
Defines functions plotPerf

Documented in plotPerf

#' Plots various measures of predictor performance for binary classifiers
#' @details Plots individual and average ROC/PR curves. mean+/-SEM performance 
#' for a predictor run using nested
#' cross-validation or a similar repeated design.
#' predictionResults.txt contains a (data.frame)
#' @param resList (list) list of prediction results. If provided, the method
#' will ignore inDir
#' @param inFiles (char) path to predictionResults.txt files.
#' A vector, each with absolute paths to predictionResults.txt
#' @param predClasses (char) vector of class names.
#' @param plotSEM (logical) metric for error bars. If set to TRUE, plots SEM;
#' else plots SD. 
#' @return (list) each key corresponds to an input file in inDir.
#' Value is a list with:
#' 1) stats: 'stats' component of perfCalc
#' 2) rocCurve: ROCR performance object for ROC curve
#' 3) prCurve: ROCR performance object for PR curve
#' 4) auroc: Area under ROC curve
#' 5) aupr: Area under PR curve
#' 6) accuracy: Accuracy
#' Side effect of plotting in a 2x2 format:
#' 1) mean+/-SEM or (mean+/-SD) AUROC
#' 2) mean+/-SEM or (mean+/-SD) AUPR
#' 3) ROC curve for all runs plus average
#' 4) PR curve for all runs plus average
#' @examples
#' inDir <- system.file("extdata","example_output",package='netDx')
#' inFiles <- paste(rep(inDir,3), sprintf("rng%i",seq_len(3)),"predictionResults.txt",
#'	 sep=getFileSep())
#' resList <- list()
#' for (k in seq_len(length(inFiles))) {
#' 	resList[[k]] <- read.delim(inFiles[k],sep="\t",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
#' }
#' plotPerf(resList, predClasses = c('LumA','notLumA'))
#' @import ROCR
#' @import pracma
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis par points segments text title hist
#' @export
plotPerf <- function(resList=NULL, inFiles, predClasses,plotSEM=FALSE) {
	if (is.null(resList)) {
    	if (missing(inFiles)) 
        	stop("inDir not provided")
    if (missing(predClasses)) 
        stop("predClasses missing; please specify classes")
    # given output of performance('precall') compute AUC-PR
    prauc <- function(dat) {
        x <- dat@x.values[[1]]  # recall
        y <- dat@y.values[[1]]  # precision
        # remove NAN
        idx <- which(is.nan(y))
        if (any(idx)) {
            x <- x[-idx]
            y <- y[-idx]
        pracma::trapz(x, y)
	if (is.null(resList)) {
		resList <- list(); ctr <- 1
	    for (fName in inFiles) {
	        resList[[ctr]] <- read.delim(fName, 
				sep = "\t", header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
			ctr <- ctr+1
   	mega <- list()
	for (ctr  in seq_len(length(resList))) {
		dat <- resList[[ctr]]
        out <- list()
        overall_acc <- numeric()
        curRoc <- list()
        curPr <- list()
        pred_col1 <- sprintf("%s_SCORE", predClasses[1])
        pred_col2 <- sprintf("%s_SCORE", predClasses[2])
        idx1 <- which(colnames(dat) == pred_col1)
        idx2 <- which(colnames(dat) == pred_col2)
        pred <- ROCR::prediction(dat[, idx1] - dat[, idx2], 
						dat$STATUS == predClasses[1])
        c1 <- predClasses[1]  #numc[1]
        tp <- sum(dat$STATUS == dat$PRED_CLASS & dat$STATUS == c1)
        tn <- sum(dat$STATUS == dat$PRED_CLASS & dat$STATUS != c1)
        fp <- sum(dat$STATUS != dat$PRED_CLASS & dat$STATUS != c1)
        fn <- sum(dat$STATUS != dat$PRED_CLASS & dat$STATUS == c1)
        # entire curves
        curRoc <- ROCR::performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
        curPr <- ROCR::performance(pred, "prec", "rec")
        tmp <- data.frame(score = 0, tp = tp, tn = tn, fp = fp, fn = fn)
        out <- perfCalc(tmp)
        # statistic
        auroc <- performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]]
        aupr <- prauc(curPr)
        corr <- sum(dat$STATUS == dat$PRED_CLASS)
        overall_acc <- c(overall_acc, corr/nrow(dat) * 100)
        ### TODO put in F1.
        mega[[ctr]] <- list(stats = out$stats, roc_curve = curRoc, 
						pr_curve = curPr, 
            auroc = auroc, aupr = aupr, accuracy = overall_acc)
    .plotAvg <- function(res, name,plotSEM) {
        mu <- mean(res, na.rm = TRUE)
		if (plotSEM) {
        	err <- sd(res, na.rm = TRUE)/sqrt(length(res))
			errnm <- "SEM"
		} else {
        	err <- sd(res, na.rm = TRUE)
			errnm <- "SD"
        plot(1, mu, type = "n", bty = "n", 
						ylab = sprintf("%s (mean+/-%s)", name,errnm), 
						xaxt = "n", ylim = c(0.4, 1), las = 1, 
								xlim = c(0.8,1.2), 
								cex.axis = 1.4, xlab = "")
        abline(h = c(0.7, 0.8), col = "cadetblue3", lty = 3, lwd = 3)
        points(1, mu, type = "p", cex = 1.4, pch = 16)
        # error bars
        segments(x0 = 1, y0 = mu - err, y1 = mu + err, lwd = 3)
        segments(x0 = 1 - 0.01, x1 = 1 + 0.01, y0 = mu - err, y1 = mu - err)
        segments(x0 = 1 - 0.01, x1 = 1 + 0.01, y0 = mu + err, y1 = mu + err)
        abline(h = 0.5, col = "red", lty = 1, lwd = 2)
        title(sprintf("%s: N=%i runs", name, length(res)))
    # plot average +/-error
    par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
    x <- unlist(lapply(mega, function(x) x$auroc))
    .plotAvg(x, "AUROC",plotSEM)
    x <- unlist(lapply(mega, function(x) x$aupr))
    .plotAvg(x, "AUPR",plotSEM)
    # plot individual curves
    rocCurves <- lapply(mega, function(x) x$roc_curve)
    plotPerf_multi(rocCurves, "ROC")
    prCurves <- lapply(mega, function(x) x$pr_curve)
    plotPerf_multi(prCurves, "PR", plotType = "PR")
BaderLab/netDx documentation built on Sept. 26, 2021, 9:13 a.m.