#' popExp Server Function
#' Prepare Individual Explorer Tab with some of the basics
#' @param input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @param datafile A list of dataframes
#' @import shiny
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom IDEAFilter shiny_data_filter
#' @importFrom haven zap_label zap_formats
#' @importFrom purrr map walk2
#' @importFrom plotly renderPlotly ggplotly layout
#' @family popExp Functions
#' @noRd
mod_popExp_server <- function(input, output, session, datafile) {
ns <- session$ns
# When the user asks for help, guide them through the UI
observeEvent( input$help_sel, {
if(input$adv_filtering == TRUE){
guide_popex_sel_adv$init()$start() # guide includes IDEAFilter
} else {
output$study_pop_exp <- renderUI({
studies <- unique(unlist(lapply(datafile(), `[[`, "STUDYID")))
study_ids <- paste(studies, collapse = " & ")
h4(paste("Study ID: ", study_ids))
col_list <- eventReactive(datafile(), {
map(datafile(), colnames)
# show/hide checkboxes depending on radiobutton selection
process <- eventReactive(datafile(), {
# make sure selectData has been run
# wait until ADSL has been selected
req("ADSL" %in% names(datafile()) )
# The data used by the population explorer is going to be one of:
# (1) one or more BDS datasets row-joined ("pancaked") together
# and ADSL will be column-joined with the BDS data or...
# (2) ADSL data alone
# Isolate ADSL
if ("ADSL" %in% names(datafile())) {
ADSL <- datafile()$ADSL %>%
# split the non-ADSL data into those which have a USUBJID or not
NOTADSL <- datafile()[names(datafile()) != "ADSL" ]
if (!rlang::is_empty(NOTADSL)) {
# zap formats
for (i in 1:length(NOTADSL)) ( NOTADSL[[i]] <- haven::zap_formats(NOTADSL[[i]]) )
# Bind all the BDS (PARAMCD) files and filter them & remove any "ADSL" variables lurking
all_BDSDATA <- bind_rows(NOTADSL, .id = "data_from") %>%
# Manipulate ADSL to contain USUBJID plus all the names that are unique to ADSL
ADSL.1 <- select(ADSL, USUBJID, dplyr::setdiff(names(ADSL), names(all_BDSDATA)))
my_adsl_cols <- colnames(ADSL.1)
suppressWarnings( # Warning: Column `USUBJID` has different attributes on LHS and RHS of join
all_data <- all_BDSDATA %>%
left_join(ADSL.1, by = "USUBJID") %>%
ADSL %>%
mutate(data_from = 'ADSL') %>%
select(data_from, everything())
} else { # just ADSL loaded by itself
my_adsl_cols <- colnames(ADSL)
all_data <- bind_rows(ADSL, .id = "data_from")
all_data$data_from <- "ADSL" # set to ADSL, defaults to "1" here???
# SAS data uses blanks as character missing; replace blanks with NAs for chr columns
# na_if can also be used with scoped variants of mutate
# like mutate_if to mutate multiple columns
all_data <- all_data %>% mutate_if(is.character, list(~na_if(., "")))
if ("ADAE" %in% names(datafile())) {
all_data <- all_data %>% filter(!AETERM %in% c(""," ","."))
# copy SAS labels back into data
for (i in seq_along(datafile())) {
all_data <- sjlabelled::copy_labels(all_data, as.data.frame(datafile()[[i]]))
# Now this is more generic, not specific to one study
if ("STUDYID" %in% colnames(all_data)) {
if ("CHG" %in% colnames(all_data) ) {
# set CHG to zero instead of NA at Baseline
chg_lab <- sjlabelled::get_label(all_data$CHG)
all_data <- mutate(all_data, CHG = ifelse(AVISIT == "Baseline", tidyr::replace_na(CHG, 0), CHG))
all_data$CHG <- sjlabelled::set_label(all_data$CHG, label = chg_lab)
if("AVISIT" %in% colnames(all_data)) all_data <- all_data %>% mutate(AVISIT = stringr::str_wrap(AVISIT, width = 9))
if("VISIT" %in% colnames(all_data)) all_data <- all_data %>% mutate(VISIT = stringr::str_wrap(VISIT, width = 9))
all_data <- all_data %>%
return(list(all_data = all_data, adsl_cols = my_adsl_cols))
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE) # end of observeEvent on datafile()
# Filtering Pre-processing
output$hide_panel <- eventReactive(input$apply_filters, TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
outputOptions(output, "hide_panel", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# Only select data that starts with AD followed by one or more alphanumerics or underscore
my_loaded_adams <- reactive({
sasdata0 <- toupper(names(datafile()))
sasdata <- names(which(sapply(sasdata0,function(df) { return(stringr::str_detect(toupper(df),"^AD[A-Z0-9\\_]+")) })))
# If User wants to perform advance filtering, update drop down of data frames they can filter on
updateSelectInput("filter_df", session = session, choices = as.list(my_loaded_adams()))
# if ADTT* exists in data & it has the cnsr column, add KM curve as radioButton choice
observeEvent(my_loaded_adams(), {
# req(any(substr(my_loaded_adams(), 1, 4) == "ADTT"))
# adtt_ <- my_loaded_adams()[substr(my_loaded_adams(), 1, 4) == "ADTT"]
req(any(purrr::map_lgl(my_loaded_adams(), ~ "CNSR" %in% colnames(datafile()[[.x]]))))
updateRadioButtons(session, "plot_type",
choices = c("Kaplan-Meier Curve",
"Line plot - mean over time",
"Heatmap - endpoint correlations",
"Box Plot",
"Scatter Plot",
"Spaghetti Plot"
) # new ... added KM
# must make reactive
all_data <- reactive({ process()$all_data })
adsl_cols <- reactive({ process()$adsl_cols })
# Data to provide IDEAFilter
feed_filter <- reactive({
all_data() %>% subset(data_from %in% input$filter_df)
filter_cols <- reactive({
col_list()[input$filter_df] %>% unlist()
# Data NOT provided to IDEAFilter... will need to subset later
not_filtered <- reactive({
all_data() %>% subset(!(data_from %in% input$filter_df))
} else {
# Call IDEAFilter Module
filters <- callModule(
"data_filter", # whatever you named the widget
data = reactive(feed_filter()[filter_cols()]), # the name of your pre-processed data
verbose = FALSE)
filtered_data <- reactive({
if (input$apply_filters == FALSE) {
} else if (any(regexpr("%>%",capture.output(attr(filters(), "code"))) > 0)) {
attr(filters(), "code") %>%
capture.output() %>%
paste(collapse = "") %>%
str_replace("^.*?(%>%)", "feed_filter\\(\\) \\1") %>%
rlang::parse_expr() %>%
} else {
}) %>%
bindEvent(filters(), input$apply_filters)
# Update datset, depending on apply_filters or filtered_data() changing
dataset <- eventReactive(list(input$apply_filters,filtered_data()), {
if (input$apply_filters == TRUE && !is.null(filtered_data())) {
req(input$filter_df) # needed 100% as this can be slow to update, causing an error
# extract just the ADSL columns from the filtered data frame so we can
# apply those changes to the unfiltered data
adsl_filt_cols <-
filtered_data() %>%
subset(data_from %in% input$filter_df) %>%
select(data_from, all_of(adsl_cols())) %>%
# grab distinct adsl_filt_col values among any dataset (data_from) in case more
# than 1 was selected
adsl_filt <-
split(adsl_filt_cols %>% select(-data_from), adsl_filt_cols$data_from) %>%
d <- filtered_data() %>%
# If there are any datasets that were not filtered, then semi_join those
d <- d %>%
d <- sjlabelled::copy_labels(d, feed_filter()) # add labels back in after filter
} else {
d <- all_data()
km_data <- reactive({
req(any(purrr::map_lgl(my_loaded_adams(), ~ "CNSR" %in% colnames(datafile()[[.x]]))))
dataset() %>%
# filter(substr(data_from, 1, 4) == "ADTT") %>%
run_scat <- reactive(ifelse(input$plot_type == "Scatter Plot", TRUE, FALSE))
run_boxp <- reactive(ifelse(input$plot_type == "Box Plot", TRUE, FALSE))
run_spag <- reactive(ifelse(input$plot_type == "Spaghetti Plot", TRUE, FALSE))
run_line <- reactive(ifelse(input$plot_type == "Line plot - mean over time", TRUE, FALSE))
run_heat <- reactive(ifelse(input$plot_type == "Heatmap - endpoint correlations", TRUE, FALSE))
run_kapm <- reactive(ifelse(input$plot_type == "Kaplan-Meier Curve", TRUE, FALSE))
p_scatter <- callModule(scatterPlot_srv, "scatterPlot", data = dataset, run = run_scat)
p_spaghetti <- callModule(spaghettiPlot_srv, "spaghettiPlot", data = dataset, run = run_spag)
p_box <- callModule(boxPlot_srv, "boxPlot", data = dataset, run = run_boxp)
p_line <- callModule(linePlot_srv, "linePlot", data = dataset, run = run_line)
p_heatmap <- callModule(heatmap_srv, "heatmap", data = dataset, run = run_heat)
p_km <- callModule(km_srv, "km", data = km_data, run = run_kapm)
# use plot output of the module to create the plot
output$plot_output <- renderPlotly({
`Scatter Plot` = p_scatter() %>% plotly::ggplotly() %>%
plotly::layout(title = list(yref = "container", y = .95, yanchor = "bottom")),
`Box Plot` = p_box() %>% plotly::ggplotly(),
`Spaghetti Plot` = p_spaghetti() %>% plotly::ggplotly(),
`Line plot - mean over time` = p_line$plot() %>%
plotly::ggplotly(tooltip = c("text")) %>%
plotly::layout(title = list(yref = "container", y = .95, yanchor = "bottom")),
`Heatmap - endpoint correlations` = p_heatmap$plot() %>% plotly::ggplotly(tooltip = c("text"))
, `Kaplan-Meier Curve` = p_km() %>% plotly::ggplotly()
) %>%
config(displaylogo = FALSE,
modeBarButtonsToRemove =
c("zoom2d", "pan2d", "select2d", "lasso2d", "zoomIn2d", "zoomOut2d", "autoScale2d", "resetScale2d",
"hoverClosestCartesian", "hoverCompareCartesian", "zoom3d", "pan3d",
"resetCameraDefault3d", "resetCameraLastSave3d", "hoverClosest3d",
"orbitRotation", "tableRotation", "zoomInGeo", "zoomOutGeo",
"resetGeo", "hoverClosestGeo", "sendDataToCloud","hoverClosestGl2d",
"hoverClosestPie", "toggleHover","resetViews","toggleSpikelines","resetViewMapbox"
# , 'toImage', 'resetScale2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d','zoom2d', 'pan2d'
# Output text string of what was filtered in IDEAFilter widget/ module
output$applied_filters <- renderUI({
any(regexpr("%>%",capture.output(attr(filters(), "code"))) > 0)
& input$apply_filters == TRUE
p_data <-
`Scatter Plot` = NULL, #p_scatter$data(),
`Box Plot` = NULL, #p_box$data(),
`Spaghetti Plot` = NULL, #p_spaghetti$data(),
`Line plot - mean over time` = p_line$plot_data(),
`Heatmap - endpoint correlations` = p_heatmap$plot_data(),
`Kaplan-Meier Curve` = NULL, #p_km$data()
# p_filename_base <-
# reactive({
# req(input$plot_type)
# switch(input$plot_type,
# `Scatter Plot` = NULL, #p_scatter$data(),
# `Box Plot` = NULL, #p_box$data(),
# `Spaghetti Plot` = NULL, #p_spaghetti$data(),
# `Line plot - mean over time` = "Line Plot of Mean over time", #p_line$plot_nm(),
# `Heatmap - endpoint correlations` = "Line Plot of Mean over time", #p_heatmap$plot_nm(),
# `Kaplan-Meier Curve` = NULL, #p_km$data()
# )
# })
output$plot_data <- DT::renderDataTable({
extensions = "Buttons"
, options = list(
dom = 'Blftpr'
, pageLength = 20
, lengthMenu = list(c(20, 50, 100, -1),c('20', '50', '100', "All"))
, buttons = list(list(
extend = "excel",
filename = paste("tidyCDISC data for", input$plot_type #p_filename_base()
# ,str_replace_all(str_replace(Sys.time(), " ", "_"),":", "-"), sep = "_")
, style="default")
} else {
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