
# TODO re-do thi

#' Retrieve the URI for online data access
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return charcater uri
iceout_uri <- ""

#' Retrieve the data path for the package data
#' @param ... path elements
#' @return charcater path
#' @family dataset builders
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
iceout_path <- function(...){
  system.file("extdata", ..., package = "iceout")

#' Read the iceout_sites file that provides name, longname and location data
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qualified filename
#' @family dataset builders
#' @keywords internal
#' @return tibble of site data
read_sites <- function(filename = iceout_path('iceout_sites.csv')){

#' Fetch all of the data
#' @export
#' @param sites vector of site names (short names)
#' @param dst_path the destuntion path to save the files
#' @family dataset builders
#' @keywords internal
#' @return vector of 0 = success, !0 = failure
fetch_all <- function(sites = read_sites()$name,
                      dst_path = "."){
                 function(name) {
                     fname = sprintf("Data.%s.txt", name)
                     DST = file.path(dst_path,fname)
                     SRC = file.path(iceout_uri, fname)
                     download.file(SRC, DST)

#' Parse one or more sites
#' @export
#' @family dataset builders
#' @param sites one or more site names (short name)
#' @keywords internal
#' @return list of iceout lists
parse_all <- function(sites = read_sites()$name){
                }, simplify = FALSE)

#' Parse a single iceout file
#' @export
#' @param name the site name
#' @param form character, just 'tibble' for now but possibly 'sf' in future
#' @family dataset builders
#' @keywords internal
#' @return list of iceout metadata and data in \code{form} form
parse_iceout <- function(name = "Auburn", form = "tibble"){

	filename = iceout_path(sprintf("Data.%s.txt", name))
	txt <- readLines(filename, encoding = 'latin1')
	ix <- grep("YEAR", txt, fixed = TRUE)
	nhdr <- ix[1]-1
	hdr <- txt[seq_len(nhdr)]
	longname = gsub("Ice-out dates for ", "", hdr[1], fixed = TRUE)
	observer = gsub("Observers.-", "", hdr[3], fixed = TRUE)
	n1 <- "Location of Lake.-Lat. "
	n2 <- ", long. "
	ll <- sub(n2, "", sub(n1, "", hdr[2], fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)
	lat <- as.numeric(substr(ll, 1,2)) +
		   as.numeric(substr(ll, 4,5))/60 +
		   as.numeric(substr(ll, 7,8))/3600
    lon <- 0 -
    	   (as.numeric(substr(ll, 10,11)) +
		   as.numeric(substr(ll, 13,14))/60 +
		   as.numeric(substr(ll, 16,17))/3600)
    d <- txt[-seq_len(nhdr+1)]
    ix <- !grepl("\t", d)
    if (any(ix)) d[ix] <- paste0(d[ix], "\t")
	dat <- readr::read_tsv(paste(d, collapse = "\n"), col_names = c("Year", "DOY"),
	                       na = c("", "NA", "NCIC")) %>%
		dplyr::filter(! %>%
		dplyr::mutate(Date = as.Date(paste(Year, DOY), format = "%Y %j"))
	list(name = name,
		longname = longname,
		observer = observer,
		lon = lon,
		lat = lat,
		data = dat)

#' Read the prepared iceout data
#' @export
#' @param filename the name of the iceout_data.rds file
#' @family dataset builders
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a list of parsed iceout datasets
read_iceout <- function(filename = iceout_path("iceout_data.rds")){
BigelowLab/iceout documentation built on May 26, 2019, 1:34 a.m.