
Defines functions prepareSequences

Documented in prepareSequences

#' Prepare sequences for a comparison analysis.
#' @description This function prepares two or more multivariate time-series that are to be compared. It can work on two different scenarios:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{Two dataframes}: The user provides two separated dataframes, each containing a multivariate time series. These time-series can be regular or irregular, aligned or unaligned, but must have at least a few columns with the same names (pay attention to differences in case between column names representing the same entity) and units. This mode uses exclusively the following arguments: \code{sequence.A}, \code{sequence.A.name} (optional), \code{sequence.B}, \code{sequence.B.name} (optional), and \code{merge.model}.
#' \item \emph{One long dataframe}: The user provides a single dataframe, through the \code{sequences} argument, with two or more multivariate time-series identified by a \code{grouping.column}.
#' }
#' @usage prepareSequences(
#'   sequence.A = NULL,
#'   sequence.A.name = "A",
#'   sequence.B = NULL,
#'   sequence.B.name = "B",
#'   merge.mode = "complete",
#'   sequences = NULL,
#'   grouping.column = NULL,
#'   time.column = NULL,
#'   exclude.columns = NULL,
#'   if.empty.cases = "zero",
#'   transformation = "none",
#'   paired.samples = FALSE,
#'   same.time = FALSE
#'   )
#' @param sequence.A dataframe containing a multivariate time-series.
#' @param sequence.A.name character string with the name of \code{sequence.A}. Will be used as identificator in the \code{id} column of the output dataframe.
#' @param sequence.B dataframe containing a multivariate time-series. Must have overlapping columns with \code{sequence.A} with same column names and units.
#' @param sequence.B.name character string with the name of \code{sequence.B}. Will be used as identificator in the \code{id} column of the output dataframe.
#' @param merge.mode character string, one of: "overlap", "complete" (default option). If "overlap", \code{sequence.A} and \code{sequence.B} are merged by their common columns, and non-common columns are dropped If "complete", columns absent in one dataset but present in the other are added, with values equal to 0. This argument is ignored if \code{sequences} is provided instead of \code{sequence.A} and \code{sequence.B}.
#' @param sequences dataframe with multiple sequences identified by a grouping column.
#' @param grouping.column character string, name of the column in \code{sequences} to be used to identify separates sequences within the file. If two sequences are provided through the arguments \code{sequence.A} and \code{sequence.B}, this argument defines the name of the grouping column in the output dataframe. If two or several sequences are provided as a single dataframe through the argument \code{sequences}, then \code{grouping.column} must be a column in this dataset.
#' @param time.column character string, name of the column with time/depth/rank data. If \code{sequence.A} and \code{sequence.B} are provided, \code{time.column} must have the same name and units in both dataframes.
#' @param exclude.columns character string or character vector with column names in \code{sequences}, or \code{squence.A} and \code{sequence.B}, to be excluded from the transformation.
#' @param if.empty.cases character string with two possible values: "omit", or "zero". If "zero" (default), \code{NA} values are replaced by zeroes. If "omit", rows with \code{NA} data are removed.
#' @param transformation character string. Defines what data transformation is to be applied to the sequences. One of: "none" (default), "percentage", "proportion", "hellinger", and "scale" (the latter centers and scales the data using the \code{\link[base]{scale}} function).
#' @param paired.samples boolean. If \code{TRUE}, the function will test if the datasets have paired samples. This means that each dataset must have the same number of rows/samples, and that, if available, the \code{time.column} must have the same values in every dataset. This is only mandatory when using the functions \code{\link{distancePairedSamples}} or \code{\link{workflowPsi}} with \code{paired.samples = TRUE} after preparing the sequences. The default setting is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param same.time boolean. If \code{TRUE}, samples in the sequences to compare will be tested to check if they have the same time/age/depth according to \code{time.column}. This argument is only useful when the user needs to compare two sequences taken at different sites but same time frames.

#' @return A dataframe with the multivariate time series. If \code{squence.A} and \code{sequence.B} are provided, the column identifying the sequences is named "id". If \code{sequences} is provided, the time-series are identified by \code{grouping.column}.
#' @author Blas Benito <blasbenito@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#'#two sequences as inputs
#'AB.sequences <- prepareSequences(
#'  sequence.A = sequenceA,
#'  sequence.A.name = "A",
#'  sequence.B = sequenceB,
#'  sequence.B.name = "B",
#'  merge.mode = "complete",
#'  if.empty.cases = "zero",
#'  transformation = "hellinger"
#'  )
#'#several sequences in a single dataframe
#'MIS.sequences <- prepareSequences(
#'  sequences = sequencesMIS,
#'  grouping.column = "MIS",
#'  if.empty.cases = "zero",
#'  transformation = "hellinger"
#'  )
#' @export
prepareSequences=function(sequence.A = NULL,
                          sequence.A.name = "A",
                          sequence.B = NULL,
                          sequence.B.name = "B",
                          merge.mode = "complete",
                          sequences = NULL,
                          grouping.column = NULL,
                          time.column = NULL,
                          exclude.columns = NULL,
                          if.empty.cases = "zero",
                          transformation = "none",
                          paired.samples = FALSE,
                          same.time = FALSE){

  input.mode <- NULL

  #CHECKING transformation
  if (!(transformation %in% c("none", "percentage", "proportion", "hellinger", "scale", "PERCENTAGE", "percent", "Percent", "PERCENT", "proportion", "Proportion", "PROPORTION", "hellinger", "Hellinger", "HELLINGER", "scale", "Scale", "SCALE", "center", "Center", "CENTER"))){
    stop("Argument 'transformation' must be one of: 'none', 'percentage', 'proportion', 'hellinger', 'scale'.")
  } else {
    if(transformation %in% c("none", "None", "NONE")){transformation <- "none"}
    if(transformation %in% c("Percentage", "PERCENTAGE", "percent", "Percent", "PERCENT")){transformation <- "percentage"}
    if(transformation %in% c("proportion", "Proportion", "PROPORTION")){transformation <- "proportion"}
    if(transformation %in% c("hellinger", "Hellinger", "HELLINGER")){transformation <- "hellinger"}
    if(transformation %in% c("scale", "Scale", "SCALE", "center", "Center", "CENTER")){transformation <- "scale"}

  #CHECKING merge.mode
  if(!(merge.mode %in% c("overlap", "Overlap", "OVERLAP", "complete", "Complete", "COMPLETE", "completed", "Completed", "COMPLETED"))){
    stop("Argument 'merge.mode' must be one of: 'overlap', 'complete'.")
  } else {
    if(merge.mode %in%  c("overlap", "Overlap", "OVERLAP")){merge.mode <- "overlap"}
    if(merge.mode %in%  c("complete", "Complete", "COMPLETE", "completed", "Completed", "COMPLETED")){merge.mode <- "complete"}

  #CHECKING exclude.columns
  if(!is.null(exclude.columns) & !is.character(exclude.columns)){
    stop("Argument 'exclude.columns' must be of type character.")

  #mode "two.sequences": two sequences are provided through arguments sequence.A and sequence.B
  #mode "many.sequences": more than two sequences are provided through the sequences argument
  if(!is.null(sequence.A) & !is.null(sequence.B) & is.null(sequences)){
    if(is.data.frame(sequence.A) & is.data.frame(sequence.B)){
      input.mode <- "two.sequences"
      if(!is.character(sequence.A.name)){warning("Argument 'sequence.A.name' must be character. Setting it to 'A'")}
      if(!is.character(sequence.B.name)){warning("Argument 'sequence.B.name' must be character. Setting it to 'B'")}
    } else {
      stop("sequence.A and sequence.B must be dataframes.")

  #checking sequences
      input.mode <- "many.sequences"
    } else {
      stop("Argument 'sequences' must be a dataframe with multiple sequences identified by different values in a grouping.column.")

  #sequence.A and sequence.B are provided
  if(input.mode == "two.sequences"){


      #if absent from both, warning and ignore
      if(!(time.column %in% c(colnames(sequence.A), colnames(sequence.B)))){
        warning(paste("The argument 'time.column' has the value ", time.column, " but I couldn't find that column name in the input datasets. I will ignore this column."))

      #if present in A but absent in B, empty time.column is created in B
      if(time.column %in% colnames(sequence.A) & !(time.column %in% colnames(sequence.B))){

        #adds empty time column to sequence.B
        sequence.B[, time.column] <- NA
        warning("I couldn't find 'time.column' in 'sequenceB'. Added one and filled it with NA.")

      #if present in A but absent in B, empty time.column is created in B
      if(time.column %in% colnames(sequence.B) & !(time.column %in% colnames(sequence.A))){

        #adds empty time column to sequence.B
        sequence.A[, time.column] <- NA
        warning("I couldn't find 'time.column' in 'sequenceA'. Added one and filled it with NA.")


    sequence.A <- data.frame(id=rep(sequence.A.name, nrow(sequence.A)), sequence.A, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    sequence.B <- data.frame(id=rep(sequence.B.name, nrow(sequence.B)), sequence.B, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      grouping.column <- "id"
    } else {
      colnames(sequence.A)[1] <- grouping.column
      colnames(sequence.B)[1] <- grouping.column

    #MERGING MODE overlap
    if(merge.mode == "overlap"){

      #getting common column names
      common.column.names <- intersect(colnames(sequence.A), colnames(sequence.B))

      sequence.A <- sequence.A[, common.column.names]
      sequence.B <- sequence.B[, common.column.names]


    #RBIND both sequences
    sequences <- plyr::rbind.fill(sequence.A, sequence.B)


  #MANY SEQUENCES ARE PROVIDED (only checks on grouping.column are required)
  if(input.mode == "many.sequences"){

    #CHECKING IF grouping.column EXISTS
    if(!(grouping.column %in% colnames(sequences))){
      stop("The argument 'grouping.column' must be a column name of the 'sequences' dataset.")

    if(length(unique(sequences[, grouping.column])) < 2){
      stop("According to 'grouping.column' there is only one sequence in the 'sequences' dataset. At least two sequences are required!")


  sequences <- handleNA(
    sequence = sequences,
    if.empty.cases = if.empty.cases

  #APPLYING TRANSFORMATIONS "none", "percentage", "proportion", "hellinger"

  #if transformation is not "none"
  if(!(transformation %in% c("none", "None", "NONE", "nope", "Nope", "NOPE", "no", "No", "NO", "hell no!"))){

    #removing grouping.column (it's non-numeric)
    id.column <- sequences[, grouping.column]
    sequences <- sequences[, !(colnames(sequences) %in% grouping.column)]

    #removing excluded columns
      if(sum(exclude.columns %in% colnames(sequences)) > 0){
        excluded.columns <- sequences[, exclude.columns]
        sequences <- sequences[,!(colnames(sequences) %in% exclude.columns)]

    #removing time column
      if(sum(time.column %in% colnames(sequences)) > 0){
        time.column.data <- sequences[, time.column]
        sequences <- sequences[, !(colnames(sequences) %in% time.column)]

    sequences[sequences==0] <- 0.00001

    if (transformation == "proportion"){
      sequences <- sweep(sequences, 1, rowSums(sequences), FUN = "/")

    if (transformation == "percentage"){
      sequences <- sweep(sequences, 1, rowSums(sequences), FUN = "/")*100

    if (transformation == "hellinger"){
      sequences <- sqrt(sweep(sequences, 1, rowSums(sequences), FUN = "/"))

    if (transformation == "scale"){
      sequences <- scale(x=sequences, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

    #adding the grouping.column back
    sequences <- data.frame(id=id.column, sequences, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    #change the name if required
    if(grouping.column != "id"){
      colnames(sequences)[1] <- grouping.column

    #adding the time column
      sequences <- data.frame(time=time.column.data, sequences, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      colnames(sequences)[1] <- time.column

    #adding the excluded columns
      if(is.data.frame(excluded.columns) | inherits(excluded.columns, "data.frame") == TRUE){
      sequences <- data.frame(excluded.columns, sequences, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      } else {
        names.sequences <- colnames(sequences)
        sequences <- data.frame(excluded.columns, sequences, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        colnames(sequences) <- c(exclude.columns, names.sequences)


  #checks if paired.samples is TRUE
  if(paired.samples == TRUE & same.time == TRUE){

    #if time.column is true

      #counts number of time each "time" value appears
      temp.table.time <- table(sequences[, time.column])
      temp.table.time <- data.frame(value=names(temp.table.time), frequency=as.vector(temp.table.time), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      #selecting these that have the same number in frequency as number of sequences we are working with
      valid.time.values <- as.numeric(temp.table.time[temp.table.time$frequency == length(unique(sequences[, grouping.column])), "value"])

      #subsetting sequences
      sequences <- sequences[sequences[, time.column] %in% valid.time.values, ]



  #Removing NaN columns (a possibility when using Hellinger transformation)
  for(col.name in colnames(sequences)){
    if(sum(is.nan(sequences[, col.name])) == nrow(sequences)){
      sequences[, col.name] <- NULL

  #grouping column to character
  if(is.character(sequences[, grouping.column]) == FALSE){
    sequences[, grouping.column] <- as.character(sequences[, grouping.column])


BlasBenito/distantia documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 11:06 p.m.