
Defines functions ts.cal

Documented in ts.cal

#' Theoretical TS of calibration sphere
#' R script of function for band averaged TS of tungsten 
#' carbide spheres translated from Matlab code (Version date 31/5/05)                                
#' written by D. MacLennan (Marine Lab, Aberdeen)  
#' updated from R version written by Sascha F?ssler 03/2010
#' updated Sven Gastauer 04/01/2017
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export 
#' @param freq  numeric frequencies [kHz]; default seq(38,200)
#' @param c numeric ambient soundspeeds [m/s]; default 1500
#' @param d numeric sphere diameter [cm]; default = 38.1
#' @param mat string material properties of the aphere Cu = Copper, TC = Tungsten-Carbide; default 'TC'
#' @param water  string either sw= seawater or fw = fresh water; will be ignored if rhow (density of seawater is defined); default 'sw
#' @param rhow numeric density of ambient seawater, if NULL parameter water will be used; default NULL
#' @param  plot boolean TRUE/FALSE if plot should be part of the output; default TRUE
#' @return dataframe with columns "F","TS","ModF2","c", where F = Frequency [kHz]; TS = TS [dB]; ModF2 = ModF^2 and c soundspeed [m/s], an optional ggplot can be part of the output
#' @examples ts.cal(freq=seq(90,170,by=0.1),c=1500.5,rhow=1.02509,plot=TRUE)
ts.cal <- function(freq=seq(38,200),c=1500,d=38.1,mat="TC",water="sw",rhow=NULL,plot=TRUE){
  a <- d/2
  results <-NA
  #select materia l
  cc <- switch(mat,
               TC = c(6853,4171),
               Cu = c(4760,2288))
    ww <- switch(water,
                 sw = 1.027,
                 fw = 1)}
    ww = rhow
  rho <- switch(mat,
                TC = c(14.9/ww),
                Cu = c(8.945/ww))
  for(i in 1:length(c)){
    q<- 2*pi*freq*a/c[i] # ka range
    nr    <- length(ka)                                              
    F     <- matrix(0,nr,4)
    Lmax  <- floor(max(ka))+20		                                
    alpha <- 2*rho*(cc[2]/c[i])^2
    beta  <- rho*(cc[1]/c[i])^2-alpha
    nn    <- 1:(Lmax+1)
    n0    <- 2:(Lmax+1)
    lh    <- nn-0.5
    LL    <- 0:Lmax						                                    
    S     <- (floor(LL/2)==LL/2)*1-(floor((LL+1)/2)==(LL+1)/2)*1	
    L     <- 1:Lmax
    L     <- matrix(c(L,L,L),length(L),3)                         
    jh    <- matrix(0,Lmax+1,3)
    djh   <- jh
    ddjh  <- jh			                                              
    yh    <- matrix(0,Lmax+1,1)
    for (jj in 1:nr){
      q     <- ka[jj]
      q1    <- q*c[i]/cc[1]
      q2    <- q*c[i]/cc[2]				
      qq    <- matrix(c(q1,q2,q),length(q),3)
      bfac  <- sqrt((qq*2/pi));
      Qm    <- t(matrix(qq,length(qq),Lmax))
      Bf    <- t(matrix(bfac,length(bfac),Lmax+1))
      # jh/yh are spherical Bessel functions of the first/second kinds
      # starting at order L=0 (i.e. order is row number - 1).
      jh  <- (matrix(c(besselJ(q1,lh),besselJ(q2,lh),besselJ(q,lh)),length(nn),3))/Bf
      yh  <- besselY(q,lh)/Bf[,3]
      djh[1,]   <- -jh[1,]+cos(qq)	 		         # Zero order derivatives
      dyh    <- -yh[1]+sin(q)				         # djh= x*jL'(x); dyh= x*yL'(x)
      ddjh[1,]  <- -2*djh[1,]-qq*sin(qq)		     # ddjh = x^2*jL''(x)
      djh[n0,]  <- -(L+1)*jh[n0,]+Qm*jh[n0-1,]   # Derivatives for orders 2 upwards
      dyh[n0]   <- -(L[,1]+1)*yh[n0]+Qm[,3]*yh[n0-1]
      ddjh[n0,] <- ((L+1)*(L+2)-Qm*Qm)*jh[n0,]-2*Qm*jh[n0-1,]
      a2 <- (LL*LL+LL-2)*jh[,2]+ddjh[,2]
      a1 <- 2*LL*(LL+1)*(djh[,1]-jh[,1])
      b2 <- a2*(beta*q1^2*jh[,1]-alpha*ddjh[,1])-alpha*a1*(jh[,2]-djh[,2])
      b1 <- q*(a2*djh[,1]-a1*jh[,2])
      x  <- -b2*djh[,3]/q + b1*jh[,3]
      y  <- b2*dyh/q - b1*yh
      z  <- S*(2*LL+1)*x/(x*x+y*y) 
      y  <- z*y
      x  <- z*x
      F[jj,3:4] <- -(2/q)*c(sum(y),sum(x))			# The form function
      F[jj,1]   <- F[jj,3]^2+F[jj,4]^2		      # and its modulus squared
    tmp <- as.data.frame(cbind(rbind(cbind(freq, F[,2], F[,1])),c[i]))
    if(i>1 | jj>1){
      results <- rbind(results,tmp)
  if(plot == TRUE){
    pp<-ggplot(data=results, aes(x=F,y=TS,group=c))+
      labs(lty = "c [m/s]")+
      theme(legend.position = "top")+
      xlab("Frequency [kHz]")+ylab("TS [dB]")
  results <- na.omit(results)
AustralianAntarcticDivision/ZooScatR documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, 1:21 a.m.