makeTxDbFromUCSC: [Moved to txdbmaker] Make a TxDb object from annotations...

View source: R/makeTxDbFromUCSC.R

makeTxDbFromUCSCR Documentation

[Moved to txdbmaker] Make a TxDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser


IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting with BioC 3.19, functions makeTxDbFromUCSC(), supportedUCSCtables(), and browseUCSCtrack() are defined in the txdbmaker package.

See Also

txdbmaker::makeTxDbFromUCSC, txdbmaker::supportedUCSCtables, and txdbmaker::browseUCSCtrack in the txdbmaker package.

Bioconductor/GenomicFeatures documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 2:09 p.m.