movAPA-package: movAPA: movAPA: Modeling and Visualization of Dynamics of...

movAPA-packageR Documentation

movAPA: movAPA: Modeling and Visualization of Dynamics of Alternative PolyAdenylation


This package provides functions for modeling and visualization of dynamics of alternative polyadenylation across biological samples.


The movAPA package is a comprehensive package for MOdeling and Visualization of dynamics of Alternative PolyAdenylation across biological samples in different species. Functions of movAPA include pre-processing of poly(A) site clusters (PACs), poly(A) signal analysis, differential analyses, APA site switching analyses, etc. The package is not species-specific, so it can be used for any species (providing qualified GFF annotation and genome references).


Ye, W., et al. (2021) movAPA: Modeling and visualization of dynamics of alternative polyadenylation across biological samples, Bioinformatics, 37, 2470-2472.

Zhu, S., et al. (2020) PlantAPAdb: A Comprehensive Database for Alternative Polyadenylation Sites in Plants, Plant Physiol., 182, 228-242.

Wu, X., et al. (2011) Genome-wide landscape of polyadenylation in Arabidopsis provides evidence for extensive alternative polyadenylation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108, 12533-12538.

BMILAB/movAPA documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 11:09 p.m.