
Defines functions get_chron_date safe_nc_open safe_ncvar_get get_ereefs_depth_specified_ts get_ereefs_depth_integrated_ts get_ereefs_bottom_ts get_ereefs_ts substitute_filename check_platform_ok get_file_stem get_ereefs_grids get_origin_and_times get_params assignList get_ereefs_case

Documented in assignList check_platform_ok get_chron_date get_ereefs_bottom_ts get_ereefs_case get_ereefs_depth_integrated_ts get_ereefs_depth_specified_ts get_ereefs_grids get_ereefs_ts get_file_stem get_origin_and_times get_params safe_nc_open safe_ncvar_get substitute_filename

#' Determines whether the file provided looks like a THREDDS catalog, or an example of daily (e.g. GBR1), 
#' monthly (e.g. GBR4) or other (e.g. RECOM) netcdf file output
#' If the filename contains "catalog.html", it's a THREDDS catalog. 
#' If not, if it ends with ".nc", it's a netcdf file. Any trailing ".html" after the ".nc" part is clipped off.
#' If there are two dashes ('-') in the last 13 characters of the netcdf filename, it is assumed to be a daily output file. 
#' If there is one, it is assumed to be monthly. If there are no dashes, it's something else, such as a RECOM file.
#' If the output is not consistently in monthly or daily netcdf files but switches between the two, it is best to provide 
#' a THREDDS catalog URI.
#' @param filename Name of the file to examine
#' @return a vector of strings. 1st value is either "nc" (for an individual netcdf file), "mnc" for a meta-netcdf file (list of .nc files), "xlm" or "ncml" (for catalogs). 
#' If the first value is "nc", the second value is "1km" for GBR1, "4km" for GBR4 or "recom" (anything else). Otherwise, second value is "unknown".
#' @export
get_ereefs_case <- function(filename) {
  # If the filename ends in ".nc.html", truncate to remove the ".html" part. These two lines should have already been taken care of
  # by substitute_filename():
  if (stringr::str_ends(filename, stringr::fixed(".nc.html"))) filename <- stringr::str_sub(filename, 1, -6)
  if (stringr::str_ends(filename, stringr::fixed("catalog.html"))) filename <- paste0(stringr::str_sub(filename, 1, -5), 'xml')

  if (stringr::str_ends(filename, stringr::fixed(".nc"))) {
    ereefs_case <- c("nc")
  } else if (stringr::str_ends(filename, stringr::fixed(".mnc"))) {
    ereefs_case <- c("mnc", "unknown")
    stop(".mnc files not yet implemented.")
  } else if (stringr::str_ends(filename, ".xml")) {
    ereefs_case <- c("xml", "unknown")
    stop("Should not get to ereefs_case xml. Should have already been converted by substitute_filename() to .ncml")
  } else if (stringr::str_ends(filename, ".ncml")) {
    ereefs_case <- c("ncml", "unknown")
  } else {
    stop(paste("Filename format (", filename, ") is not recognised as a netcdf or THREDDS catalog file"))

  if (ereefs_case[1] == "nc") {
    lastfew <- stringr::str_sub(filename, start=-13, end=-3)
    dashcount <- stringi::stri_count_fixed(lastfew, '-')
    if (dashcount==2) {
	    ereefs_case <- c(ereefs_case, '1km')
    } else if (dashcount==1) {
	    ereefs_case <- c(ereefs_case, '4km')
    } else {
	    ereefs_case <- c(ereefs_case, "recom")

#' Utility function copied directly from the package 'tis' by Jeff Hallman (https://github.com/cran/tis/blob/master/R/assignList.R)
#' Assigns the values in a list to variables in an environment. The variable names are taken from the names of the list, so all of the elements of the list must have non-blank names.

assignList <- function(aList, pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos), inherits = FALSE){
  if(is.null(nms <- names(aList))) stop("names(aList) is NULL")
  if(any(nms == "")) stop("blank name")
  if(missing(envir) && pos < 0)
    envir <- parent.frame(-pos)
  for(nm in nms)
    assign(x = nm, value = aList[[nm]], envir = envir, inherits = inherits)

#' Set up various parameters needed by many of the data extraction and plotting functions
#' @param start_date The date from which to start data extraction, in any format accepted by get_chron_date(). Can be any of:
#'              c(year, month, day)
#'              c(year, month, day, hour) 
#'              POSIX date (e.g., as.Date('1970-01-01', origin='1970-01-01'))
#'              chron date
#'              character format, e.g. '1970-01-01'
#' @param end_date The end date of the data extraction request, as above.
#' @param input_file The URI or filename from which to extract data, in any format accepted by substitute_filename(), or "menu" or "catalog".
#' @param var_names A list of eReefs variable names for which to extract data.
#' @return list of parameter values that includes:
#'              input_file, the input filename, after transformation by substitute_filename()
#'              ereefs_case, information about the format of the input file, as output by get)ereefs_case()
#'              input_stem, the 'stem' of the filename in case the parent function needs to dynamically calculate filenames from an example netcdf filename.
#'              start_date, start_date transformed to a chron date
#'              start_day, the day of the month in start_date
#'              start_tod, the time of day in start_date (0.5 if not given)
#'              start_month, the integer month of the year in start_date
#'              start_year, the integer year in start_date
#'              end_date, end_date transformed to a chron date
#'              end_day, the day of the month in end_date
#'              end_tod, the time of day in end_date (0.5 if not given)
#'              end_month, the integer month of the year in end_date
#'              end_year, the integer year in end_date
#'              mths, a vector of months for which to extract data
#'              years, a vector of years for which to extract data
#'              var_list, a list of variable names in var_names
#'              ereefs_origin, the origin date specified for Julian dates in the netcdf file (assumed to be 1990-01-01 if not specified)
#'              blank_length, for use in initiatisng variables to be populated with extracted data
#'              ds, a date-time vector for extracted data
#'              latitude, an array of latitudes matching the format of the input file
#'              longitude, an array of longitudes
get_params <- function(start_date, end_date, input_file, var_names) {

  input_file <- substitute_filename(input_file)
  # Check whether netcdf output files are daily (case 1), monthly (case 4) or something else (case 0)
  ereefs_case <- get_ereefs_case(input_file)
  input_stem <- get_file_stem(input_file)

  # Dates to plot
  start_date <- get_chron_date(start_date)
  start_day <- as.integer(chron::days(start_date))
  start_tod <- as.numeric(start_date) - as.integer(start_date)
  start_month <- as.integer(chron:::months.default(start_date))
  start_year <- as.integer(as.character(chron::years(start_date)))

  end_date <- get_chron_date(end_date)
  end_day <- as.integer(chron::days(end_date))
  end_month <- as.integer(chron:::months.default(end_date))
  #end_month <- as.integer(months(end_date))
  end_year <- as.integer(as.character(chron::years(end_date)))

  if (start_date > end_date) {
    stop('start_date must preceed end_date')

  if (start_year==end_year) {
      mths <- start_month:end_month
      years <- rep(start_year, length(mths))
  } else if ((start_year + 1) == end_year) {
      mths <- c(start_month:12, 1:end_month)
      years <- c(rep(start_year, 12 - start_month + 1), rep(end_year, end_month))
  } else {
      mths <- c(start_month:12, rep(1:12, end_year - start_year - 1), 1:end_month)
      years <- c(rep(start_year, 12 - start_month + 1), 
                 rep((start_year + 1) : (end_year - 1), each=12),
                 rep(end_year, end_month))

  var_list <- paste(var_names, collapse=",")

  if (ereefs_case[2] == '4km') {
      input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(start_year, start_month, 1, sep='-')), '%Y-%m'), 
    dum1 <- get_origin_and_times(input_file)
    ereefs_origin <- dum1[[1]]
    ds <- dum1[[2]]
    blank_length <- as.numeric(end_date - start_date + 1) / as.numeric(ds[2] - ds[1])
  } else if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
    input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(start_year, start_month, start_day, sep='-')), '%Y-%m-%d'), 
     if (verbosity>1) print(input_file)
     blank_length <- end_date - start_date + 1
     ereefs_origin <- get_origin_and_times(input_file)[[1]]
     ds <- NULL
     # We don't need ds in this case because we are taking just one output per day
  } else {
     # We are looking at a single netcdf file such as a RECOM output file or a ncml file
     input_file <- input_file
     dum1 <- get_origin_and_times(input_file)
     ereefs_origin <- dum1[[1]]
     ds <- dum1[[2]]
     # This is used for now but over-written later
     blank_length <- as.numeric(end_date - start_date + 1) / as.numeric(ds[2] - ds[1]) #+ 0.5/(as.numeric(ds[2] - ds[1]))

  nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(input_file)
  if (!is.null(nc$var[['latitude']])) {
    latitude <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, 'latitude')
    longitude <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, 'longitude')
  } else {
    latitude <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, 'x_centre')
    longitude <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, 'y_centre')

  params <- list(input_file = input_file,
                 ereefs_case = ereefs_case,
                 input_stem = input_stem,
                 start_date = start_date,
                 end_date = end_date,
                 start_day = start_day,
                 start_tod = start_tod,
                 start_month = start_month,
                 start_year = start_year,
                 end_date = end_date,
                 end_day = end_day,
                 end_month = end_month,
                 end_year = end_year,
                 mths = mths,
                 years = years,
                 var_list = var_list,
                 ereefs_origin = ereefs_origin,
                 blank_length = blank_length,
                 ds = ds, 
                 latitude = latitude,
                 longitude = longitude)

#' Opens the netcdf file, input_file, and extracts the origin (reference date/time) and time dimension.
#' @param input_file The name of the netcdf file (in standard or simple EMS netcdf format) from which
#' to extract the data
#' @return A list containing ereefs_origin (the reference data/time used in the netcdf file) and the time series, ds
get_origin_and_times <- function(input_file, as_chron="TRUE") {
	  nc <- safe_nc_open(input_file)
    if (!is.null(nc$var[['t']])) { 
      posix_origin <- stringi::stri_datetime_parse(ncdf4::ncatt_get(nc ,'t'), "'days since 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")[1]
      ds <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, "t") 
    } else { 
      posix_origin <- stringi::stri_datetime_parse(ncdf4::ncatt_get(nc ,'time'), "'days since 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")[1]
      ds <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, "time") 
    ereefs_origin <- floor(as.numeric(posix_origin - as.POSIXct("1990-01-01 00:00")))/86400
    if (as_chron) {
      ereefs_origin <- ereefs_origin + chron::chron('1990-01-01', origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1), 
                                                    format=c(dates='y-m-d', times='h:m'), 
                                                    out.format = c(dates = 'year m day', times='h:m'))
      ds <- ds + ereefs_origin
    } else {
      ds <- as.Date(ds, origin = as.Date("1990-01-01"))
    return(list(ereefs_origin, ds))

#' Returns an appropriate x_grid, y_grid and z_grid
#' @param filename Name of the file to examine
#' @param input_grid Optional alternative file from which to load x_grid, y_grid and z_grid
#' @return a list containing x_grid, y_grid and z_grid
#' @export
get_ereefs_grids <- function(filename, input_grid=NA) {
	if (!is.na(input_grid)) {
    # The user has provided the name of a netcdf file from which to read the grids
		nc <- safe_nc_open(input_grid)
		x_grid <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'x_grid')
		y_grid <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'y_grid')
		z_grid <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'z_grid')
	} else {
		nc <- safe_nc_open(filename)
		if (!is.null(nc$var[['x_grid']])) { 
      # filename is in standard EMS netcdf output format. x_grid, y_grid and z_grid are provided.
		  x_grid <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'x_grid')
		  y_grid <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'y_grid')
		  z_grid <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'z_grid')
    } else {
      # simple format netcdf file. grids are not provided. Check the dimensions to work out 
      # whether it looks like GBR4 or GBR1 and if so, load x-grid and y_grid from saved data. 
      # Otherwise, the user must provide another filename (input_grid) that contains x_grid, 
      # y_grid and z_grid. 
		  if (!is.null(nc$dim[['i']])) {
		    ilen <- nc$dim[['i']][['len']]
		    jlen <- nc$dim[['j']][['len']]
		    klen <- nc$dim[['k']][['len']]
                  } else {
		    ilen <- nc$dim[['i_grid']][['len']]
		    jlen <- nc$dim[['j_grid']][['len']]
		    klen <- nc$dim[['k_grid']][['len']]
		  if ((ilen==510)&(jlen==2389)) {
		    x_grid <- gbr1_x_grid
		    y_grid <- gbr1_y_grid
		    z_grid <- gbr1_z_grid
		  } else if ((ilen==600)&(jlen==180)) {
		    x_grid <- gbr4_x_grid
		    y_grid <- gbr4_y_grid
		    z_grid <- gbr4_z_grid
		  } else {
		    stop(paste('x_grid, y_grid and z_grid not found and grid size not recognised as GBR1 or GBR4.',
                   'Plotting using cell centres (latitude and longitude) has not yet been implemented.',
                   'Please specify input_grid (a standard format EMS file or other netcdf file that ',
                   'contains x_grid, y_grid and z_grid).'))

	return(list(x_grid=x_grid, y_grid=y_grid, z_grid=z_grid))

#' Returns the 'stem' of a filename (i.e. the filename with the date and extension cut off the end)
#' Utility function for ereefs package
#' @param filename A netcdf filename from an EMS model run
#' @return a character string
#' @export
get_file_stem <- function(filename) {
	case <- get_ereefs_case(filename)
  if (case[1]!='nc') {
  if (is.na(case[2]) | case[2] == "recom" | case[2] == "unknown") {
     # A netcdf filename, but not obviously 1km or 4km eReefs. Might be RECOM or another application
	  file_stem <- substr(filename, start=1, stop=stringi::stri_locate_last(filename, regex='.nc')[1]-1)
  } else if (case[2]=='1km') {
	  file_stem <- substr(filename, start=1, stop=stringi::stri_locate_last(filename, regex='.nc')[1]-11)
  } else {
     # must be 4km
	  file_stem <- substr(filename, start=1, stop=stringi::stri_locate_last(filename, regex='.nc')[1]-8)

#' Check whether the platform is Windows and the filename contains "http": if so, return a warning
#' Now always returns TRUE as the CRAN version of ncdf4 for Windows can now handle THREDDS services
#' Utility function for the eReefs package. 
#' @param input_stem A netcdf filename or file stem
#' @return TRUE or stop error
#' @export
check_platform_ok <- function(input_stem)
  ok <- TRUE
  #webserved <- stringi::stri_startswith_fixed(input_stem, "http:")
  #if ((.Platform$OS.type=="windows")&&(webserved)) {
     #ok <- FALSE
     #if (packageVersion("ncdf4")!="1.16.9001") {
        #warning("Please check that you have installed the mdsumner branch of the ncdf4 package. This package will not work reliably under Windows using the CRAN version of ncdf4.")
        #warning("To install the mdsumner version, use: install('devtools'); devtools::install_github('mdsumner/ncdf4')")

#' Check whether the given filename is a shortcut and if so, set the full filename
#' Utility function for the eReefs package
#' @param input_file is the URL or file location of any of the EMS output files or a THREDDS catalog URI. 
#'        Defaults to a menu selection based on current NCI catalogs. Can also be set to "nci", "menu" or "catalog" for the same behaviour.
#'        Set to "old_menu" to provide old menu options instead of menu options from the NCI catalog.
#'        Numeric values are interpreted as references to selections available from the old menu.
#'        Short codes can be used for some options (codenames as used in https://research.csiro.au/ereefs/models/model-outputs/access-to-raw-model-output/ )
#' @return input_file
#' @export
substitute_filename <- function(input_file = "catalog") {
  # Try to work out what the user wants if it looks a bit like a THREDDS catalog but isn't clear
  if (stringr::str_ends(input_file, stringr::fixed("catalog.html"))) input_file <- paste0(stringr::str_sub(input_file, 1, -5), 'xml')
  if (((stringr::str_starts(input_file, "http")&(stringr::str_ends(input_file, "/"))))) input_file <- paste0(input_file, "catalog.xml")

  choices <- NULL
  if ((input_file == "old_menu")|(input_file == "choices") | is.numeric(input_file)) {
    # Set up the menu of choices to display for interactive input, or to select from if the user has specified an option number
    short_names  <- c("GBR4-v2.0",
                      "GBR4_BGC-v2.0 Chyb Dcrt",
                      "GBR4_BGC-v2.0 Chyb Dnrt",
                      "GBR4_BGC-v2.0 Cpre Dcrt",
                      "GBR4 rivers_2.0  Dnrt   GBR4 passive",
                      "GBR1 rivers_2.0  Dnrt",
                      "GBR4_BGC-v3.0 Dcrt",
                      #"GBR4_BGC-v3.0 Dnrt",
    if (input_file == "choices") { 
      # The user just wants a list of options
  } else if ((input_file == "catalog") | (input_file == "nci") | (input_file == "menu")) { 
    # Get the list of eReefs data sevices from the NCI server:
    catalog <- thredds::get_catalog("https://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/catalogs/fx3/catalog.xml")
    choices <- catalog$get_dataset_names()
    print("Refer to https://research.csiro.au/ereefs/models/models-about/biogeochemical-simulation-naming-protocol/ for naming conventions.")
  } else if (stringr::str_ends(input_file, "xml")) {
    catalog <- thredds::get_catalog(input_file)
    choices <- catalog$get_dataset_names()
  } else if (input_file=="old_menu") {
    choices <- c("Latest release 4km grid hydrodynamic model (Sept 2010-pres.)", 
                 "Archived 4km biogeochemical model hindcast v2.0 (Sept 2010 - Oct 2016)",
                 "Archived 4km biogeochemical model near real time v2.0 (Oct 2016 - Nov 2019)",
                 "Archived Pre-industrial catchment scenario 4km BGC (Sept 2010 - Oct 2016)",
                 "Latest release passive river tracers (Sept 2010 - pres.)",
                 "Latest release 1km grid hydrodynamic model (Dec 2014 - pres.)",
                 "Latest release 1km grid passive river tracers (Dec 2014 - pres.)",
                 "Archived 4km hydro (v 1.85, Sept 2010-pres.)",
                 "Archived 4km bgc (v926, Sept 2010 - Dec 2014)",
                 "Archived 4km bgc (v924, Sept 2010 - Sept 2017)",
                 "Archived 1km hydro (v 1.71, Dec 2014 – Apr 2016)",
                 "Archived 1km bgc (v924, Dec 2014 – Nov 2019)",
                 "Archived 4km biogeochemical model hindcast v3.0 (Dec 2010 - Oct 2018)",
                 "Latest release 4km biogeochemical model v3.1 (Dec 2010 - Apr 2019)",
                 "CSIRO login required: GBR1 NRT BGC 3p0 3D (2018-09-02 to 2019-01-30)",
                 "CSIRO login required: Latest release GBR1 NRT BGC 3p2 surface (16 Oct 2019 - pres., 3x/day)",
                 "CSIRO login required: Latest release GBR1 NRT BGC 3p2 3D (16 Oct 2019 - pres., daily)",
                 "CSIRO login required: Latest release GBR4 NRT BGC surface (Oct 2019 - May 2020, 4x/day)",
                 "CSIRO login required: Latest release GBR4 NRT BGC 3D (Oct 2019 - May 2020, daily)")
  if (is.numeric(input_file)) {
     input_file <- short_names[input_file]
  } else if (!is.null(choices)) {
    selection <- utils::menu(choices)
    if (input_file == "old_menu") {
      input_file <- short_names[selection]
    } else {
      input_file <- paste0(stringr::str_extract(catalog$url, "https://.[^/]*"), catalog$list_services()$ncdods[3], catalog$get_datasets()[[selection]]$get_url())
  # Perhaps the user has manually specified (or selected from old_menu) one of the (obsolescent) official run labels from ereefs.info
  input_file <- dplyr::case_when(
      input_file == "GBR4-v2.0" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_v2/gbr4_simple_2018-10.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v2.0 Chyb Dcrt" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Chyd_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2016-07.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v2.0 Chyb Dnrt" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Chyd_Dnrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2017-11.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v2.0 Cpre Dcrt" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Cpre_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2016-06.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4 rivers_2.0  Dnrt   GBR4 passive" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_2.0_rivers/gbr4_rivers_simple_2018-07.nc",
      input_file == "GBR1-v2.0" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr1_2.0/gbr1_simple_2018-09-23.nc",
      input_file == "GBR1 rivers_2.0  Dnrt" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr1_2.0_rivers/gbr1_rivers_simple_2018-03.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4-v1.85" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4/gbr4_simple_2016-03.nc.html",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v926" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_926/gbr4_bgc_simple_2014-11.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v924" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_924/gbr4_bgc_simple_2016-09.nc",
      input_file == "GBR1-v1.71" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr1/gbr1_simple_2016-03-25.nc",
      input_file == "GBR1_BGC-v924" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr1_bgc_924/gbr1_bgc_simple_2018-08-21.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v3.0 Dcrt" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B3p0_Chyd_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_all_simple_2018-10.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v3.1" ~ "https://regional-models.ereefs.info/thredds/dodsC/GBR4_H2p0_B3p1_Cq3b_Dhnd/all/gbr4_bgc_all_simple_2012-10.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v3.0" ~ "http://oa-62-cdc.it.csiro.au:8087/opendap/cache/gbr1/bgc/3.0/all/gbr1_bgc_all_2018-09-02.nc",
      input_file == "GBR1_BGC-v3p2surf" ~ "http://oa-62-cdc.it.csiro.au:8087/opendap/cache/gbr1/bgc/nrt/surf/gbr1_bgc_surf_2019-10-16.nc",
      input_file == "GBR1_BGC-v3p2" ~ "http://oa-62-cdc.it.csiro.au:8087/opendap/cache/gbr1/bgc/nrt/all/gbr1_bgc_all_2019-10-16.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v3p2nrtsurf" ~ "http://oa-62-cdc.it.csiro.au:8087/opendap/cache/gbr4/bgc/nrt/gbr4_bgc_surf_2019-10.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4_BGC-v3p2nrt" ~ "http://oa-62-cdc.it.csiro.au:8087/opendap/cache/gbr4/bgc/nrt/gbr4_bgc_all_2019-10.nc",
      # additional shortcuts
      input_file == "GBR4HD" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_v2/gbr4_simple_2018-10.nc",
      input_file == "hd" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_v2/gbr4_simple_2018-10.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4BGC" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Chyd_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2016-07.nc",
      input_file == "bgc" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Chyd_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2016-07.nc",
      input_file == "GBR4NRT" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Chyd_Dnrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2017-11.nc",
      input_file == "nrt" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Chyd_Dnrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2017-11.nc",
      input_file == "rivers" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_2.0_rivers/gbr4_rivers_simple_2018-07.nc",
      input_file == "GBR1HD" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr1_2.0/gbr1_simple_2018-09-23.nc",
      input_file == "GBR1BGC" ~ "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr1_bgc_924/gbr1_bgc_simple_2018-08-21.nc",
      TRUE ~ input_file)

  # If necessary, remove trailing ".html" from an input file name that is not a catalog.
  if (stringr::str_ends(input_file, ".nc.html")) input_file <- stringr::str_sub(input_file, 1, -6)
  return (input_file)

#' Extracts time series at specified locations from eReefs model output files
#' Create a time-series of values of one or more selected model output variables in a specified layer of the
#' water column or sediment store (by default, the surface layer), at a specified geographic location or 
#' supplied data frame of geocoordinates within the model domain.  See also get_ereefs_depth_integrated_ts() to 
#' extract depth-integrated values and get_ereefs_depth_specified_ts() to extract values at a specified depth 
#' below the free (tidally moving) surface. Barbara Robson (AIMS).
#' If you run into memory constraints, consider grouping points to be extracted within regions, and calling this once
#' for each region.
#' @return a data frame containing the dates and values of extracted variables and location(s) or a
#'        list of such data frames (one list item per location) if return_list=TRUE (for backward compatibility).
#' @param var_names either a single character value or a vector specifying the short names for variables that you 
#'        want from the netcdf file. Defaults to c('Chl_a_sum', 'TN').
#' @param location_latlon is a data frame containing the decimal latitude and longitude of a single desired location, or a vector containing
#'        a single latitude and longitude location. If you want to specify an x-y grid coordinate instead of a latitude and longitude, you 
#'        can: to do this, is.integer(location_latlon) must be TRUE. location_latlon can also be set to "mmp" to extract time-series at all 
#'        Marine Monitoring Program sites. Defaults to c(-23.39189, 150.88852).
#' @param layer is the vertical grid layer to extract, or 'surface' to get the surface value, 'bottom' to get the
#'        value in the cell at the bottom of the water column, or 'integrated' to get a depth-integrated (mean) value.
#'        Specify a negative value to indicate a specified depth (in metres) below MSL.
#'        Use get_ereefs_depth_specified_ts() instead if you want to specify a depth 
#'        below the free surface instead of a layer number. Defaults to 'surface'.
#' @param start_date date  for animation. Can either be a) a vector of integers in the format 
#'	       c(year, month, day); b) a date obtained e.g. from as.Date(); or c) a character string 
#'        formatted for input to as.Date(). Defaults to c(2010,12,31).
#' @param end date for animation. Can either be a) a vector of integers in the format 
#'	       c(year, month, day); b) a date obtained e.g. from as.Date(); or c) a character string 
#'        formatted for input to as.Date(). Defaults to c(2016,10,31).
#' @param input_file is the URL or file location of any of the EMS output files or a THREDDS catalog URI. 
#'        Defaults to a menu selection based on current NCI catalogs. Can also be set to "nci", "menu" or "catalog" for the same behaviour.
#'        Set to "old_menu" to provide old menu options instead of menu options from the NCI catalog.
#'        Numeric values are interpreted as references to selections available from the old menu.
#'        Short codes can be used for some options (codenames as used in https://research.csiro.au/ereefs/models/model-outputs/access-to-raw-model-output/ )
#' @param input_grid Name of the locally-stored or opendap-served netcdf file that contains the grid
#'      coordinates for the top and bottom of each layer (z_grid). If needed (i.e. for a depth-integrated value or bottom layer)
#'      but not specified, the function will first look for z_grid in the first INPUT_STEM file, and if not found, 
#'      will check whether the size of the variables in the input file corresponds to the size expected for GBR4 or GBR1, and 
#'      load an appropriate z grid from data files stored in this package. Alternatively, you can provide the location of a full 
#'      (not simple-format) ereefs netcdf output file such as 
#'      "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_hydro_all/gbr4_all_2016-09.nc"
#' @param eta_stem The URI or file location of the model output files that contains the surface elevation (eta), minus the
#'       date components of the filename in the case of GBR1 or GBR4 files, and ommitting the file extension, ".nc". Needed
#'       only if eta is not in the files indicated by input_stem (e.g. some GBR1 bgc files) and you are asking for a depth-integrated
#'       time-series or a depth-specified (relative to the surface) time-series
#' @param override_positive Reverse the value of the "positive" attribute of botz for BGC files, assuming that it is
#'       incorrect. Default FALSE. Not normally needed.
#' @param verbosity How much information to display along the way (0 to 2. Default is 1).
#' @param return_list Default FALSE. Set to true if you want a list of dataframes returned (one df per geolocation). Included for
#'                    backward compatibility.
#' @param date_format Default "date". Set to "chron" to have the date returned in chron format.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_ereefs_ts('Chl_a_sum', location_latlon=data.frame(latitide=c(-23.39189,-18), longitude=c(150.88852, 147.5)), layer='surface', start_date=c(2010,12,31),end_date=c(2011,1,5), input_file=2)
#' get_ereefs_ts(var_names=c('Tricho_N', 'DIP', 'TP'), location_latlon=data.frame(latitide=c(-23.39189,-18), longitude=c(150.88852, 147.5)), layer='bottom', start_date="2012-07-03",end_date="2012-07-05", input_file='GBR4_BGC-v2.0 Chyb Dcrt')
#' get_ereefs_ts(var_names=c('ZooL_N', 'ZooS_N'), location_latlon=data.frame(latitide=c(-23.39189,-18), longitude=c(150.88852, 147.5)), layer=45, start_date=c(2010,12,31),end_date=c(2011,1,5), input_file="http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Cpre_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2016-06.nc")
#' }

get_ereefs_ts <- function(var_names=c('Chl_a_sum', 'TN'), 
                          location_latlon=c(-23.39189, 150.88852), 
		                      start_date = c(2010,12,31), 
		                      end_date = c(2016,10,31), 
                          input_file = "menu",
                          #input_file = "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Chyd_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2010-01.nc",
                          input_grid = NA,
                          eta_stem = NA,
                          verbosity = 1,
                          return_list = FALSE,
                          date_format = "date")
  if (is.null(dim(location_latlon))) {
     location_latlon <- array(location_latlon, c(1,2))

  # Get parameter values and assign results from returned list to relevant variable names
  # This assigns input_file, ereefs_case, input_stem, start_date, end_date, start_tod, start_month, start_year,
  # end_date, end_day, end_month, end_year, mths, years, var_list, ereefs_origin and blank_length
  assignList(get_params(start_date, end_date, input_file, var_names))

  if (layer=='integrated') return(get_ereefs_depth_integrated_ts(var_names, location_latlon, start_date, end_date, input_file, input_grid, eta_stem, override_positive))
  if ((layer=='bottom')&&(length(location_latlon[,1])>1)) stop('Only one location can be given if layer==bottom')
#  if (layer=='bottom') return(get_ereefs_bottom_ts(var_names, location_latlon, start_date, end_date, input_file, input_grid, eta_stem, override_positive))
  if (location_latlon[[1]]=="mmp") {
     location_latlon <- data.frame(latitude=mmp_sites$latitude, longitude=mmp_sites$longitude)
     mmp <- TRUE
  } else {
     mmp <- FALSE

  if (is.integer(location_latlon)) {
     # We have specified grid coordinates rather than geocoordinates
     location_grid <- location_latlon
  } else { 
    # We have geocoordinates. Find the nearest grid-points to the sampling location
    if (is.null(dim(location_latlon))) {
       # Just one location
       grid_index <- (latitude - location_latlon[1])^2 + (longitude - location_latlon[2])^2 
       grid_index <- which.min(grid_index) 
    } else { 
       # Multiple locations
       if (class(location_latlon)[1] != "data.frame") {
          # location_latlon has been provided as an array/matrix. Coerce it into a data frame for consistency.
          location_latlon <- data.frame(latitude = location_latlon[,1], longitude = location_latlon[,2])
    # Let's make sure we have been given the right geolocation data and warn if not clear
       ilat <- which((names(location_latlon) == "latitude")|(names(location_latlon) == "lat"))
       ilon <- which((names(location_latlon) == "longitude")|(names(location_latlon) == "lon"))
       if (length(ilat)) {
         location_latlon <- data.frame(latitude = location_latlon[, ilat], longitude = location_latlon[, ilon])
       } else {
         warn("Assuming that the first column of location_latlon is latitude and the second column is longitude")
       names(location_latlon)[1:2] <- c("latitude", "longitude")
       grid_index <- apply(location_latlon,1, function(ll) which.min((latitude - ll[1])^2 + (longitude - ll[2])^2)) 
    #location_grid <- arrayInd(grid_index, dim(latitude))
    location_grid <- cbind(floor((grid_index + dim(latitude)[1]-1)/dim(latitude)[1]), 
                       (grid_index+dim(latitude)[1]-1)%%dim(latitude)[1] + 1)
  numpoints <- dim(location_grid)[1]
  # Find the outer grid coordinates of the area that we need to extract from netcdf files to encompass all
  # provided geocoordinate points
  startv <- c(min(location_grid[,2]), min(location_grid[, 1]))
  countv <- c(max(location_grid[,2]), max(location_grid[, 1])) - startv + 1

  # Adjust grid locations so that they are relative to the region to be extracted instead of the whole model domain
  location_grid <- t(t(location_grid) - c(startv[2], startv[1])) + 1
  location_grid <- cbind(location_grid[,2], location_grid[,1])

  # Update grid_index so that it is also relative
  grid_index <- (location_grid[,2] - 1) * countv[1] + location_grid[,1]

  # check whether all points are within a single model grid row or column, and adjust indices accordingly
  if (countv[2] == 1) { 
   location_grid <- location_grid[,1]
  } else if (countv[1] == 1) {
   location_grid <- location_grid[,2]

  # Initialise
  blanks <- rep(NA, blank_length)

  ts_frame <- array(NA, c(blank_length, length(var_names)+1, numpoints))
  #ts_frame <- data.frame(blanks, array(blanks, dim=c(length(blanks), length(var_names))))
  colnames(ts_frame) <- c("date", var_names)
  #class(ts_frame[,"date",]) <- 

  # Loop through relevant daily or monthly eReefs files to extract the data
  ndims <- rep(NA, length(var_names))
  layer_actual <- rep(NA, length(var_names))
  if ((ereefs_case[2] == "1km")|(ereefs_case[2] == "4km")) {
    i <- 0
    mcount <- 0
    if (verbosity>0) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(mths), style = 3)
    for (month in mths) {
      mcount <- mcount + 1
      year <- years[mcount]
      if (mcount == 1) {
         from_day <- start_day
      } else {
         from_day <- 1
         start_tod <- 0
      if ((start_year==end_year)&&(start_month==end_month)) {
         day_count <- end_day - start_day + 1
      } else if (mcount == 1) {
         day_count <- daysIn(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep='-'))) - start_day + 1
      } else if (mcount == (length(mths))) {
         day_count <- end_day
      } else {
         day_count <- daysIn(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep='-')))
      if (ereefs_case[2] == '4km') { 
        fileslist <- 1
        input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep="-")), '%Y-%m'), '.nc')
	      day_count <- day_count / as.numeric(ds[2]-ds[1])
        if ((ds[length(ds)] - ds[1]) > 31.5) warning('Filename looks like a monthly output file (i.e. contains two dashes) but file contains more than a month of data.')
        if ((ds[length(ds)] - ds[1]) < 27) warning('Filename looks like a monthly output file (i.e. contains two dashes) but file contains less than a month of data.')
        if(ds[2]==ds[1]) stop(paste('Error reading time from', input_file, '(t[2]==t[1])'))
        if (day_count > length(ds)) {
          warning(paste('end_date', end_date, 'is beyond available data. Ending at', ds[length(ds)]))
          day_count <- length(ds)
      } else if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
	      fileslist <- from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)
	      from_day <- 1
	      day_count <- 1
#      } else if ((ereefs_case[2] == 'recom')|(ereefs_case[1] == "ncml")) { 
#        day_count <- day_count / as.numeric(median((ds[2:length(ds)] - ds[1:(length(ds) - 1)]), na.rm=TRUE))
#        if (day_count > length(ds)) {
#          warning(paste('end_date', end_date, 'is beyond available data. Ending at', ds[length(ds)]))
#          day_count <- length(ds)
#        }
#        from_day <- (as.numeric(chron::chron(paste(year, month, from_day, sep = '-'), format=c('y-m-d'),
#                                    origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1)) - ds[1]) + 
#                                start_tod) / as.numeric(ds[2] - ds[1]) + 1 
#	      if (from_day<1) from_day <-1
#	      fileslist <- 1
      } else stop("Shouldn't happen: ereefs_case not recognised")

      for (dcount in 1:length(fileslist)) {
        if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
	        input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, fileslist[dcount], sep="-")), '%Y-%m-%d'), '.nc')
        #input_file <- paste0(input_file, '?', var_list, ',time')
        nc <- safe_nc_open(input_file)
  #      if ((ereefs_case[2] == "1km")||(ereefs_case[2] == "4km")) {
  #          if (!is.null(nc$var[['t']])) {
  #            d <- as.Date(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "t"), origin = as.Date("1990-01-01"))[from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)]
  #          } else {
  #            d <- as.Date(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "time"), origin = as.Date("1990-01-01"))[from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)]
  #          }
  #      } else if ((ereefs_case[2] == "recom")|(ereefs_case[1] == "ncml")) { 
  #         d <- ds[from_day:(from_day + day_count - 1)]
        d <- get_origin_and_times(input_file)[[2]][from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)]
        im1 = i+1
        i <- i + length(d)

        ts_frame[im1:i,"date",] <- d
        for (j in 1:length(var_names)) {
            if (is.na(ndims[j])) {
               # We don't yet know the dimensions of the variable, so let's get them
                dims <- nc$var[[var_names[j]]][['size']]
                if (is.null(dims)) stop(paste(var_names[j], ' not found in netcdf file.')) 
                ndims[j] <- length(dims)
             if (layer == 'surface') { 
                dims <- nc$var[[var_names[j]]][['size']]
                layer_actual <- dims[3] 
             } else if (layer == 'bottom') { 
                # find the bottom layer -- assume it is the first layer that is not NA
                if (ndims[j] == 4) { 
                   dum1 <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(startv,1,from_day), count=c(countv,-1,1)) 
                   if (length(which(!is.na(dum1)))==0) stop('Location given is a dry cell at start time. It is probably on land.')
                   layer <- min(which(!is.na(dum1)))
                   layer_actual <- layer
                   if (verbosity>0) print(paste('bottom layer = ', layer))
             } else if (layer < 0) { 
               z_grid <- get_ereefs_grids(input_file, input_grid)[['z_grid']] 
               layer <- max(which(z_grid<layer)) 
               layer_actual <- layer 
             } else {
                layer_actual <- layer 

            if (ndims[j] == 4) {
               wc <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(startv,layer_actual,from_day), count=c(countv,1,day_count))
               #ts_frame[im1:i, j+1] <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(location_grid[2],location_grid[1],layer_actual[j],from_day), count=c(1,1,1,day_count))
            } else {
               wc <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(startv,from_day), count=c(countv,day_count))
               #ts_frame[im1:i, j+1] <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(location_grid[2],location_grid[1],from_day), count=c(1,1,day_count))
            wc <- array(wc, c(countv[1]*countv[2], day_count))
            ts_frame[im1:i, j+1,] <- t(wc[grid_index,])
        if (verbosity>0) setTxtProgressBar(pb,mcount)
    if (verbosity>0) close(pb)
  } else { 
    # Single nc or ncml file. No need to loop through months, but might need to check for monotonicity of timeseries 
    warning(paste('No waitbar shown in this case. If you have asked for a large dataset, please be patient.',
                  'If you have asked for a long time-series from a THREDDS server,',
                  'you might encounter transfer errors, but it should self-correct.',
                  'If not, consider breaking it up into shorter sections or pointing to an individual netcdf file.'))
    if (end_date > max(ds, na.rm=TRUE)) {
      warning(paste('end_date', end_date, 'is beyond available data. Ending at', max(ds, na.rm=TRUE)))
      end_date <- max(ds, na.rm=TRUE)
    if (start_date < min(ds, na.rm=TRUE)) {
      warning(paste('start_date', start_date, 'is beyond available data. Starting at', min(ds, na.rm=TRUE)))
      start_date <- min(ds, na.rm=TRUE)
    from_day <- max(which(ds<=start_date))
    to_day <- min(which(ds>=end_date))
    day_count <- to_day - from_day + 1
    nc <- safe_nc_open(input_file)
    blank_length <- to_day - from_day + 1
    blanks <- rep(NA, blank_length)
    ts_frame <- array(NA, c(blank_length, length(var_names)+1, numpoints))
    colnames(ts_frame) <- c("date", var_names)
    ts_frame[,"date",] <- ds[from_day:to_day]
    for (j in 1:length(var_names)) { 
      if (is.na(ndims[j])) {
        # We don't yet know the dimensions of the variable, so let's get them
        dims <- nc$var[[var_names[j]]][['size']]
        if (is.null(dims)) stop(paste(var_names[j], ' not found in netcdf file.')) 
          ndims[j] <- length(dims)
        if (layer == 'surface') { 
          dims <- nc$var[[var_names[j]]][['size']]
          layer_actual <- dims[3] 
        } else if (layer == 'bottom') { 
          # find the bottom layer -- assume it is the first layer that is not NA
          if (ndims[j] == 4) { 
            dum1 <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(startv,1,from_day), count=c(countv,-1,1)) 
            if (length(which(!is.na(dum1)))==0) stop('Location given is a dry cell at start time. It is probably on land.')
            layer <- min(which(!is.na(dum1)))
            layer_actual <- layer
            if (verbosity>0) print(paste('bottom layer = ', layer))
        } else if (layer < 0) { 
          z_grid <- get_ereefs_grids(input_file, input_grid)[['z_grid']] 
          layer <- max(which(z_grid<layer)) 
          layer_actual <- layer 
        } else {
          layer_actual <- layer 

        if (ndims[j] == 4) {
           wc <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(startv,layer_actual,from_day), count=c(countv,1,day_count))
           #ts_frame[im1:i, j+1] <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(location_grid[2],location_grid[1],layer_actual[j],from_day), count=c(1,1,1,day_count))
        } else {
           wc <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(startv,from_day), count=c(countv,day_count))
           #ts_frame[im1:i, j+1] <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(location_grid[2],location_grid[1],from_day), count=c(1,1,day_count))
        wc <- array(wc, c(countv[1]*countv[2], day_count))
        ts_frame[, j+1,] <- t(wc[grid_index,])
    ts_frame <- unique(ts_frame)

  #dum1 <- dim(ts_frame)[3]
  #if (dum1==1) {
  #  ts_frame <- as.data.frame(array(ts_frame, dim=dim(ts_frame)[1:2], dimnames = list(NULL, dimnames(ts_frame)[[2]])))
  #  ts_frame$date <- chron::chron(ts_frame$date, format=c('year m d', 'h:m:s'), origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1))
  #  if (date_format == "date") { ts_frame$date<- as.Date(strptime(chron::chron(trunc(ts_frame$date, units = 'days'), out.format='yyyy-m-d'), format='%Y-%b-%d')) }
  #} else {
    keepnames <- dimnames(ts_frame)[[2]]
    fred <- NULL
    for (ii in 1:dim(location_latlon)[1]) {
       fred <- rbind(fred, data.frame(matrix(ts_frame[,,ii], ncol=length(keepnames)), location_latlon$latitude[ii], location_latlon$longitude[ii]))
    names(fred) <- c(keepnames, 'latitude', 'longitude')
    ts_frame <- fred %>% transform(date = chron::chron(date, format=c('year m d', 'h:m:s'), origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1)))
    if (date_format == "date") ts_frame <- ts_frame %>% transform(date = as.Date(strptime(chron::chron(trunc(date, units = 'days'), out.format='yyyy-m-d'), format='%Y-%b-%d')))
  #if (numpoints == 1) ts_frame <- data.frame(ts_frame[[1]])

  #ts_frame <- lapply(seq(dim(ts_frame)[3]), function(x) data.frame(date=as.Date(as.vector(ts_frame[ ,1, 1]), origin="1970-01-01"), ts_frame[ ,2:dim(ts_frame)[2] , x])) 
    #ts_frame$date <- (chron::chron(chron::as.chron(ts_frame$date, origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1)), origin=c(1,1,1990), format=c('y-m-d', 'h:m:s')))
    #ts_frame$date <- ts_frame$date + as.numeric(ereefs_origin)
  if (mmp & (length(var_names)==1)) names(ts_frame) <- mmp_sites$Name
  #if (length(var_names)==1) names(ts_frame)[2] <- var_names

#' Extracts time-series of selected variables from the bottom water-column cell at specified locations from eReefs output files
#' See also get_ereefs_ts() to extract from a specified layer instead of a depth-integrated value.
#' By Barbara Robson (AIMS).
#' @return a data frame containing the dates and values of extracted variables
#' @param var_names either a single character value or a vector specifying the short names for variables that you 
#'        want from the netcdf file. Defaults to c('Chl_a_sum', 'TN').
#' @param location_latlon is a vector containing the decimal latitude and longitude of the desired location. If 
#'        you want to specify an x-y grid coordinate instead of a latitude and longitude, you can: to do this, 
#'        is.integer(location_latlon) must be TRUE. Defaults to c(-23.39189, 150.88852).
#' @param start_date date  for animation. Can either be a) a vector of integers in the format 
#'	c(year, month, day); b) a date obtained e.g. from as.Date(); or c) a character string 
#'      formatted for input to as.Date(). Defaults to c(2010,12,31).
#' @param end date for animation. Can either be a) a vector of integers in the format 
#'	c(year, month, day); b) a date obtained e.g. from as.Date(); or c) a character string 
#'      formatted for input to as.Date(). Defaults to c(2016,12,31).
#' @param input_file is the URL or file location of any of the EMS output files or a THREDDS catalog URI. 
#'        Defaults to a menu selection based on current NCI catalogs. Can also be set to "nci", "menu" or "catalog" for the same behaviour.
#'        Set to "old_menu" to provide old menu options instead of menu options from the NCI catalog.
#'        Numeric values are interpreted as references to selections available from the old menu.
#'        Short codes can be used for some options (codenames as used in https://research.csiro.au/ereefs/models/model-outputs/access-to-raw-model-output/ )
#' @param input_grid Name of the locally-stored or opendap-served netcdf file that contains the grid
#'      coordinates for the top and bottom of each layer (z_grid). If not specified, the function will first look for
#'      z_grid can be found in the first INPUT_STEM file, and if not found, will check whether the size 
#'      of the variables in the input file corresponds to the size expected for GBR4 or GBR1, and load an appropriate 
#'      z grid from data files stored in this package. Alternatively, you can provide the location of a full 
#'      (not simple-format) ereefs netcdf output file such as 
#'      "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_hydro_all/gbr4_all_2016-09.nc"
#'      "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_hydro_all/gbr4_all_2016-09.nc".
#' @param eta_stem The URI or file location of the model output files that contains the surface elevation (eta), minus the
#'       date components of the filename in the case of GBR1 or GBR4 files, and ommitting the file extension, ".nc". Needed
#'       only if eta is not in the files indicated by input_stem (e.g. some GBR1 bgc files).
#' @param override_positive Reverse the value of the "positive" attribute of botz for BGC files, assuming that it is
#'       incorrect. Default FALSE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_ereefs_bottom_ts(c('Chl_a_sum', 'NH4'), location_latlon=data.frame(latitide=-23.39189, longitude=150.88852), layer='surface', start_date=c(2010,12,31),end_date=c(2011,1,5), input_file=2)
get_ereefs_bottom_ts <- function(var_names=c('Chl_a_sum', 'TN'), 
                          location_latlon=c(-23.39189, 150.88852), 
		                    start_date = c(2010,12,31), 
		                    end_date = c(2016,12,31), 
                          input_file = "menu",
                          #input_file = "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Chyd_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2010-01.nc",
			                 input_grid = NA,
			                 eta_stem = NA,
                          verbosity = 1)
  # Get parameter values and assign results from returned list to relevant variable names
  # This assigns input_file, ereefs_case, input_stem, start_date, end_date, start_tod, start_month, start_year,
  # end_date, end_day, end_month, end_year, mths, years, var_list, ereefs_origin and blank_length
  assignList(get_params(start_date, end_date, input_file, var_names))

  z_grid <- get_ereefs_grids(input_file, input_grid)[['z_grid']]

  # Initialise
  blanks <- rep(NA, blank_length)
  ts_frame <- data.frame(as.Date(blanks), array(blanks, dim=c(length(blanks), length(var_names))))
  names(ts_frame) <- c("date", var_names)

  nc <- safe_nc_open(input_file)
  if (!is.na(eta_stem)) nc3 <- safe_nc_open(etafile)

  if (is.integer(location_latlon)) {
     location_grid <- location_latlon
  } else { 
    # Find the nearest grid-points to the sampling location
    tmp <- (latitude - location_latlon[1])^2 + (longitude - location_latlon[2])^2 
    tmp <- which.min(tmp) 
    #location_grid <- arrayInd(tmp, dim(latitude))
    location_grid <- c(floor((tmp+dim(latitude)[1]-1)/dim(latitude)[1]),
		       (tmp+dim(latitude)[1]-1)%%dim(latitude)[1] + 1)
  zat <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(nc, "botz")
  if (!is.null(zat$positive)) {
    if (zat$positive=="down") zsign <- -1 else zsign <- 1
    if (override_positive) zsign <- 1
  } else {
   zsign <-1
    if (override_positive) zsign <- -1
  botz <- zsign * as.numeric(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "botz", start=c(location_grid[2], location_grid[1]), count=c(1,1)))

  # Loop through relevant eReefs files to extract the data
  i <- 0
  mcount <- 0
  if (verbosity>0) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(mths), style = 3)
  for (month in mths) {
     mcount <- mcount + 1
     year <- years[mcount]
     if (mcount == 1) {
        from_day <- start_day
     } else {
        from_day <- 1
     if ((start_year==end_year)&&(start_month==end_month)) {
        day_count <- end_day - start_day + 1
    } else if (mcount == 1) {
       day_count <- daysIn(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep='-'))) - start_day + 1
     } else if (mcount == (length(mths))) {
        day_count <- end_day
     } else {
        day_count <- daysIn(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep='-')))
     if (ereefs_case[2] == '4km') { 
        fileslist <- 1
        input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep="-")), '%Y-%m'), '.nc')
	     day_count <- day_count / as.numeric(ds[2]-ds[1])
        if (!is.na(eta_stem)) etafile <- paste0(eta_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep="-")), '%Y-%m'), '.nc')
     } else if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
        fileslist <- from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)
        from_day <- 1
        day_count <- 1
    } else if ((ereefs_case[2] == 'recom')|(ereefs_case[1] == "ncml")) { 
      day_count <- day_count / as.numeric(median((ds[2:length(ds)] - ds[1:(length(ds) - 1)]), na.rm=TRUE))
      if (day_count > length(ds)) {
        warning(paste('end_date', end_date, 'is beyond available data. Ending at', ds[length(ds)]))
        day_count <- length(ds)
      from_day <- (as.numeric(chron::chron(paste(year, month, from_day, sep = '-'), format=c('y-m-d'),
                                  origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1)) - ds[1]) + 
                              start_tod) / as.numeric(ds[2] - ds[1]) + 1 
	    if (from_day<1) from_day <-1
	    fileslist <- 1
    } else stop("Shouldn't happen: ereefs_case not recognised")

     for (dcount in 1:length(fileslist)) {
        if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
	        input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, fileslist[dcount], sep="-")), '%Y-%m-%d'), '.nc')
          if (!is.na(eta_stem)) etafile <- paste0(eta_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, fileslist[dcount], sep="-")), '%Y-%m-%d'), '.nc')
        #input_file <- paste0(input_file, '?', var_list, ',time,eta')
        nc <- safe_nc_open(input_file)
        if (!is.na(eta_stem)) nc3 <- safe_nc_open(etafile)
        # Get dates
        if ((ereefs_case[2] == "1km")||(ereefs_case[2] == "4km")) {
           if (!is.null(nc$var[['t']])) { 
              ds <- as.Date(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "t"), origin = as.Date("1990-01-01")) 
           } else { 
              ds <- as.Date(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "time"), origin = as.Date("1990-01-01")) 
	        d <- ds[from_day:(from_day + day_count - 1)]
        } else if ((ereefs_case[2] == "recom")|(ereefs_case[1] == "ncml")) { 
           d <- ds[from_day:(from_day + day_count - 1)]
        } else stop("Shouldn't happen: ereefs_case not recognised")

        if (!is.null(nc$var[['eta']])) { 
           eta <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'eta', start=c(location_grid[2], location_grid[1],from_day), count=c(1,1,day_count)) 
        } else { 
           eta <- safe_ncvar_get(nc3, 'eta', start=c(location_grid[2], location_grid[1],from_day), count=c(1,1,day_count)) 
        im1 = i+1
        i <- i + length(d)
        ts_frame$date[im1:i] <- d
        z <- array(z_grid[2:length(z_grid)], dim=c(length(z_grid)-1, length(eta)))
        zm1 <- array(z_grid[1:(length(z_grid)-1)], dim=c(length(z_grid)-1, length(eta)))
        eta2 <- t(array(eta, dim=c(length(eta), length(z_grid)-1)))
        dz <- 0 * z
        wet <- (eta2 > zm1) & (z > botz)           # There is water in this layer
        bottom <- (wet & (zm1<=botz))              # The bottom intersects this layer
        dz[bottom] <- 1

        for (j in 1:length(var_names)) {
          wc <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(location_grid[2],location_grid[1],1,from_day), count=c(1,1,-1,day_count))
	       if (dim(dz)[2] == 1) wc <- array(wc, dim=dim(dz))
          # take the depth-integrated average over the water column
          ts_frame[im1:i, j+1] <- colSums(dz * wc, na.rm=TRUE)
        if (!is.na(eta_stem)) ncdf4::nc_close(nc3)
        if (verbosity>0) setTxtProgressBar(pb,mcount)
  if (verbosity>0) close(pb)

#' Extracts depth-integrated time-series of selected variables at specified locations from eReefs output files
#' See also get_ereefs_ts() to extract from a specified layer instead of a depth-integrated value.
#' By Barbara Robson (AIMS).
#' @return a data frame containing the dates and values of extracted variables
#' @param var_names either a single character value or a vector specifying the short names for variables that you 
#'        want from the netcdf file. Defaults to c('Chl_a_sum', 'TN').
#' @param location_latlon is a vector containing the decimal latitude and longitude of the desired location. If 
#'        you want to specify an x-y grid coordinate instead of a latitude and longitude, you can: to do this, 
#'        is.integer(location_latlon) must be TRUE. Defaults to c(-23.39189, 150.88852).
#' @param start_date date  for animation. Can either be a) a vector of integers in the format 
#'	c(year, month, day); b) a date obtained e.g. from as.Date(); or c) a character string 
#'      formatted for input to as.Date(). Defaults to c(2010,12,31).
#' @param end date for animation. Can either be a) a vector of integers in the format 
#'	c(year, month, day); b) a date obtained e.g. from as.Date(); or c) a character string 
#'      formatted for input to as.Date(). Defaults to c(2016,12,31).
#' @param input_file is the URL or file location of any of the EMS output files or a THREDDS catalog URI. 
#'        Defaults to a menu selection based on current NCI catalogs. Can also be set to "nci", "menu" or "catalog" for the same behaviour.
#'        Set to "old_menu" to provide old menu options instead of menu options from the NCI catalog.
#'        Numeric values are interpreted as references to selections available from the old menu.
#'        Short codes can be used for some options (codenames as used in https://research.csiro.au/ereefs/models/model-outputs/access-to-raw-model-output/ )
#' @param input_grid Name of the locally-stored or opendap-served netcdf file that contains the grid
#'      coordinates for the top and bottom of each layer (z_grid). If not specified, the function will first look for
#'      z_grid can be found in the first INPUT_STEM file, and if not found, will check whether the size 
#'      of the variables in the input file corresponds to the size expected for GBR4 or GBR1, and load an appropriate 
#'      z grid from data files stored in this package. Alternatively, you can provide the location of a full 
#'      (not simple-format) ereefs netcdf output file such as 
#'      "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_hydro_all/gbr4_all_2016-09.nc"
#'      "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_hydro_all/gbr4_all_2016-09.nc".
#' @param eta_stem The URI or file location of the model output files that contains the surface elevation (eta), minus the
#'       date components of the filename in the case of GBR1 or GBR4 files, and ommitting the file extension, ".nc". Needed
#'       only if eta is not in the files indicated by input_stem (e.g. some GBR1 bgc files).
#' @param override_positive Reverse the value of the "positive" attribute of botz for BGC files, assuming that it is
#'       incorrect. Default FALSE
#' @param verbosity (Defailt 1) how much do you want to know about progress?
#' @param mass (Default FALSE) Set to true if you want the mass per square metre rather than the mean concentration over depth returned
#' @param date_format (Default "date"). Set to "chron" if you'd like the date returned in chron format.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_ereefs_depth_integrated_ts(c('Chl_a_sum', 'NH4'), location_latlon=data.frame(latitide=-23.39189, longitude=150.88852), layer='surface', start_date=c(2010,12,31),end_date=c(2011,1,5), input_file=2)
get_ereefs_depth_integrated_ts <- function(var_names=c('Chl_a_sum', 'TN'), 
                        location_latlon=c(-23.39189, 150.88852), 
		                    start_date = c(2010,12,31), 
		                    end_date = c(2016,12,31), 
                        input_file = "menu",
			                  input_grid = NA,
			                  eta_stem = NA,
                        verbosity = 1,
                        mass = FALSE,
                        date_format = "date")
  # Get parameter values and assign results from returned list to relevant variable names
  # This assigns input_file, ereefs_case, input_stem, start_date, end_date, start_tod, start_month, start_year,
  # end_date, end_day, end_month, end_year, mths, years, var_list, ereefs_origin and blank_length
  assignList(get_params(start_date, end_date, input_file, var_names))

  z_grid <- get_ereefs_grids(input_file, input_grid)[['z_grid']]

 # Note that origin format must be m/d/y
  if (!is.na(eta_stem)) {
    if (ereefs_case[2] == '4km') {
      etafile  <- paste0(eta_stem, format(as.Date(paste(start_year, start_month, 1, sep='-')), '%Y-%m'), 
    } else if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
      etafile <- paste0(eta_stem, format(as.Date(paste(start_year, start_month, start_day, sep='-')), '%Y-%m-%d'), 
    } else {
      etafile <- paste0(eta_stem, '.nc')

  if (!is.null(dim(location_latlon))) { 
    if (dim(location_latlon)[1] > 1) stop('Currently, get_ereefs_depth_integrated_ts() only supports a single location. This is on my to-do list to fix in future. Let me know if you would like this feature. b.robson@aims.gov.au')

  nc <- safe_nc_open(input_file)
  if (!is.na(eta_stem)) nc3 <- safe_nc_open(etafile)

  if (is.null(dim(location_latlon))) {
     location_latlon <- array(location_latlon, c(1,2))
  if (is.integer(location_latlon)) {
     # We have specified grid coordinates rather than geocoordinates
     location_grid <- location_latlon
  } else { 
    # We have geocoordinates. Find the nearest grid-points to the sampling location

    if (is.null(dim(location_latlon))) {
       # Just one location
       grid_index <- (latitude - location_latlon[1])^2 + (longitude - location_latlon[2])^2 
       grid_index <- which.min(grid_index) 
    } else { 
       # Multiple locations
       if (class(location_latlon)[1] != "data.frame") {
          # location_latlon has been provided as an array/matrix. Coerce it into a data frame for consistency.
          location_latlon <- data.frame(latitude = location_latlon[,1], longitude = location_latlon[,2])
       grid_index <- apply(location_latlon,1, function(ll) which.min((latitude - ll[1])^2 + (longitude - ll[2])^2)) 
    #location_grid <- arrayInd(grid_index, dim(latitude))
    location_grid <- cbind(floor((grid_index + dim(latitude)[1]-1)/dim(latitude)[1]), 
                       (grid_index+dim(latitude)[1]-1)%%dim(latitude)[1] + 1)
  numpoints <- dim(location_grid)[1]
  # Find the outer grid coordinates of the area that we need to extract from netcdf files to encompass all
  # provided geocoordinate points
  startv <- c(min(location_grid[,2]), min(location_grid[, 1]))
  countv <- c(max(location_grid[,2]), max(location_grid[, 1])) - startv + 1

  # Adjust grid locations so that they are relative to the region to be extracted instead of the whole model domain
  location_grid <- t(t(location_grid) - c(startv[2], startv[1])) + 1
  location_grid <- cbind(location_grid[,2], location_grid[,1])

  # Update grid_index so that it is also relative
  grid_index <- (location_grid[,2] - 1) * countv[1] + location_grid[,1]

  # check whether all points are within a single model grid row or column, and adjust indices accordingly
  if ((countv[2] == 1)&&(countv[1] != 1)) { 
   location_grid <- location_grid[,1]
  } else if ((countv[1] == 1)&&(countv[2] != 1)) {
   location_grid <- location_grid[,2]

  # Initialise
  blanks <- rep(NA, blank_length)
  ts_frame <- data.frame(blanks, array(blanks, dim=c(length(blanks), length(var_names))))
#  if (!is.list(ts_frame))  
    names(ts_frame) <- c("date", var_names)

  zat <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(nc, "botz")
  if (!is.null(zat$positive)) {
    if (zat$positive=="down") zsign <- -1 else zsign <- 1
    if (override_positive) zsign <- 1
  } else {
   zsign <-1
    if (override_positive) zsign <- -1
  botz <- zsign * as.numeric(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "botz", start=c(startv), count=c(countv)))
  #botz <- zsign * as.numeric(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "botz", start=c(location_grid[2], location_grid[1]), count=c(1,1)))

  # Loop through monthly eReefs files to extract the data
  i <- 0
  mcount <- 0
  if (verbosity>0) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(mths), style = 3)
  for (month in mths) {
     mcount <- mcount + 1
     year <- years[mcount]
     if (mcount == 1) {
        from_day <- start_day
     } else {
        from_day <- 1
        start_tod <- 0
     if ((start_year==end_year)&&(start_month==end_month)) {
        day_count <- end_day - start_day + 1 
     } else if (mcount == 1) {
       day_count <- daysIn(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep='-'))) - start_day + 1
     } else if (mcount == (length(mths))) {
        day_count <- end_day
     } else {
        day_count <- daysIn(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep='-')))
     if (ereefs_case[2] == '4km') { 
        fileslist <- 1
        input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep="-")), '%Y-%m'), '.nc') 
        if (verbosity) print(input_file)
        day_count <- day_count / as.numeric(ds[2]-ds[1])
        if (day_count > length(ds)) {
          warning(paste('end_date', end_date, 'is beyond available data. Ending at', ds[length(ds)]))
          day_count <- length(ds)
        if (!is.na(eta_stem)) etafile <- paste0(eta_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep="-")), '%Y-%m'), '.nc')
     } else if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
        fileslist <- from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)
        from_day <- 1
        day_count <- 1
     } else if ((ereefs_case[2] == 'recom')|(ereefs_case[1] == "ncml")) { 
       day_count <- day_count / as.numeric(median((ds[2:length(ds)] - ds[1:(length(ds) - 1)]), na.rm=TRUE))
       if (day_count > length(ds)) {
         warning(paste('end_date', end_date, 'is beyond available data. Ending at', ds[length(ds)]))
         day_count <- length(ds)
       from_day <- (as.numeric(chron::chron(paste(year, month, from_day, sep = '-'), format=c('y-m-d'),
                                   origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1)) - ds[1]) + 
                               start_tod) / as.numeric(ds[2] - ds[1]) + 1 
	     if (from_day<1) from_day <-1
	     fileslist <- 1
     } else stop("Shouldn't happen: ereefs_case not recognised")

     for (dcount in 1:length(fileslist)) {
        if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
	        input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, fileslist[dcount], sep="-")), '%Y-%m-%d'), '.nc')
          if (!is.na(eta_stem)) etafile <- paste0(eta_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, fileslist[dcount], sep="-")), '%Y-%m-%d'), '.nc')
          if (verbosity>1) print(input_file)
        #input_file <- paste0(input_file, '?', var_list, ',time,eta')
        nc <- safe_nc_open(input_file)
        if (!is.na(eta_stem)) {
          nc3 <- safe_nc_open(etafile)
        } else if (is.null(nc$var[['eta']])) { 
          stop("Simple format files do not include surface elevation (needed for depth integration or depth below surface). Please either use a standard format file or provide another filename as eta_stem that contains matching eta data (e.g. from a hydrodynamic run).")
        if ((ereefs_case[2] == "1km")||(ereefs_case[2] == "4km")) {
          if (!is.null(nc$var[['t']])) {
            d <- (safe_ncvar_get(nc, "t") + ereefs_origin)[from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)]
          } else {
            d <- (safe_ncvar_get(nc, "time") + ereefs_origin)[from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)]
        } else if ((ereefs_case[2] == "recom")|(ereefs_case[1] == "ncml")) { 
           d <- ds[from_day:(from_day + day_count - 1)]
        } else stop("Shouldn't happen: ereefs_case not recognised")

        if (!is.null(nc$var[['eta']])) { 
          eta <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'eta', start=c(startv,from_day), count=c(countv,day_count)) 
          #eta <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'eta', start=c(location_grid[2], location_grid[1],from_day), count=c(1,1,day_count)) 
        } else {
          if (!is.na(eta_stem)) {
            nc3 <- safe_nc_open(etafile)
          } else if (is.null(nc$var[['eta']])) { 
            stop("Simple format files do not include surface elevation (needed for depth integration or depth below surface). Please either use a standard format file or provide another filename as eta_stem that contains matching eta data (e.g. from a hydrodynamic run).")
          eta <- safe_ncvar_get(nc3, 'eta', start=c(startv,from_day), count=c(countv,day_count)) 
          #eta <- safe_ncvar_get(nc3, 'eta', start=c(location_grid[2], location_grid[1],from_day), count=c(1,1,day_count)) 
        im1 = i+1
        i <- i + length(d)
        ts_frame$date[im1:i] <- d
        z <- array(z_grid[2:length(z_grid)], dim=c(length(z_grid)-1, length(eta)))
        zm1 <- array(z_grid[1:(length(z_grid)-1)], dim=c(length(z_grid)-1, length(eta)))
        eta2 <- t(array(eta, dim=c(length(eta), length(z_grid)-1)))
        dz <- 0 * z
        wet <- (eta2 > zm1) & (z > botz)           # There is water in this layer
        bottom <- (wet & (zm1<botz))               # The bottom intersects this layer
        subsurface <- (wet & (eta2 > z))           # This is a wet layer that is not the surface layer
        surface <- (wet & !subsurface)             # This is the surface layer
        singlelayer <- (surface & bottom)          # This is both the surface and bottom layer
        surface <- (surface & !bottom)             # This is the surface layer but not the bottom layer
        fullywet <- (subsurface & !bottom)         # This is a wet layer that isn't the surface or bottom layer
        submergedbottom <- (bottom & !singlelayer) # This is the bottom layer but not the surface layer
        # Thickness of each layer
        dz[surface] <- eta2[surface] - zm1[surface]
        dz[fullywet] <- z[fullywet] - zm1[fullywet]
        dz[submergedbottom] <- z[submergedbottom] - botz
        dz[singlelayer] <- eta2[singlelayer] - botz

        for (j in 1:length(var_names)) { 
           wc <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(startv,1,from_day), count=c(countv,-1,day_count))
          #wc <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(location_grid[2],location_grid[1],1,from_day), count=c(1,1,-1,day_count))
	        if (dim(dz)[2] == 1) wc <- array(wc, dim=dim(dz))
          if (mass) {
            ts_frame[im1:i, j+1] <- colSums(dz * wc, na.rm=TRUE)
          } else { 
            # take the depth-integrated average over the water column
            ts_frame[im1:i, j+1] <- colSums(dz * wc, na.rm=TRUE) / colSums(dz) 
        if (!is.na(eta_stem)) ncdf4::nc_close(nc3)
        if (verbosity>0) setTxtProgressBar(pb,mcount)
  if (verbosity>0) close(pb)
  ts_frame$date <- (chron::chron(chron::as.chron(ts_frame$date, origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1)), origin=c(1,1,1990), format=c('y-m-d', 'h:m:s')))
  if (date_format == "date") ts_frame$date <- as.Date(ts_frame$date) + (as.numeric(ts_frame$date) - floor(as.numeric(ts_frame$date)))

#' Extracts time-series of selected variables from eReefs output files at a specified location and depth below the
#' surface.
#' See also get_ereefs_ts() to extract from a specified layer instead of a depth-integrated value and 
#' get_ereefs_depth_integrated_ts() to calculate depth-integrated values. Barbara Robson (AIMS).
#' @return a data frame containing the dates and values of extracted variables
#' @param var_names either a single character value or a vector specifying the short names for variables that you 
#'        want from the netcdf file. Defaults to c('Chl_a_sum', 'TN').
#' @param location_latlon A vector containing the decimal latitude and longitude of the desired location. If 
#'        you want to specify an x-y grid coordinate instead of a latitude and longitude, you can: to do this, 
#'        is.integer(location_latlon) must be TRUE. Defaults to c(-23.39189, 150.88852).
#' @param depth  Depth in metres below the surface. Default 1.0. If the bottom of the water is shallower than the specified depth,
#'               return values from the bottom of the water column.
#' @param start_date date  for animation. Can either be a) a vector of integers in the format 
#'	c(year, month, day); b) a date obtained e.g. from as.Date(); or c) a character string 
#'      formatted for input to as.Date(). Defaults to c(2010,12,31).
#' @param end date for animation. Can either be a) a vector of integers in the format 
#'	c(year, month, day); b) a date obtained e.g. from as.Date(); or c) a character string 
#'      formatted for input to as.Date(). Defaults to c(2016,12,31).
#' @param input_file is the URL or file location of any of the EMS output files or a THREDDS catalog URI. 
#'        Defaults to a menu selection based on current NCI catalogs. Can also be set to "nci", "menu" or "catalog" for the same behaviour.
#'        Set to "old_menu" to provide old menu options instead of menu options from the NCI catalog.
#'        Numeric values are interpreted as references to selections available from the old menu.
#'        Short codes can be used for some options (codenames as used in https://research.csiro.au/ereefs/models/model-outputs/access-to-raw-model-output/ )
#' @param input_grid Name of the locally-stored or opendap-served netcdf file that contains the grid
#'      coordinates for the top and bottom of each layer (z_grid). If not specified, the function will first look for
#'      z_grid can be found in the first INPUT_STEM file, and if not found, will check whether the size 
#'      of the variables in the input file corresponds to the size expected for GBR4 or GBR1, and load an appropriate 
#'      z grid from data files stored in this package. Alternatively, you can provide the location of a full 
#'      (not simple-format) ereefs netcdf output file such as 
#'      "http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_hydro_all/gbr4_all_2016-09.nc"
#' @param eta_stem The URI or file location of the model output files that contains the surface elevation (eta), minus the
#'       date components of the filename in the case of GBR1 or GBR4 files, and ommitting the file extension, ".nc". Needed
#'       only if eta is not in the files indicated by input_stem (e.g. some GBR1 bgc files).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_ereefs_depth_specified_ts(c('Chl_a_sum', 'NH4'), depth=5.0, location_latlon=data.frame(latitide=-23.39189, longitude=150.88852), layer='surface', start_date=c(2010,12,31),end_date=c(2011,1,5), input_file=2)
get_ereefs_depth_specified_ts <- function(var_names=c('Chl_a_sum', 'TN'), 
                                          location_latlon=c(-23.39189, 150.88852), 
                                          depth = 1.0, 
                                          start_date = c(2010,12,31), 
                                          end_date = c(2016,12,31), 
                                          input_file = "menu", 
                                          input_grid = NA, 
                                          eta_stem = NA, 
                                          verbosity = 1,
                                          date_format = "date")
  # Get parameter values and assign results from returned list to relevant variable names
  # This assigns input_file, ereefs_case, input_stem, start_date, end_date, start_tod, start_month, start_year,
  # end_date, end_day, end_month, end_year, mths, years, var_list, ereefs_origin and blank_length
  assignList(get_params(start_date, end_date, input_file, var_names))

  z_grid <- get_ereefs_grids(input_file, input_grid)[['z_grid']]

  # Initialise
  blanks <- rep(NA, blank_length)
  ts_frame <- data.frame(blanks, array(blanks, dim=c(length(blanks), length(var_names))))
  names(ts_frame) <- c("date", var_names)

  nc <- safe_nc_open(input_file)

  if (is.integer(location_latlon)) {
     location_grid <- location_latlon
  } else { 
    tmp <- (latitude - location_latlon[1])^2 + (longitude - location_latlon[2])^2 
    tmp <- which.min(tmp) 
    #location_grid <- arrayInd(tmp, dim(latitude))
    location_grid <- c(floor((tmp+dim(latitude)[1]-1)/dim(latitude)[1]),
		       (tmp+dim(latitude)[1]-1)%%dim(latitude)[1] + 1)
  zat <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(nc, "botz")
  if (!is.null(zat$positive)) {
	if (zat$positive=="down") zsign <- -1 else zsign <- 1
  } else {
	zsign <-1
  botz <- zsign * as.numeric(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "botz", start=c(location_grid[2], location_grid[1]), count=c(1,1)))

  # Loop through monthly eReefs files to extract the data
  i <- 0
  mcount <- 0
  if (verbosity>0) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(mths), style = 3)
  for (month in mths) {
     mcount <- mcount + 1
     year <- years[mcount]
     if (mcount == 1) {
        from_day <- start_day
     } else {
        from_day <- 1
     if ((start_year==end_year)&&(start_month==end_month)) {
        day_count <- end_day - start_day + 1
     } else if (mcount == 1) {
       day_count <- daysIn(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep='-'))) - start_day + 1
     } else if (mcount == (length(mths))) {
        day_count <- end_day
     } else {
        day_count <- daysIn(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep='-')))
     if (ereefs_case[2] == '4km') { 
        fileslist <- 1
        input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, 1, sep="-")), '%Y-%m'), '.nc') 
        day_count <- day_count / as.numeric(ds[2]-ds[1])
     } else if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
        fileslist <- from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)
        from_day <- 1
        day_count <- 1
     } else if ((ereefs_case[2] == 'recom')|(ereefs_case[1] == "ncml")) { 
       day_count <- day_count / as.numeric(median((ds[2:length(ds)] - ds[1:(length(ds) - 1)]), na.rm=TRUE))
       if (day_count > length(ds)) {
         warning(paste('end_date', end_date, 'is beyond available data. Ending at', ds[length(ds)]))
         day_count <- length(ds)
       from_day <- (as.numeric(chron::chron(paste(year, month, from_day, sep = '-'), format=c('y-m-d'),
                                   origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1)) - ds[1]) + 
                               start_tod) / as.numeric(ds[2] - ds[1]) + 1 
	     if (from_day<1) from_day <-1
	     fileslist <- 1
     } else stop("Shouldn't happen: ereefs_case not recognised")

     for (dcount in fileslist) {
        if (ereefs_case[2] == '1km') {
	        input_file <- paste0(input_stem, format(as.Date(paste(year, month, fileslist[dcount], sep="-")), '%Y-%m-%d'), '.nc')
        #input_file <- paste0(input_file, '?', var_list, ',time,eta')
        nc <- safe_nc_open(input_file)
	      if (!is.na(eta_stem)) nc3 <- safe_nc_open(etafile)
        if ((ereefs_case[2] == "1km")||(ereefs_case[2] == "4km")) {
          if (!is.null(nc$var[['t']])) {
            d <- as.Date(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "t"), origin = as.Date("1990-01-01"))[from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)]
          } else {
            d <- as.Date(safe_ncvar_get(nc, "time"), origin = as.Date("1990-01-01"))[from_day:(from_day+day_count-1)]
        } else { 
           d <- ds[from_day:(from_day + day_count - 1)]
        if (!is.null(nc$var[['eta']])) { 
          eta <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, 'eta', start=c(location_grid[2], location_grid[1],from_day), count=c(1,1,day_count)) 
        } else {
          eta <- safe_ncvar_get(nc3, 'eta', start=c(location_grid[2], location_grid[1],from_day), count=c(1,1,day_count)) 
        im1 = i+1
        i <- i + length(d)
        ts_frame$date[im1:i] <- d
        z <- array(z_grid[2:length(z_grid)], dim=c(length(z_grid)-1, length(eta)))
        zm1 <- array(z_grid[1:(length(z_grid)-1)], dim=c(length(z_grid)-1, length(eta)))
        eta2 <- t(array(eta, dim=c(length(eta), length(z_grid)-1)))

        # Depth relative to surface
        zr <- z - eta2
        zm1r <- zm1 - eta2
        dz <- 0 * z
        wet <- (eta2 > zm1) & (z > botz)           # There is water in this layer
        bottom <- (wet & (zm1<botz))               # The bottom intersects this layer

        shallower_top <- (-zr < depth)               # The top of this layer is above the target depth
        deeper_bottom <- (-zm1r > depth) | (bottom)  # The bottom of this layer is below the target depth or this is the bottom layer
        target <- (shallower_top & deeper_bottom)
        for (j in 1:length(var_names)) { 
           wc <- safe_ncvar_get(nc, var_names[j], start=c(location_grid[2],location_grid[1],1,from_day), count=c(1,1,-1,day_count)) 
           if (dim(target)[2] == 1) wc <- array(wc, dim=dim(target))
           ts_frame[im1:i, j+1] <- colSums(target * wc, na.rm=TRUE) 
        if (verbosity>0) setTxtProgressBar(pb,mcount)
    if (verbosity>0) close(pb)
    ts_frame$date <- (chron::chron(chron::as.chron(ts_frame$date, origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1)), origin=c(1,1,1990), format=c('y-m-d', 'h:m:s')))
    if (date_format == "date") ts_frame$date <- as.Date(ts_frame$date) + (as.numeric(ts_frame$date) - floor(as.numeric(ts_frame$date)))

#' A wrapper to ncdf4::ncvar_get() that will pause and try again several times (defaulting to 12)
#' if it is a web-served netcdf file and at first it fails, to overcome temporary net access errors or DAP errors.
#' Parameters before 'tries' are passed unlist(month.day.year(start_date))
#' @param tries number of times to retry (increasing pause length by one second each time. Default 4 
#' @return variable extracted using ncvar_get()
#' @export
safe_ncvar_get <- function(nc,varid=NA, start=NA, count=NA, verbose=FALSE,
 signedbyte=TRUE, collapse_degen=TRUE, raw_datavals=FALSE, tries=20) {
   if (substr(nc$filename, 1, 4)!="http") {
     myvar <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, varid, start, count, verbose, signedbyte, collapse_degen, raw_datavals)
   } else {
     myvar <- try(ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, varid, start, count, verbose, signedbyte, collapse_degen, raw_datavals))
     trywait = 1
     while ((class(myvar)[[1]]=='try-error')&(trywait<=(tries*2))) { 
        print(paste('retrying in ', trywait, 'second(s)')) 
        trywait <- trywait+1 
        myvar <- try(ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, varid, start, count, verbose, signedbyte, collapse_degen, raw_datavals))
     if (trywait>(tries*2)) stop(paste('Cannot access netcdf file', nc$filename))

#' A wrapper to ncdf4::nc_open() that will pause and try again up to 119 times
#' if at first it fails, to overcome temporary net access errors or DAP errors.
#' Parameters before 'tries' are passed through to ncvar_get
#' @param tries number of times to retry (increasing pause length by one second each time. Default 4 
#' @return variable extracted using ncvar_get()
#' @export
safe_nc_open <- function(filename, tries=4) {
   if (substr(filename, 1, 4)!="http") {
    nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(filename)
   } else {
    nc <- try(ncdf4::nc_open(filename))
    trywait = 1
    while ((class(nc)[[1]]=='try-error')&(trywait<=(tries+1))) { 
       warning(paste('Trouble opening', filename,
              'This probably means the netcdf file name is incorrect or target date out of range for this eReefs run,\n',
              'but could be a network connection issue...\n', 
              '  Retrying in ', trywait, 'second(s). This will be attempt', trywait+1, 'of', tries+1)) 
       trywait <- trywait+1 
       nc <- try(ncdf4::nc_open(filename))
    if (trywait>(tries+1)) stop(paste('Cannot open netcdf file', filename))

#' A simple function to convert a date provided in any of several formats to a chron date
#' @param d The date of interest. Can be any of:
#'              c(year, month, day)
#'              c(year, month, day, hour) 
#'              Date format date (e.g., as.Date('1970-01-01', origin='1970-01-01'))
#'              chron date
#'              character format, e.g. '1970-01-01'
#' @return date in chron format
#' @export
get_chron_date <- function(d) {
  if (is.vector(d)) {
    if ((length(d==2)) && is.character(d[1])) { 
          d <- chron::chron(dates. = d[1], times. = d[2], format=c('d-m-y', 'h:m:s'), 
                                     origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1),
                                     out.format = c('year m day', 'h:m'))
    } else if (length(d==3)) { 
      # Set time to midday
      d <- chron::chron(paste(d[3], d[2], d[1], sep = '-'), "12:00:00", format=c('d-m-y', 'h:m:s'), 
                                 origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1),
                                out.format=c('year m day', 'h:m'))
    } else if (length(d==4)) {
       if (!is.character(d[4])) d[4] <- paste0(d[4], ':00')
       d <- chron::chron(paste(d[3], d[2], d[1], sep = '-'), d[4], format=c('d-m-y', 'h:m:s'), 
                                  origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1), 
                                  out.format=c('year m day', 'h:m'))
    } else {
      stop("d format not recognised")
  } else if (is.character(d)) {
    d <- chron::chron(d, "12:00:00", format=c('d-m-y', 'h:m:s'), 
                                 origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1),
                                  out.format=c('year m day', 'h:m'))
  } else if (class(d)[1] == "Date") {
    d <- chron::chron(as.character(d, format="%d-%m-%y"), "12:00:00", format=c('d-m-y', 'h:m:s'), 
                                 origin=c(year=1990, month=1, day=1),
                                 out.format=c('year m day', 'h:m'))
    #d <- chron::as.chron(d) # I don't know why this does not work.
BarbaraRobson/ereefs documentation built on April 23, 2023, 5:47 a.m.