
Defines functions fd_raoq

Documented in fd_raoq

#' Compute Rao's entropy index (Rao's Q)
#' This function computes Rao's Quadratic Entropy following Rao (1982).
#' NB: Rao's quadratic entropy is 0 when there are no species in the site.
#' @inheritParams fd_fric
#' @param dist_matrix A dissimilarity matrix that can be provided instead of a
#'                    trait data.frame (default: `NULL`).
#'                    This can be either a `matrix`, a `data.frame`,
#'                    or a [Matrix::Matrix()] object.
#' @examples
#' data(traits_birds)
#' fd_raoq(traits_birds)
#' @return a data.frame with two columns:
#' * `site` the names of the sites as the row names of the input `sp_com`,
#' * `Q` the values of Rao's quadratic entropy at each site.
#' ```{r child = "man/rmdchunks/no_row_names.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' NB: Rao's quadratic entropy is 0 when there are no species in the site.
#' @references
#' Pavoine S., Dolédec S. (2005). The apportionment of quadratic entropy: a
#' useful alternative for partitioning diversity in ecological data.
#' Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 12(2), 125–138.
#' \doi{10.1007/s10651-005-1037-2}
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
fd_raoq <- function(traits = NULL, sp_com, dist_matrix = NULL) {

  if ((!is.null(traits) && !is.null(dist_matrix)) ||
      (is.null(traits) && is.null(dist_matrix))) {
      "Please provide either a trait dataset or a dissimilarity matrix",
      call. = FALSE

  if (is.data.frame(traits) || is.vector(traits)) {
    traits <- as.matrix(traits)

  if (!is.null(traits) && !is.numeric(traits)) {
    stop("Non-continuous trait data found in input traits. ",
         "Please provide only continuous trait data", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.null(dist_matrix)) {
    traits <- remove_species_without_trait(traits)

    dist_matrix <- dist(traits)

  dist_matrix <- as.matrix(dist_matrix)

  if (!missing(sp_com)) {

    common_species <- species_in_common(dist_matrix, sp_com)

    dist_matrix <- dist_matrix[common_species, common_species, drop = FALSE]
    sp_com      <- sp_com[, common_species, drop = FALSE]

  } else {

    sp_com <- matrix(1, ncol = nrow(dist_matrix),
                     dimnames = list("s1", rownames(dist_matrix)))


  if (is.data.frame(sp_com)) {

    sp_com <- as.matrix(sp_com)


  if (is.null(rownames(sp_com))) {

    rownames(sp_com) <- paste0("s", seq_len(nrow(sp_com)))


  # Standardize abundance per site
  site_abundances <- rowSums(sp_com, na.rm = TRUE)
  site_abundances[site_abundances == 0] <- 1  # Account for site with no species
  sp_com <- sp_com / site_abundances

  # Compute Rao's Quadratic entropy for each site
  q_site <- diag(sp_com %*% tcrossprod(dist_matrix, sp_com))

  data.frame(site = rownames(sp_com), Q = q_site, row.names = NULL)
Bisaloo/fundiversity documentation built on April 4, 2024, 12:24 a.m.