
Defines functions get_sides get_vertices

Documented in get_sides get_vertices

#' Get sides of shape
#' Sides (straight lines in the shape) are sets of points where the slope
#' doesn't change significantly
#' @param shape - the shape for which to find vertices
#' @param ma - number of moving average points used for smoothing. Must be odd.
#' @param vel_n - number of points before and after current to use for
#'                approximating velocity vector
#' @return A list of objects of class 'side', each containing the x and y
#'         coordinates of the points of the side of the shape, and also the
#'         (unit) direction vector and approximate slope angle of the line.
#' @export
get_sides <- function(shape, ma = 7, vel_n = 2) {
  # Assuming one contour (also closed)
  contour <- shape$contours[[1]]
  # We get only points which are at least 1 pixel apart
  distances <- sqrt(diff(contour$x)^2 + diff(contour$y)^2)
  contour$x <- contour$x[which(distances >= 1)]
  contour$y <- contour$y[which(distances >= 1)]

  cnt_len <- length(contour$x)

  # we smooth the contour, as it is on a discrete net and jaggedy
  contour_ma <- list()
  contour_ma$x <- moving_average(contour$x, n = ma)
  contour_ma$y <- moving_average(contour$y, n = ma)

  # we calculate velocity vector as the mean difference in axes, using offsets
  # defined in range
  range <- setdiff(-vel_n:vel_n, 0)
  vel_x <- rowMeans(sapply(range, function(r) {
                              # sign(r) ensures we have the right orientation
                              sign(r) * (shift(contour_ma$x, r) - contour_ma$x)
  vel_y <- rowMeans(sapply(range, function(r) {
                              sign(r) * (shift(contour_ma$y, r) - contour_ma$y)

  # we create matrix where each row is the x and y coord of the velocity vector
  vel <- cbind(vel_x, vel_y)
  unit_vel <- vel / sqrt(rowSums(vel^2))

  # We'll say that a difference in velocity vectors isn't significant if the
  # euclidean distance between them is less than 0.1
  max_dist <- 0.1
  # so we get points where the lines may break
  break_points <- sqrt(rowSums(diff(unit_vel)^2)) > max_dist

  # we get run lengths of TRUE/FALSE values
  rl <- rle(break_points)

  # we merge run lengths if the first and last runs are same, i.e. we have a
  # cyclic run (because the contour is closed)
  old_lengths <- rl$lengths
  if(tail(rl$values, 1) == rl$values[1]) {
    rl$lengths[1] = rl$lengths[1] + tail(rl$lengths, 1)
    # remove the last element as it is merged
    rl$values <- head(rl$values, -1)
    rl$lengths <- head(rl$lengths, -1)
    old_lengths <- head(old_lengths, -1)

  # get end indices of all runs
  ind <- cumsum(old_lengths)

  # we get the middle index in the run of TRUE values as the break (a vertex)
  break_indices <- (ind[rl$values] - rl$lengths[rl$values]%/%2) %% cnt_len + 1

  sides <- apply(cbind(break_indices, shift(break_indices, 1)), 1, function(v) {
                   # get indices for elements of sides
                   side_ind <- if(v[2] < v[1]) {
                                 (v[1] : (cnt_len + v[2])) %% cnt_len
                               } else {
                                 v[1] : v[2]
                   # get indices of middle 75% of elements of sides, as they're
                   # more stable points with regard to velocity vector
                   len <- round(0.75 * length(side_ind))
                   m_ind <- (length(side_ind) - len) %/% 2 + 1 : len
                   mid_ind <- side_ind[m_ind]

                   # get the mean unit velocity vector of all middle points
                   # drop = FALSE prevents turning 1-dim matrix to vector
                   dir_vec <- colMeans(unit_vel[mid_ind, , drop = FALSE])
                   # scale it to unit vector
                   dir_vec <- dir_vec / sqrt(sum(dir_vec^2))
                   names(dir_vec) <- c('x', 'y')

                   # build the list containing current side
                   side <- list(x = contour$x[side_ind],
                                y = contour$y[side_ind],
                                direction = dir_vec,
                                slope = atan(dir_vec[2]/dir_vec[1]) * 180 / pi)
                   names(side$slope) <- 'deg'
                   class(side) <- c('side', class(side))

#' Get possible vertices
#' Possible vertices are points where the slope of the contour of the shape
#' changes significantly
#' @param shape - the shape for which to find vertices
#' @param sides - the list of sides to use for vertices, if NULL get_sides() is
#'                called to extract sides from shape
#' @param ... - additional parameters passed to get_lines
#' @return A list containing the x and y coordinates of vertices, and the
#'         approximate angles at the respective vertices
#' @export
get_vertices <- function(shape, sides = NULL, ...) {
    sides <- get_sides(shape, ...)

  vertices <- list(x = sapply(sides, function(s) s$x[1]),
                   y = sapply(sides, function(s) s$y[1]))
  vert_mat <- do.call(cbind, vertices)
  angles <- apply(vert_mat, 1, function(v) {
                # get direction vectors of sides that contain the point v
                vec <- lapply(sides, function(s) {
                            # test if for at least one points on s has the same
                            # x and y coordinates as v
                            if(any(s$x == v[1] & s$y == v[2])) {
                            } else {
                       }) %>% purrr::discard(is.null)
                # the angle is the arccos of scalar product of two direction
                # vector from the same vertex, we negate one of them to get
                # the direction which goes along the shape, so we get the inner
                # angle at the vertex. We'll use angles in degrees
                if(length(vec) == 2)
                  acos(vec[[1]] %*% (-vec[[2]])) * 180 / pi
  vertices$angle <- angles
Blaza/ssoftveR documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:19 a.m.