
### test_readGAlignmentPairs.R

# Flag bits summary
# -----------------
#   0x1: template having multiple segments in sequencing
#   0x2: each segment properly aligned according to the aligner
#   0x4: segment unmapped
#   0x8: next segment in the template unmapped
#  0x10: SEQ being reverse complemented
#  0x20: SEQ of the next segment in the template being reversed
#  0x40: the first segment in the template
#  0x80: the last segment in the template
# 0x100: secondary alignment
# 0x200: not passing quality controls
# 0x400: PCR or optical duplicate

make_samline <- function(QNAME, mapped=0, RNAME="*", POS=0, strand="+",
                         primary=1, flagbits=0,
                         RNEXT="*", PNEXT=0, proper=0)
    FLAG <- 0x4 * (!mapped) + 0x10 * (strand == "-") +
            0x100 * (!primary) + 0x2 * proper + flagbits
    if (mapped) {
        CIGAR <- "14M"
    } else {
        CIGAR <- "*"
    paste(QNAME, FLAG, RNAME, POS, "255", CIGAR,
          RNEXT, PNEXT, "0", "*", "*", sep="\t")

make_mapped_pair <- function(QNAME,
                             RNAME1, POS1, CIGAR1, strand1,
                             RNAME2, POS2, CIGAR2, strand2,
                             primary, proper,
    flag0 <- 0x1 + 0x2 * proper + 0x100 * (!primary)
    FLAG1 <- flag0 + 0x40 + 0x10 * (strand1 == "-") +
                            0x20 * (strand2 == "-")
    FLAG2 <- flag0 + 0x80 + 0x10 * (strand2 == "-") +
                            0x20 * (strand1 == "-")
    line1 <- paste(QNAME, FLAG1, RNAME1, POS1, "255", CIGAR1,
                   RNAME2, POS2, "0", "*", "*", sep="\t")
    line2 <- paste(QNAME, FLAG2, RNAME2, POS2, "255", CIGAR2,
                   RNAME1, POS1, "0", "*", "*", sep="\t")
    if (!identical(pair_id, NA)) {
        pair_id_tag <- paste0("pi:Z:", pair_id)
        line1 <- paste(line1, pair_id_tag, sep="\t")
        line2 <- paste(line2, pair_id_tag, sep="\t")
    c(line1, line2)

make_mapped_pairs <- function(mapped_pair_table)
    if (! {
        if (is.character(mapped_pair_table))
            mapped_pair_table <- textConnection(mapped_pair_table)
        mapped_pair_table <- read.table(mapped_pair_table, header=TRUE,
    row_groups <- unname(split(seq_len(nrow(mapped_pair_table)),

        function(row_group) {
            lines <- unlist(lapply(row_group, function(i)
      "make_mapped_pair", mapped_pair_table[i, ])))
            if (length(row_group) == 3L) {
                lines[c(2L, 4L, 6L)] <- lines[c(6L, 2L, 4L)]
            } else {
                lines[c(FALSE, TRUE)] <- rev(lines[c(FALSE, TRUE)])

make_toy_bamfile <- function(mapped_pair_table, filename)
    lines0 <- c("@HD\tVN:1.3",
    ## Single end reads
    lines1 <- c(
        ## s001: 1 primary alignment
        make_samline("s001", mapped=1, RNAME="chr1", POS=10, strand="+",
        ## s002: 1 primary alignment + 3 secondary alignments
        make_samline("s002", mapped=1, RNAME="chr1", POS=20, strand="+",
        make_samline("s002", mapped=1, RNAME="chr1", POS=21, strand="+",
        make_samline("s002", mapped=1, RNAME="chr1", POS=22, strand="+",
        make_samline("s002", mapped=1, RNAME="chr1", POS=20, strand="+",
        ## s003: unmapped
    ## Paired end reads
    lines2 <- c(
        ## Mapped pairs
        ## p991: 1 pair with a missing mate (can happen if file was subsetted
        ## with e.g. filterBam)
                         "chr2", 150, "18M", "+", "chr2", 199, "18M", "-",
                         primary=1, proper=1)[2L],
        ## p992: 1 pair with 1st mate unmapped and 2nd mate mapped
        make_samline("p992", flagbits=0x1 + 0x40,
                             RNEXT="chr2", PNEXT=150),
        make_samline("p992", mapped=1, RNAME="chr2", POS=150, strand="+",
                             primary=1, flagbits=0x1 + 0x8 + 0x80),
        ## p993: 1 pair with both mates unmapped
        make_samline("p993", flagbits=0x1 + 0x8 + 0x40),
        make_samline("p993", flagbits=0x1 + 0x8 + 0x80)
    ## Reads with multiple segments
    lines3 <- c(
        ## m001: 3 segments in the template (index of each segment in template
        ## is known)
        make_samline("m001", mapped=1,, RNAME="chrX", POS=10, strand="+",
                     flagbits=0x1 + 0x40,
                     RNEXT="chrX", PNEXT=20, proper=1),
        make_samline("m001", mapped=1, RNAME="chrX", POS=20, strand="+",
                     flagbits=0x1 + 0x40 + 0x80,
                     RNEXT="chrX", PNEXT=30, proper=1),
        make_samline("m001", mapped=1, RNAME="chrX", POS=30, strand="+",
                     flagbits=0x1 + 0x80,
                     RNEXT="chrX", PNEXT=10, proper=1),
        ## m002: 3 segments in the template (index of each segment in template
        ## was lost)
        make_samline("m002", mapped=1, RNAME="chrX", POS=10, strand="+",
                     RNEXT="chrX", PNEXT=20, proper=1),
        make_samline("m002", mapped=1, RNAME="chrX", POS=20, strand="+",
                     RNEXT="chrX", PNEXT=30, proper=1),
        make_samline("m002", mapped=1, RNAME="chrX", POS=30, strand="+",
                     RNEXT="chrX", PNEXT=10, proper=1)
    samfile <- paste0(filename, ".sam")
    cat(c(lines0, lines1, lines2, lines3), file=samfile, sep="\n")
    bamfile <- asBam(samfile, filename, overwrite=TRUE)
    ## Should never happen.
    if (bamfile != paste0(filename, ".bam"))
        stop("asBam() returned an unexpected path")

### 1 line per mapped pair. Each line will generate 2 lines/records in the
### SAM file. The pair_id field will be stored in the SAM/BAM file as a user
### defined tag ("pi" tag).
mapped_pair_table <- "
QNAME RNAME1 POS1 CIGAR1 strand1 RNAME2 POS2 CIGAR2 strand2 primary proper pair_id
# p001: 1 primary proper pair
p001  chr2   10   18M    +       chr2   110  18M    -       1       1      p001
# p002: 1 primary non proper pair
p002  chr2   20   18M    +       chr2   120  18M    -       1       0      p002
# p003: 2 proper pairs: 1 primary + 1 secondary
p003  chr2   30   18M    +       chr2   130  18M    -       1       1      p003a
p003  chr2   31   18M    +       chr2   131  18M    -       0       1      p003b
# p004: 2 non proper pairs: 1 primary + 1 secondary
p004  chr2   40   18M    +       chr2   140  18M    -       1       0      p004a
p004  chr2   41   18M    +       chr2   141  18M    -       0       0      p004b
# p005: 2 primary pairs (some aligners seem to produce that, even though they
# probably shouldn't)
p005  chr2   50   18M    +       chr2   150  18M    -       1       1      p005a
p005  chr2   51   18M    +       chr2   151  18M    -       1       1      p005b
# p006: 3 pairs: 1 primary proper + 1 secondary proper + 1 secondary non
# proper
p006  chr2   60   18M    +       chr2   160  18M    -       1       1      p006a
p006  chr2   61   18M    +       chr2   161  18M    -       0       1      p006b
p006  chr2   62   18M    +       chr2   60   18M    -       0       0      p006c
# p007: 2 pairs mapped to the same position: 1 primary proper + 1 secondary
# proper
p007  chr2   70   9M1D9M +       chr2   170  18M    -       1       1      p007a
p007  chr2   70   18M    +       chr2   170  7M2I9M -       0       1      p007b
# p008: 3 pairs mapped to the same position: 1 primary proper + 1 secondary
# proper + 1 secondary non proper
p008  chr2   80   18M    +       chr2   180  18M    -       1       1      p008a
p008  chr2   80   9M2D9M +       chr2   180  7M2I9M -       0       1      p008b
p008  chr2   80   6M3I9M +       chr2   180  9M3D9M -       0       0      p008c
# p009: 3 pairs mapped to the same position: 1 primary proper + 2 secondary
# proper. The secondary pairs can NOT be disambiguated.
p009  chr2   90   18M    +       chr2   190  18M    -       1       1      p009a
p009  chr2   90   9M2D9M +       chr2   190  7M2I9M -       0       1      p009b
p009  chr2   90   6M3I9M +       chr2   190  9M3D9M -       0       1      p009c

toy_bamfile <- make_toy_bamfile(mapped_pair_table, tempfile())

test_readGAlignmentPairs <- function()
    param <- ScanBamParam(tag="pi")
    galp <- suppressWarnings(
        readGAlignmentPairs(toy_bamfile, use.names=TRUE, param=param)

    ## Check the dumped alignments
    dumped_gal <- getDumpedAlignments()
    checkTrue(validObject(dumped_gal, complete=TRUE))
    pi_target <- rep(c("p009b", "p009c"), each=2)
    checkIdentical(pi_target, sort(mcols(dumped_gal)$pi))

    ## Check 'galp'
    checkTrue(validObject(galp, complete=TRUE))
    pi_target <- c("p001", "p002", "p003a", "p003b", "p004a", "p004b",
                   "p005a", "p005b", "p006a", "p006b", "p006c",
                   "p007a", "p007b", "p008a", "p008b", "p008c", "p009a")
    checkIdentical(pi_target, mcols(first(galp))$pi)
    checkIdentical(pi_target, mcols(last(galp))$pi)

### Starting with BioC 2.14, readGAlignmentPairs() behavior changed when
### using the 'which' argument. Old behavior: the same pair was returned once
### per each range in 'which' that had an overlap with the *two* segments in
### the pair. New behavior: the same pair is returned once per each range in
### 'which' that has an overlap with *any* of the 2 segments in the pair.
### The new behavior is a consequence of using
###     scanBam(BamFile(asMates=TRUE), ...)
### behind the scene instead of
###     findMateAlignment()
### for the pairing.
### The new behavior breaks the test below so I'm turning it off for now.
if (FALSE) {
test_readGAlignmentPairs_which <- function()
    ## 4 non-overlapping regions of interest: first two regions only overlap
    ## with first p001 mate and last two regions only with last p001 mate.
    my_ROI <- GRanges("chr2", IRanges(c(10, 15, 110, 115), width=1))
    my_ROI_labels <- c("chr2:10-10", "chr2:15-15",
                       "chr2:110-110", "chr2:115-115")
    param <- ScanBamParam(tag="pi", which=my_ROI[c(1, 4)])
    target1 <- readGAlignmentPairs(toy_bamfile, use.names=TRUE,
                                          param=param, with.which_label=TRUE)
    checkTrue(validObject(target1, complete=TRUE))
    checkIdentical(1L, length(target1))
    checkIdentical(Rle(factor(my_ROI_labels[1], levels=my_ROI_labels[c(1, 4)])),
    checkIdentical(Rle(factor(my_ROI_labels[4], levels=my_ROI_labels[c(1, 4)])),
    mcols(target1@first)$which_label <- mcols(target1@last)$which_label <- NULL

    ## Checking all possible combinations of ranges in 'which'.
    check_my_ROI_subsets <- function(subset)
        check_my_ROI_subset <- function(i)
            param <- ScanBamParam(tag="pi", which=my_ROI[i])
            current <- suppressWarnings(
                readGAlignmentPairs(toy_bamfile, use.names=TRUE,
            if (sum(i <= 2L) == 1L && sum(i >= 3L) == 1L) {
                checkIdentical(target1, current)
            } else {
                checkIdentical(0L, length(current))
        if (length(subset) >= 2L) {
            if (length(subset) >= 4L)
                check_my_ROI_subset(c(4L, 1:3))
    for (m in 1:length(my_ROI))
        combn(length(my_ROI), m, FUN=check_my_ROI_subsets)
Bioconductor/GenomicAlignments documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:42 p.m.