
#### Code used to create and generate internal data for both rivers

#####Swan River
## Create site data - locations, depths and distances
sites <- readOGR(dsn = "../vectors/swan100",
                 layer = "SwanDepthDistProfile_MGA50_100m",
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
S_sitesdf <- %>%
  dplyr::mutate(site = ifelse(site == "BWR10", "BWR", site)) %>%

## Create oxygen location sites
S_oxy_locs <- S_sitesdf %>%
  dplyr::filter(site == "VIT" | site == "CAV") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(x = dist_mouth/1000,
                y = -6) %>%
  dplyr::select(x, y)

## Bottoms for plotting
S_bottom <- data.frame(x = c(-1, S_sitesdf$dist_mouth/1000,
                             51.6, 51.6, -1),
                     y = c(-10 ,S_sitesdf$adj_depth,
                           -1.9, -22.1, -22.1),
                     id = 1)

S_bottom_nar <- data.frame(x = c(20.95 , S_sitesdf[S_sitesdf$dist_mouth/1000 >= 21, 8]/1000,
                                 51.6, 51.6, 20.95),
                         y = c(-3.9 , S_sitesdf[S_sitesdf$dist_mouth/1000 >= 21, 9],
                               -1.9, -10.05, -10.05),
                         id = 1)
## Irregular grid creation
# for all river
b_all <- data.frame(x = c(-1.1, S_sitesdf$dist_mouth/1000,
                          51.6, 51.6, -1.1),
                    y = c(-10 ,S_sitesdf$adj_depth,
                          -1.9, -22.2, -22.2)) #base and sides adjusted so buffer doesn't impact

# convert to spatial poly to allow buffering
p_all = Polygon(b_all)
ps_all = Polygons(list(p_all),1)
sps_all = SpatialPolygons(list(ps_all))

# buffering in rgeos to allow for negative buffer
buff_sps_all <- rgeos::gBuffer(sps_all, width = -0.1) # neg buffer

# extract coords and convert to df
buff_spdf_all <-[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)

# for above Narrows
b_nar <- data.frame(x = c(20.95 , S_sitesdf[S_sitesdf$dist_mouth/1000 >= 21, 8]/1000,
                          51.6, 51.6, 20.95),
                    y = c(-3.9 , S_sitesdf[S_sitesdf$dist_mouth/1000 >= 21, 9],
                          -1.9, -10.15, -10.15))

# convert to spatial poly to allow buffering
p_nar = Polygon(b_nar)
ps_nar = Polygons(list(p_nar),1)
sps_nar = SpatialPolygons(list(ps_nar))

# buffering in rgeos to allow for negative buffer
buff_sps_nar <- rgeos::gBuffer(sps_nar, width = -0.1) # neg buffer

# extract coords and convert to df
buff_spdf_nar <-[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)

## Create template grids for interpolations
x_range <- as.numeric(c(-1, 51.5))
y_range <- as.numeric(c(-22, 0))
x_range_nar <- as.numeric(c(21, 51.5))
y_range_nar <- as.numeric(c(-10, 0))

# create an empty regular grid of values for whole of river
grd1 <- expand.grid(x = seq(from = x_range[1],
                            to = x_range[2],
                            by = 0.1),
                    y = seq(from = y_range[1],
                            to = y_range[2],
                            by = 0.1))  # expand points to grid

# create an empty regular grid of values for narrows and up
grd2 <- expand.grid(x = seq(from = x_range_nar[1],
                            to = x_range_nar[2],
                            by = 0.04),#0.1
                    y = seq(from = y_range_nar[1],
                            to = y_range_nar[2],
                            by = 0.04))  # expand points to grid

# create coord lists
b_list_all <- list(x = buff_spdf_all$x, y = buff_spdf_all$y)
b_list_nar <- list(x = buff_spdf_nar$x, y = buff_spdf_nar$y)

# create irregular grid following buffered bottom - all river
S_grd_all <- grd1[!splancs::inout(grd1, b_list_all),]
coordinates(S_grd_all) <- ~x + y
gridded(S_grd_all) <- TRUE

# create irregular grid following buffered bottom - from Narrows
S_grd_nar <- grd2[!splancs::inout(grd2, b_list_nar),]
coordinates(S_grd_nar) <- ~x + y
gridded(S_grd_nar) <- TRUE

## Reclassification matrices for binning interpolated rasters
# salinity
aSal <- seq(0, 42, 2)
bSal <- rep(aSal, each = 3)
reclass_dfSal <- c(-Inf, bSal, 44, 44)
reclass_mSal <- matrix(reclass_dfSal,
                       ncol = 3,
                       byrow = TRUE)
# dissolved oxygen
aDo <- seq(0, 17, 1)
bDo <- rep(aDo, each = 3)
reclass_dfDo <- c(-Inf, bDo, 18, 18)
reclass_mDo <- matrix(reclass_dfDo,
                      ncol = 3,
                      byrow = TRUE)
# temperature
aT <- seq(0, 33, 1)
bT <- rep(aT, each = 3)
reclass_dfT <- c(-Inf, bT, 34, 34)
reclass_mT <- matrix(reclass_dfT,
                     ncol = 3,
                     byrow = TRUE)
# chlorophyll
aC <- seq(20, 80, 20)
bC <- rep(aC, each = 3)
#reclass_dfC <- c(0, bC, 120, 120, 120, 200, 200, 200, 400, 400, 400, 1000, 1000)
reclass_dfC <- c(-Inf, bC, 120, 120, 120, 160, 160, 160, 200, 200, 200,
                 300, 300, 300, 400, 400, 400, 1000, 1000)
reclass_mChl <- matrix(reclass_dfC,
                       ncol = 3,
                       byrow = TRUE)

reclass_matrices <- list(reclass_mSal = reclass_mSal,
                         reclass_mDo = reclass_mDo,
                         reclass_mT = reclass_mT,
                         reclass_mChl = reclass_mChl)

## Create colour breaks for metrics
sal_brk <- as.character(seq(2, 42, 2))
do_mg_l_brk <- as.character(seq(1, 17, 1))
chl_brk <- c(as.character(seq(20, 80, 20)), "120", "160", "200", "300", "400", "1000")
temp_brk <- as.character(seq(11, 33, 1))

#####Canning River
## Create site data - locations, depths and distances
csites <- readOGR(dsn = "../vectors/canning100",
                  layer = "CanningDepthDistProfile_MGA50_100m",
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
C_sitesdf <- %>%

## Create oxygen location sites
C_oxy_locs <- C_sitesdf %>%
  dplyr::filter(site == "BAC" | site == "NIC") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(x = dist_bridg/1000,
                y = -6.8) %>%
  dplyr::select(x, y)

## Bottoms for plotting
C_bottom_weir <- data.frame(x = c(C_sitesdf$dist_bridg[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500 & C_sitesdf$dist_bridg <= 11100]/1000,
                                  11.2, 11.2, 11.3, 11.3,
                                  C_sitesdf$dist_bridg[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg > 11300]/1000,
                                  15.95, 15.95, 0.5),
                            y = c(C_sitesdf$adj_depth[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500 & C_sitesdf$dist_bridg <= 11100],
                                  -1.81, 0.1, 0.1, -1.51,
                                  C_sitesdf$adj_depth[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg > 11300],
                                  -1, -7.1, -7.1),
                            id = 1)

# C_bottom_open <- data.frame(x = c(C_sitesdf$dist_bridg[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500 & C_sitesdf$dist_bridg <= 11100]/1000,
#                                   11.2, 11.2, 11.3, 11.3,
#                                   C_sitesdf$dist_bridg[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 11400]/1000,
#                                   15.95, 15.95, 0.5),
#                             y = c(C_sitesdf$adj_depth[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500 & C_sitesdf$dist_bridg <= 11100],
#                                   -1.81, -0.5, -0.5, -1.51,
#                                   C_sitesdf$adj_depth[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 11400],
#                                   -1, -7.1, -7.1),
#                             id = 1)

C_bottom_open <- data.frame(x = c(C_sitesdf$dist_bridg[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500 & C_sitesdf$dist_bridg <= 11100]/1000,
                                  11.2, 11.2, 11.3, 11.3,
                                  C_sitesdf$dist_bridg[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg > 11300]/1000,
                                  15.95, 15.95, 0.5),
                            y = c(C_sitesdf$adj_depth[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500 & C_sitesdf$dist_bridg <= 11100],
                                  -1.81, -0.8, -0.8, -1.51,
                                  C_sitesdf$adj_depth[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg > 11300],
                                  -1, -7.1, -7.1),
                            id = 1)

## Irregular grid creation
# below weir
b_low <- data.frame(x = c(0.4, C_sitesdf$dist_bridg[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500 & C_sitesdf$dist_bridg <= 11300]/1000,
                          11.3, 0.4),
                    y = c(-4.76, C_sitesdf$adj_depth[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500 & C_sitesdf$dist_bridg <= 11300],
                          -7.1, -7.1)) #base and sides adjusted so buffer doesn't impact

# convert to spatial poly to allow buffering
p_low = Polygon(b_low)
ps_low = Polygons(list(p_low),1)
sps_low = SpatialPolygons(list(ps_low))

# buffering in rgeos to allow for negative buffer
buff_sps_low <- rgeos::gBuffer(sps_low, width = -0.2) # neg buffer

# extract coords and convert to df
buff_spdf_low <-[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)

# above weir
b_upper <- data.frame(x = c(C_sitesdf$dist_bridg[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 11200]/1000,
                            15.70524, 11.2),
                      y = c(C_sitesdf$adj_depth[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 11200],
                            -7.1, -7.1)) #base and sides adjusted so buffer doesn't impact

# convert to spatial poly to allow buffering
p_up = Polygon(b_upper)
ps_up = Polygons(list(p_up),1)
sps_up = SpatialPolygons(list(ps_up))

# buffering in rgeos to allow for negative buffer
buff_sps_up <- rgeos::gBuffer(sps_up, width = -0.2) # neg buffer

# extract coords and convert to df
buff_spdf_up <-[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)

# whole river
b_all <- data.frame(x = c(0.4, C_sitesdf$dist_bridg[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500]/1000,
                          15.95, 15.95, 0.4),
                    y = c(-4.76, C_sitesdf$adj_depth[C_sitesdf$dist_bridg >= 500],
                          -1, -7.1, -7.1)) #base and sides adjusted so buffer doesn't impact

# convert to spatial poly to allow buffering
p_all = Polygon(b_all)
ps_all = Polygons(list(p_all),1)
sps_all = SpatialPolygons(list(ps_all))

# buffering in rgeos to allow for negative buffer
buff_sps_all <- rgeos::gBuffer(sps_all, width = -0.2) # neg buffer

# extract coords and convert to df
buff_spdf_all <-[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)

# 1# lower canning
# establish an extent within which you want to interpolate
lc_x_range <- as.numeric(c(0.5, 11.2))  # min/max x of the interpolation area
lc_y_range <- as.numeric(c(-7, 0))  # min/max y of the interpolation area

# 2# upper canning
# establish an extent within which you want to interpolate
uc_x_range <- as.numeric(c(11.3, 15.95))  # min/max x of the interpolation area
uc_y_range <- as.numeric(c(-7, 0))  # min/max y of the interpolation area

# 3# whole of river for open weir
# establish an extent within which you want to interpolate
all_x_range <- as.numeric(c(0.5, 15.95))  # min/max x of the interpolation area
all_y_range <- as.numeric(c(-7, 0))  #

# create an empty grid for lower canning
grd1 <- expand.grid(x = seq(from = lc_x_range[1],
                            to = lc_x_range[2],
                            by = 0.04),#0.02
                    y = seq(from = lc_y_range[1],
                            to = lc_y_range[2],
                            by = 0.04))  # expand points to grid

# create an empty grid for upper canning
grd2 <- expand.grid(x = seq(from = uc_x_range[1],
                            to = uc_x_range[2],
                            by = 0.04),#0.02
                    y = seq(from = uc_y_range[1],
                            to = uc_y_range[2],
                            by = 0.04))  # expand points to grid

# create an empty grid for whole of river
grd3 <- expand.grid(x = seq(from = all_x_range[1],
                            to = all_x_range[2],
                            by = 0.04),#0.02
                    y = seq(from = all_y_range[1],
                            to = all_y_range[2],
                            by = 0.04))  # expand points to grid #0.1

# create coord lists
b_list_low <- list(x = buff_spdf_low$x, y = buff_spdf_low$y)
b_list_up <- list(x = buff_spdf_up$x, y = buff_spdf_up$y)
b_list_all <- list(x = buff_spdf_all$x, y = buff_spdf_all$y)

# create irregular grid following buffered bottom - lower
C_grd_low <- grd1[!splancs::inout(grd1, b_list_low),]
coordinates(C_grd_low) <- ~x + y
gridded(C_grd_low) <- TRUE

# create irregular grid following buffered bottom - upper
C_grd_up <- grd2[!splancs::inout(grd2, b_list_up),]
coordinates(C_grd_up) <- ~x + y
gridded(C_grd_up) <- TRUE

# create irregular grid following buffered bottom - all river
C_grd_all <- grd3[!splancs::inout(grd3, b_list_all),]
coordinates(C_grd_all) <- ~x + y
gridded(C_grd_all) <- TRUE

# mock plot to harvest legend to add to surfers
triangle_df <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3), y = 2, stat = c("a", "b", "c"))
o_plot<- ggplot(triangle_df) +
  geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = stat), shape = 24, colour = "black") +
  scale_fill_manual(name = "Oxygen Plant Operational Status",
                    values = c("green", "blue", "red"),
                    labels = c("Operable and operating for part or all of the 24 hours\nprior to sampling",
                               "Operable but not triggered to operate in the 24 hours\nprior to sampling",
                               "Inoperable for part or all of the 24 hours prior to sampling")) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.key.size = unit(8, "mm"),
        legend.background = element_blank(), = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white"),
        legend.title = element_text(face="bold")) +
  guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=5)))
oxy_grob <- gtable_filter(ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(o_plot)), "guide-box") #EXPORT TO SYSDATA

# blackout rectangles for missing data scenarios
# for Swan
S_blockdf_all <- S_sitesdf %>%
  filter(site != "SRP_RSSA") %>%
  dplyr::select(site, dist_mouth) %>%
  mutate(diff = (dist_mouth - lag(dist_mouth))/1000) %>%
  mutate(hlf = diff/2, xmin = dist_mouth/1000 - hlf) %>%
  mutate(xmax = lead(xmin), ymin = -22.1, ymax = 0) %>%
  dplyr::select(-diff, -hlf)

# edits for whole of river
S_blockdf_all[1, 3] <- -1 #FP1 xmin
S_blockdf_all[23, 4] <- 51.6 #POL xmax

# edits for narrows up
S_blockdf_nar <- S_blockdf_all
S_blockdf_nar[, 5] <- -10.05
S_blockdf_nar[6, 3] <- 20.95

# for Canning
C_blockdf_all <- C_sitesdf %>%
  filter(site != "CRP_RSSA") %>%
  dplyr::select(site, dist_bridg) %>%
  filter(site == "SCB2" | site == "SAL" | site == "RIV" | site == "CASMID" |
           site == "KEN" | site == "BAC" | site == "NIC" | site == "ELL") %>%
  mutate(diff = (dist_bridg - lag(dist_bridg))/1000) %>%
  mutate(hlf = diff/2, xmin = dist_bridg/1000 - hlf) %>%
  mutate(xmax = lead(xmin), ymin = -7.1, ymax = 0) %>%
  dplyr::select(-diff, -hlf)

# edits for whole of river
C_blockdf_all[1, 3] <- 0.5
C_blockdf_all[8, 4] <- 15.95

# edits to plot nicely around weir
C_blockdf_weir <- C_blockdf_all
C_blockdf_weir[4, 4] <- 11.3 # for CASMID xmax
C_blockdf_weir[5, 3] <- 11.3 # for KEN xmin

## Save out sysdtat.rda
usethis::use_data(sal_brk, do_mg_l_brk, chl_brk, temp_brk, S_sitesdf, C_sitesdf,
                  S_oxy_locs, C_oxy_locs, S_bottom, S_bottom_nar, C_bottom_open,
                  C_bottom_weir, S_grd_all, S_grd_nar, C_grd_low, C_grd_up,
                  C_grd_all, reclass_matrices, oxy_grob, S_blockdf_all, S_blockdf_nar,
                  C_blockdf_all, C_blockdf_weir, internal = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
Bartesto/monitoR documentation built on Aug. 17, 2019, 12:37 a.m.