
Defines functions points_transform daymet_station_uri daymet_grid_uri param_from_uri_station param_from_uri_grid get_res get_crs daymet_version

Documented in daymet_grid_uri daymet_station_uri daymet_version get_crs get_res param_from_uri_grid param_from_uri_station points_transform

#' Retrieve the current dayment version identifier
#' @export
#' @return charcater version identifier
daymet_version <- function(){

#' Retrieve a coordinate reference string by name
#' @export
#' @param name character - either 'longlat', or 'daymet' or 'native' The latter
#'   is the same as 'lcc'.
#' @return coordinate reference string in proj4 style
get_crs <- function(name = c("longlat", "lcc", "native")[1]){

           "longlat" = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0",
           paste("+proj=lcc +lon_0=-100 +lat_0=42.5 +lat_1=25 +lat_2=60",
                  "+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84",

#' Retrieve the resolution
#' @export
#' @return a two element [x,y] numeric
get_res <- function(){

#' Guess the parameter from the uri for gridded data
#' @export
#' @param uri character the uri to the resource
#' @return character best guess of the parameter short hand
param_from_uri_grid <- function(uri = c("daymet_v4_tmin_2018_na.nc4")){
    sapply(strsplit(basename(uri), "_", fixed = TRUE), '[[', 3)

#' Guess the parameter from the uri for station data
#' @export
#' @param uri character the uri to the resource
#' @return character best guess of the parameter short hand
param_from_uri_station <- function(uri = c("daymet_v4_stnsxval_prcp_na_1980.nc4")){
    sapply(strsplit(basename(uri), "_", fixed = TRUE), '[[', 4)

#' Build a daymet uri for gridded data
#' @export
#' @param year 4 digit year (just one please)
#' @param mosaic character mosaic set (na, pr or hi)
#' @param param character the parameter name
#' @param interval character daily, monthly or annual
#' @param version character, "v4"
#' @param baseuri character, the base uri
#' @return charcater uri
daymet_grid_uri <- function(year = 2018,
                            mosaic = 'na',
                            param = 'tmin',
                            interval = 'daily',
                            version = daymet_version(),
                            baseuri = "https://thredds.daac.ornl.gov/thredds/dodsC/ornldaac"){
    # V3
    # day    1328/2018/daymet_v3_tmin_2018_na.nc4
    # monavg 1345/daymet_v3_tmin_monavg_2017_na.nc4
    # momttl 1345/daymet_v3_prcp_monttl_1980_na.nc4
    # annttl 1343/daymet_v3_tmin_annavg_1980_na.nc4
    # annttl 1343/daymet_v3_prcp_annttl_1980_na.nc4

    # V4
    # day https://thredds.daac.ornl.gov/thredds/dodsC/ornldaac/1840/daymet_v4_daily_na_prcp_2021.nc
        # https://thredds.daac.ornl.gov/thredds/dodsC/ornldaac/1840/daymet_v4_daily_na_prcp_2021.nc
    # mon https://thredds.daac.ornl.gov/thredds/dodsC/ornldaac/1855/daymet_v4_prcp_monttl_na_2020.nc
    port <- switch(tolower(version[1]),
      "v4" = c(
                'daily'   = 1840,
                'monthly' = 1855,
                'annual'  = 1852 ),
               'daily'   = 1328,
               'monthly' = 1345,
               'annual'  = 1343 )
    mon <- c(
        prcp = "monttl",
        tmax = "monavg",
        tmin = "monavg",
        vp   = "monavg" )
    ann <- c(
        prcp = 'annttl',
        tmax = "annavg",
        tmin = "annavg",
        vp   = "annavg" )
    year <- sprintf("%0.4i", as.numeric(year[1]))
    if (version[1] == "v4"){
      bname <- switch(interval[1],
                                  #        daymet_v4_daily_na_prcp_2021.nc
                      'daily'   = sprintf("daymet_%s_daily_%s_%s_%s.nc",
                                          version[1], mosaic[1], param[1], year ),
                      # 1855/              daymet_v4_tmax_monavg_na_1998.nc
                      'monthly' = sprintf("daymet_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.nc",
                                          version[1], param[1], mon[param[1]], mosaic[1], year),
                      #                    daymet_v4_swe_annavg_na_2019.nc
                      'annual'  = sprintf("daymet_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.nc",
                                          version[1], param[1], ann[param[1]], mosaic[1], year)  )
    } else {
      bname <- switch(interval[1],
                    'daily'   = sprintf("daymet_%s_%s_%s_%s.nc4",
                                        version[1], param[1], year, mosaic[1]),
                    'monthly' = sprintf("daymet_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.nc4",
                                        version[1], param[1], mon[param[1]], year, mosaic[1]),
                    'annual'  = sprintf("daymet_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.nc4",
                                        version[1], param[1], ann[param[1]], year, mosaic[1])  )
           'daily'   = file.path(baseuri, port[interval[1]], bname),
           file.path(baseuri, port[interval[1]], bname)

#' Build a daymet uri for station data
#' @export
#' @param year 4 digit year (just one please)
#' @param param character the parameter name
#' @param version character, "v4"
#' @param region character, "na" for North America
#' @param baseuri character, the base uri
#' @return charcater uri
daymet_station_uri <- function(year = 2018,
                            param = 'tmin',
                            version = daymet_version(),
                            region = "na",
                            baseuri = "https://thredds.daac.ornl.gov/thredds/dodsC/ornldaac/1391"){

    port <- switch(tolower(version[1]),
                   "v4" = 1850,
    # https://thredds.daac.ornl.gov/thredds/dodsC/ornldaac/1850/daymet_v4_stnxval_tmin_pr_2020.nc
    # daymet_v3_stnsxval_tmin_2018.nc4
    bname <- sprintf("daymet_%s_stnsxval_%s_%s_%0.4i.nc4", version[1], param[1], region[1], as.numeric(year[1]))
    file.path(baseuri,  bname)

#' Transform a set of coordinates
#' @export
#' @param x numeric locations such as decimal degrees longitude.  If y is not provided then
#'   x must be a two column matrix providing [x,y].
#' @param y numeric locations such as decimal degrees latitude
#' @param from_proj projection of the input coordinates
#' @param to_proj projection of the output coordinates
#' @return 2 column matrix of lcc [x,y]
points_transform <- function(x, y = NULL,
                      from_proj = get_crs("longlat"),
                      to_proj = get_crs("daymet")){

    if (!is.null(y)){
        if (!(length(x) == length(y)))
            stop("x and y must be same length")
    } else if (inherits(x, c('matrix', "numeric"))){
            y <- x[,2]
            x <- x[,1]
    } else {
        stop("x and y must be provided")

    # possibly not correct but preserves my sanity
    from_names <- c("lon", "lat")
    to_names  <- c("x", "y")

    ll <- cbind(x, y)
    colnames(ll) <- from_names
    ix <- apply(ll, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x)) )
    input <- as.data.frame(ll[!ix,, drop = FALSE])
    sp::coordinates(input) <- from_names
    sp::proj4string(input) <- from_proj
    output <- as.matrix(sp::coordinates(sp::spTransform(input, to_proj)))
    ll[!ix, ] <- output
    colnames(ll) <- to_names
BigelowLab/daymet documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 8:21 a.m.