#' tableGen Server Function
#' @param input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}
#' @param datafile all uploaded data files from the dataImport module
#' @param filePaths NULL
#' @importFrom IDEAFilter shiny_data_filter
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @importFrom rlang !!
#' @importFrom rlang call2
#' @importFrom rlang as_quosure
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @import shiny
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom purrr map2
#' @importFrom purrr imap
#' @importFrom gt gt fmt_markdown tab_options cols_label tab_header md tab_style
#' cell_text cells_row_groups cells_stub render_gt gtsave
#' @importFrom purrr transpose
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom tidyr replace_na
#' @family tableGen Functions
#' @noRd
mod_tableGen_server <- function(input, output, session, datafile = reactive(NULL), filePaths = reactive(NULL)) {
old <- options()
observeEvent( input$help, {
output$study_table_gen <- renderUI({
studies <- unique(unlist(lapply(datafile(), `[[`, "STUDYID")))
study_ids <- paste(studies, collapse = " & ")
h4(paste("Study ID: ", study_ids))
output$stan_recipe_ui <- renderUI({
<select id="RECIPE" class="selectize-input">
<option id="none">NONE</option>
<option id="tbl03">Table 3: Accounting of Subjects</option>
<option id="demography">Table 5: Demography</option>',
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl18">Table 18: Overall summary of adverse events</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl19">Table 19: Adverse events by system organ class and preferred term sorted by decreasing frequency</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl20">Table 20: Adverse events by system organ class and preferred term sorted by alphabetical order</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl21">Table 21: Adverse events by system organ class</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl23">Table 23: Adverse events by preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl25">Table 25: Severe adverse events by system organ class and preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl26">Table 26: Severe adverse events by preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl29">Table 29: Related adverse events by system organ class and preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl30">Table 30: Serious adverse events by system organ class and preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl31">Table 31: Serious adverse events by preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl33">Table 33: Related serious adverse events by system organ class and preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl34">Table 34: Adverse events that led to discontinuation of study treatment by system organ class and preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl36">Table 36: Adverse events that led to withdrawal from study by system organ class and preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse("ADAE" %in% names(datafile()),'<option id="tbl38">Table 38: Adverse events that led to drug interrupted, dose reduced, or dose increased by system organ class and preferred term</option>',''),
ifelse(!rlang::is_empty(loaded_labs()) & chem_params()$exist,'<option id="tbl41_b">Table 41: Blood Chemistry actual values by visit</option>',''),
ifelse(!rlang::is_empty(loaded_labs()) & hema_params()$exist,'<option id="tbl41_h">Table 41: Hematology actual values by visit</option>',''),
ifelse(!rlang::is_empty(loaded_labs()) & urin_params()$exist,'<option id="tbl41_u">Table 41: Urinalysis actual values by visit</option>',''),
RECIPE <- reactive( if(rlang::is_empty(input$recipe)) "NONE" else input$recipe)
observeEvent(RECIPE(), {
val <- ifelse(RECIPE() == "NONE", "Table Title", RECIPE())
updateTextInput(session, "table_title", value = val)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# input prep for table manipulation
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
categ_vars <- reactive({
req(datafile()) # this also doesn't need to depend on pre-filters, so grabbing root df cols
if("ADAE" %in% names(datafile())){
all_cols <- unique(c(
colnames(datafile()$ADSL)[sapply(datafile()$ADSL, class) %in% c('character', 'factor')],
colnames(datafile()$ADAE)[sapply(datafile()$ADAE, class) %in% c('character', 'factor')]
} else { # just adsl cols
all_cols <- unique(c(
colnames(datafile()$ADSL)[sapply(datafile()$ADSL, class) %in% c('character', 'factor')]
return( all_cols )
output$grp_col_ui <- renderUI({
sel_grp <- dplyr::case_when(
is.null(RECIPE()) | length(RECIPE()) == 0 ~ "NONE",
!is.null(RECIPE()) & RECIPE() != "NONE" ~ "TRT01P",
selectInput(session$ns("COLUMN"), "Group Data By:",
choices = c("NONE", categ_vars()),
selected = sel_grp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert list of dataframes to a single joined dataframe
# containing only BDS and ADSL files
# this code will need to be changed if you want to add in OCCDS
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create vector of loaded adams that could be filtered on
my_loaded_adams <- reactive({
sasdata0 <- toupper(names(datafile()))
sasdata <- names(which(sapply(sasdata0,function(df) { return(stringr::str_detect(toupper(df),"^AD[A-Z0-9\\_]+")) })))
# If User wants to perform advance filtering, update drop down of data frames they can filter on
updateSelectInput("filter_df", session = session, choices = as.list(my_loaded_adams()), selected = "ADSL")
# perform any pre-filters on the data, when a STAN table is selected
pre_ADSL <- reactive({
tryCatch(prep_adsl(ADSL = datafile()$ADSL,input_recipe = RECIPE()), error = function(e) validate(error_handler(e)))
# clean_ADAE() now happens inside this reactive!
# use potentially pre-filtered ADSL when building/ joining w/ ADAE
# Then filter ADAE based on STAN table selected.
pre_ADAE <- reactive({
tryCatch(prep_adae(datafile = datafile(),ADSL = pre_ADSL()$data, input_recipe = RECIPE()), error = function(e) validate(error_handler(e)))
# Create cleaned up versions of raw data
ADSL <- reactive({
# CANNOT inner_join on the ADAE subjects that were filtered because some
# subjects had no adverse events so you'd make a mistake by excluding them.
# Really, we'd have to identify the subjects in pre_ADSL$data and not in the
# datalist$ADAE Then keep those, plus subjects that exist in the inner_join
# of pre_ADSL$data & pre_ADAE()$data. Have to take this out of R script
# still too ############################################################
# inner_join(
# pre_ADAE()$data %>%
# distinct(USUBJID)
# )
BDS <- reactive({
init <- sapply(datafile(), function(x) "PARAMCD" %in% colnames(x) & !("CNSR" %in% colnames(x)))
# datafile()[sapply(datafile(), function(x) "PARAMCD" %in% colnames(x))]
ADAE <- reactive({ pre_ADAE()$data })
# combine all BDS data files into one large data set
bds_data <- reactive({
prep_bds(datafile = datafile(), ADSL = ADSL())
# OLD code removed 2/17/2021
# Allow users to filter on any combination of data, even values that are
# outside of table prefilters. If you only want users to apply filters ontop
# of existing (pre) filters (from stan tables), then you need to have the
# filters applied to ADSL(), ADAE(), and BDS_DATA()
processed_data <- eventReactive(input$filter_df, {
data_to_filter(datafile(), input$filter_df)
# create a reactive for the data with filters applied
filtered_data <- callModule(IDEAFilter::shiny_data_filter, "data_filter", data = processed_data, verbose = FALSE)
# apply filters from selected dfs to tg data to create all data
all_data <- reactive({suppressMessages(bds_data() %>% semi_join(filtered_data()))})
ae_data <- reactive({suppressMessages(ADAE() %>% semi_join(filtered_data()))})
pop_data <- reactive({
pre_ADSL()$data %>% # Cannot be ADSL() because that has potentially been filtered to ADAE subj's
semi_join(filtered_data()) %>%
# get the list of PARAMCDs
PARAMCD_names <- reactive({
all_data() %>%
select(PARAMCD) %>%
distinct() %>%
# prepare the AVISIT dropdown of the statistics blocks
# by converting them to a factor in the order of AVISITN
# this allows our dropdown to be in chronological order
avisit_words <- reactive({
if(any(purrr::map_lgl(datafile(), ~"AVISIT" %in% colnames(.x)))){
purrr::map(BDS(), function(x) x %>% dplyr::select(AVISIT)) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
dplyr::distinct(AVISIT) %>%
} else {
NULL #c("fake_weeky","dummy_weeky") # DON'T use this comment part.
# It's handled in AVISIT()
avisit_fctr <- reactive({
req(any(purrr::map_lgl(datafile(), ~"AVISIT" %in% colnames(.x))))
if(any(purrr::map_lgl(datafile(), ~"AVISIT" %in% colnames(.x)))){
purrr::map(BDS(), function(x) x %>% dplyr::select(AVISITN)) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
dplyr::distinct(AVISITN) %>%
} else {
AVISIT <- reactive({
if (is.null(avisit_words())) {
avisit_words <- c("fake_weeky","dummy_weeky")
} else {
# for testing
# nums <- c(2,4,6,8,12,16,20,24,26)
# avisit_words <- function() c("", "Baseline",paste("Week", nums), "End of Treatment")
# avisit_fctr <- function()c(NA, 0, nums, 99)
# rm(nums, avisit_words, avisit_fctr)
awd <- tidyr::tibble(AVISIT = avisit_words(), AVISITN = avisit_fctr())
avisit_words <-
# tidyr::tibble(AVISIT = avisit_words(), AVISITN = avisit_fctr()) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(AVISIT = as.factor(AVISIT)) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(AVISIT = forcats::fct_reorder(AVISIT, AVISITN)) %>%
awd %>%
dplyr::mutate(AVISIT = factor(AVISIT,
levels = awd[order(awd$AVISITN), "AVISIT"][[1]] %>% unique() )) %>%
dplyr::pull(AVISIT) %>%
unique() %>%
# Arrange by factor level (AVISITN)
avisit_words[avisit_words != ""]
# Send any and all AVISITs that exist to javascript side (script.js)
session$sendCustomMessage("my_weeks", c("ALL", as.vector(AVISIT())))
# Sending columns names that could be selected for nested freq stat block
# just character of factor vars from the ADSL or ADAE
all_cols <- categ_vars()
session$sendCustomMessage("all_cols", all_cols)
AVALS <- reactive({
req(purrr::map_lgl(datafile(), ~ "ATPT" %in% colnames(.x)))
atpt_datasets <- purrr::map_lgl(datafile(), ~ "ATPT" %in% colnames(.x))
avals <-
purrr::map(datafile()[atpt_datasets], ~ .x %>%
dplyr::select(PARAMCD, dplyr::any_of(c("ATPT"))) %>%
dplyr::filter(dplyr::if_any(-PARAMCD, ~ !is.na(.x) & .x != "")) %>%
dplyr::pull(PARAMCD) %>%
## TODO: Make this less confusing. I pity the soul who has to edit this.
purrr::imap(avals, ~ purrr::map(.x, function(i, j =.y) {
datafile()[[j]] %>%
dplyr::filter(PARAMCD == i) %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(c("ATPT", "ATPTN"))) %>%
varN_fctr_reorder() %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(c("ATPT"))) %>%
purrr::map(~ .x %>%
addNA(ifany = TRUE) %>%
purrr::possibly(relevel, otherwise = .)(NA_character_) %>%
get_levels() %>%
tidyr::replace_na("N/A") %>%
{if (length(.) > 1) c("ALL", .) else .} %>%
}) %>%
session$sendCustomMessage("my_avals", AVALS())
# Verify if certain lab params exist, and if so, which dataset they live in
# in case there are multiple ADLBs- to use later to send data to js side
chem_params <- reactive({
check_params(datafile(), chem)
hema_params <- reactive({
check_params(datafile(), hema)
urin_params <- reactive({
check_params(datafile(), urin)
loaded_labs <- reactive({
my_loaded_adams()[substr(my_loaded_adams(),1,4) == "ADLB"]
# Send to Client (JS) side:
# Hematology
# Blood Chemistry
# Urinalysis
# Sending vector of specific params (if they exist) for certain labs (if they exist)
req(datafile(), chem_params(), hema_params(), urin_params()) # don't req("ADLBC") because then the custom message will never get sent, and hang up the UI
send_chem <- send_urin <- send_hema <- c("not","used","fake","vector","to","convert","to","js","array")
send_chem_wks <- send_urin_wks <- send_hema_wks <- c("fake_weeky","fake_weeky2")
if(!(rlang::is_empty(loaded_labs())) &
(chem_params()$exist | hema_params()$exist| urin_params()$exist)
# Blood Chem
if(chem_params()$exist){ # add recipe() = 'tab 41'?
send_chem <- chem_params()$vctr
send_chem_wks <- chem_params()$tp
# Hematology
if(hema_params()$exist){ # add specific recipe() = 'tab 41'?
send_hema <- hema_params()$vctr
send_hema_wks <- hema_params()$tp
# Urinalysis
if(urin_params()$exist){ # add specific recipe() = 'tab 41'?
send_urin <- urin_params()$vctr
send_urin_wks <- urin_params()$tp
} # end of "if labs exist"
session$sendCustomMessage("adlbc", list(params = as.vector(send_chem), weeks = as.vector(send_chem_wks)))
session$sendCustomMessage("adlbh", list(params = as.vector(send_hema), weeks = as.vector(send_hema_wks)))
session$sendCustomMessage("adlbu", list(params = as.vector(send_urin), weeks = as.vector(send_urin_wks)))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate table given the dropped blocks
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert the custom shiny input to a table output
blocks_and_functions <- reactive({
# create initial dataset
blockData <- tryCatch(convertTGOutput(input$agg_drop_zone, input$block_drop_zone), error = function(e) validate(error_handler(e)))
blockData$label <-
purrr::map2(blockData$block, blockData$dataset, function(var, dat) {
if(!is.null(attr(data_to_use_str(dat, ae_data(), all_data())[[var]], 'label'))){
attr(data_to_use_str(dat, ae_data(), all_data())[[var]], 'label')
} else if(all(c("PARAM","PARAMCD") %in% colnames(data_to_use_str(dat, ae_data(), all_data())))){
data_to_use_str(dat, ae_data(), all_data()) %>%
filter(PARAMCD == var) %>%
distinct(PARAM) %>%
pull() %>% as.character()
} else {
}) %>% unname() %>% stringr::str_trim()
blockData$label_source <-
purrr::map2(blockData$block, blockData$dataset, function(var, dat) {
if(!is.null(attr(data_to_use_str(dat, ae_data(), all_data())[[var]], 'label'))){
'SAS "label" attribute'
} else if("PARAMCD" %in% colnames(data_to_use_str(dat, ae_data(), all_data()))){
} else {
'No Label'
}) %>% unname() %>% stringr::str_trim()
column <- reactive( if (input$COLUMN == "NONE") NULL else input$COLUMN)
# check if the grouping column only exists in the ADAE
is_grp_col_adae <- reactive({
input$COLUMN %in% dplyr::setdiff(colnames(ae_data()), colnames(all_data()))
# Decide which reactive data frame to use below
use_data_reactive <- reactive({
if(is_grp_col_adae() | numeric_stan_table(RECIPE()) %in% c(18:39)){
} else { # do the same for mh_data()
# Only needed for app, not for R script
use_preferred_pop_data <- reactive({
} else { # do the same for mh_data()
# calculate the totals to input after N= in the table headers
# a single N if data is not grouped
total_df <- reactive({
df <- use_preferred_pop_data() %>%
distinct(USUBJID) %>%
summarise(n_tot = n())
if (input$COLUMN == "NONE") {
} else {
df <- df %>%
mutate(temp = 'Total') %>%
rename_with(~paste(input$COLUMN), "temp")
grp_lvls <- get_levels(use_preferred_pop_data()[[input$COLUMN]]) # PUT ADAE() somehow?
xyz <- data.frame(grp_lvls) %>%
rename_with(~paste(input$COLUMN), grp_lvls)
groups <-
xyz %>%
use_preferred_pop_data() %>%
group_by(!!sym(input$COLUMN)) %>%
distinct(USUBJID) %>%
summarise(n_tot = n())
mutate(n_tot = tidyr::replace_na(n_tot, 0))
bind_rows(groups, df)
col_total <- reactive({
pre_filter_msgs <- reactive({
paste0(pre_ADSL()$message, "<br/>", pre_ADAE()$message, collapse = "<br/>")
# Create the tables subtitle if the table has been filtered
subtitle_html <- reactive({
# recipe selected AND IDEAFilter applied
if (RECIPE() != "NONE" & any(regexpr("%>%", capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code"))) > 0) ) {
paste0("<b>Filters Applied:</b><br/>",pre_filter_msgs(),
filters_in_english(filter_header = "", filtered_data()),
collapse = "<br/>")
# recipe selected, no IDEAFilter
} else if(RECIPE() != "NONE" & !(any(regexpr("%>%", capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code"))) > 0))){
paste0("<b>Filters Applied:</b><br/>",pre_filter_msgs(), collapse = "<br/>")
# no recipe selected, but IDEAFilter
} else if(RECIPE() == "NONE" & any(regexpr("%>%", capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code"))) > 0)){
} else {
" "
# create a gt table output by mapping over each row in the block input
# and performing the correct statistical method given the blocks S3 class
for_gt <- reactive({
need((nrow(blocks_and_functions()) > 0),'Add variable and statistics blocks to create table.')
# if grouping by a column that only exists in the ADAE
need(all(blocks_and_functions()$dataset == "ADAE"), glue::glue("{column()} doesn't exist in all data files, please select new grouping variable or only drag variables to left-hand side from ADAE source"))
# if no data in the source, do not run the pmap, just show this msg:
validate(need(nrow(use_data_reactive()) != 0, paste0("No subjects remain when the following filters are applied.\n "
,gsub("<br/>", "\n ", pre_filter_msgs()))))
d <- tryCatch(tg_gt(list(ADAE = ae_data(), ADSL = all_data(), POPDAT = use_preferred_pop_data()),
column()), error = function(e) validate(error_handler(e)))
output$for_gt_table <- renderTable({ for_gt() })
# remove the first two columns from the row names to use since
# these are used for grouping in gt. Make sure Total is at the end
row_names_n <- reactive({
some_names <- names(for_gt())[-c(1:2)]
some_names[grepl("\\.\\.\\.", some_names)] <- "Missing"
some_names_no_tot <- some_names[some_names != "Total"]
append(some_names_no_tot, "Total")
# create gt table
gt_table <- reactive({
for_gt() %>%
create_gt_table(., input_table_title = input$table_title,
input_table_footnote = input$table_footnote,
col_names = row_names_n(),
col_total = col_total(),
subtitle = subtitle_html())
# # TODO To be implemented when gt package fixes issue with col_widths()
# # Column widths for RTF output
# col_widths_rtf <- reactive({
# # Number of columns, excluding grouping column
# ncols <- ncol(rtf_table()[["_data"]]) - 1
# # Width of first column, in percentage
# width_col_1 <- 40
# width_col_rest <- (100 - width_col_1) / (ncols - 1)
# widths <- c(width_col_1, rep(x = width_col_rest, times = ncols - 1))
# widths <- gt::pct(widths)
# return(widths)
# })
# Create RTF table
rtf_table <- reactive({
# Add formatting for RTF output
rtf_tab <- gt_table() %>%
# Not currently possible to change font family or size
# Open issue: https://github.com/rstudio/gt/issues/687
# table.font.names = c("Times", "Arial"),
# table.font.size = gt::px(18),
# heading.title.font.size = NULL,
# footnotes.font.size = NULL,
page.numbering = TRUE,
page.orientation = "landscape",
# Set table width to be the width of the page. Column widths
# will be distributed equally.
table.width = gt::pct(100)
) #%>%
# Set column widths
# Unable to pass dynamic column width to gt::cols_width() in a shiny
# app. Open issue: https://github.com/rstudio/gt/issues/641
# gt::cols_width(
# TRUE ~ col_widths_rtf()
# )
# Page breaks
# Not currently possible
# Sample open issue: https://github.com/rstudio/gt/issues/1081
# Convert HTML to markdown in the Source footnote
rtf_tab[["_footnotes"]]$footnotes[[1]] <-
rtf_tab[["_footnotes"]]$footnotes[[1]] %>%
as.character() %>%
# Convert bold from HTML to markdown
stringr::str_replace_all("</b>", "**") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("<b>", "**") %>%
# Delete HTML elements
stringr::str_replace_all("<.+?>", "") %>%
trimws(which = "left") %>%
# Convert to markdown for formatting
output$all <- gt::render_gt({ gt_table() })
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Block UI based on the data files that are uploaded
# create a two column dataframe of the the ADSL column names
# and their labels
# and for BDS files the PARAMCDs and their names
# these will be used as block names and hover text
# and blocks will be grouped by the datafile they came from
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# create dataframe of block names and their labels
# for BDS use param cd as column names and params as their labels
block_data <- reactive({
# We don't want the column names to update based on prefilters by recipe
# so we are going to use the original column names here
ADSL <- datafile()$ADSL
metadata <- data.frame(col_names = colnames(ADSL))
metadata$code <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(metadata)) {
if("label" %in% names(attributes(ADSL[[metadata$col_names[i]]]))){
metadata$code[i] <- attr(ADSL[[metadata$col_names[i]]], "label")
new_list <- lapply(BDS(), function(x) x %>% select(PARAMCD, PARAM) %>% distinct())
new_list[[length(new_list) + 1 ]] <- metadata
names(new_list)[length(new_list)] <- "ADSL"
# only display ADAE column blocks if an ADAE is uploaded!
if ("ADAE" %in% names(datafile())) {
# this also doesn't need to depend on pre-filters
ADAE <- datafile()$ADAE
# Display variable blocks that are only unique to ADAE
ADAE_blocks <- data.frame(
col_names = dplyr::setdiff(colnames(ADAE), metadata$col_names)
ADAE_blocks$code <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(ADAE_blocks)) {
if("label" %in% names(attributes(ADAE[[ADAE_blocks$col_names[i]]]))){
ADAE_blocks$code[i] <- attr(ADAE[[ADAE_blocks$col_names[i]]], "label")
new_list[[length(new_list) + 1 ]] <- ADAE_blocks
names(new_list)[length(new_list)] <- "ADAE"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Download table
# Currently RTF, CSV, and HTML
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
output$download_gt <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste0("TableGenerator", input$download_type)
content = function(file) {
progress <- Progress$new(max = 3)
progress$set(message = "Preparing Table...")
if(input$download_type == ".csv") {
progress$inc(1) # increment progress bar
for_gt() %>%
mutate(ID = ifelse(Variable == "", "", ID))
, file, row.names = FALSE)
progress$inc(1) # increment progress bar
} else if(input$download_type == ".html") {
progress$inc(1) # increment progress bar
exportHTML <- gt_table()
progress$inc(1) # increment progress bar
gt::gtsave(exportHTML, file)
progress$inc(1) # increment progress bar
} else if(input$download_type == ".rtf") {
progress$inc(1) # increment progress bar
export_rtf <- rtf_table()
progress$inc(1) # increment progress bar
gt::gtsave(export_rtf, file, page_numbering = "header")
progress$inc(1) # increment progress bar
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Download table code
# Create code as string to be exported
# as primary or secondary table
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Depending on data source used in the app, create data for R script
create_script_data <- reactive({
if(any("CDISCPILOT01" %in% ADSL()$STUDYID)){
# create list of dataframes from CDISC pilot study
datalist <- list({paste(purrr::map_chr(names(datafile()), ~ paste0(.x, ' = tidyCDISC::', tolower(.x))), collapse = ', ')})
# names_datafile <- function() c("ADSL", "ADAE")
# paste(purrr::map_chr(names_datafile(), ~ paste0(.x, " = tidyCDISC::", tolower(.x))), collapse = ", ")
} else {glue::glue("
# User must manually set file paths for study
study_dir <- 'path/to/study/directory/'
# use HAVEN to extract data, then merge
file_names <- c({filenames()})
# create list of dataframes
datalist <-
purrr::map(file_names, ~ haven::read_sas(file.path(study_dir,.x))) %>%
setNames(toupper(stringr::str_remove(file_names, '.sas7bdat')))
footnote_src <- reactive({
if(any("CDISCPILOT01" %in% ADSL()$STUDYID)){
"'tidyCDISC app'"
} else {
# If ADAE exists, then prep that data too
adae_expr <- reactive({
if("ADAE" %in% names(datafile())){
# Create AE data set
pre_adae <- datalist %>%
tidyCDISC::prep_adae(pre_adsl$data, '{RECIPE()}')
ae_data <- pre_adae$data
} else {""}
# capture output of filtering expression
# input_filter_df <- c("one","mild","Moderate")
# paste('"',dput(input_filter_df),'"')
data_to_filter_expr <- reactive({
filter_code <- gsub("processed_data","dat_to_filt",gsub(" ","",paste(capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code")), collapse = "")))
if(any(regexpr("%>%", filter_code) > 0)){
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
filter_dfs <- paste(sQuote(input$filter_df), collapse = ",")
# options(useFancyQuotes = TRUE)
# Create small filtered data set
dat_to_filt <- tidyCDISC::data_to_filter(datalist, c({filter_dfs}))
filtered_data <- {filter_code} %>% tidyCDISC::varN_fctr_reorder()
} else {""}
filter_bds_expr <- reactive({
filter_code <- gsub("processed_data","bds_data",capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code")))
if(any(regexpr("%>%", filter_code) > 0)){
# Apply small filtered data set to BDS data
bds_data <- bds_data %>% semi_join(filtered_data)
} else {""}
# capture output of filtering expression
filter_ae_expr <- reactive({
filter_code <- gsub("processed_data","ae_data",capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code")))
if(any(regexpr("%>%", filter_code) > 0) & "ADAE" %in% names(datafile())){
# Apply small filtered data set to ADAE data
ae_data <- ae_data %>% semi_join(filtered_data)
} else {""}
filter_pop_expr <- reactive({
filter_code <- gsub("processed_data","bds_data",capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code")))
if(any(regexpr("%>%", filter_code) > 0)){
# Apply small filtered data set to population dataset
pop_data <- pre_adsl$data %>% semi_join(filtered_data) %>% tidyCDISC::varN_fctr_reorder()
} else {"pop_data <- pre_adsl$data %>% tidyCDISC::varN_fctr_reorder()"}
# capture output for empty df warning
df_empty_expr <- reactive({
if(nrow(use_data_reactive()) == 0) {
# Check if No subject's remain
if(nrow({Rscript_use_data()}) == 0) stop(\"{paste0('No subjects remain when the following filters are applied. \n ',gsub('<br/>', '\n ', pre_filter_msgs()))}\")
} else {""}
# get filepaths
filenames <- reactive({
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
paste(tolower(sQuote(paste0(names(datafile()), '.sas7bdat'))), collapse = ",")
Rscript_use_data <- reactive({
ifelse(is_grp_col_adae() |
numeric_stan_table(RECIPE()) %in% c(18:39), "ae_data","bds_data")
Rscript_use_preferred_pop_data <- reactive({
ifelse(is_grp_col_adae() , "ae_data","pop_data")
# install packages (as needed) code. Assigning this as text string outside of
# text_code because it's too difficult to escape the { character in
# glue::glue()
install_text <- "invisible(sapply(pkgs_req, function(x){
if(length(find.package(x, quiet = TRUE)) == 0) {
message(paste('Installing package:', x))
# create code to generate table as dataframe object
text_code <- reactive({
options(digits = 3)
# Code installs required packages if needed
pkgs_req <- c('tidyCDISC', 'purrr', 'haven', 'dplyr', 'stringr', 'tidyr', 'gt')
if (utils::compareVersion(as.character(utils::packageVersion('tidyCDISC')), '{packageVersion('tidyCDISC')}') < 0) {{
pre_adsl <- tidyCDISC::prep_adsl(datalist$ADSL, input_recipe = '{RECIPE()}')
bds_data <- datalist %>% tidyCDISC::prep_bds(ADSL = pre_adsl$data)
# get drop zone area from tidyCDISC
# and create table using data
blockData <- {prep_blocks(blocks_and_functions())}
# create the total column names
total_for_code <- reactive({
if (!!input$COLUMN == 'NONE') {
total_df <- {Rscript_use_preferred_pop_data()} %>%
distinct(USUBJID) %>%
summarise(n_tot = n(), .groups='drop_last')
col_total <- total_df$n_tot
} else {
all <- {Rscript_use_preferred_pop_data()} %>%
distinct(USUBJID) %>%
summarise(n_tot = n(), .groups='drop_last') %>%
mutate({input$COLUMN} = 'Total')
grp_lvls <- tidyCDISC::get_levels({Rscript_use_preferred_pop_data()}[['{input$COLUMN}']])
xyz <- data.frame(grp_lvls) %>%
rename_with(~paste('{input$COLUMN}'), grp_lvls)
groups <-
xyz %>%
{Rscript_use_preferred_pop_data()} %>%
group_by({input$COLUMN}) %>%
distinct(USUBJID) %>%
summarise(n_tot = n(), .groups='drop_last')
) %>%
mutate(n_tot = tidyr::replace_na(n_tot, 0))
total_df <- bind_rows(groups, all)
col_total <- total_df$n_tot
generate_table_output <- reactive({
# Calculate totals for population set
tg_datalist <- list({ifelse(adae_expr() == '', '', 'ADAE = ae_data, ')}ADSL = bds_data, POPDAT = {Rscript_use_preferred_pop_data()})
tg_table <- tidyCDISC::tg_gt(tg_datalist, blockData, total_df, {column() %quote% 'NULL'})
# get the column names for the table
col_names <- names(tg_table)[-c(1:2)]
# create the gt output
tg_table %>%
gt(groupname_col = 'ID') %>%
fmt_markdown(columns = c(Variable),
rows = stringr::str_detect(Variable,' ') |
stringr::str_detect(Variable,'<b>') |
stringr::str_detect(Variable,'</b>')) %>%
tab_options(table.width = px(700),
table.font.names = c('Times', 'Arial'),
row_group.border.top.style = 'none',
row_group.border.bottom.style = 'none',
table_body.hlines.style = 'none',
table.border.top.style = 'none',
table.border.bottom.style = 'none') %>%
cols_label(.list = tidyCDISC::col_for_list_expr(col_names, col_total)) %>%
title = md('{input$table_title}'),
subtitle = md(\"{subtitle_html()}\")
) %>%
style = cell_text(weight = 'bold'),
locations = cells_row_groups()
) %>%
cols_label(Variable = '') %>%
tidyCDISC::std_footnote({footnote_src()}) %>%
generate_comparison_output <- reactive({
# Calculate totals for population set
tg_table <- purrr::pmap(list(
function(x,y,z,d) tidyCDISC::app_methods(x,y,z,
group = {column() %quote% 'NULL'},
data = tidyCDISC::data_to_use_str(d, ae_data, bds_data),
totals = total_df)) %>%
map(setNames, tidyCDISC::common_rownames({Rscript_use_preferred_pop_data()}, {column() %quote% 'NULL'})) %>%
setNames(paste(blockData$gt_group)) %>%
bind_rows(.id = 'ID') %>%
# remove html
Variable = gsub('<b>','', gsub('</b>','', gsub(' ',' ', Variable)))
) %>%
blockData %>%
select(ID = gt_group, block, label, label_source, dropdown) %>%
# read in SAS table and convert to DF
sas_data_dir <- 'path/to/sas/table/dataset/'
sas_filename <- '{input$sas$name}'
sas_table <- haven::read_sas(file.path(sas_data_dir, sas_filename))
# prepare SAS table for comparison
sas_comp_ready <- tidyCDISC::prep_sas_table(sas_data = sas_table,
# block_names = 'by1lbl',
# block_ord_names = 'cat',
# stat_names = 'by2lbl',
# stat_ord_names = 'subcat',
tg_data = tg_table,
machine_readable = TRUE,
keep_orig_ids = FALSE,
rm_desc_col = TRUE
# prepare TG Table for comparison
colx <- names(sas_table)[stringr::str_detect(names(sas_table), '^col[0-9]')]
tg_comp_ready <- tidyCDISC::prep_tg_table(data = tg_table,
machine_readable = TRUE,
keep_orig_ids = FALSE,
rm_desc_col = TRUE,
generic_colnames = colx
# Compare the two tables...
# ... by location in the tables
output_file <- file.path(sas_data_dir,paste0(
order_diff <- diffdf(base = sas_comp_ready,
compare = tg_comp_ready,
keys = c('id_block', 'id_rn'),
tolerance = 0.01,
strict_numeric = TRUE, # Integer != Double
strict_factor = TRUE, # Factor != Character
file = output_file
file.edit(output_file) # open log file
# # Additional functions to review differences
# diffdf_has_issues(order_diff) # any issues?
# # which rows have an issue in each data frame
# diffdf_issuerows(sas_comp_ready, order_diff)
# diffdf_issuerows(tg_comp_ready, order_diff)
observeEvent(input$sas, {
output$code <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
writeLines(generate_comparison_output(), file)
output$tblcode <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
writeLines(generate_table_output(), file)
# return the block area to be created in app_ui
p <- reactive({ rowArea(col = 12, block_data()) })
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.