Defines functions gsm gsm_model rrs_above_to_below_sea_level get_aphstar get_bbw get_aw get_gsm_IOPexps get_gs

Documented in get_aphstar get_aw get_bbw get_gs get_gsm_IOPexps gsm rrs_above_to_below_sea_level

#' GSM gs coefficients
#' Given a numeric vector of wavelengths, calculate the corresponding g1, g2, and g3 coefficients to use in the GSM model.
#' @param lambda Numeric vector of wavelengths in nanometres
#' @return Named list containing the numeric vectors g1, g2, g3 corresponding to input lambda
#' @export
get_gs <- function(lambda) {

    # Spectrally-dependent g coefficients for 400-700nm at 10nm intervals.
    g_lambda <- spectralg_coefs[,1]

    # Interpolate to find values for the necessary wavelengths for each of the 3 g coefficients.
    g <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(lambda),ncol=3),stringsAsFactors=F)

    for (i in 1:3) {
        ag <- spectralg_coefs[,i+1]
        x <- c(g_lambda,lambda)
        y <- c(ag,approx(g_lambda,ag,lambda,rule=2)$y)
        xy <- as.data.frame(t(rbind(x,y)))
        xy <- unique(xy[order(as.numeric(xy[['x']])),])
        g[,i] <- as.numeric(xy[xy[,'x'] %in% lambda,]$y)

    return(list(g1=g[,1], g2=g[,2], g3=g[,3]))


#' Get predefined IOP exponents for GSM in specific regions (NWA or NEP only)
#' Library of existing optimized exponents for the Garver-Siegel-Maritorena algorithm, used on the IOPs chl, adg, and bbp within the absorption and backscattering terms of the algorithm.
#' region="global" for the standard exponents, "nwa" (Northwest Atlantic) or "nep" (Northeast Pacific) for the regionally-tuned exponents used in Clay et al 2019.
#' gtype="gc" for the exponents that were tuned using the g coefficients that are constant across wavebands, "gs" for those tuned using the spectrally-dependent g coefficients described in Clay et al 2019. "gsv2" refers to the re-optimized coefficients using the R2022.0 reprocessing.
#' @param sensor String, either "modisaqua", "seawifs", "viirssnpp", or "olci"
#' @param region String, either "nwa", or "nep"
#' @param gtype String, either "gc", "gs", or "gsv2" (see description below)
#' @references
#' Clay, S.; Peña, A.; DeTracey, B.; Devred, E. Evaluation of Satellite-Based Algorithms to Retrieve Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Canadian Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2609.
#' https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/11/22/2609
#' @return Numeric vector of exponents used on the IOPs in the algorithm, in this order: chl, adg, bbp
#' @export
get_gsm_IOPexps <- function(sensor, region, gtype) {

    stopifnot(sensor %in% c("modisaqua", "seawifs", "viirssnpp", "olci"),
              region %in% c("nwa", "nep"),
              gtype %in% c("gc", "gs", "gsv2"))

    exps <- list("nwa"=list("modisaqua"=list("gc"=c(0.5,0.038,0.8),



#' Get water absorption coefficients (aw) for selected wavebands
#' If lambda contains wavebands that are not integer values, the value will be interpolated. Bands must be within 400-700nm (inclusive).
#' @param lambda Numeric vector of wavebands (nanometers)
#' @references
#' Sources for default aw, bbw, and aphstar: Pope and Fry 1997, and Smith and Baker 1981 (https://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/rsr/water_coef.txt, this does not account for salinity effects on backscattering like the values in Zhang 2009), and DFO cruise records containing aph and chlorophyll-a values which were converted to aphstar by mean(aph/chl).
#' @return Numeric vector of aw coefficients corresponding to lambda
#' @export
get_aw <- function(lambda) {
    lambda <- sort(lambda)
    # subset aw vector to the values corresponding to the wavelengths you selected, interpolating if necessary
    selected_coefs <- approx(x=aw_coefs[,1],y=aw_coefs[,2],xout=lambda)$y

#' Get water backscattering coefficients (bbw) for selected wavebands
#' If lambda contains wavebands that are not integer values, the value will be interpolated. Bands must be within 400-700nm (inclusive).
#' @param lambda Numeric vector of wavebands (nanometers)
#' @references
#' Sources for default aw, bbw, and aphstar: Pope and Fry 1997, and Smith and Baker 1981 (https://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/rsr/water_coef.txt, this does not account for salinity effects on backscattering like the values in Zhang 2009), and DFO cruise records containing aph and chlorophyll-a values which were converted to aphstar by mean(aph/chl).
#' @return Numeric vector of bbw coefficients corresponding to lambda
#' @export
get_bbw <- function(lambda) {
    lambda <- sort(lambda)
    # subset bbw vector to the values corresponding to the wavelengths you selected, interpolating if necessary
    selected_coefs <- approx(x=bbw_coefs[,1],y=bbw_coefs[,2],xout=lambda)$y

#' Get phytoplankton absorption coefficients (aphstar) for selected wavebands
#' If lambda contains wavebands that are not integer values, the value will be interpolated. Bands must be within 400-700nm (inclusive).
#' @param lambda Numeric vector of wavebands (nanometers)
#' @references
#' Sources for default aw, bbw, and aphstar: Pope and Fry 1997, and Smith and Baker 1981 (https://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/rsr/water_coef.txt, this does not account for salinity effects on backscattering like the values in Zhang 2009), and DFO cruise records containing aph and chlorophyll-a values which were converted to aphstar by mean(aph/chl).
#' @return Numeric vector of aphstar coefficients corresponding to lambda
#' @export
get_aphstar <- function(lambda) {
    lambda <- sort(lambda)
    # subset aphstar vector to the values corresponding to the wavelengths you selected, interpolating if necessary
    selected_coefs <- approx(x=aphstar_coefs[,1],y=aphstar_coefs[,2],xout=lambda)$y

#' Convert Rrs below sea level
#' Given a set of remote-sensing reflectances (Rrs) above sea level, convert them to equivalent values just below the surface.
#' @param rrs Numeric value, vector, or matrix of Rrs
#' @return Numeric value, vector, or matrix of corresponding Rrs below sea level
#' @export
rrs_above_to_below_sea_level <- function(rrs) {
    return(rrs/(0.52 + 1.7*rrs))

# Algorithm for GSM model. This function is called by the "gsm" function below.
# A = c(Chl,  adg(ref_value),  bbp(ref_value))
# ref_value is usually 443nm, so these are often written adg443, bbp443
#' @export
gsm_model <- function(A, g1, g2, g3, aw, bbw, chl_exp, aphstar, adgstar, bbpstar) {

    abs <- aw + (A[1] ^ chl_exp) * aphstar + A[2] * adgstar
    #abs <- aw + A[1] * (aphstar ^ chl_exp) + A[2] * adgstar
    #abs <- aw + A[1] * aphstar + A[2] * adgstar
    bb <- bbw + A[3] * bbpstar
    # Gordon et al., 1988
    x <- bb/(abs + bb)

    res <- g1*x + g2*x^g3
    fact <- (g1 + g3*g2*x^(g3 - 1))*(x^2)

    # Each column contains the partial derivative of the formula with respect to
    # the column's parameter (chl, adg, and bbp), evaluated at each wavelength.
    # This allows the algorithm to find the direction of downward or upward
    # slope at each wavelength based on the combination of parameters, in order
    # to help it move it in the direction of the real rrs (i.e. minimize the error
    # between actual and estimated rrs).
    pder <- matrix(c(-fact * aphstar * (chl_exp) * (A[1]^(chl_exp - 1))/bb,
                     -fact * adgstar/bb,
                     fact * abs * bbpstar/(bb^2)),
                   length(aw), # number of wavelengths
                   length(A)) # number of optimized parameters

    attr(res, "gradient") <- pder

    return (res)


#' GSM algorithm for MODIS-Aqua, SeaWiFS, or VIIRS-SNPP
#' Compute the inherent optical properties (IOPs) of the water (adg443, bbp443, chla) using the GSM (Garver-Siegel-Maritorena) semi-analytical algorithm. Adg443 = absorption of colored detrital and dissolved organic materials at 443nm, bbp443 = backscattering of particulate matter at 443nm, chla = chlorophyll-a.
#' Wavelengths/lambda typically used for each sensor: 412,443,469,488,531,547,555,645,667,678 (MODIS), 412,443,490,510,555,670 (SeaWiFS), 410,443,486,551,671 (VIIRS).
#' Options for g coefficients include "gs" (spectrally-dependent) or "gc" (constant). For gc, the model is quadratic and uses the coefficients in eq. 2 in Gordon et al 1988 (g1=0.0949, g2=0.0794). For gs, the coefficients vary spectrally, and the exponent is also allowed to vary spectrally so the model is no longer perfectly quadratic.
#' Acceptable range of IOPs defined as: 0 <= chla <= 64, 0.0001 <= adg443 <= 2, 0.0001 <= bbp443 <= 0.1. Boundaries can be set within the nls() function if you use the "port" algorithm (see ?nls for details). If they are not set, the function will simply return the optimized IOPs and mark them as "invalid", leaving it up to the user to discard them.
#' If a record has NA Rrs in any wavebands (lambda), it will not be fitted. Negative values are allowed in the code, but you should remove extremely negative values from your Rrs manually beforehand, and treat slightly negative values (e.g. -0.001, which might appear in the shortest and longest bands) with caution.
#' @param rrs Remote sensing reflectances below sea level, numeric vector, MUST be ordered from shortest wavelength to longest
#' @param lambda Wavelengths corresponding to rrs, numeric vector, MUST be in same order as rrs
#' @param iop3 Numeric vector of starting guesses for nls (nonlinear least squares) parameters, in this order: chl, adg443, bbp443
#' @param adg_exp Numeric value, exponent on the adg term (default = globally-tuned exponent)
#' @param bbp_exp Numeric value, exponent on the bbp term (default = globally-tuned exponent)
#' @param chl_exp Numeric value, exponent on the chl term (default = globally-tuned exponent)
#' @param gtype String, either "gs" or "gc" to indicate the type of g coefficients to use (see details). Note that if using gsv2 coefficients, this must be set to "gs".
#' @param aw Numeric vector of water absorption coefficients corresponding to lambda
#' @param bbw Numeric vector of water backscattering coefficients corresponding to lambda
#' @param aphstar Numeric vector of specific absorption coefficients corresponding to lambda (i.e. absorption per unit chlorophyll-a)
#' @param ... Extra arguments to nls (see ?nls for details)
#' @references
#' Maritorena, Stéphane & Siegel, David & Peterson, Alan. (2002). Optimization of a semianalytical ocean color model for global-scale application. Applied optics. 41. 2705-14. 10.1364/AO.41.002705.
#' https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11345370_Optimization_of_a_semianalytical_ocean_color_model_for_global-scale_application
#' Reference for regional GSM algorithms tuned to Atlantic and Pacific Canadian coasts:
#' Clay, S.; Peña, A.; DeTracey, B.; Devred, E. Evaluation of Satellite-Based Algorithms to Retrieve Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Canadian Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2609.
#' https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/11/22/2609
#' Code was converted from IDL to R by George White, later edited by Stephanie Clay, 2017/2018.
#' @return Named vector containing IOPs (chl, adg443, bbp443, in that order), and a value named "invalid" that is either 0 or 1 (1 indicates that at least one of the IOPs is outside the acceptable range, defined in the details section).
#' @examples
#' # create a matrix of MODIS-Aqua rrs values for testing
#' # NOTE: these example values are already below sea level (conversion from above to below: rrs <- rrs/(0.52 + 1.7*rrs))
#' rrs <- matrix(c(0.001974, 0.002002, 0.002044, 0.001932, 0.002296, 0.001708, 0.002570,
#'                 0.002280, 0.002582, 0.002558, 0.002746, 0.001990, 0.003086, 0.002964,
#'                 0.002986, 0.003030, 0.003100, 0.002572, 0.002974, 0.002748, 0.002914,
#'                 0.002784, 0.002954, 0.002564, 0.002174, 0.002086, 0.002194, 0.002054,
#'                 0.002496, 0.002342, 0.001862, 0.001784, 0.001850, 0.001764, 0.002220,
#'                 0.002096, 0.001670, 0.001512, 0.001780, 0.001666, 0.001992, 0.001834,
#'                 0.000324, 0.000256, 0.000216, 0.000344, 0.000494, 0.000440, 0.000256,
#'                 0.000214, 0.000216, 0.000242, 0.000330, 0.000352, 0.000250, 0.000244,
#'                 0.000270, 0.000294, 0.000382, 0.000402), nrow=6, ncol=10)
#' # select wavelengths (these are the defaults for MODIS-Aqua)
#' lambda <- c(412, 443, 469, 488, 531, 547, 555, 645, 667, 678)
#' # tuned exponents for atlantic region, modisaqua, GSM_GS (see Clay et al 2019 reference)
#' tuned_exps <- get_gsm_IOPexps("modisaqua", "nwa", "gs")
#' chl_exp <- tuned_exps[1]
#' adg_exp <- tuned_exps[2]
#' bbp_exp <- tuned_exps[3]
#' # run gsm to process one Rrs record
#' test_gsm <- gsm(rrs=rrs[1,], lambda=lambda, adg_exp=adg_exp, bbp_exp=bbp_exp, chl_exp=chl_exp)
#' # print results
#' cat("\n\nSingle record:\n\n")
#' print(test_gsm)
#' # run gsm to process multiple records stored in an rrs matrix, where rows=records and columns=wavelengths
#' test_gsm <- t(apply(X=rrs, MARGIN=1, FUN=gsm, lambda=lambda, adg_exp=adg_exp, bbp_exp=bbp_exp, chl_exp=chl_exp))
#' # print results
#' cat("\n\n\nSet of records:\n\n")
#' print(test_gsm)
#' @export
gsm <- function(rrs, lambda, iop3=c(0.01, 0.03, 0.019),
                adg_exp=0.02061, bbp_exp=1.03373, chl_exp=1, gtype="gs",
                aw=get_aw(lambda), bbw=get_bbw(lambda), aphstar=get_aphstar(lambda), ...) {

    # If the Rrs for any wavelengths are NA, skip this match.
    if (any(is.na(rrs))) {return(c(NA,NA,NA,T))}

    adgstar <- exp( - adg_exp * (lambda - 443))
    bbpstar <- (443/lambda) ^ bbp_exp

    if (gtype=="gc") {
        # Constants in eq. 2 Gordon et al., 1988
        g1 <- 0.0949
        g2 <- 0.0794
        g3 <- 2
    } else if (gtype=="gs") {
        # get the g coefficients based on lambda
        gs <- get_gs(lambda)
        g1 <- gs$g1
        g2 <- gs$g2
        g3 <- gs$g3

    weights <- rep(1.0, length(rrs)) # this can be changed later if necessary
    model <- rrs ~ gsm_model(iop3, g1, g2, g3, aw, bbw, chl_exp, aphstar, adgstar, bbpstar)
    data.list <- list(rrs=rrs,
                      g1=g1, g2=g2, g3=g3,
                      aw=aw, bbw=bbw,

    # Fit the rrs values to the model, given the data in data.list and starting estimates given by iop3.
    # Tips for error catching with nls: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2963729/r-catching-errors-in-nls
    gsm.nls <- NULL
    while (is.null(gsm.nls)) {
        try({gsm.nls <- nls(model, data=data.list, trace=FALSE, start=list(iop3=iop3), weights=weights, na.action=na.omit, ...)}, silent=T)
        if (sum(iop3)==0) break
        # randomly sample a new set of IOPs below the initial guesses
        iop3 <- mapply(function(x,y) {sample(seq(x,y,length.out=100),1)}, x=pmax(0,iop3-0.01), y=iop3)

    # Retrieve the results from the fitted model, if it exists
    if (is.null(gsm.nls)) {
        iop3 <- rep(NA, 3)
        invalid <- TRUE
    } else {
        # Get the coefficients from the fit
        iop3 <- as.numeric(coef(gsm.nls))
        # If they're outside the generally accepted range, set invalid = TRUE
        invalid <- FALSE
        if (iop3[1] < 0.01 | iop3[1] > 64.0 |
            iop3[2] < 0.0001 | iop3[2] > 2.0 |
            iop3[3] < 0.0001 | iop3[3] > 0.1) {
            invalid <- TRUE

    results <- c(iop3,invalid)
    names(results) <- c("chl", "adg443", "bbp443", "invalid")


BIO-RSG/oceancolouR documentation built on April 30, 2024, 7:54 a.m.