#' Retrieve a temporary directory name
#' This fucntion attempts to create uniquely name directories.
#' @family FILE
#' @export
#' @param pattern character if provided this will be prepended on the temp directory returned
#' @param ramdisk logical if TRUE, then try to get a path into the ramdisk first, if not
#' available then use the standard tempdir
#' @param create logical if TRUE then create the path
#' @return the fully qualified temporary path
get_temp_dirname <- function(pattern = "", ramdisk = file.exists("/dev/shm"), create = TRUE){
if (ramdisk){
stub <- "/dev/shm"
if (!file.exists(stub)) {
stub <- tempdir()
} else {
stub <- tempdir()
path <- tempfile(pattern=pattern, tmpdir = stub)
if (create){
ok <- dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)
if (!ok) warning(paste("Unable to create temporary directory", path))
#' Create a temporary file name
#' @family FILE
#' @export
#' @param pattern character if provided this will be prepended on the filename returned
#' @param path charcater the path to attach the file within
#' @param ext charcater any extension to add to the filename generated
get_temp_filename <- function(pattern = "", path = get_temp_dirname(), ext = ''){
file.path(path, basename(tempfile(pattern = pattern, fileext = ext )) )
#' Sync two directories using the system \code{rsync}
#' In rsync there is a complete test on the change of a file before copying. Using
#' cp_dir perfoms a simpler test for changes, so it might be faster. I think for
#' most pipeline uses it may be better to use cp_dir since pipelines are a once-and-done
#' task.
#' @family FILE
#' @export
#' @param src character the fully qualified source directory
#' @param dst character the fully qualified destination directory
#' @param flags charcater flags for rsync, by default '-rvc'
#' @return the output of the systems rsync command (0 = good!)
rsync_dirs <- function(src, dst, flags = '-rcv'){
if (file.exists(src[1]) && file.exists(dst[1]) ){
cmd <- sprintf("rsync %s %s %s", flags, src, dst)
ok <- system2(cmd)
} else {
cat("Please verify that src and dst exist\n")
ok <- 1
#' Copy the contents of one directory to another using system's \code{cp}.
#' Note that differs from rsync_dirs
#' @family FILE
#' @export
#' @param src character the fully qualified source directory
#' @param dst character the fully qualified destination directory
#' @param flags charcater flags for cp, by default "-uR"
#' @return the output of the systems cp command (0 = good!)
cp_dir <- function(src, dst, flags = "-uR"){
if (file.exists(src[1]) && file.exists(dst[1]) ){
cmd <- sprintf("cp %s %s %s", flags, src, dst)
ok <- system2(cmd)
} else {
cat("Please verify that src and dst exist\n")
ok <- 1
#' Strip one or more extensions off one or more filenames
#' Greedy behavior is optional. Given filename \code{/B/b/B.csv.txt}
#' greedy behavior yields \code{/B/b/B} while lazy behavior yields \code{/B/b/B.csv}
#' @seealso \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2301285/what-do-lazy-and-greedy-mean-in-the-context-of-regular-expressions}
#' @export
#' @param x character vector of one or more filenames
#' @param greedy logical if TRUE remove all extensions
#' @return filenames without extensions
strip_extension <- function(
x = c("/A/A.txt", "/B/b/B.csv.txt", "/C/c.C/C.foo"),
greedy = FALSE){
pattern = if (greedy) "(.*?)\\..*$" else "(.*)\\..*$"
sub(pattern = pattern, replacement = "\\1", x)
#' Divide a fully qualified filename into directory, name and extension parts
#' @family FILE
#' @export
#' @param filename the fully qaulified file name to parse
#' @param extSep the extension separator
#' @return a character vector of file parts, or a list of
#' character vectors if the input has more than one element
file_parts <- function(filename, extSep = "."){
if (length(filename) > 1) {
r <- lapply(filename, file_parts)
} else {
DIR <- dirname(filename)
BASE <- basename(filename)
ix <- gregexpr(extSep, BASE, fixed =TRUE)[[1]]
if (ix[1] > 0) {
EXT <- substring(BASE, ix[length(ix)]+1, nchar(BASE))
name <- gsub(paste0(extSep, EXT), "", BASE, fixed = TRUE)
} else {
EXT = ""
name = BASE
r <- c(dir = DIR, name = name, ext = EXT)
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