
Defines functions plot_t_anom plot_t_ranked_anom plot_t_cycle plot_a_anom plot_sample_density plot_t_series draw_topbar pretty_main plot.stsaav

Documented in draw_topbar plot_a_anom plot_sample_density plot.stsaav plot_t_anom plot_t_cycle plot_t_ranked_anom plot_t_series pretty_main

# visualize.R

#' Plot the seasonal anomaly
#' @export
#' @param x a stsaav object
#' @param symmetric logical, if TRUE then force the coloring to be symmetric
#' @param label_format character the formating specification for the color bar
#' @param main the title
plot_t_anom = function(x,
   symmetric = TRUE,
   label_format = "%0.2f",
   main = pretty_main(x$t_step, what = 'Anomalies')){
   stopifnot(inherits(x, 'stsaav'))
   opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
   tcol <- x$xycol[['tcol']]
   vcol <- x$xycol[['vcol']]
   labs  = names(dimnames(x$t_sum))

   bar <- c(
       "lightskyblue4",  "lightskyblue3",  "lightskyblue2", "lightskyblue1",
       "palevioletred1", "palevioletred2", "palevioletred3", "palevioletred4",
   NC <- length(bar)
   #NC <- 10
   par(las = 1)
   #cbar <- colorRampPalette(c( "#00007F","blue","#007FFF","cyan","#7FFF7F","yellow","#FF7F00","red","#7F0000"))
   cbar <- colorRampPalette(bar)
   rz <- range(x$t_dep, na.rm = TRUE)
   if (symmetric) rz <- max(abs(rz)) * c(-1,1)
   image(x$t_x, x$t_y, t(x$t_dep), zlim = rz, col = cbar(NC),
      xlab = labs[2], ylab = labs[1], main = main)
   if (x$t_step != 'Day')
      grid(nx = length(x$t_x), ny = length(x$t_y), col = 'white', 
         lwd = if(x$t_step == 'Month') 2 else 1, 
         lty = 'solid')
   par(xpd = NA)
   #rz <- range(x$t_dep, na.rm = TRUE)
   bar <- matrix(cbar(NC), ncol = NC, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
   u <- draw_topbar(bar)
   text( x = c(u['l'] - u['w']*0.05, u['r'] + u['w']*0.05),
         y = c(u['cy'], u['cy']),
         labels = sprintf(label_format, rz), 
         cex = 0.9, adj = c(0.5, 0.5))

   par(xpd = opar[['xpd']], las = opar[['las']])
} # plot_t_anom


#' Plot the seasonal anomaly
#' @export
#' @param x a stsaav object
#' @param n_sd numeric vector, number of standard deviation steps above/below
#'    by default we use -3 to +3 
#' @param label_format character the formating specification for the color bar
plot_t_ranked_anom = function(x,
   n_sd = c(-3, 3),
   label_format = "%0.0f",
   main = pretty_main(x$t_step, what = 'Ranked Anomalies')){
   stopifnot(inherits(x, 'stsaav'))
   opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
   tcol <- x$xycol[['tcol']]
   vcol <- x$xycol[['vcol']]
   labs  = names(dimnames(x$t_sum))
   par(las = 1)
   bar <- c(
       "lightskyblue4",  "lightskyblue3",  "lightskyblue2", "lightskyblue1",
       "palevioletred1", "palevioletred2", "palevioletred3", "palevioletred4")
   sd_steps <- seq(from = n_sd[1], to = n_sd[2], by = 1)
   if (length(bar) != (length(sd_steps) + 1)){
      bar <- colorRampPalette(bar)(length(sd_steps) + 1)
   NC <- length(bar)
   z <- matrix(findInterval(x$t_rdep, sd_steps) + 1,
      ncol = ncol(x$t_rdep), nrow = nrow(x$t_rdep))
   image(x$t_x, x$t_y, t(z), col = bar,
      xlab = labs[2], ylab = labs[1], 
      main = main)
   if (x$t_step != 'Day')
      grid(nx = length(x$t_x), ny = length(x$t_y), col = 'white', 
         lwd = if(x$t_step == 'Month') 2 else 1, 
         lty = 'solid')   
   par(xpd = NA)
   rz <- range(sd_steps)
   bar <- matrix(bar, ncol = NC, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
   u <- draw_topbar(bar)
   text( x = c(u['l'] - u['w']*0.05, u['r'] + u['w']*0.05),
         y = c(u['cy'], u['cy']),
         labels = sprintf(paste(label_format, "sd"), rz), 
         cex = 0.9, adj = c(0.5, 0.5))   

   par(xpd = opar[['xpd']], las = opar[['las']])

} # plot_t_anom

#' Plot the seasonal cycle.  Continuous variables are plotted as boxplots while
#' binary variables are plotted as sums.
#' @export
#' @param x a stsaav object
#' @param continuous logical TRUE to treat vcol as a continuous variable 
#' @param main character, by default 'Season Cycle'
plot_t_cycle <- function(x, 
   continuous = is_continuous(x),
   main = pretty_main(x$t_step, what = 'Cycle')){

   stopifnot(inherits(x, 'stsaav'))
   opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
   tcol <- x$xycol[['tcol']]
   vcol <- x$xycol[['vcol']]
   labs  = names(dimnames(x$t_sum))
   par(las = 1)  
   if (continuous){

      boxplot( as.numeric(x$data[,vcol]) ~ as.numeric(x$data[,x$t_step]),
         main = main, col = "green", 
         horizontal = TRUE,
         ylab = x$t_step, xlab = vcol)
   } else {
      z <- as.data.frame(t(x$t_mean))
         horizontal = TRUE,
         col = 'green',
         ylab = x$t_step, xlab = vcol,
         main = main)
   par(las = opar[['las']])
} # plot_t_cycle

#' Plot the seasonal cycle.  Continuous variables are plotted as boxplots while
#' binary variables are plotted as sums.
#' @export
#' @param x a stsaav object
#' @param main the title
plot_a_anom <- function(x,
   main =  'Annual Anomalies'){

   stopifnot(inherits(x, 'stsaav'))
   opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
   tcol <- x$xycol[['tcol']]
   vcol <- x$xycol[['vcol']]
   labs  = names(dimnames(x$t_sum))
   par(las = 1)
      # bottom left annual anomalies
   aa <- x$ann_dep
   plot(as.numeric(names(aa)), aa, 
      typ = 'h', lend = 'butt', lwd = 5,
      col =  c('blue', 'red')[(aa > 0)+1],
      xlab = 'Year', ylab = vcol,
      main = main)  
   par(las = opar[['las']])

#' Plot the sample density. 
#' @export
#' @param x a stsaav object
#' @param label_format character the formating specification for the color bar
#' @param main the title
plot_sample_density <- function(x,
   label_format = "%0.0f",
   main = pretty_main(x$t_step, what='Sample Density') ){

   stopifnot(inherits(x, 'stsaav'))
   opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
   tcol <- x$xycol[['tcol']]
   vcol <- x$xycol[['vcol']]
   labs  = names(dimnames(x$t_sum))
   par(las = 1)
      # bottom right - sample density
   NC <- 9
   bar <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd")
   image(x$t_x, x$t_y, t(x$t_n), col = bar,
      xlab = labs[2], ylab = labs[1], 
      main = main)
   if (x$t_step != 'Day')
      grid(nx = length(x$t_x), ny = length(x$t_y), col = 'white', 
         lwd = if(x$t_step == 'Month') 2 else 1, 
         lty = 'solid')   
   par(xpd = NA)
   rz <- range(x$t_n, na.rm = TRUE)
   bar <- matrix(bar, ncol = NC, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
   u <- draw_topbar(bar)
   text( x = c(u['l'] - u['w']*0.05, u['r'] + u['w']*0.05),
         y = c(u['cy'], u['cy']),
         labels = sprintf(label_format, rz), 
         cex = 0.9, adj = c(0.5, 0.5))

   par(xpd = opar[['xpd']], las = opar[['las']])

#' Plot the timeseries.  Continuous variables are plotted as is while
#' binary variables are plotted as t_step means.
#' @export
#' @param x a stsaav object
#' @param continuous logical TRUE unless dealing with logical inputs. 
#' @param main character, the title
plot_t_series <- function(x,
   continuous = is_continuous(x),
   main = 'Time Series'){
   stopifnot(inherits(x, 'stsaav'))
   opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
   tcol <- x$xycol[['tcol']]
   vcol <- x$xycol[['vcol']]
   labs  = names(dimnames(x$t_sum))  
   par(las = 1)
   if (continuous){
      plot(x$data[,tcol], x$data[,vcol],  
         xlab = 'Date', ylab = vcol,
         main = main,
         cex = 0.6)
      abline(lm(x$data[,vcol] ~ x$data[,tcol]),col="red",lty="dashed",lwd=2)  
   } else {
      yy <- as.vector(x$t_mean)
      years <- colnames(x$t_mean)
      tval <- rownames(x$t_mean)
      xx <- switch(tolower(x$t_step),
         'day' = sapply(years, 
            function(y, tval = '001'){ 
               as.POSIXct(paste(y, tval, sep = "-"), format = '%Y-%j')
            tval = tval),
         'month' = sapply(years,
            function(y, tval = '01') { 
               as.POSIXct(paste(y, tval,'15', sep = "-"), format = '%Y-%m-%d')
            tval = tval),
         'week' = sapply(years,
            function(y, tval = '01'){
               as.POSIXct(paste(y, (as.numeric(tval) - 1) * 7 + 3.5, sep = "-"), format = '%Y-%j')
               tval = tval)
      xx <- as.POSIXct(as.vector(xx), origin = '1970-01-01')
      plot(xx, yy,  
         xlab = 'Date', ylab = vcol,
         main = main,
         cex = 0.6)
      abline(lm(yy ~ xx),col="red",lty="dashed",lwd=2)   
      par(las = opar[['las']])

} # plot_t_series

#' Draw the color bar across the top of the figure underneath the 
#' title
#' @param bar a color matrix
#' @param fx numeric vector of set backs [left, right] for the ends of the 
#'    color bar
#' @param dy numeric controls the space between the bottom of the bar and the top
#'    plot as a fraction of string height
#' @param interpolate logical, if TRUE interpolate the color bar otherwise sample
#'     - see \code{rasterImage} for details
#' @return a vector of [left, right, bottom, top, width, height, cx, cy] bar coords
draw_topbar <- function(bar, fx = c(0.1, 0.1), dy = 0.5, interpolate = FALSE){

   u <- par('usr')
   h <- strheight("A", cex = 1.2)
   dy <- dy * h
   w <- u[2] - u[1]
   left <- u[1] + (w * fx[1])
   right <- u[2] - (w * fx[2])
   x <- c( 
      l = left,
      r = right,
      b = u[4] + dy,
      t = u[4] + dy + h,
      w = right - left,
      h = h,
      cx = (right - left)/2,
      cy = u[4] + dy + h/2 )
   rasterImage(bar, x['l'], x['b'], x['r'], x['t'],
      interpolate = interpolate)

} # draw_topbar

#' Generate a pretty title.
#' @export
#' @param x either character (Day, Month or Year) or an stsaav class object
#' @param character, by default 'Anomalies' but could be anything
#' @return character such as 'Daily Anomalies'
pretty_main <- function(x, 
   what = c("Anomalies", 'Ranked Anomalies', 'Cycle')[1]){
   if (inherits(x, "stsaav")) x <- x$t_step
   pre <- switch(tolower(x),
      'day' = 'Daily',
      'month' = 'Monthly',
      'week' = 'Weekly',
      'year' = 'Yearly',
   paste(pre, what)

#' Plot a stsaav object
#' @export
#' @param x a stsaav object
#' @param continuous logical TRUE to treat vcol as a continuous variable
#' @param main character title, if null then not displayed
plot.stsaav <- function(x, 
   continuous = is_continuous(x), 
   main = NULL){
   stopifnot(inherits(x, 'stsaav'))
   opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
   par(mfrow=c(3,2), mgp = c(2,1,0))
   if (!is.null(main)) par(oma = c(0,0,3,0))
   tcol <- x$xycol[['tcol']]
   vcol <- x$xycol[['vcol']]
   labs  = names(dimnames(x$t_sum))

   plot_t_cycle(x, continuous = continuous)
   plot_t_series(x, continuous = continuous)

   if (!is.null(main)) {
      par(xpd = NA)
      xt <- grconvertX(0.5, from = 'ndc', to = 'user')
      yt <- grconvertY(0.98, from = 'ndc', to = 'user')
      text(xt, yt, main, cex = 1.5, adj = c(0.5, 0.5), font = 2)
BigelowLab/stsaav documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:45 p.m.