
# http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/thredds/current/tds/catalog/InvCatalogSpec.html#catalog
# The catalog element is the top-level element. It may contain zero or more
# service elements, followed by zero or more datasetRoot elements, followed by
# zero or more property elements, followed by one or more dataset elements. The
# base is used to resolve any reletive URLsin the catalog such as catalogRefs,
# services, etc. It is usually the URL of the catalog document itself. Optionally
# the catalog may have a display name. The expires element tells clients when
# this catalog should be reread, so they can cache the catalog information. The
# value of the version attribute indicates the version of the InvCatalog
# specification to which the catalog conforms. The version attribute is optional,
# but should be used to document which version of the schema was used.

#' An catalog representation that sublcasses from ThreddsNodeRefClass
#' @family Thredds TopCatalog
#' @include Thredds.R
#' @export
TopCatalogRefClass <- setRefClass("TopCatalogRef",
   contains = 'ThreddsNodeRefClass',
   methods = list(
      show = function(prefix = ""){
         callSuper(prefix = prefix)
         if (is_xmlNode(.self$node)){
            if ("dataset" %in% names(XML::xmlChildren(.self$node))){
               if ("catalogRef" %in% names(XML::xmlChildren(.self$node[['dataset']]))){
                  x <- sapply(.self$node[['dataset']]['catalogRef', all = TRUE],
                     function(x) {
                        atts <- XML::xmlAttrs(x)
                        natts <- names(atts)
                        name = ""
                        if ('name' %in% natts) name <- atts[['name']]
                        if (!nzchar(name) && ('title' %in% natts) ) name <- atts[['title']]
                        if (!nzchar(name) && ('ID' %in% natts) ) name <- basename(atts[['ID']])
                        if (!nzchar(name) && ('href' %in% natts) ) name <- dirname(atts[['href']])
                  cat(prefix, "  catalogs: ", paste(x, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
               } #has catalogRef
               if ("dataset" %in% names(XML::xmlChildren(.self$node[['dataset']]))){
                  x <- sapply(.self$node[['dataset']]['dataset', all = TRUE],
                     function(x) XML::xmlAttrs(x)[['name']])
                  cat(prefix, "  datasets: ", paste(x, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
               } #has catalogRef
            } #has dataset
         } #is_xmlNode   

#' Get a list of CatalogRef Children
#' @family TopCatalog
#' @name TopCatalogRefClass_get_catalogs
#' @return a list of CatalogRefClass, possibly NULL
   get_catalogs = function(){
      if ("dataset" %in% names(XML::xmlChildren(.self$node))){
         if ("catalogRef" %in% names(XML::xmlChildren(.self$node[['dataset']]))){
            x <- lapply(.self$node[['dataset']]['catalogRef', all = TRUE],
               function(x, uri = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
                  n <- parse_node(x, verbose = verbose)
                  n$url <- gsub("catalog.xml", n$href, uri)
               }, uri = .self$url, verbose = .self$verbose_mode )
            names(x) <- sapply(x, "[[", "name")
         } else {
            x <- NULL
      } else {
         x <- NULL
#' Get a list of Dataset Children
#' @family TopCatalog
#' @name TopCatalogRefClass_get_datasets
#' @return a list of DatasetRefClass, possibly NULL
   get_datasets = function(){
      if ("dataset" %in% names(XML::xmlChildren(.self$node))){
         if ("dataset" %in% names(XML::xmlChildren(.self$node[['dataset']]))){
            x <- lapply(.self$node[['dataset']]['dataset', all = TRUE],
               function(x, uri = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
                  n <- parse_node(x)
                  n$url <- gsub("catalog.xml", n$name, uri)
               }, uri = .self$url, verbose = .self$verbose_mode )
            names(x) <- sapply(x, "[[", "name")
         } else {
            x <- NULL
      } else {
         x <- NULL
BigelowLab/threddscrawler documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:45 p.m.