M1 <- matrix(1, 5, 3)
M2 <- matrix(1, 3, 3)
mList <- list(M1, M2)
assaysList <- list(M1=SimpleList(m=M1), M2=SimpleList(m=M2))
rowData1 <- DataFrame(id1=LETTERS[1:5])
rowData2 <- S4Vectors:::make_zero_col_DataFrame(3L)
rowDataList <- list(rowData1, rowData2)
colData0 <- DataFrame(x=letters[1:3])
se0List <-
test_SummarizedExperiment_construction <- function()
## empty-ish
m1 <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
checkTrue(validObject(SummarizedExperiment()), "empty constructor")
"0x0 constructor")
checkException(SummarizedExperiment(assays=SimpleList(m1, matrix())),
"assays dim mismatch", TRUE)
## substance
for (i in seq_along(se0List)) {
se0 <- se0List[[i]]
checkIdentical(SimpleList(m=mList[[i]]), assays(se0))
checkIdentical(rowDataList[[i]], rowData(se0))
checkIdentical(colData0, colData(se0))
## array in assays slot
ss <- se0List[[1]]
assays(ss, withDimnames=FALSE) <- SimpleList(array(1:5, c(5,3,2)))
checkTrue(all(dim(assays(ss[1:3,1:2])[[1]]) == c(3, 2, 2)))
## matrix-of-list in assay slot
m <- matrix(list(), 2, 3, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:2], letters[1:3]))
checkTrue(validObject(se <- SummarizedExperiment(m)))
checkIdentical(m, assay(se))
checkIdentical(m[,1:2], assay(se[,1:2]))
## DataFrame in assay slot
df <- DataFrame(a=1:3, b=1:3, row.names=LETTERS[1:3])
test_SummarizedExperiment_construction_dimnames <- function()
do_tests <- function(m, rowData, colData) {
## Some quick tests to make sure that the rowData(), colData(), and
## assay() getters handle the rownames and colnames as expected.
## Getters are tested more thoroughly in dedicated unit
## test_SummarizedExperiment_getters().
test_rowData_colData_assay <- function(se) {
checkIdentical(rownames(rowData(se)), rownames(se))
checkIdentical(rownames(colData(se)), colnames(se))
a1 <- assay(se, withDimnames=FALSE)
checkIdentical(dimnames(m), dimnames(a1))
a1 <- assay(se)
checkIdentical(rownames(se), rownames(a1))
checkIdentical(colnames(se), colnames(a1))
target_rownames <- function() {
rownames <- rownames(rowData)
if (is.null(rownames)) rownames(m) else rownames
target_colnames <- function() {
colnames <- rownames(colData)
if (is.null(colnames)) colnames(m) else colnames
se <- SummarizedExperiment(m)
checkIdentical(rownames(m), rownames(se))
checkIdentical(colnames(m), colnames(se))
se <- SummarizedExperiment(m, rowData=rowData)
checkIdentical(target_rownames(), rownames(se))
checkIdentical(colnames(m), colnames(se))
se <- SummarizedExperiment(m, colData=colData)
checkIdentical(rownames(m), rownames(se))
checkIdentical(target_colnames(), colnames(se))
se <- SummarizedExperiment(m, rowData=rowData, colData=colData)
checkIdentical(target_rownames(), rownames(se))
checkIdentical(target_colnames(), colnames(se))
m <- matrix(0, nrow=4, ncol=3)
rowData <- DataFrame(stuff=11:14) # no rownames
colData <- DataFrame(row.names=letters[1:3])
do_tests(m, rowData, colData)
rownames(m) <- paste0("ROW", 1:4)
do_tests(m, rowData, colData)
colnames(m) <- letters[1:3]
do_tests(m, rowData, colData)
dimnames(m) <- NULL
rownames(rowData) <- LETTERS[1:4]
do_tests(m, rowData, colData)
rownames(m) <- LETTERS[1:4]
do_tests(m, rowData, colData)
## Empty strings in the dimnames are supported.
dimnames(m) <- list(c("A", "", "", "D"), c("a", "b", ""))
rowData <- DataFrame(row.names=rownames(m))
colData <- DataFrame(row.names=colnames(m))
do_tests(m, rowData, colData)
## NAs in the dimnames.
## - NAs in the **rownames** are tolerated but will cause problems
## downstream e.g. they break the rowData() getter unless
## 'use.names=FALSE' is used.
## - NAs in the **colnames** are not and cannot be supported at the moment!
## Right now they break the SummarizedExperiment() constructor in an ugly
## way (error message not super helpful):
## > SummarizedExperiment(m)
## Error in DataFrame(x = seq_len(ncol(a1)), row.names = nms) :
## missing values in 'row.names'
## This should be improved.
## - At the root of these problems is the fact that at the moment
## DataFrame objects do not support NAs in their rownames (this is
## a of BioC 3.16).
## Bottom line: NAs in the dimnames of a SummarizedExperiment object
## should be avoided at all cost. One way to deal with them is to
## replace them with empty strings (""). It's not clear whether the
## SummarizedExperiment() constructor should automatically take care
## of that (with a warning), or if it should just fail with an informative
## error message asking the user to "fix" the dimnames on the assay
## **before** calling the constructor. One possible downside of the latter
## is that there is no guarantee that the dimnames of an assay can be
## modified in general (think on-disk assay), and, even if they are, doing
## so could be costly (e.g. trigger a copy of a huge object). But if the
## SummarizedExperiment() constructor were to take care of the fix, it
## wouldn't need to modify the dimnames of the supplied assay.
rownames(m)[c(1L, 3L)] <- NA
se <- SummarizedExperiment(m)
test_SummarizedExperiment_getters <- function()
for (i in seq_along(se0List)) {
se0 <- se0List[[i]]
## dim, dimnames
checkIdentical(c(nrow(mList[[i]]), nrow(colData0)), dim(se0))
checkIdentical(NULL, dimnames(se0))
## col / metadata
checkIdentical(rowDataList[[i]], rowData(se0))
checkIdentical(colData0, colData(se0))
checkIdentical(list(), metadata(se0))
## assays
m0 <- matrix(0L, 0, 0)
m1 <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
a <- SimpleList(a=m0, b=m1)
checkIdentical(a, assays(SummarizedExperiment(assays=a)))
## assay
assay(SummarizedExperiment()), "0-length assay", TRUE)
assay(SummarizedExperiment(assays=a)), "default assay")
assay(SummarizedExperiment(assays=a), 2),
"assay, numeric index")
assay(SummarizedExperiment(assays=a), 3),
"invalid assay index", TRUE)
assay(SummarizedExperiment(assays=a), "b"),
"assay, character index")
assay(SummarizedExperiment(assays=a), "c"),
"invalid assay name", TRUE)
test_SummarizedExperiment_setters <- function()
for (i in seq_along(se0List)) {
se0 <- se0List[[i]]
## row / col / metadata<-
se1 <- se0
rowData <- rowDataList[[i]]
rowData <- rowData[rev(seq_len(nrow(rowData))),,drop=FALSE]
rowData(se1) <- rowData
checkIdentical(rowData, rowData(se1))
colData <- colData0[rev(seq_len(nrow(colData0))),,drop=FALSE]
colData(se1) <- colData
checkIdentical(colData, colData(se1))
## The rowData (alias for mcols) setter recycles the supplied
## DataFrame. This is consistent with what the mcols/elementMetadata
## setter does on Vector objects in general.
rowData(se1) <- rowData(se0)[1:2,,drop=FALSE]
idx <- rep(1:2, length.out=length(se1))
target_se1_rowData <- rowData(se0)[idx,,drop=FALSE]
checkIdentical(target_se1_rowData, rowData(se1))
## The colData setter does NOT recycle the supplied DataFrame.
checkException(colData(se1) <- colData(se0)[1:2,,drop=FALSE],
"incorrect col dimensions", TRUE)
lst <- list("foo", "bar")
metadata(se1) <- lst
checkIdentical(lst, metadata(se1))
## assay / assays
se1 <- se0
assay(se1) <- assay(se1)+1
checkIdentical(assay(se0)+1, assay(se1))
se1 <- se0
assay(se1, 1) <- assay(se1, 1) + 1
checkIdentical(assay(se0, "m") + 1, assay(se1, "m"))
se1 <- se0
assay(se1, "m") <- assay(se1, "m") + 1
checkIdentical(assay(se0, "m")+1, assay(se1, "m"))
## dimnames<-
se1 <- se0
dimnames <- list(letters[seq_len(nrow(se1))],
rownames(se1) <- dimnames[[1]]
colnames(se1) <- dimnames[[2]]
checkIdentical(dimnames, dimnames(se1))
colData1 <- colData0
row.names(colData1) <- dimnames[[2]]
checkIdentical(colData1, colData(se1))
se1 <- se0
dimnames(se1) <- dimnames
checkIdentical(dimnames, dimnames(se1))
dimnames(se1) <- NULL
checkIdentical(NULL, dimnames(se1))
## With empty strings in the dimnames.
m <- matrix(1:12, nrow=4, dimnames=list(c(a="A", b="B", c="", d="D"),
c(X="x", Y="y", Z="")))
se <- se0 <- SummarizedExperiment(m)
assay(se) <- m # should be a no-op
checkIdentical(se0, se)
dimnames(se) <- dimnames(m) # should be a no-op
checkIdentical(se0, se)
test_SummarizedExperiment_subset <- function()
for (i in seq_along(se0List)) {
se0 <- se0List[[i]]
## numeric
se1 <- se0[2:3,]
checkIdentical(c(2L, ncol(se0)), dim(se1))
checkIdentical(rowData(se1), rowData(se0)[2:3,,drop=FALSE])
checkIdentical(colData(se1), colData(se0))
se1 <- se0[,2:3]
checkIdentical(c(nrow(se0), 2L), dim(se1))
checkIdentical(rowData(se1), rowData(se0))
checkIdentical(colData(se1), colData(se0)[2:3,,drop=FALSE])
se1 <- se0[2:3, 2:3]
checkIdentical(c(2L, 2L), dim(se1))
checkIdentical(colData(se1), colData(se0)[2:3,,drop=FALSE])
## character
se1 <- se0
dimnames(se1) <- list(LETTERS[seq_len(nrow(se1))],
ridx <- c("B", "C")
checkException(se1[LETTERS,], "i-index out of bounds", TRUE)
cidx <- c("b", "c")
checkIdentical(colData(se1[,cidx]), colData(se1)[cidx,,drop=FALSE])
checkIdentical(colData(se1[,"a"]), colData(se1)["a",,drop=FALSE])
checkException(se1[,letters], "j-index out of bounds", TRUE)
## logical
se1 <- se0
dimnames(se1) <- list(LETTERS[seq_len(nrow(se1))],
checkEquals(se1, se1[TRUE,])
checkIdentical(c(0L, ncol(se1)), dim(se1[FALSE,]))
checkEquals(se1, se1[,TRUE])
checkIdentical(c(nrow(se1), 0L), dim(se1[,FALSE]))
idx <- c(TRUE, FALSE) # recycling
se2 <- se1[idx,]
se2 <- se1[,idx]
checkIdentical(colData(se1)[idx,,drop=FALSE], colData(se2))
## Rle
se1 <- se0
rle <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each=3, length.out=nrow(se1))
checkIdentical(assays(se1[rle]), assays(se1[Rle(rle)]))
## 0 columns
se <- SummarizedExperiment(matrix(integer(0), nrow=5))
checkIdentical(dim(se[1:5, ]), c(5L, 0L))
## 0 rows
se <- SummarizedExperiment(colData=DataFrame(samples=1:10))
checkIdentical(dim(se[ ,1:5]), c(0L, 5L))
test_SummarizedExperiment_subsetassign <- function()
for (i in seq_along(se0List)) {
se0 <- se0List[[i]]
dimnames(se0) <- list(LETTERS[seq_len(nrow(se0))],
## rows
se1 <- se0
se1[1:2,] <- se1[2:1,]
checkIdentical(colData(se0), colData(se1))
checkIdentical(c(metadata(se0), metadata(se0)), metadata(se1))
## Rle
se1rle <- se1Rle <- se0
rle <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each=3, length.out=nrow(se1))
se1rle[rle,] <- se1rle[rle,]
se1Rle[Rle(rle),] <- se1Rle[Rle(rle),]
checkIdentical(assays(se1rle), assays(se1Rle))
## cols
se1 <- se0
se1[,1:2] <- se1[,2:1,drop=FALSE]
checkIdentical(c(metadata(se0), metadata(se0)), metadata(se1))
## full replacement
se1 <- se2 <- se0List[[1]]
se1[,] <- se2
checkIdentical(se1, se2)
test_SummarizedExperiment_assays_4d <- function()
## construction/validation
A <- array(0, c(3, 2, 5, 4), list(c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
c("y1", "y2"),
c("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4")))
B <- array(0, c(3, 2, 6), list(c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
c("y1", "y2"),
assays0 <- SimpleList(A=A, B=B)
dimnames(B)[[2]] <- c("y1", "oops")
assays0 <- SimpleList(A=A, B=B)
dimnames(B)[1:2] <- dimnames(A)[1:2]
C <- array(0, c(3, 2, 4), list(NULL,
c("y1", "y2"),
c("z1", "z2", "z3", "z4")))
D <- array(0, c(3, 2, 7, 2), list(NULL,
c("t1", "t2")))
E <- array(0, c(3, 2, 0))
assays0 <- SimpleList(A=A, B=B, C=C, D=D, E=E)
se0 <- se1 <- SummarizedExperiment(assays0)
dimnames(se0) <- NULL
checkTrue(validObject(se0, complete=TRUE))
checkTrue(validObject(se1, complete=TRUE))
## dimnames
checkIdentical(NULL, dimnames(se0))
checkIdentical(dimnames(A)[1:2], dimnames(se1))
## assays
for (i in seq_along(assays0)) {
target <- assays0[[i]]
checkIdentical(target, assay(se0, i, withDimnames=FALSE))
checkIdentical(target, assay(se1, i, withDimnames=FALSE))
target0 <- target1 <- dimnames(assays0[[1]])
target0[1:2] <- list(NULL)
checkIdentical(target0, dimnames(assay(se0, 1)))
checkIdentical(target1, dimnames(assay(se1, 1)))
checkIdentical(NULL, dimnames(assay(se0, 2)))
checkIdentical(dimnames(assays0[[2]]), dimnames(assay(se1, 2)))
target0 <- target1 <- dimnames(assays0[[3]])
target0[1:2] <- list(NULL)
checkIdentical(target0, dimnames(assay(se0, 3)))
target1[1:2] <- dimnames(se1)
checkIdentical(target1, dimnames(assay(se1, 3)))
target0 <- target1 <- dimnames(assays0[[4]])
checkIdentical(target0, dimnames(assay(se0, 4)))
target1[1:2] <- dimnames(se1)
checkIdentical(target1, dimnames(assay(se1, 4)))
checkIdentical(NULL, dimnames(assay(se0, 5)))
target1 <- c(dimnames(se1), list(NULL))
checkIdentical(target1, dimnames(assay(se1, 5)))
## [
se2 <- se1[3:2, ]
checkIdentical(A[3:2, , , , drop=FALSE],
assay(se2, 1, withDimnames=FALSE))
checkIdentical(B[3:2, , , drop=FALSE],
assay(se2, 2, withDimnames=FALSE))
checkIdentical(C[3:2, , , drop=FALSE],
assay(se2, 3, withDimnames=FALSE))
## [<-
A1 <- A; A1[1, , , ] <- A[1, , , , drop=FALSE] + 1
assays(se1[1, ], withDimnames=FALSE)[[1]] <-
1 + assays(se1[1, ], withDimnames=FALSE)[[1]]
checkIdentical(A1, assays(se1, withDimnames=FALSE)[[1]])
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