
Defines functions taxinfo_download

Documented in taxinfo_download

#' Download taxonomic data
#' @references Associated ALA web service: \url{https://api.ala.org.au/#ws2}
#' @param query string: (optional) query of the form field:value
#' (e.g. "genus:Heleioporus") or a free text search ("Alaba vibex")
#' @param fq string: character string or vector of strings, specifying filters
#' to be applied to the original query.
#' These are of the form "INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE" e.g. "kingdom:Fungi". See
#' \code{ala_fields("general", as_is=TRUE)} for all the
#' fields that are queryable. NOTE that fq matches are case-sensitive, but
#' sometimes the entries in the fields are
#' not consistent in terms of case (e.g. kingdom names "Fungi" and "Plantae"
#' but "ANIMALIA"). fq matches are ANDed
#' by default (e.g. c("field1:abc", "field2:def") will match records that have
#' field1 value "abc" and field2 value "def").
#' To obtain OR behaviour, use the form c("field1:abc OR field2:def")
#' @param fields string vector: (optional) a vector of field names to return.
#' Note that the columns of the returned data
#' frame are not guaranteed to retain the ordering of the field names given
#' here. If not specified, a default list of
#' fields will be returned. See \code{ala_fields("general", as_is=TRUE)} for
#' valid field names. Use \code{fields="all"} to include all available fields
#' @param verbose logical: show additional progress information?
#' [default is set by ala_config()]
#' @param use_data_table logical: if TRUE, attempt to read the data.csv file
#' using the fread function from the
#' data.table package. If this fails, or use_data_table is FALSE, then
#' read.table will be used (which may be slower)
#' @return data frame of results, containing one row per taxon, typically with
#' name, guid, and taxonomic information. The columns returned will depend on
#' the field requested
#' @seealso \code{\link{ala_fields}}, \code{\link{ala_config}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## simplest usage
#' x <- taxinfo_download("rk_genus:Heleioporus")
#' ## Data for Fabaceae with specified fields
#' x <- taxinfo_download("rk_family:Fabaceae", fields=c("guid", "parentGuid",
#' "rk_kingdom",
#'   "rk_phylum", "rk_class", "rk_order", "rk_family", "rk_genus",
#'   "scientificName"))
#' }
#' @export

taxinfo_download <- function(query, fq, fields, verbose = ala_config()$verbose,
                             use_data_table = TRUE) {
    this_query <- list()
    ## have we specified a query?
    if (!missing(query)) {
        if (is.factor(query)) {
            query <- as.character(query)
        this_query$q <- query
    if (length(this_query) < 1) {
        ## not a valid request!
        stop("invalid request: query must be specified")
    if (!missing(fq)) {
        ## can have multiple fq parameters, need to specify in url as
        ## fq=a:b&fq=c:d&fq=...
        check_fq(fq, type = "general") ## check that fq fields are valid
        fq <- as.list(fq)
        names(fq) <- rep("fq", length(fq))
        this_query <- c(this_query, fq)
    if (!missing(fields)) {
        ## user has specified some fields
        valid_fields <- ala_fields(fields_type = "general", as_is = TRUE)
        if (identical(tolower(fields), "all")) fields <- valid_fields$name
        unknown <- setdiff(fields, valid_fields$name)
        if (length(unknown) > 0) {
            stop("invalid fields requested: ", str_c(unknown, collapse = ", "),
                 ". See ", getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$fields_function,
                 "(\"general\", as_is=TRUE)")
        this_query$fields <- str_c(fields, collapse = ",")

    this_url <- build_url_from_parts(
      getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$base_url_bie, "download", this_query)

    ## these downloads can potentially be large, so we want to download
    ## directly to file and then read the file
    thisfile <- cached_get(url = this_url, type = "binary_filename",
                           verbose = verbose)

    if (!(file.info(thisfile)$size > 0)) {
        ## empty file
        x <- NULL
    } else {
        read_ok <- FALSE
        if (use_data_table) {
                x <- data.table::fread(thisfile, data.table = FALSE,
                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE,
                                       verbose = verbose, na.strings = "NA",
                                       logical01 = FALSE)
                names(x) <- make.names(names(x))
                if (!empty(x)) {
                    ## convert column data types
                    ## ALA supplies *all* values as quoted text, even numeric,
                    ## and they appear here as character type
                    ## we will convert whatever looks like numeric or logical
                    ## to those classes
                    for (cl in seq_len(ncol(x))) x[, cl] <- convert_dt(x[, cl])
                read_ok <- TRUE
            }, error = function(e) {
                warning("reading of csv as data.table failed, will fall back
                        to read.table (may be slow). The error message was: ",
                read_ok <- FALSE
        if (!read_ok) {
            x <- read.table(thisfile, sep = ",", header = TRUE,
                            comment.char = "", as.is = TRUE)
            if (!empty(x)) {
                ## convert column data types
                ## read.table handles quoted numerics but not quoted logicals
                for (cl in seq_len(ncol(x))) x[, cl] <-
                    convert_dt(x[, cl], test_numeric = FALSE)

        if (empty(x)) {
            if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
                warning("no matching records were returned")
        ## apply column renaming, even if data.frame is empty
        xcols <- setdiff(names(x), unwanted_columns(type = "general"))
        x <- subset(x, select = xcols)
        names(x) <- rename_variables(names(x), type = "general")
        ## guid is called taxonid
        names(x)[tolower(names(x)) == "taxonid"] <- "guid"
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ALA4R documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 4:33 a.m.