
Defines functions list_ftp_dir .ftp_listing_as_matrix .make_matrix_data_from_list .list_ftp_dir .normarg_ftp_dir

Documented in list_ftp_dir

### =========================================================================
### list_ftp_dir()
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

### Strip the "protocol://" part (e.g. "ftp://" or "https://") off the
### supplied URL, and add the trailing slash to it if missing.
.normarg_ftp_dir <- function(ftp_dir)
    pattern <- "^[[:alpha:]]*://"
    ftp_dir <- sub(pattern, "", ftp_dir)
    ## download.file() will fail if 'ftp_dir' does not have a trailing
    ## slash, so we append the slash but only if it's missing.
    nc <- nchar(ftp_dir)
    last_char <- substr(ftp_dir, nc, nc)
    if (last_char != "/")
        ftp_dir <- paste0(ftp_dir, "/")

.list_ftp_dir <- function(ftp_dir, method)
    url <- paste0("ftp://", ftp_dir)
    destfile <- tempfile()
    download.file(url, destfile, method, quiet=TRUE)

.make_matrix_data_from_list <- function(x, min_ncol=0L)
    x_len <- length(x)
    x_lens <- lengths(x)
    ncol <- max(x_lens, min_ncol)
    if (x_len == 0L) {
        ans <- character(0)
    } else {
        y_lens <- ncol - x_lens
        x_seqalong <- seq_along(x)
        f <- rep.int(x_seqalong, y_lens)
        attributes(f) <- list(levels=as.character(x_seqalong), class="factor")
        y <- split(character(length(f)), f)
        collate_subscript <- rep(x_seqalong, each=2L)
        collate_subscript[2L * x_seqalong] <- x_seqalong + x_len
        ans <- unlist(c(x, y)[collate_subscript], use.names=FALSE)
    attr(ans, "ncol") <- ncol

### Return a character matrix with 1 row per entry in 'listing', and at least
### 9 columns (but sometimes more e.g. 11 columns if some entries in 'listing'
### are symlinks). The file names should always be in the 9th column.
.ftp_listing_as_matrix <- function(listing)
    split_listing <- strsplit(listing, split="[[:space:]]+")
    ans_data <- .make_matrix_data_from_list(split_listing, min_ncol=9L)
    ans_ncol <- attr(ans_data, "ncol")
    matrix(ans_data, ncol=ans_ncol, byrow=TRUE)

### The keys must be URLs to FTP directories that went thru .normarg_ftp_dir(),
### that is, without the "protolol://" part and with a trailing slash.
.cached_ftp_dir_listing <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

### Retrieve the listing of an FTP dir. The result is cached in order to make
### subsequent calls to list_ftp_dir() on the same 'ftp_dir' faster.
### If 'long.listing' is TRUE then return a character matrix with 1 row
### per entry in the FTP dir listing, and at least 9 columns (but sometimes
### more e.g. 11 columns if the listing contains symlinks). The file names
### should always be in the 9th column.
### Note that 'long.listing=TRUE' is similar to option -l of Unix command 'ls'.
list_ftp_dir <- function(ftp_dir, subdirs.only=FALSE, long.listing=FALSE,
    ftp_dir <- .normarg_ftp_dir(ftp_dir)

    listing <- .cached_ftp_dir_listing[[ftp_dir]]
    if (is.null(listing) || recache) {
        listing <- .list_ftp_dir(ftp_dir)
        .cached_ftp_dir_listing[[ftp_dir]] <- listing

    if (subdirs.only)
        listing <- listing[substr(listing, 1L, 1L) == "d"]
    ans <- .ftp_listing_as_matrix(listing)
    if (!long.listing)
        ans <- ans[ , 9L]
Bioconductor/GenomeInfoDb documentation built on April 19, 2024, 9:28 a.m.