
Defines functions .sBracketReplaceGRList .sBracketSubsetGRList sort.GRangesList .sort.GRangesList .from_List_to_CompressedGRangesList .from_list_to_CompressedGRangesList .from_List_to_SimpleGRangesList .from_list_to_SimpleGRangesList .as_list_of_GRanges makeGRangesListFromFeatureFragments GRangesList

Documented in GRangesList makeGRangesListFromFeatureFragments sort.GRangesList

### =========================================================================
### GRangesList objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------


    contains=c("GRangesList", "SimpleGenomicRangesList")

    contains=c("GRangesList", "CompressedGenomicRangesList"),

### TODO: Get rid of this! Used in RangedSummarizedExperiment class definition
### to specify the class of the 'rowRanges' slot and was originally introduced
### to support this use case. However, more packages use it these days e.g.
### DEFormats, GenomicFiles, ggbio, gmapR, HelloRanges, profileplyr, and maybe
### more... Everybody now should use GenomicRanges_OR_GenomicRangesList instead
### of GenomicRanges_OR_GRangesList.
setClassUnion("GenomicRanges_OR_GRangesList", c("GenomicRanges", "GRangesList"))

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### Link GRanges to CompressedGRangesList
### Used by splitAsList() and family (e.g. relist(), extractList(), etc...)
### to infer the class of the output when the input is a GRanges object or
### derivative.

setMethod("relistToClass", "GRanges", function(x) "CompressedGRangesList")

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### Constructors

GRangesList <- function(..., compress=TRUE)
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(compress))
        stop("'compress' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    objects <- list(...)
    if (length(objects) == 1L) {
        tmp <- objects[[1L]]
        if (is.list(tmp) || (is(tmp, "List") && !is(tmp, "GenomicRanges")))
            objects <- tmp
    if (compress)
        suppressWarnings(as(objects, "CompressedGRangesList"))
        as(objects, "SimpleGRangesList")

### Typically, the field values will come from a file that needs to be loaded
### into a data.frame first.
makeGRangesListFromFeatureFragments <- function(seqnames=Rle(factor()),
    fragmentStarts <- normarg_list_of_integers(fragmentStarts, sep,
    nfrag_per_feature <- elementNROWS(fragmentStarts)
    start <- unlist(fragmentStarts, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)

    fragmentEnds <- normarg_list_of_integers(fragmentEnds, sep,
    nend_per_elt <- elementNROWS(fragmentEnds)
    if (length(nend_per_elt) != 0L) {
        if (length(nfrag_per_feature) == 0L)
            nfrag_per_feature <- nend_per_elt
        else if (!identical(nend_per_elt, nfrag_per_feature))
            stop("'fragmentStarts' and 'fragmentEnds' have ",
                 "incompatible \"shapes\"")
    end <- unlist(fragmentEnds, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)

    fragmentWidths <- normarg_list_of_integers(fragmentWidths, sep,
    nwidth_per_elt <- elementNROWS(fragmentWidths)
    if (length(nwidth_per_elt) != 0L) {
        if (length(nfrag_per_feature) == 0L)
            nfrag_per_feature <- nwidth_per_elt
        else if (!identical(nwidth_per_elt, nfrag_per_feature))
            stop("\"shape\" of 'fragmentWidths' is incompatible ",
                 "with \"shape\" of 'fragmentStarts' or 'fragmentEnds'")
    width <- unlist(fragmentWidths, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)

    ranges <- IRanges(start=start, end=end, width=width)
    nfrag <- sum(nfrag_per_feature)
    if (nfrag != length(ranges))
        stop("GenomicRanges internal error in makeGRangesListFromFields(): ",
             "nfrag != length(ranges). This should never happen. ",
             "Please report.")
    if (nfrag == 0L) {
        ## Cannot blindly subset by FALSE because it doesn't work on a
        ## zero-length Rle.
        if (length(seqnames) != 0L)
            seqnames <- seqnames[FALSE]
        if (length(strand) != 0L)
            strand <- strand[FALSE]
    } else {
        if (length(seqnames) != length(nfrag_per_feature) ||
            length(strand) != length(nfrag_per_feature))
            stop("length of 'seqnames' and/or 'strand' is incompatible ",
                 "with fragmentStarts/Ends/Widths")
        seqnames <- rep.int(seqnames, nfrag_per_feature)
        strand <- rep.int(strand, nfrag_per_feature)
    unlistData <- GRanges(seqnames=seqnames, ranges=ranges, strand=strand)
    partitioning <- PartitioningByEnd(cumsum(nfrag_per_feature), names=NULL)
    relist(unlistData, partitioning)

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### Accessors

setMethod("ranges", "CompressedGRangesList",
    function(x, use.names=TRUE, use.mcols=FALSE)
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.names))
            stop("'use.names' must be TRUE or FALSE")
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.mcols))
            stop("'use.mcols' must be TRUE or FALSE")
        unlisted_x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
        unlisted_ans <- unlisted_x@ranges
        if (use.mcols)
            mcols(unlisted_ans) <- mcols(unlisted_x, use.names=FALSE)
        ans <- relist(unlisted_ans, x)
        if (!use.names)
            names(ans) <- NULL
        if (use.mcols)
            mcols(ans) <- mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)

setReplaceMethod("ranges", "CompressedGRangesList",
    function(x, value)
        if (!is(value, "IntegerRangesList") ||
            !identical(elementNROWS(x), elementNROWS(value)))
            stop("replacement 'value' is not an IntegerRangesList with the ",
                 "same elementNROWS as 'x'")
        ranges(x@unlistData) <- as(unlist(value, use.names = FALSE), "IRanges")

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### Coercion from list-like object to SimpleGRangesList

### Try to turn an arbitrary **list-like** object into an ordinary list of
### GRanges objects.
.as_list_of_GRanges <- function(from)
    if (is(from, "GenomicRanges")) {
        if (!is(from, "GRanges"))
            from <- as(from, "GRanges", strict=FALSE)
        along_idx <- setNames(seq_along(from), names(from))
        names(from) <- NULL
        mcols(from) <- NULL
        lapply(along_idx, function(i) from[i])
    } else {
        lapply(from, as, "GRanges", strict=FALSE)

### --- From ordinary list to SimpleGRangesList ---
### Note that being able to coerce a length-one ordinary list to
### SimpleGRangesList will automatically make [[<- work on SimpleGRangesList
### objects.

.from_list_to_SimpleGRangesList <- function(from)
    x <- .as_list_of_GRanges(from)
    S4Vectors:::new_SimpleList_from_list("SimpleGRangesList", x)

setAs("list", "SimpleGRangesList", .from_list_to_SimpleGRangesList)
setAs("list", "GRangesList", .from_list_to_SimpleGRangesList)

### --- From List derivative to SimpleGRangesList ---

.from_List_to_SimpleGRangesList <- function(from)
    x <- .as_list_of_GRanges(from)
    S4Vectors:::new_SimpleList_from_list("SimpleGRangesList", x,
                               mcols=mcols(from, use.names=FALSE))

setAs("List", "SimpleGRangesList", .from_List_to_SimpleGRangesList)

### Automatic coercion methods from SimpleList, GenomicRangesList, or
### SimpleGenomicRangesList to SimpleGRangesList silently return a broken
### object (unfortunately these dummy automatic coercion methods don't bother
### to validate the object they return). So we overwrite them.
setAs("SimpleList", "SimpleGRangesList",
setAs("GenomicRangesList", "SimpleGRangesList",
setAs("SimpleGenomicRangesList", "SimpleGRangesList",

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### Coercion from list-like object to CompressedGRangesList

### --- From ordinary list to CompressedGRangesList ---
### Note that being able to coerce a length-one ordinary list to
### CompressedGRangesList will automatically make [[<- work on
### CompressedGRangesList objects.

.from_list_to_CompressedGRangesList <- function(from)
    x <- .as_list_of_GRanges(from)
    IRanges:::new_CompressedList_from_list("CompressedGRangesList", x)

setAs("list", "CompressedGRangesList", .from_list_to_CompressedGRangesList)

### --- From List derivative to CompressedGRangesList ---

.from_List_to_CompressedGRangesList <- function(from)
    if (is(from, "GenomicRanges")) {
        ## Perform a "dumb split".
        if (!is(from, "GRanges"))
            from <- as(from, "GRanges", strict=FALSE)
        ## We call IRanges:::from_Vector_to_CompressedList() to perform
        ## the "dumb split". This is **very** efficient!

    x <- .as_list_of_GRanges(from)
    IRanges:::new_CompressedList_from_list("CompressedGRangesList", x,
                                 mcols=mcols(from, use.names=FALSE))

setAs("List", "CompressedGRangesList",

setAs("List", "GRangesList",
        if (is(from, "CompressedList") || is(from, "GenomicRanges"))
            as(from, "CompressedGRangesList")
            as(from, "SimpleGRangesList")

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### Other coercions

setAs("CompressedGRangesList", "CompressedIRangesList",
    function(from) ranges(from, use.mcols=TRUE)
setAs("CompressedGRangesList", "IRangesList",
    function(from) ranges(from, use.mcols=TRUE)
setAs("CompressedGRangesList", "IntegerRangesList",
    function(from) ranges(from, use.mcols=TRUE)

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### Sorting
### S3/S4 combo for sort.GRangesList
.sort.GRangesList <- function(x, decreasing=FALSE, ...)
    gr <- deconstructGRLintoGR(x)
    gr2 <- sort(gr, decreasing=decreasing, ...)
    reconstructGRLfromGR(gr2, x)
sort.GRangesList <- function(x, decreasing=FALSE, ...)
    .sort.GRangesList(x, decreasing=decreasing, ...)
setMethod("sort", "CompressedGRangesList", .sort.GRangesList)

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### Subsetting
### TODO: We should have more general methods defined at the GenomicRangesList
### level instead of the methods below.

.sBracketSubsetGRList <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop)
    if (!missing(i)) {
        x <- callNextMethod(x = x, i = i)
    if (!missing(j)) {
        if (!is.character(j))
            stop("'j' must be a character vector")
        withinLevel <- (j %in% colnames(x@unlistData@elementMetadata))
        if (any(withinLevel) && !all(withinLevel))
            stop("'j' cannot mix between and within metadata column names")
        if (any(withinLevel)) {
            mcols(x, level="within") <-
              mcols(x, use.names=FALSE, level="within")[, j, drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            mcols(x) <- mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)[, j, drop=FALSE]
setMethod("[", "CompressedGRangesList", .sBracketSubsetGRList)

.sBracketReplaceGRList <- function(x, i, j, ..., value)
    if (!is(value, class(x)[1]))
        stop(paste0("replacement value must be a ", class(x)[1], " object"))
    if (!missing(i))
        i <- extractROWS(setNames(seq_along(x), names(x)), i)
    if (!missing(j)) {
        if (!is.character(j))
            stop("'j' must be a character vector")
        withinLevel <- (j %in% colnames(x@unlistData@elementMetadata))
        if (any(withinLevel) && !all(withinLevel))
            stop("'j' cannot mix between and within metadata column names")
        if (missing(i)) {
            if (any(withinLevel)) {
                mcols(x, level="within")[, j] <-
                  mcols(x, use.names=FALSE, level="within")
            } else {
                mcols(x)[, j] <- mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)
        } else {
            if (any(withinLevel)) {
                mcols(x, level="within")[i, j] <-
                        mcols(x, use.names=FALSE, level="within")
            } else {
                mcols(x)[i, j] <- mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)
    callNextMethod(x = x, i = i, value = value)
setReplaceMethod("[", "CompressedGRangesList", .sBracketReplaceGRList)
Bioconductor/GenomicRanges documentation built on June 18, 2024, 10:54 a.m.