
Defines functions FindFrozenTrials outlier get_pairs tag_low_data_trials assign_time_windows late_target_retrieved get_late_target_onset get_mesrep keypress_retrieved keypress_issues fixations_to_timeseries verify_no_overlapping_fixations read_message_report read_fixation_report read_report merge_split_reports check_split_data_consistency split_message_report split_fixation_report split_report characters_to_factors string2object object2string

Documented in assign_time_windows characters_to_factors fixations_to_timeseries get_late_target_onset get_mesrep keypress_issues keypress_retrieved late_target_retrieved merge_split_reports read_fixation_report read_message_report read_report split_fixation_report split_message_report split_report tag_low_data_trials

object2string <- function(obj){
  # Gets string from name of the object, ex object2string(blop) returns "blop"

string2object <- function(string_name, val){
  assign(string_name, val)
  # how to return it?
  # eval(parse(text = string_name))

#' Convert all character columns to factors
#' @param df Dataframe whose columns need conversion.
#' @return Dataframe with all character columns converted to factors.
#' @export
characters_to_factors <- function(df){
  df[sapply(df, is.character)] <- lapply(df[sapply(df, is.character)],

DEFAULT_WINDOWS_UPPER_BOUNDS <- list(short = 2000,
                                     med = 3500,
                                     long = 5000)

#' Split a fixation or message report into hierarchical dataframes
#' @param drop_empty_columns Logical. If TRUE, columns that are all NA will be
#'   dropped.
#' @keywords internal
split_report <- function(report,
                         drop_empty_columns = TRUE) {

  # Rename the key columns
  rename_map <- c()
  recording_key <- 'recording_id'
  trial_key <- 'trial_index'
  rename_map[recording_key] <- 'RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL'
  rename_map[trial_key] <- 'TRIAL_INDEX'
  report <- report %>% dplyr::rename(dplyr::all_of(rename_map))

  if (isTRUE(drop_empty_columns)) {
    report <- report %>%
      dplyr::select_if(~ !all(is.na(.x)))

  find_constant_columns <- function(df, .by = NULL) {
    constant_columns <- df %>%
                      ~ length(unique(.x)) == 1),
        .by = .by) %>%
      dplyr::select(-dplyr::all_of(.by)) %>%
      dplyr::select(dplyr::where(~ all(.x))) %>%


  # Experiment-level data
  experiment_data_columns <- report %>%

  experiment_data <- report %>%
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(experiment_data_columns)) %>%

  report <- report %>%

  # Recording-level data
  recording_data_columns <- report %>%
    find_constant_columns(.by = recording_key)

  recording_data <- report %>%
                                  recording_data_columns))) %>%

  report <- report %>%

  # Trial-level data
  trial_keys <- c(recording_key, trial_key)

  trial_data_columns <- report %>%
    find_constant_columns(.by = trial_keys)

  trial_data <- report %>%
                                  trial_data_columns))) %>%

  # The rest
  report <- report %>%
    dplyr::select(-dplyr::all_of(trial_data_columns)) %>%

  return(list(experiment = experiment_data,
              recordings = recording_data,
              trials = trial_data,
              the_rest = report))


#' Split a fixation report into a list of hierarchical dataframes
#' @param report Fixation report dataframe as created by `read_fixation_report`.
#' @inheritParams split_report
#' @param drop_saccades,drop_prev_and_next Logical. If TRUE, columns related to
#'   saccades and previous/next fixations/saccades will be dropped.
#' @export
split_fixation_report <- function(report,
                                  drop_empty_columns = TRUE,
                                  drop_saccades = TRUE,
                                  drop_prev_and_next = TRUE) {

  if (isTRUE(drop_saccades)) {
    report <- report %>%
      # ignore.case is TRUE by default, added here for transparency
        -dplyr::starts_with('previous_sac_', ignore.case = TRUE),
        # there are no current saccades in fixation reports
        -dplyr::starts_with('next_sac_', ignore.case = TRUE))

  if (isTRUE(drop_prev_and_next)) {
    report <- report %>%
      dplyr::select(-dplyr::starts_with('previous_', ignore.case = TRUE),
                    -dplyr::starts_with('next_', ignore.case = TRUE))

  data <- split_report(report,
                       drop_empty_columns = drop_empty_columns) %>%
    list_rename(fixations = "the_rest")

  # Rename a few columns
  data$fixations <- data$fixations %>%
        'CURRENT_FIX_Y')) %>%
      t_start = .data$CURRENT_FIX_START,
      t_end = .data$CURRENT_FIX_END,
      x = .data$CURRENT_FIX_X,
      y = .data$CURRENT_FIX_Y) %>%
      dplyr::all_of(c('recording_id', 'trial_index',
                      't_start', 't_end', 'x', 'y')),


#' Split a message report into a list of hierarchical dataframes
#' @param report Message report dataframe as created by `read_message_report`.
#' @inheritParams split_report
#' @export
split_message_report <- function(report,
                                 drop_empty_columns = TRUE
                                 # ek2ek: implement for videos, like in VNA
                                 # compress_repeating = TRUE
) {
  data <- split_report(report,
                       drop_empty_columns = drop_empty_columns) %>%
    list_rename(messages = "the_rest")


#' Checks that common columns in tables derived from the message report are
#' identical (experiment and recording tables) or a subset of (trials table)
#' to the ones derived from the fixations report.
#' @noRd
check_split_data_consistency <- function(mes_rep_data, fix_rep_data) {

  convert_all_to_character <- function(df) {
    df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), as.character))

  assert_common_cols_identical <- function(df1, df2, msg) {
    common_cols <- intersect(colnames(df1), colnames(df2))
        df1[, common_cols] %>% convert_all_to_character,
        df2[, common_cols] %>% convert_all_to_character),
      msg = msg)

  assert_common_cols_is_subset <- function(df1, df2, msg) {
    common_cols <- intersect(colnames(df1), colnames(df2))
        df1[, common_cols] %>% convert_all_to_character,
        df2[, common_cols] %>% convert_all_to_character,
        by = common_cols
      ) %>%
      msg = msg)

  non_identical_error_msg <- glue::glue("
      The {{level}}-level info differs between the fixation and message \\
      reports. Update the `${{level}}` table in the split version of either \\
      or both so that the information in the common columns is identical \\
      between the two if as.character is applied -- then try merging again.")

    msg = glue::glue(non_identical_error_msg, level = "experiment"))

    glue::glue(non_identical_error_msg, level = "recordings"))

  not_subset_error_msg <- glue::glue("
      The trial-level info in the fixation report is not a subset of that in \\
      the message report. Update the `trials` table in the split version of \\
      either or both so that the information in the common columns is a \\
      subset of the other if as.character is applied -- then try merging again.")

    msg = not_subset_error_msg)


#' Merge tables from split fixation and message reports
#' The main point of merging is to have one list and no repeating data. For
#' example, we don't have two "trials" tables in memory where the one coming
#' from the message report has more trials - we want them merged.
#' @param fix_rep_data List of tables as returned by `split_fixation_report`.
#' @param mes_rep_data List of tables as returned by `split_message_report`.
#' @export
merge_split_reports <- function(fix_rep_data, mes_rep_data) {

  check_split_data_consistency(mes_rep_data, fix_rep_data)

  join_tables <- function(df1, df2, how, key_columns) {
    # Joins tables, first removing redundant columns from the second table.
    # We a

    redundant_cols <- setdiff(intersect(colnames(df1),
    df2 <- df2 %>%

    how <- match.arg(how, c('cross', 'inner', 'left'))

    if (how == 'cross') {
      assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(key_columns, c()))
      return(dplyr::cross_join(df1, df2))

    join_fun <- switch(how,
                       "inner" = dplyr::inner_join,
                       "left" = dplyr::left_join

    joined <- join_fun(
      by = key_columns,
      relationship = 'one-to-one',
      unmatched = 'error')


  recording_key <- 'recording_id'
  trial_key <- 'trial_index'

  merged <- list(
    experiment = join_tables(
      how = "cross",
      key_columns = c()),
    recordings = join_tables(
      how = "inner",
      key_columns = recording_key),
    trials = join_tables(
      how = "left",
      key_columns = c(recording_key, trial_key)),
    fixations = fix_rep_data$fixations,
    messages = mes_rep_data$messages)



#' Read EyeLink fixation/message report file
#' @param report_path Report file path.
#  issue: Do not use this parameter by default. Instead, raise an error if there
#    were problems during reading and suggest setting `guess_max` to the
#    smallest number that doesn't lead to problems. The current version is
#    unnecessarily slow.
#' @param guess_max Passed to `readr::read_tsv`. Default is 100000. Decreasing
#'   this number can speed up reading, just make sure there were no problems
#'   during reading by looking out for warning from `readr` or by passing the
#'   output dataframe to `readr::problems`.
#' @param remove_unfinished Removes lines where the `order` column is NA. Does
#'   not work in the current version because no value are interpreted as NA.
#' @param remove_practice Only keeps rows where the `practice` column is "n".
#' @return A dataframe with the report data.
#' @keywords internal
read_report <- function(report_path,
                        guess_max = 100000,
                        remove_unfinished = TRUE,
                        remove_practice = TRUE){

  report <- readr::read_tsv(report_path,
                            na = '.',
                            guess_max = guess_max)

  # remove incomplete studies
  # note: I don't know why this'd work or what "studies" means here. Zhenya.
  # note: Previously, we had na = character() in read_tsv and `order` was never
  #   NA so this didn't do anything at all. Now, we have na = '.' so this might
  #   change things for existing analyses.
  if (remove_unfinished){
    report <- report %>%

  # remove practice rows
  # issue: Assert that practice is "y", "n" or NA.
  if (remove_practice){
    report <- report %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$practice == "n")


#' Read EyeLink fixation report file
#' @inherit read_report
#' @export
read_fixation_report <- function(report_path,
                                 guess_max = 100000,
                                 remove_unfinished = TRUE,
                                 remove_practice = TRUE) {
  read_report(report_path = report_path,
              guess_max = guess_max,
              remove_unfinished = remove_unfinished,
              remove_practice = remove_practice)

#' Read EyeLink message report file
#' @inherit read_report
#' @export
# note: The parameters are copied here instead of using `@inheritDotParams`
#   and function(...) read_report(...) in order th have parameter autocomplete.
read_message_report <- function(report_path,
                                guess_max = 100000,
                                remove_unfinished = TRUE,
                                remove_practice = TRUE) {

  read_report(report_path = report_path,
              guess_max = guess_max,
              remove_unfinished = remove_unfinished,
              remove_practice = remove_practice)

#' @noRd
verify_no_overlapping_fixations <- function(fixations_df) {
  fixations_df <- fixations_df %>%
    # I don't want to sort the table because of this so I am going to restore
    # the original order at the end
    dplyr::mutate(row_number = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$recording_id, .data$trial_index) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$t_start, .data$t_end, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(overlapping =
                  .data$t_start <= dplyr::lag(.data$t_end, default = -Inf)) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    # Restore original row order
    dplyr::arrange(.data$row_number) %>%

    msg = glue::glue("Overlapping fixations found in the data.",
                     " You'll need to drop the extra ones.",
                     " Search on gitbook for more info."))

  fixations_df %>% dplyr::select(-.data$overlapping)

#' Convert a dataframe of fixation intervals to an evenly spaced timeseries
#' - The fixations are first dropped/trimmed if `t_max` is set.
#' - The fixation interval boundaries are then rounded up to the nearest
#'   multiples of `t_step`.
#' - Each fixation row is then duplicated as many time as there are time points
#'   (also multiples of `t_step`) falling within the rounded up intervals. The
#'   timepoins are stored in a new column `time`.
#' - If a timepoint falls within multiple fixations, only the row with the
#'   later fixation is kept.
#' - If a timepoint doesn't fall within any fixations in a given trial, it won't
#'   appear in the output at all.
#' @param fixations A dataframe that must minimally contain the following
#'   columns:
#'   - `recording_id` and `trial_index` that uniquely identify trials.
#'   - `t_start`, `t_end` - the start and end times of the
#'     fixations in ms. Use `read_*_report`, `split_*_report`, and
#'     `merge_split_reports` to get such a dataframe.
#' @param t_step The time step in ms.
#' @param t_max Optional. The maximum time in ms. Fixations that start after
#'  this time will be removed and the end time of fixations that end after this
#'  time will be set to this time.
#' @return A dataframe with similar columns as the input dataframe but with
#'   many more rows. Here are the differences in columns:0
#' - A new column `time` was added that contains the time points that are
#'   multiples of `t_step` and are within the fixation interval after it was
#'   rounded up to the nearest multiple of `t_step`.
#' - The `t_start` and `t_end` columns were renamed to `fixation_start` and
#'   `fixation_end`.
#' - Some fixations may have been dropped if they started after `t_max` or if
#'   they were all in one time bin and it was shared with another fixation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fixations <- data.frame(
#'   recording_id = seq(1, 3),
#'   trial_index = seq(1, 3),
#'   t_start = c(105, 202, 256),
#'   t_end = c(155, 241, 560),
#'   x = c(0, -50, 50),
#'   y = rep(0, 3))
#' t_step <- 20
#' t_max <- 400
#' fixations_to_timeseries(fixations, t_step, t_max)
fixations_to_timeseries <- function(
  t_step = 20,
  t_max = NULL) {

  assertthat::assert_that(has_columns(fixations, c(


  if (!is.null(t_max)) {
    # Drop all fixations that start after the t_max
    fixations <- fixations[fixations$t_start < t_max, ]
    # Trim fixation end times to be less than t_max
    fixations$t_end[fixations$t_end > t_max] <- t_max

  # Match fixations to a dataframe with timepoints from the start of the
  # earliest fixation to the end of the latest fixation
  fixation_timeseries <- fixations %>%
      dplyr::across(c(.data$t_start, .data$t_end),
                    ~ ceiling(.x / .env$t_step) * .env$t_step,
                    .names = '{.col}_rounded')) %>%
      dplyr::tibble(time = seq(min(.$t_start_rounded),
                               by = t_step)),
      by = dplyr::join_by(dplyr::between(
        x$t_start_rounded, x$t_end_rounded))) %>%
    dplyr::select(-.data$t_start_rounded, -.data$t_end_rounded) %>%
      fixation_start = .data$t_start,
      fixation_end = .data$t_end)

  # There is a border case in which two fixations share a time point resulting
  # in two rows with the same `time`. Ex.:
  # fixation intervals (1, 41) and (49, 69) will be rounded to (20, 60) and
  # (60, 80) and then expanded to time points [20, 40, 60] and [60, 80]. We will
  # use data from the second fixation at time point 60 in such cases.
  # issue: This a fragile way to handle this because it relies on the fixations
  #   being sorted by `t_start` and `t_end`. Either sort the fixations or find
  #   (recording_id, trial_index, time) duplicates and keep the row with the
  #   highest fixation_start. In practice, this is probably fine because the
  #   fixation report *is* sorted and so should the fixations table be, unless
  #   someone intentionally reorders at some step in the pipeline.
  fixation_timeseries <- subset(
    c(time[2:length(time)] != time[1:(length(time)-1)], TRUE))


#' (no docs yet) Find key press issues and create a doc to check and potentially correct them
#' @param data
#' @param study
#' @param practice_trials
#' @param output_dir
#' @param out_csv
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
keypress_issues <- function(data, study = "eye_tracking_study", practice_trials = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"), output_dir = "../data/", out_csv = FALSE){ # or study = NULL and take data[:-4]
  keypress_issues <- data %>%
    dplyr::filter(RT == -1 & !Trial %in% practice_trials) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL, TRIAL_INDEX, Trial, AudioTarget)%>%
    dplyr::distinct(RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL, TRIAL_INDEX, Trial, RT, AudioTarget)
  if (out_csv){
      paste(output_dir, "keypress_issues_", study, "_",
            stringr::str_replace_all(Sys.time(), ' ', '_'), ".csv", sep=''))

# retrieve corrected kp OR retrieve correct late target onset // separate functions?
# TODO: zh: Update/delete the comment. I think it is out of date and the functions have already been separated

#' (no docs yet) Load file with manually corrected key presses or late target onsets
#' @param filename
#' @param drop_list
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
keypress_retrieved <- function(filename, drop_list = c("video_pop_time", "video_targetonset", "notes")){
  retrieved_kp <- readxl::read_excel(filename) %>%
  retrieved_kp #return?

#' (no docs yet) Create message report with corrected key presses
#' @param mesrep_all
#' @param fixed_kp
#' @param final_columns
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
get_mesrep <- function(mesrep_all, fixed_kp, final_columns = c("RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL", "CURRENT_MSG_TIME", "TRIAL_INDEX", "AudioTarget", "Trial")){

  mesrep_temp <- mesrep_all %>% #subset of mesrep_all
    dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(final_columns, "CURRENT_MSG_TEXT", "RT")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(RT = as.numeric(as.character(RT)),

  good_kp_mesrep <- mesrep_temp %>% # message reports corresponding to good key presses
    dplyr::filter(CURRENT_MSG_TEXT == "EL_BUTTON_CRIT_WORD") %>%

  fixed_kp_mesrep <- mesrep_temp %>% # message reports corresponding to fixed key presses
    dplyr::filter(CURRENT_MSG_TEXT=="PLAY_POP" & RT=="-1") %>%
    dplyr::left_join(fixed_kp %>% dplyr::filter(outcome=="FIX")) %>%
    dplyr::rename(PLAY_POP=CURRENT_MSG_TIME) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(CURRENT_MSG_TIME = PLAY_POP+ms_diff) %>%

  mesrep <- fixed_kp_mesrep %>% # merge both reports

  mesrep # return?

#' (no docs yet) Find late target onsets and create a doc to check and potentially correct them
#' @param data
#' @param max_time
#' @param study
#' @param output_dir
#' @param out_csv
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
get_late_target_onset <- function(data, max_time = 6000, study = "eye_tracking_study", output_dir = "../data/", out_csv = FALSE){
  late_target_onset <- data %>%
    dplyr::filter(CURRENT_MSG_TIME>max_time) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL, TRIAL_INDEX, Trial, AudioTarget) %>%
    dplyr::distinct(RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL, TRIAL_INDEX, Trial, AudioTarget)
      paste(output_dir, "late_target_onset_", study, "_",
            stringr::str_replace_all(Sys.time(), ' ', '_'), ".csv", sep=''))

# retrieve corrected kp OR retrieve correct late target onset // separate functions? ## IDENTICAL TO KP FUNCTION
# TODO: zh: Update/delete the comment. I think it is out of date and the functions have already been separated

#' (no docs yet) Load file with manually corrected late target onsets
#' @param filename
#' @param drop_list
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
late_target_retrieved <- function(filename, drop_list = c("video_pop_time", "video_targetonset", "notes")){
  retrieved_late_target <- readxl::read_excel(filename) %>%
  retrieved_late_target #return?

#' Assigns binned fixations to a short, medium, and long time windows
#' @param fixation_timeseries A fixation timeseries dataframe that is required to minimally contain these columns:
#'  - `target_onset` (numeric): Time of target onset in milliseconds.
#'  - `time` (numeric): Time in ms from the start of the trial.
#' @param t_step The time step in ms. MUST match the one used in `fixations_to_timeseries`.
#' @param t_start Time when the windows starts, defaults to 360. Must be a multiple of `bin_size`.
#' @param short_window_time,med_window_time,long_window_time End timepoints of the short, medium, and long windows in milliseconds from the target word onset. Default to `r DEFAULT_WINDOWS_UPPER_BOUNDS$short`, `r DEFAULT_WINDOWS_UPPER_BOUNDS$med`, and `r DEFAULT_WINDOWS_UPPER_BOUNDS$long`, respectively.
#' @details
#' Parameter `t_start` defaults to 360, because it is the closest bin to 367 ms, which is the magic window onset from Fernald et al. (2008).
#' A note on the window and bin boundaries. Let's use `nb_1 = 18` and the long window as an example. Both bins located exactly 360 ms and 5000 ms after the target onset will be counted as belonging to the long window (`longwin == "Y"`). In the case of the lower bound, this creates a slight inconsistency with the `Nonset` column: in most cases, the bin with `Nonset` equal to 360 ms will not belong to any windows, but in ~1/20 of the cases where the bin is exactly at 360 ms from the target onset, it will belong to all windows.
#' @return The input dataframe with the following columns added:
#' - `prewin` (factor): Whether a time bin comes before the target onset. Level labels are "Y" and "N".
#' - `shortwin`, `medwin`, `longwin` (factor): Whether a time bin is in the short, medium, or long window, respectively. Level labels are "Y" and "N".
#' - `whichwin_short`, `whichwin_med`, `whichwin_long` (factor): Whether a time bin
#'   - is in the short, medium, or long window (level label "short", "medium", or "long", respectively),
#'   - comes before the target onset (level "pre"), or
#'   - neither (level "neither").
#' - `t_onset` (numeric): Time (in ms) from the target onset rounded up to the nearest multiple of `bin_size`.
#' @export
assign_time_windows <- function(
  t_step = 20,
  t_start = 360,  # floor(367 / 20)
  short_window_time = DEFAULT_WINDOWS_UPPER_BOUNDS$short,
  med_window_time = DEFAULT_WINDOWS_UPPER_BOUNDS$med,
  long_window_time = DEFAULT_WINDOWS_UPPER_BOUNDS$long) {

    original_columns <- colnames(fixation_timeseries)

    # Assert that t_start is a multiple of bin_size
      t_start %% t_step == 0,
      msg = "t_start must be a multiple of bin_size")

    # Check that the time and target_onset columns are present and are numeric
      all(c("time", "target_onset") %in% colnames(fixation_timeseries)),
      msg = "fixation_timeseries must contain columns 'time' and 'target_onset'")

    assertr::assert(fixation_timeseries, is.numeric, time, target_onset)

    # Check that target_onset is not NA and is a positive number
      !any(is.na(fixation_timeseries$target_onset)) &&
      all(fixation_timeseries$target_onset > 0),
      msg = "target_onset must be a non-empty positive number")

    # Adds '{size}win' and 'whichwin_{size}' columns where size is "short",
    # "med", or "long"
    add_window_columns <- function(df, size, window_end_ms) {
      df %>%
          sizewin = dplyr::between(.data$time_shifted_ms,
                                   .env$t_start, .env$window_end_ms),
          whichwin_size = dplyr::case_when(
            # Both prewin and sizewin are boolean at this point
            .data$prewin ~ "pre",
            .data$sizewin ~ .env$size,  # e.g., "short"
            TRUE ~ "neither")) %>%
          '{size}win' := .data$sizewin,
          'whichwin_{size}' := .data$whichwin_size)

    fixation_timeseries %>%
        time_shifted_ms = time - target_onset,
        prewin = time_shifted_ms <= 0) %>%
      add_window_columns("short", short_window_time) %>%
      add_window_columns("med", med_window_time) %>%
      add_window_columns("long", long_window_time) %>%
          c(prewin, shortwin, medwin, longwin),
          ~ as.factor(ifelse(.x, "Y", "N")))) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(t_onset = ceiling(time_shifted_ms / t_step) * t_step) %>%
                    shortwin, medwin, longwin,
                    whichwin_short, whichwin_med, whichwin_long,

#' Mark "low-data" trials
#' Trials are considered to be "low-data" if less than `min_fraction` (1/3 by default) of the window of interest contains fixations on either area of interest.
#' Time points that  count are the ones for which:
#' - `is_good_timepoint` is TRUE. Typically, created with something like `mutate(is_good_timepoint = aoi %in% c('TARGET', 'DISTRACTROR')`.
#'   The definition can differ between studies.
#' - Column specified in `window_column` is 'Y'.
#' @param fixation_timeseries  A fixations dataframe that is required to minimally contain these columns:
#' - `recording_id` and `trial_index` to uniquely trials.
#' - `is_good_timepoint` - only rows with TRUE in this column will be counted as having data.
#' - Column specified by `window_column`.
#' @param window_column Name of the column that indicates (using factor label "Y") bins that belong to the window which will be tested for insufficient data.
#' @param t_start Lower bound of the window of interest in milliseconds from the target onset.
#' @param t_end Upper bound of the window of interest in milliseconds from the target onset. If a non-default upper bound was used during the assignment of bins to windows in the `get_windows` call, then that value MUST be supplied here. If NULL (default), the default corresponding to the `subsetWin` will be used.
#' @param min_fraction Minimum fraction of the window that must contain fixations on either area of interest for the trial to be considered "high-data". Default is 1/3.
#' @inheritParams assign_time_windows
#' @return The input dataframe with boolean `is_trial_low_data` column added.
#' @export

tag_low_data_trials <- function(
    t_end = NULL,
    t_step = 20,
    min_fraction = 1/3) {

    c("recording_id", "trial_index", "is_good_timepoint", window_column)))

  original_columns <- colnames(fixation_timeseries)

  # If the window size is not provided, use the default for the window indicator column
  if (is.null(t_end)) {
      window_column %in% c("shortwin", "medwin", "longwin"),
      msg = glue::glue("If `t_end` is NULL, `window_column` must be one of",
                       " 'shortwin', 'medwin', or 'longwin'."))

    # Look up t_end for short/med/long window
    window_size_label <- stringr::str_remove(window_column, "win$")
    t_end <- DEFAULT_WINDOWS_UPPER_BOUNDS[[window_size_label]]

  min_points_with_data <- floor((t_end - t_start) / t_step * min_fraction)

  tagged <- fixation_timeseries %>%
    assertr::verify(!!rlang::sym(window_column) %in% c('Y', 'N')) %>%
      # issue: check that `window_column` only takes "Y" or "N" values
      in_time_window = !!rlang::sym(window_column) == "Y",
      has_data = .data$in_time_window & .data$is_good_timepoint) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$recording_id, .data$trial_index) %>%
      bins_with_data_count = sum(.data$has_data),
      is_trial_low_data =
        .data$bins_with_data_count < .env$min_points_with_data) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(original_columns), .data$is_trial_low_data)



get_pairs <- function(data, study = "eye_tracking", output_dir = '../data/', out_csv = FALSE){
  res <- data %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SubjectNumber) %>%
  if (out_csv){
    name <- paste(output_dir, "pairs_", study, "_", stringr::str_replace_all(Sys.time(), ' ', '_'), ".csv", sep='')
    readr::write_csv(res, name)

outlier <- function(cross_item_mean_proptcorrTT, num_sd=3) {
  (cross_item_mean_proptcorrTT >
     (mean(cross_item_mean_proptcorrTT) +
        num_sd*(sd(cross_item_mean_proptcorrTT))) |
     cross_item_mean_proptcorrTT <
     (mean(cross_item_mean_proptcorrTT) -

FindFrozenTrials <- function(gazeData,
                             gaze) {

  gazeData <-  gazeData %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SubjectNumber, Trial) %>%
      frozen = ifelse(
        length(levels(forcats::fct_explicit_na(gaze, na_level = "NA"))) == 1,

 message("Column added identifying trials where gaze stayed in one interest area for whole trial (frozen = T).")
BergelsonLab/blabr documentation built on July 10, 2024, 10:44 a.m.