PACdataset-class: PACdataset object

PACdataset-classR Documentation

PACdataset object


PACdataset is an S4 class to represent a poly(A) site list. PACs are stored as PACdataset for filtering, statistics, and other operations.



a data frame denoting the counts of PAs. Each row is one PA, each column is one experiment.


sample defination. Each row is one experiment, and the column is the sample group. The number of rows is the same as the column number of the counts slot.


detailed annotation information for PAs, with the same row number as the counts slot.


a list storing additional data, like stopCodon.

See Also

Other PACdataset functions: PACds, annotateByPAS(), annotatePAC(), createPACdataset(), get3UTRAPAds(), get3UTRAPApd(), length(), makeExamplePACds(), mergePACds(), normalizePACds(), plotPACdsStat(), rbind(), readPACds(), removePACdsIP(), scPACds, subscript_operator, summary(), writePACds()

BMILAB/movAPA documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 11:09 p.m.