### =========================================================================
### GenomicRangesList objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
.valid.GenomicRangesList.mcols <- function(x)
msg <- NULL
x_mcols <- x@elementMetadata
if (nrow(x_mcols) != length(x))
msg <- "'mcols(x)' has an incorrect number of rows"
if (any(c("seqnames", "ranges", "strand", "start", "end", "width",
"element") %in% colnames(x_mcols)))
msg <-
paste("'mcols(x)' cannot have columns named \"seqnames\", ",
"\"ranges\", \"strand\", \"start\", \"end\", \"width\", ",
"or \"element\""))
if (!is.null(rownames(x_mcols)))
msg <- c(msg, "'mcols(x)' cannot have row names")
"Note that starting with BioC 3.7, the class attribute ",
"of all GRangesList **instances** needs to be set to ",
"\"CompressedGRangesList\". Please update this object ",
"with 'updateObject(object, verbose=TRUE)' and ",
"re-serialize it."
.valid.GenomicRangesList <- function(x)
if (class(x) == "GRangesList")
return(paste(OLD_GRANGESLIST_INSTANCE_MSG, collapse=""))
setValidity2("GenomicRangesList", .valid.GenomicRangesList)
### TODO: Use this instead of GenomicRanges_OR_GRangesList in the
### RangedSummarizedExperiment class definition to specify the class
### of the 'rowRanges' slot.
c("GenomicRanges", "GenomicRangesList")
contains=c("GenomicRangesList", "SimpleRangesList"),
contains=c("GenomicRangesList", "CompressedRangesList"),
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### updateObject()
### callNextMethod() searches for the "closest parent method" starting from
### the class used in the **signature** of the method from which it is called,
### NOT from 'class(x)'. This means that in the context of methods defined
### for GenomicRangesList objects, like the methods below, callNextMethod()
### would fail to find methods defined for CompressedList or SimpleList.
### So we will use .selectClosestMethod1(), which, unlike callNextMethod(),
### will find the "closest parent method" with respect to 'x'.
.selectClosestMethod1 <- function(f, x)
if (is(x, "CompressedGenomicRangesList"))
return(selectMethod(f, "CompressedRangesList"))
if (is(x, "SimpleGenomicRangesList"))
return(selectMethod(f, "SimpleRangesList"))
stop(wmsg("'class(x)' (\"", class(x), "\") is not supported"))
setMethod("updateObject", "GenomicRangesList",
function(object, ..., verbose=FALSE)
## class attribute.
if (class(object) == "GRangesList") {
## Starting with GenomicRanges 1.31.13, all GRangesList instances
## need to be replaced with CompressedGRangesList instances. Note
## that this is NOT a change of the internals (GRangesList
## instances have been using the CompressedList representation
## since the beginning), only a change of the class attribute.
if (verbose)
message("[updateObject] Settting class attribute of ",
"GRangesList instance\n",
"[updateObject] to \"CompressedGRangesList\" ... ",
class(object) <- class(new("CompressedGRangesList"))
if (verbose)
} else {
if (verbose)
message("[updateObject] ", class(object), " object ",
"is current.\n",
"[updateObject] Nothing to update.")
if (is(object, "CompressedGenomicRangesList")) {
## unlistData slot.
object@unlistData <- updateObject(object@unlistData,
..., verbose=verbose)
## 'METHOD' will be the method for CompressedList objects or
## the method for Vector objects. (The former will update the
## 'partitioning' and 'elementMetadata' slots, while the latter
## will update the 'elementMetadata' slot only.)
METHOD <- .selectClosestMethod1("updateObject", object)
METHOD(object, ..., verbose=verbose)
### Temporary hack to make 'length(x)' work on an old GRangesList instance.
setMethod("length", "GenomicRangesList",
if (class(x) == "GRangesList") {
x <- updateObject(x, check=FALSE)
METHOD <- .selectClosestMethod1("length", x)
### Temporary hack to make 'names(x)' work on an old GRangesList instance.
setMethod("names", "GenomicRangesList",
if (class(x) == "GRangesList") {
x <- updateObject(x, check=FALSE)
METHOD <- .selectClosestMethod1("names", x)
### Temporary hack to make 'names(x) <- value' work on an old GRangesList
### instance.
setReplaceMethod("names", "GenomicRangesList",
function(x, value)
if (class(x) == "GRangesList") {
x <- updateObject(x, check=FALSE)
METHOD <- .selectClosestMethod1("names<-", x)
METHOD(x, value)
### Temporary hack to make 'extractROWS(x, i)' work on an old GRangesList
### instance.
setMethod("extractROWS", c("GenomicRangesList", "ANY"),
function(x, i)
if (class(x) == "GRangesList") {
x <- updateObject(x, check=FALSE)
METHOD <- .selectClosestMethod1("extractROWS", x)
METHOD(x, i)
### Temporary hack to make 'getListElement(x, i)' work on an old GRangesList
### instance.
setMethod("getListElement", "GenomicRangesList",
function(x, i, exact=TRUE)
if (class(x) == "GRangesList") {
x <- updateObject(x, check=FALSE)
METHOD <- .selectClosestMethod1("getListElement", x)
METHOD(x, i, exact=exact)
### Temporary hack to make 'unlist(x)' work on an old GRangesList instance.
setMethod("unlist", "GenomicRangesList",
function(x, recursive=TRUE, use.names=TRUE)
if (class(x) == "GRangesList") {
x <- updateObject(x, check=FALSE)
if (is(x, "CompressedGenomicRangesList")) {
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.names))
stop("'use.names' must be TRUE or FALSE")
## Update any old GRanges instance (or other GenomicRanges
## derivative) stuck in the 'unlistData' slot.
unlisted_x <- updateObject(x@unlistData, check=FALSE)
if (use.names)
unlisted_x <- S4Vectors:::set_unlisted_names(unlisted_x, x)
METHOD <- .selectClosestMethod1("unlist", x)
METHOD(x, recursive=recursive, use.names=use.names)
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### show()
### NOT exported but used in the GenomicAlignments package.
### FIXME: Seems to repeat a lot of code from IRanges:::show_IntegerRangesList!
show_GenomicRangesList <- function(x, with.header=TRUE)
if (class(x) == "GRangesList") {
x <- updateObject(x, check=FALSE)
x_len <- length(x)
if (with.header)
cat(classNameForDisplay(x), " object of length ", x_len,
":\n", sep="")
cumsumN <- end(PartitioningByEnd(x))
N <- tail(cumsumN, 1)
if (x_len == 0L) {
cat("<0 elements>\n")
} else if (x_len <= 3L || (x_len <= 5L && N <= 20L)) {
## Display full object.
} else {
## Display truncated object.
if (cumsumN[[3L]] <= 20L) {
showK <- 3L
} else if (cumsumN[[2L]] <= 20L) {
showK <- 2L
} else {
showK <- 1L
diffK <- x_len - showK
"<", diffK, " more element",
ifelse(diffK == 1L, "", "s"), ">\n",
#cat("seqinfo: ", summary(seqinfo(x)), "\n", sep="")
setMethod("show", "GenomicRangesList",
function(object) show_GenomicRangesList(object)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### GenomicRangesList getters
setMethod("seqnames", "GenomicRangesList",
if (!is(x, "CompressedList"))
return(as(lapply(x, seqnames), "SimpleRleList"))
unlisted_x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
relist(seqnames(unlisted_x), x)
setMethod("strand", "GenomicRangesList",
if (!is(x, "CompressedList"))
return(as(lapply(x, strand), "SimpleRleList"))
unlisted_x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
relist(strand(unlisted_x), x)
### NOT exported but used in the GenomicAlignments package.
### TODO: This should be defined as a method for RangesList objects (in
### the IRanges package). Then it would work on all RangesList derivatives,
### including IntegerRangesList, GenomicRangesList, and GAlignmentsList
### objects.
get_GenomicRangesList_mcols <-
function(x, use.names=FALSE, level = c("between", "within"), ...)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.names))
stop("'use.names' must be TRUE or FALSE")
level <- match.arg(level)
if (level == "between") {
ans <- x@elementMetadata
if (use.names)
rownames(ans) <- names(x)
unlisted_x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
unlisted_ans <- unlisted_x@elementMetadata
if (use.names)
rownames(unlisted_ans) <- names(unlisted_x)
relist(unlisted_ans, x)
setMethod("elementMetadata", "GenomicRangesList", get_GenomicRangesList_mcols)
setMethod("seqinfo", "GenomicRangesList",
setMethod("seqinfo", "CompressedGenomicRangesList",
function(x) seqinfo(x@unlistData)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### GenomicRangesList setters
### Note that the setters are implemented on CompressedGenomicRangesList
### objects **only** at the moment. As a consequence, the setters do NOT
### work on SimpleGenomicRangesList objects!
### NOT exported but used in the GenomicAlignments package.
set_CompressedGenomicRangesList_seqnames <- function(x, value)
if (!is(value, "AtomicList") ||
!identical(elementNROWS(x), elementNROWS(value)))
stop("replacement 'value' is not an AtomicList with the same ",
"elementNROWS as 'x'")
value <- unlist(value, use.names = FALSE)
if (!is(value, "Rle"))
value <- Rle(factor(value))
else if (!is.factor(runValue(value)))
runValue(value) <- factor(runValue(value))
seqnames(x@unlistData) <- value
setReplaceMethod("seqnames", "CompressedGenomicRangesList",
### NOT exported but used in the GenomicAlignments package.
set_CompressedGenomicRangesList_strand <- function(x, value)
if (!is(value, "AtomicList") ||
!identical(elementNROWS(x), elementNROWS(value)))
stop("replacement 'value' is not an AtomicList with the same ",
"elementNROWS as 'x'")
value <- unlist(value, use.names = FALSE)
if (!is(value, "Rle"))
value <- Rle(strand(value))
else if (!is.factor(runValue(value)) ||
!identical(levels(runValue(value)), levels(strand())))
runValue(value) <- strand(runValue(value))
strand(x@unlistData) <- value
setReplaceMethod("strand", c("CompressedGenomicRangesList", "ANY"),
setReplaceMethod("strand", c("CompressedGenomicRangesList", "character"),
function(x, ..., value)
if (length(value) > 1L)
stop("length(value) must be 1")
strand(x@unlistData) <- value
### NOT exported but used in the GenomicAlignments package.
### TODO: This should be defined as a method for RangesList objects (in
### the IRanges package). Then it would work on all RangesList derivatives,
### including IntegerRangesList, GenomicRangesList, and GAlignmentsList
### objects.
set_CompressedGenomicRangesList_mcols <-
function(x, level = c("between", "within"), ..., value)
level <- match.arg(level)
if (level == "between") {
if (is.null(value))
value <- make_zero_col_DFrame(length(x))
else if (!is(value, "DataFrame"))
value <- DataFrame(value)
if (!is.null(rownames(value)))
rownames(value) <- NULL
n <- length(x)
k <- nrow(value)
if (k != n) {
if ((k == 0) || (k > n) || (n %% k != 0))
stop(k, " rows in value to replace ", n, "rows")
value <- value[rep(seq_len(k), length.out = n), , drop=FALSE]
x@elementMetadata <- value
} else {
if (is.null(value)) {
value <- make_zero_col_DFrame(length(x@unlistData))
} else {
if (!is(value, "SplitDataFrameList") ||
!identical(elementNROWS(x), elementNROWS(value))) {
stop("replacement 'value' is not a SplitDataFrameList with ",
"the same elementNROWS as 'x'")
value <- unlist(value, use.names = FALSE)
mcols(x@unlistData) <- value
setReplaceMethod("elementMetadata", "CompressedGenomicRangesList",
### NOT exported but used in the GenomicAlignments package.
set_CompressedGenomicRangesList_seqinfo <-
function(x, new2old=NULL,
pruning.mode=c("error", "coarse", "fine", "tidy"),
if (!is(value, "Seqinfo"))
stop("the supplied 'seqinfo' must be a Seqinfo object")
pruning.mode <- match.arg(pruning.mode)
dangling_seqlevels <- GenomeInfoDb:::getDanglingSeqlevels(x,
if (length(dangling_seqlevels) != 0L) {
## Prune 'x'.
idx <- !(seqnames(x) %in% dangling_seqlevels)
if (pruning.mode == "coarse") {
x <- x[all(idx)] # "coarse" pruning
} else {
x <- x[idx] # "fine" pruning
if (pruning.mode == "tidy") {
## Remove list elements that became empty because of "fine"
## pruning.
x <- x[any(idx) | elementNROWS(idx) == 0L] # "tidy" pruning
seqinfo(x@unlistData, new2old=new2old) <- value
setReplaceMethod("seqinfo", "CompressedGenomicRangesList",
### TODO: For the start, end, and width setters, we should probably have
### methods for SimpleRangesList and CompressedRangesList objects (in the
### IRanges package) instead of methods for IntegerRangesList and
### CompressedGenomicRangesList objects.
setReplaceMethod("start", "CompressedGenomicRangesList",
function(x, ..., value)
if (!is(value, "IntegerList") ||
!identical(elementNROWS(x), elementNROWS(value)))
stop("replacement 'value' is not an IntegerList with the same ",
"elementNROWS as 'x'")
value <- unlist(value, use.names=FALSE)
start(x@unlistData, ...) <- value
setReplaceMethod("end", "CompressedGenomicRangesList",
function(x, ..., value)
if (!is(value, "IntegerList") ||
!identical(elementNROWS(x), elementNROWS(value)))
stop("replacement 'value' is not an IntegerList with the same ",
"elementNROWS as 'x'")
value <- unlist(value, use.names = FALSE)
end(x@unlistData, ...) <- value
setReplaceMethod("width", "CompressedGenomicRangesList",
function(x, ..., value)
if (!is(value, "IntegerList") ||
!identical(elementNROWS(x), elementNROWS(value)))
stop("replacement 'value' is not an IntegerList with the same ",
"elementNROWS as 'x'")
value <- unlist(value, use.names = FALSE)
width(x@unlistData, ...) <- value
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### The score() accessor
### Kind of a silly accessor. And why is it defined at the GenomicRanges
### level and not at the Vector level? Or at least at the Ranges and
### RangesList levels so it works on IRanges and IRangesList objects too.
setMethod("score", "GenomicRangesList",
function(x) mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)$score
setReplaceMethod("score", "GenomicRangesList",
function(x, value)
mcols(x)$score <- value
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