othervars = c( 
      "rho_0",  "zeta", "rho_1", "gamma", "alpha", "mu_x", "mu_y", "sigma^2", "tau^2", 
      "rho_0.sd", "zeta.sd", "rho_1.sd", "gamma.sd", "alpha.sd", "mu_x.sd", "mu_y.sd" )
    if (exists("TIME", p$variables) )  othervars = c( "ar_timerange", "ar_1" )
    p$statsvars = unique( c( "sdTotal", "rsquared", "ndata", "sdSpatial", "sdObs", "range", "phi", "nu", othervars ) )

    message("||| lbm: ")
    message( "||| lbm: Initializing temporary storage of data and outputs files... ")
    message( "||| lbm: These are large files (4 to 6 X 5GB), it will take a minute ... ")
    lbm_db( p=p, DS="cleanup" )
    p$nloccov = 0
    if (exists("local_cov", p$variables)) p$nloccov = length(p$variables$local_cov)

    # construct prediction/output grid area ('pa')
    p$windowsize.half = floor(p$lbm_distance_prediction/p$pres) # convert distance to discretized increments of row/col indices

    if ( "globalmodel" %in% tasks ) {
      if (exists("lbm_global_modelengine", p)) {
        # to add global covariate model ??  .. simplistic this way but faster ~ kriging with external drift
        lbm_db( p=p, DS="global_model.redo", B=DATA$input )

    # NOTE:: must not sink the following memory allocation into a deeper funcion as 
    # NOTE:: bigmemory RAM seems to lose the pointers if they are not made simultaneously 
    # init output data objects
    # statistics storage matrix ( aggregation window, coords ) .. no inputs required
    sbox = list( 
      plats = seq( p$corners$plat[1], p$corners$plat[2], by=p$lbm_distance_statsgrid ),
      plons = seq( p$corners$plon[1], p$corners$plon[2], by=p$lbm_distance_statsgrid ) )

      # statistics coordinates
      Sloc = as.matrix( expand.grid( sbox$plons, sbox$plats ))
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_Sloc = big.matrix(nrow=nrow(Sloc), ncol=ncol(Sloc), type="double"  )
          tmp_Sloc[] = Sloc
          p$ptr$Sloc  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Sloc  )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$Sloc  = p$cache$Sloc
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Sloc, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Sloc), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Sloc), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$Sloc = ff( Sloc, dim=dim(Sloc), file=p$cache$Sloc, overwrite=TRUE )
      rm( sbox )

      S = matrix( NaN, nrow=nrow(Sloc), ncol=length( p$statsvars ) ) # NA forces into logical
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_S = big.matrix(nrow=nrow(Sloc), ncol=length( p$statsvars ), type="double"  )
          tmp_S[] = S
          p$ptr$S  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_S )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$S  = p$cache$S
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( S, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$S), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$S), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$S = ff( S, dim=dim(S), file=p$cache$S, overwrite=TRUE )

      Sflag = matrix( 0L, nrow=nrow(Sloc), ncol=1 )  # 0L is the todo flag
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_Sflag = big.matrix(nrow=nrow(Sloc), ncol=1, type="double" )
          tmp_Sflag[] = 0L # TODO flag
          p$ptr$Sflag  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Sflag )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$Sflag  = p$cache$Sflag
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Sflag, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Sflag), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Sflag), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$Sflag = ff( Sflag, dim=dim(Sflag), file=p$cache$Sflag, overwrite=TRUE )

      rm(S, Sflag, Sloc)

      # dependent variable
      Yraw = as.matrix(DATA$input[, p$variables$Y ])
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_Yraw = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(Yraw), ncol=1, type="double"  )
          tmp_Yraw[] = Yraw
          p$ptr$Yraw  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Yraw )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$Yraw  = p$cache$Yraw
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Yraw, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Yraw), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Yraw), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$Yraw = ff( Yraw, dim=dim(Yraw), file=p$cache$Yraw, overwrite=TRUE )

      # limits based on quantiles to permit in predictions
      # default just a copy of Yraw ... but if covars are modelled then overwrite with residuals (below)
      Ydata = as.matrix(DATA$input[, p$variables$Y ])
      if (exists("lbm_global_modelengine", p)) {
        # to add global covariate model ??  .. simplistic this way but faster
        if (p$lbm_global_modelengine=="gam") require(mgcv)
        covmodel = lbm_db( p=p, DS="global_model")
        if ( "family" %in%  class(p$lbm_global_family) ) {
          if (p$lbm_global_family$family == "binomial" ) {
            if (!is.null(covmodel)) {
              Ypreds = predict(covmodel, type="link", se.fit=FALSE )  ## TODO .. keep track of the SE 
              Ydata  = residuals(covmodel)
              Yraw = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Yraw )
              Yraw[] = Ypreds[] + Ydata[]  # overwrite with logit
          } else {
            if (!is.null(covmodel)) {
              Ypreds = predict(covmodel, type="response", se.fit=FALSE )  ## TODO .. keep track of the SE 
              Ydata  = residuals(covmodel)
          covmodel =NULL; gc()
      Ypreds = NULL
      # data to be worked upon .. either the raw data or covariate-residuals
      Ydata = as.matrix( Ydata )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_Y = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(Ydata), ncol=1, type="double"  )
          tmp_Y[] = Ydata
          p$ptr$Y  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Y )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$Y  = p$cache$Y
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Ydata, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Y), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Y), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$Y = ff( Ydata, dim=dim(Ydata), file=p$cache$Y, overwrite=TRUE )


      Y = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Y )

     # data coordinates
      Yloc = as.matrix( DATA$input[, p$variables$LOCS ])
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_Yloc = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(Yloc), ncol=ncol(Yloc), type="double" )
          tmp_Yloc[] = Yloc
          p$ptr$Yloc = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Yloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$Yloc  = p$cache$Yloc
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Yloc, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Yloc), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Yloc), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$Yloc = ff( Yloc, dim=dim(Yloc), file=p$cache$Yloc, overwrite=TRUE )

      # independent variables/ covariate
      if (exists("COV", p$variables)) {
        Ycov = as.matrix(  DATA$input[ , p$variables$COV ] )
          if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
            tmp_Ycov = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(Ycov), ncol=ncol(Ycov), type="double")
            tmp_Ycov[] = Ycov
            p$ptr$Ycov  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Ycov )
          if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
            p$ptr$Ycov  = p$cache$Ycov
            bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Ycov, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Ycov), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Ycov), backingpath=p$stloc )
          if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
            p$ptr$Ycov = ff( Ycov, dim=dim(Ycov), file=p$cache$Ycov, overwrite=TRUE )

      # data times
      if ( exists("TIME", p$variables) ) {
        Ytime = as.matrix(  DATA$input[, p$variables$TIME ] )
          if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
            tmp_Ytime = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(Ytime), ncol=ncol(Ytime), type="double"  )
            tmp_Ytime[] = Ytime
            p$ptr$Ytime  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Ytime )
          if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
            p$ptr$Ytime  = p$cache$Ytime
            bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Ytime, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Ytime), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Ytime), backingpath=p$stloc )
          if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
            p$ptr$Ytime = ff( Ytime, dim=dim(Ytime), file=p$cache$Ytime, overwrite=TRUE )
        Ytime =NULL; gc()

      if (exists("COV", p$variables)) {
        # this needs to be done as Prediction covars need to be structured as lists
        if (!exists("Pcov", p$ptr) ) p$ptr$Pcov = list()
        tmp_Pcov = list()
        for ( covname in p$variables$COV ) {
          Pcovdata = as.matrix( DATA$output$COV[[covname]] )
          attr( Pcovdata, "dimnames" ) = NULL
          if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
            tmp_Pcov[[covname]] = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(Pcovdata), ncol=ncol(Pcovdata), type="double"  )
            tmp_Pcov[[covname]][] = Pcovdata
            p$ptr$Pcov[[covname]]  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Pcov[[covname]] )
          if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
            p$ptr$Pcov[[covname]]  = p$cache$Pcov[[covname]]
            bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Pcovdata, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Pcov[[covname]]), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Pcov[[covname]]), backingpath=p$stloc )
          if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
            p$ptr$Pcov[[covname]] = ff( Pcovdata, dim=dim(Pcovdata), file=p$cache$Pcov[[covname]], overwrite=TRUE )
          Pcovdata = NULL; gc()

      # predictions and associated stats
      P = matrix( NaN, nrow=nrow(DATA$output$LOCS), ncol=p$nt )
        # predictions
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_P = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(P), ncol=ncol(P), type="double" )
          tmp_P[] = P
          p$ptr$P  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_P )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$P  = p$cache$P
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( P, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$P), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$P), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$P = ff( P, dim=dim(P), file=p$cache$P, overwrite=TRUE )

      # count of prediction estimates
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_Pn = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(P), ncol=ncol(P), type="double" )
          tmp_Pn[] = P
          p$ptr$Pn = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Pn )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$Pn  = p$cache$Pn
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( P, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Pn), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Pn), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$Pn = ff( P, dim=dim(P), file=p$cache$Pn, overwrite=TRUE )

      # sd of prediction estimates
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_Psd = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(P), ncol=ncol(P), type="double" )
          tmp_Psd[] = P
          p$ptr$Psd =bigmemory::describe( tmp_Psd )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$Psd  = p$cache$Psd
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( P, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Psd), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Psd), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$Psd = ff( P, dim=dim(P), file=p$cache$Psd, overwrite=TRUE )

      # prediction coordinates
      Ploc = as.matrix( DATA$output$LOCS )
      attr( Ploc, "dimnames" ) = NULL
         if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
            tmp_Ploc = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(Ploc), ncol=ncol(Ploc), type="double" )
            tmp_Ploc[] = Ploc
            p$ptr$Ploc  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Ploc )
          if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
            p$ptr$Ploc  = p$cache$Ploc
            bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Ploc, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Ploc), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Ploc), backingpath=p$stloc )
          if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
            p$ptr$Ploc = ff( Ploc, dim=dim(Ploc), file=p$cache$Ploc, overwrite=TRUE )
      Ploc = DATA = NULL; gc()

      if (exists("lbm_global_modelengine", p) ) {
      # create prediction suface with covariate-based additive offsets

        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_P0= big.matrix( nrow=nrow(P), ncol=ncol(P) , type="double" )
          tmp_P0[] = P
          p$ptr$P0 = bigmemory::describe(tmp_P0 )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$P0  = p$cache$P0
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( P, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$P0), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$P0), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$P0 = ff( P, dim=dim(P), file=p$cache$P0, overwrite=TRUE )

        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_P0sd= big.matrix( nrow=nrow(P), ncol=ncol(P) , type="double" )
          tmp_P0sd[] = P
          p$ptr$P0sd = bigmemory::describe(tmp_P0sd )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$P0sd  = p$cache$P0sd
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( P, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$P0sd), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$P0sd), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$P0sd = ff( P, dim=dim(P), file=p$cache$P0sd, overwrite=TRUE )

        P=NULL; gc()

        # test to see if all covars are static as this can speed up the initial predictions
        message("||| lbm: ")
        message( "||| lbm: Predicting global effect of covariates at each prediction location ... ")
        message( "||| lbm: depending upon the size of the prediction grid and number of cpus (~1hr?).. ")

        p$timec_covariates_0 =  Sys.time()
        nc_cov =NULL
        for (i in p$variables$COV ) {
          pu = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Pcov[[i]] )
          nc_cov = c( nc_cov,  ncol(pu) )
        p$all.covars.static = ifelse( any(nc_cov > 1),  FALSE, TRUE )
        pc = p # copy
        if (!pc$all.covars.static) if (exists("clusters.covars", pc) ) pc$clusters = pc$clusters.covars
        pc = make.list( list( tindex=1:pc$nt) , Y=pc ) # takes about 28 GB per run .. adjust cluster number temporarily
        suppressMessages( parallel.run( lbm_db, p=pc, DS="global.prediction.surface" ) )
        p$time_covariates = round(difftime( Sys.time(), p$timec_covariates_0 , units="hours"), 3)
        message( paste( "||| lbm: Time taken to predict covariate surface (hours):", p$time_covariates ) )

      P = NULL; gc() # yes, repeat in case covs are not modelled
      lbm_db( p=p, DS="statistics.Sflag" )

      Y = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Y )
      Yloc = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Yloc )

      Yi = 1:length(Y) # index with useable data
      bad = which( !is.finite( Y[]))
      if (length(bad)> 0 ) Yi[bad] = NA

      # data locations
      bad = which( !is.finite( rowSums(Yloc[])))
      if (length(bad)> 0 ) Yi[bad] = NA

    # data locations
      if (exists("COV", p$variables)) {
        Ycov = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Ycov )
        if (length(p$variables$COV)==1) {
          bad = which( !is.finite( Ycov[] ))
        } else {
          bad = which( !is.finite( rowSums(Ycov[])))
        if (length(bad)> 0 ) Yi[bad] = NA
        Yi = na.omit(Yi)

      # data locations
      if (exists("TIME", p$variables)) {
        Ytime = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Ytime )
        bad = which( !is.finite( Ytime[] ))
        if (length(bad)> 0 ) Yi[bad] = NA
        Yi = na.omit(Yi)
      bad = NULL

      Yi = as.matrix(Yi)
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.ram" ) {
          tmp_Yi = big.matrix( nrow=nrow(Yi), ncol=ncol(Yi), type="double" )
          tmp_Yi[] = Yi
          p$ptr$Yi  = bigmemory::describe( tmp_Yi )
        if (p$storage.backend == "bigmemory.filebacked" ) {
          p$ptr$Yi  = p$cache$Yi
          bigmemory::as.big.matrix( Yi, type="double", backingfile=basename(p$bm$Yi), descriptorfile=basename(p$cache$Yi), backingpath=p$stloc )
        if (p$storage.backend == "ff" ) {
          p$ptr$Yi = ff( Yi, dim=dim(Yi), file=p$cache$Yi, overwrite=TRUE )

      if ( !exists("lbm_distance_scale", p)) {
        Yloc = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Yloc )
        p$lbm_distance_scale = min( diff(range( Yloc[,1]) ), diff(range( Yloc[,2]) ) ) / 10
        message( paste( "||| lbm: Crude distance scale:", p$lbm_distance_scale, "" ) )

      if ( !exists("lbm_distance_min", p)) p$lbm_distance_min = mean( c(p$lbm_distance_prediction, p$lbm_distance_scale /20 ) )

      if ( !exists("lbm_distance_max", p)) p$lbm_distance_max = mean( c(p$lbm_distance_prediction*10, p$lbm_distance_scale * 2 ) )

      if ( !exists("sampling", p))  {
        # fractions of distance scale  to try in local block search
        p$sampling = c( 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.75, 2 )


      lbm_db( p=p, DS="save.parameters" )  # save in case a restart is required .. mostly for the pointers to data objects
      message( "||| lbm: Finished. Moving onto analysis... ")
      p <<- p  # push to parent in case a manual restart is needed

    # ----------

    if ("restart.from.a.saved.process" %in% tasks) {
      # in here as it assumes that "initiate" has been processed and "saved" objects are present

      # unwind predictions
      Yraw = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Yraw )
      PP = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$P )
      PPsd = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Psd )

      if (exists("lbm_global_modelengine", p)) {
        P0 = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$P0 )
        P0sd = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$P0sd )

      if ( exists("TIME", p$variables)) {
        # outputs are on yearly breakdown
        for ( r in 1:p$ny ) {
          y = p$yrs[r]
          fn1 = file.path( p$savedir, paste("lbm.prediction", "mean", y, "rdata", sep="." ) )
          fn2 = file.path( p$savedir, paste("lbm.prediction", "sd",   y, "rdata", sep="." ) )
          if (file.exists(fn1)) load(fn1)
          if (file.exists(fn2)) load(fn2)
          # return to user scale (that of Y)
          P = p$lbm_local_family$linkfun( P )
          V = p$lbm_local_family$linkfun( V )
          # for binomial .. convert from logit to probability scale (local is gaussian)
          if ( "family" %in% class(p$lbm_global_family) ) {
            if (  p$lbm_global_family$family == "binomial" ) {
              P = log( P/(1-P) )
              V = log( V/(1-V) ) # logit tranform
          if (exists("lbm_global_modelengine", p) ) {
            ## maybe add via simulation ? ... 
            uu = which(!is.finite(P[]))
            if (length(uu)>0) P[uu] = 0 # permit covariate-base predictions to pass through .. 
            P = P[] - P0[,r] 
            vv = which(!is.finite(V[]))
            if (length(vv)>0) V[vv] = 0 # permit covariate-base predictions to pass through ..
            V = sqrt( V[]^2 - P0sd[,r]^2) # simple additive independent errors assumed

          vv = ncol(PP)
          if ( vv > p$ny ) {
            col.ranges = (r-1) * p$nw + (1:p$nw) 
            PP  [,col.ranges] = P
            PPsd[,col.ranges] = V # simpleadditive independent errors assumed
          } else if ( vv==p$ny) {
            PP[,r] = P
            PPsd[,r] = V

      } else {

          fn1 = file.path( p$savedir, paste("lbm.prediction", "mean", "rdata", sep="." ) )
          fn2 = file.path( p$savedir, paste("lbm.prediction", "sd",   "rdata", sep="." ) )

          if (file.exists(fn1)) load(fn1)
          if (file.exists(fn2)) load(fn2)

          # return to user scale
          P = p$lbm_local_family$linkfun( P )
          V = p$lbm_local_family$linkfun( V )
          if ( "family" %in% class(p$lbm_global_family) ) {
            if (  p$lbm_global_family$family == "binomial" ) {
              P = log( P/(1-P) )
              V = log( V/(1-V) ) # logit tranform
          if (exists("lbm_global_modelengine", p) ) {
            uu = which(!is.finite(P[]))
            if (length(uu)>0) P[uu] = 0 # permit covariate-base predictions to pass through ..
            P = P[] - P0[] 
            vv = which(!is.finite(V[]))
            if (length(vv)>0) V[vv] = 0 # permit covariate-base predictions to pass through ..
            V = sqrt( V[]^2 - P0sd[]^2) # simple additive independent errors assumed

          PP[] = P
          PPsd[] = V

      # unwind stats grid      

      fn = file.path( p$savedir, paste( "lbm.statistics", "rdata", sep=".") )
      if (file.exists(fn)) load(fn)
      S = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$S )
      S[] = stats[]


  # -------------------------------------
  # localized space-time modelling/interpolation/prediction
  message("||| lbm: Monitor the status of modelling by looking at the output of the following file:")
  message("||| lbm: (e.g., in linux: 'watch -n 60 cat {directory}/lbm_current_status' " )
  message ( paste( "||| lbm: ", p$lbm_current_status ) )

  # do here to facilitate debugging
  currentstatus = lbm_db( p=p, DS="statistics.status" )
  print( c( unlist( currentstatus[ c("n.total", "n.shallow", "n.todo", "n.skipped", "n.outside", "n.complete" ) ] ) ) )
  p = make.list( list( locs=sample( currentstatus$todo )) , Y=p ) # random order helps use all cpus
  p <<- p  # push to parent in case a manual restart is possible

  if ("stage0" %in% tasks) {
    currentstatus = lbm_db( p=p, DS="statistics.status" )
    print( c( unlist( currentstatus[ c("n.total", "n.shallow", "n.todo", "n.skipped", "n.outside", "n.complete" ) ] ) ) )
    p = make.list( list( locs=sample( currentstatus$todo )) , Y=p ) # random order helps use all cpus
    p <<- p  # push to parent in case a manual restart is possible
    lbm_interpolate (p=p )

  if ( "stage1" %in% tasks) {  
    timei1 =  Sys.time()
    # this is the basic run
    currentstatus = lbm_db( p=p, DS="statistics.status" )
    # currentstatus = lbm_db(p=p, DS="statistics.status.reset" )
    p = make.list( list( locs=sample( currentstatus$todo )) , Y=p ) # random order helps use all cpus
    # lbm_interpolate (p=p )
    p <<- p  # push to parent in case a manual restart is possible
    suppressMessages( parallel.run( lbm_interpolate, p=p ) )
    p$time_stage1 = round( difftime( Sys.time(), timei1, units="hours" ), 3 )
    message("||| lbm: ")
    message( paste( "||| lbm: Time taken for main stage 1, interpolations (hours):", p$time_stage1, "" ) )
    currentstatus = lbm_db( p=p, DS="statistics.status" )
    print( c( unlist( currentstatus[ c("n.total", "n.shallow", "n.todo", "n.skipped", "n.outside", "n.complete" ) ] ) ) )

  # to view maps from an external R session:
  # lbm(p=p, tasks="debug_pred_static_map", vindex=1)
  # lbm(p=p, tasks="debug_pred_static_log_map", vindex=1)
  # lbm(p=p, tasks="debug_pred_dynamic_map", vindex=1)
  # lbm(p=p, tasks="debug_stats_map", vindex=1)

  if ( "debug_pred_static_map" %in% tasks) {  
      p = lbm_db( p=p, DS="load.parameters" )  # ie. restart with saved parameters
      suppressMessages( RLibrary( p$libs ) )
      Ploc = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Ploc )
      P = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$P )
      lattice::levelplot( (P[,vindex])~Ploc[,1]+Ploc[,2], col.regions=heat.colors(100), scale=list(draw=FALSE), aspect="iso")

  if ( "debug_pred_static_log_map" %in% tasks) {  
      p = lbm_db( p=p, DS="load.parameters" )  # ie. restart with saved parameters
      suppressMessages( RLibrary( p$libs ) )
      Ploc = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Ploc )
      P = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$P )
      lattice::levelplot( log(P[,vindex])~Ploc[,1]+Ploc[,2], col.regions=heat.colors(100), scale=list(draw=FALSE), aspect="iso")

  if ( "debug_pred_dynamic_map" %in% tasks) {  
      p = lbm_db( p=p, DS="load.parameters" )  # ie. restart with saved parameters
      suppressMessages( RLibrary( p$libs ) )
      Ploc = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Ploc )
      P = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$P )
      for (i in 1:p$nt) {
        print( lattice::levelplot( P[,i] ~ Ploc[,1] + Ploc[,2], col.regions=heat.colors(100), scale=list(draw=FALSE) , aspect="iso" ) )

  if ( "debug_stats_map" %in% tasks) {  
      p = lbm_db( p=p, DS="load.parameters" )  # ie. restart with saved parameters
      suppressMessages( RLibrary( p$libs ) )
      Sloc = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Sloc )
      S = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$S )
      lattice::levelplot(S[,vindex]~Sloc[,1]+Sloc[,2], col.regions=heat.colors(100), scale=list(draw=FALSE), aspect="iso")

  if ( "stage2" %in% tasks) {
    timei2 =  Sys.time()
    message("||| lbm: ")
    message( "||| lbm: Starting stage 2: more permisssive/relaxed distance settings (spatial extent) " )

    for ( mult in p$lbm_multiplier_stage2 ) { 
      currentstatus = lbm_db(p=p, DS="statistics.status.reset" ) 
      if (length(currentstatus$todo) > 0) {
        p$lbm_distance_max = p$lbm_distance_max * mult
        p$lbm_distance_scale = p$lbm_distance_scale*mult # km ... approx guess of 95% AC range 
        p = make.list( list( locs=sample( currentstatus$todo )) , Y=p ) # random order helps use all cpus

        p <<- p  # push to parent in case a manual restart is possible

        suppressMessages( parallel.run( lbm_interpolate, p=p ) )
    p$time_stage2 = round( difftime( Sys.time(), timei2, units="hours" ), 3)
    message("||| lbm: ---")
    message( paste( "||| lbm: Time taken to stage 2 interpolations (hours):", p$time_stage2, "" ) )
    currentstatus = lbm_db( p=p, DS="statistics.status" )
    print( c( unlist( currentstatus[ c("n.total", "n.shallow", "n.todo", "n.skipped", "n.outside", "n.complete" ) ] ) ) )

  if ( "stage3" %in% tasks) {
    timei3 =  Sys.time()
    message("||| lbm: ---")
    message( "||| lbm: Starting stage 3: simple TPS-based failsafe method to interpolate all the remaining locations " )
    toredo = lbm_db( p=p, DS="flag.incomplete.predictions" )
    if ( !is.null(toredo) && length(toredo) > 0) { 
      Sflag = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Sflag )
      p$lbm_local_modelengine = "tps"  
      p = bio.bathymetry::bathymetry.parameters( p=p, DS="lbm" )
      p = make.list( list( locs=sample( toredo )) , Y=p ) # random order helps use all cpus
      p <<- p  # push to parent in case a manual restart is possible
      parallel.run( lbm_interpolate, p=p )
    p$time_stage3 = round( difftime( Sys.time(), timei3, units="hours" ), 3)
    message( paste( "||| lbm: Time taken to stage 3 interpolations (hours):", p$time_stage3, "" ) )
    currentstatus = lbm_db( p=p, DS="statistics.status" )
    print( c( unlist( currentstatus[ c("n.total", "n.shallow", "n.todo", "n.skipped", "n.outside", "n.complete" ) ] ) ) )

  # save again, in case some timings/etc needed in a restart
  p <<- p  # push to parent in case a manual restart is possible
  lbm_db( p=p, DS="save.parameters" )  # save in case a restart is required .. mostly for the pointers to data objects

  if ("save" %in% tasks) {
    # save solutions to disk (again .. overwrite)
    message("||| lbm: ")
    message( "||| lbm: Saving predictions to disk .. " )
    lbm_db( p=p, DS="lbm.prediction.redo" ) # save to disk for use outside lbm*
    message( "||| lbm: Saving statistics to disk .. " )
    lbm_db( p=p, DS="stats.to.prediction.grid.redo") # save to disk for use outside lbm*

    message ("||| lbm: Finished! ")

  if ( p$storage.backend !="bigmemory.ram" ) {
    resp = readline( "||| lbm: To delete temporary files, type <YES>:  ")
    if (resp=="YES") {
      lbm_db( p=p, DS="cleanup" )
    } else {
      message("||| lbm: ")
      message( "||| lbm: Leaving temporary files alone in case you need to examine them or restart a process. ")
      message( "||| lbm: You can delete them by running: lbm_db( p=p, DS='cleanup' ), once you are done. ")

  p$time_total = round( difftime( Sys.time(), p$time.start, units="hours" ),3)
  message("||| lbm: ")
  message( paste( "||| lbm: Time taken for full analysis (hours):", p$time_total, "" ) )

  p <<- p  # push to parent in case a manual restart is possible

AtlanticR/lbm documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:35 a.m.