
Defines functions fisher_metric sobolev_metric

Documented in fisher_metric sobolev_metric

#' GAPGOM internal - Geometrical Similarity Measures
#' These functions are internal functions and should not be called by the user.
#' These geometric functions will calculate the distance between two random
#' sets of variables. In our usecase this would be an expression values (FPKM).
#' Given two gene expression value lists, semantic similarity will be
#' calculated between them. This is then returned. Fisher metric is based on 
#' the G. Lebanon et al. implementation. [1] The sobolev metrix is based on 
#' the T. Villmann et al. implementation. [2]
#' @section Notes:
#' Both sobolev_metric() and fisher_metric() should have exactly the same
#' input and output types. Functions are used in predict_sobolev() and 
#' predict_fisher().
#' @param x gene expression value vector (numeric) of reference/novel gene
#' that needs to be compared to the dataset.
#' @param y also a gene expression value vector, the idea here is that indexes
#' between x and y correspond for same or similar tissues for accurate
#' similarity. x and y may also be swapped.
#' @return score of similarity between the two vectors (type=double)
#' @references [1]. Villmann T: \strong{Sobolev metrixs for learning of 
#' functional data - mathematical and theoretical aspects.} In:
#' \emph{Machine Learning Reports}.
#' Edited by Villmann T, Schleif F-m, vol. 1. Leipzig, Germany: Medical
#' Department, University of Leipzig; 2007: 1-13.
#' @references [2]. Lebanon G: \strong{Learning riemannian metrics.} In:
#' \emph{Proceedings of the Nineteenth conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
#' Intelligence; Acapulco Mexico.} Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. 2003: 362-369
#' @name geometrical_measures
#' @keywords internal

#' @rdname geometrical_measures
#' @importFrom stats fft
sobolev_metric <- function(x, y) {
  x1 <- x^2/(sum(x^2))
  y1 <- y^2/(sum(y^2))
  z1 <- x1 - y1
  FT <- fft(z1)
  w <- 2 * pi * (seq_len(length(FT)))/(length(FT))
  s <- sum((1 + w) * abs(FT)^2)^(1/2)

#' @rdname geometrical_measures
fisher_metric <- function(x, y) {
  x1 <- x^2/(sum(x^2))
  y1 <- y^2/(sum(y^2))
  t <- x1 * y1
  s <- acos(sum(sqrt(t)))
Berghopper/GAPGOM documentation built on July 2, 2020, 11:57 p.m.