#' indvExpPatEvents Server Function
#' Prepare Individual Explorer Tab's Events subtab with content. Specifically,
#' creating some headers, build events dataset, Output a DT & TimeVis Object
#' @param input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @param datafile A list of dataframes
#' @param loaded_adams A character vector of loaded adam datasets
#' @param usubjid A Character string containing a USUBJID
#' @param filtered_dat A IDEAFilter output data frame containing USUBJID
#' @import shiny
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom shinyjs show hide
#' @importFrom timevis timevis renderTimevis setOptions
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_replace
#' @family indvExp Functions
#' @noRd
mod_indvExpPatEvents_server <- function(input, output, session,
datafile, loaded_adams, usubjid, filtered_dat){
ns <- session$ns
# Header that depends on a few items existing
output$events_header <- renderText({
"Patient Events by Date"
# When the user asks for help, guide them through the UI
observeEvent( input$help_events, {
} else {
if(any(regexpr("%>%",capture.output(attr(filtered_dat(), "code"))) > 0)){
} else {
# if any filter is selected in IDEAFilter, then we should show the
# "events_apply_filter" checkbox, which defaults to TRUE everytime a new
# patient is selected
observeEvent(list(input$checkGroup), {
req(usubjid() != "")
# looking for IDEAFilter output code attr containing a pipe. If it exists,
# that means something was filtered
if(any(regexpr("%>%",capture.output(attr(filtered_dat(), "code"))) > 0) & !is.null(input$checkGroup)){
shinyjs::show(id = "events_apply_filter")
} else {
shinyjs::hide(id = "events_apply_filter")
# Output text string of what was filtered in IDEAFilter widget/ module
output$applied_filters <- renderUI({
usubjid() != ""
& any(regexpr("%>%",capture.output(attr(filtered_dat(), "code"))) > 0)
& !is.null(input$checkGroup)
& input$events_apply_filter == TRUE
# If EVENTS apply filters toggle or checkgroup changes, run the following
# code:
# - clear outputs
# - build events dataset
# - Output a DT & TimeVis Object
# - conditionally create captions and alter the time window
observeEvent(list(input$checkGroup, input$events_apply_filter), {
req(usubjid() != "") # selPatNo cannot be blank
# Clear outputs if nothing is selected
output$eventsTable <- DT::renderDataTable({NULL})
output$eventsPlot <- renderTimevis({NULL})
output$events_tv_caption1 <- renderText({NULL})
output$events_tv_caption2 <- renderText({NULL})
shinyjs::hide(id = "events_tv_caption1")
shinyjs::hide(id = "events_tv_caption2")
shinyjs::hide(id = "events_error")
shinyjs::hide(id = "eventsPlot")
shinyjs::hide(id = "eventsTable")
# See build_events_df.R
uni_rec <- tryCatch(build_events(input_checkbox = input$checkGroup
, input_apply_filter = input$events_apply_filter
, my_usubjid = usubjid()
, my_loaded_adams = loaded_adams()
, my_datafile = datafile()
, my_filtered_dat = filtered_dat()),
error = function(e) simpleError(error_handler(e))
if ("simpleError" %in% class(uni_rec)) {
output$events_error <- renderText(uni_rec$message)
req(!"simpleError" %in% class(uni_rec))
# If data exists, output a DT object containing Events date data
if (!is.null(uni_rec) && nrow(uni_rec) > 0) {
shinyjs::show(id = "eventsTable")
shinyjs::show(id = "eventsPlot")
if("MH_" %in% substr(uni_rec$DOMAIN,1,3)){
tab <- uni_rec %>% select(EVENTTYP, tab_st, tab_en, DECODE)
date_cols <- c("Start of Event","End of Event")
date_cols <- c("Start Date", "End Date")
tab <- uni_rec %>% select(EVENTTYP, START, END, DECODE)
output$eventsTable <- DT::renderDataTable(server = FALSE, { # This allows for downloading entire data set
, colnames = c("Type of Event", date_cols, "Event Description")
, extensions = "Buttons"
, options = list(
dom = 'Blftpr'
, pageLength = 15
, lengthMenu = list(c(15, 50, 100, -1),c('15', '50', '100', "All"))
, buttons = list(list(
extend = "excel",
filename = paste("PatEvents", usubjid(), "dwnd",str_replace_all(str_replace(Sys.time(), " ", "_"),":", "-"), sep = "_")
, style="default"
# Create timevis object for interactive timeline
output$eventsPlot <- renderTimevis({
plot_dat <-
uni_rec %>%
subset(!is.na(START)) %>%
start = START,
end = END + 1,
content = "",
group = EVENTTYP,
className = DOMAIN,
type = if_else(is.na(END), "point", "range"),
title = DECODE
) %>%
select(start, end, content, group, className, type, title)
grp_dat <-
uni_rec %>%
mutate(id = EVENTTYP,
content = EVENTTYP,
className = DOMAIN,
style = rep("font-wieght: bold;",nrow(uni_rec))
) %>%
distinct(id, content, className)
# number of non-MH categories
nonMH_dat <-
plot_dat %>%
filter(substr(className, 1, 3) != "MH_")
nonMH_n <- nonMH_dat %>% distinct(className) %>% pull() %>% length
# if only 1 Event type is selected, do not manually alter the default time window
# if n_nonMH selected, then zoom to 1st portion of 1/nonMH timespan + 10% space on front
# For example: If 2 selected and total timespan is 3 years, then zoom to 1st 1/2 the nonMH timespan + start
tv <- timevis(plot_dat,
groups = grp_dat
# ,options = list(maxHeight = "400px")
}) # end of renderTimevis
# Add caption if there are events not shown in the timeline due to missing dates
if (uni_rec %>% subset(is.na(START)) %>% nrow() > 0){
shinyjs::show(id = "events_tv_caption1")
output$events_tv_caption1 <- renderText({
"Note: Some patient event dates were not plotted since the loaded data contained missing dates. These events are still included in the table below."
}else {
shinyjs::hide(id = "events_tv_caption1")
output$events_tv_caption1 <- renderText({NULL})
# Add caption if some dates were imputed
if ("MH_" %in% substr(input$checkGroup, 1, 3) & (
!identical(as.character(uni_rec$START),uni_rec$tab_st) | !identical(as.character(uni_rec$END),uni_rec$tab_en)
shinyjs::show(id = "events_tv_caption2")
output$events_tv_caption2 <- renderText({
"Note: Some vague & missing patient event dates were imputed in plot above. Original start and end dates from ADMH are displayed in table below."
}else {
shinyjs::hide(id = "events_tv_caption2")
output$events_tv_caption2 <- renderText({NULL})
} else { # if no data for that subj
if (!is.null(input$checkGroup)) {
shinyjs::alert(paste("No data available for this subject!"))
}, ignoreNULL=FALSE) # clearing all checkboxes qualifies for an event
## To be copied in the server
# callModule(mod_indvExpPatEvents_server, "indvExpPatEvents_ui_1")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.