heatmapResults-class: heatmapResult object

heatmapResults-classR Documentation

heatmapResult object


heatmapResult is an S4 class to represent a list with padj, value and colData. Normally it is from getHeatmapRes().


The slot of padj or value is a data frame with each row being gene/PA, each column being a condpair or cond (if DEXSeq, then it is the exonUsage matrix).



a data frame recording the pvalue of each gene or PA in each condition.


a data frame with the same dimension as padj.


stores padj/value matrix's annotation info. Its row names are the column names of the padj matrix. Normally, there are two columns (cond1 and cond2) in colData.

See Also

Other movRes objects: movAPASwitchRes-class, movDEGeneRes-class, movIndexDiffRes-class, movRes-class, movUTRTrendRes-class

BMILAB/movAPA documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 11:09 p.m.