
Defines functions BSkySetMaxFactor BSkyGetMaxFactor BSkyRemoveRefreshDataframe BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe2 BSky.RemoveRefresh.Dataframe BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe

#For loading and refreshing in memory dataframe. (not a disk file dataframe)
# dframe is the dataframe name and is a string.
BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe <- function(dframe)
	#print( parent.frame())
	#print("Summ Exists")
	#print(exists("summary", envir = parent.frame(), inherits = FALSE))

	success <- NULL
	#print("BSky Load Refresh starts..")
	#print(eval( parse(text=paste('class(',dframe,')',sep=''))))#.GlobalEnv$
	#BSkyStoreApplicationWarnErrMsg(BSkyWarnMsg, BSkyErrMsg)
	curidx <- UAgetIndexOfDataSet(dframe) # current index of dataset if its already loaded ( before )
	filetype = "RDATA" #default
	#print("BSky Load Refresh..")
	#cat("\nCur Index :",curidx)
	# 20-Jan-2021 Sanjay and I (Anil) Concluded that following code is unnecessary because it is not executing the 'if' condition
	# anyway and that is why the old code (#30Dec2020) happens to work fine.
	# The new code (#20Jan2021) appear like a logical approach bu then it convertes dframe from string to actual dataframe which
	# in turn makes rest of the calls to fail (becuase all that code expects dframe to be a string.
	# Here is an example that we tried
		#df = data.frame(A=c(1,2,3), B=c(4,5,6), C=c(11,22,33))
		# tbdf = as_tibble(df)
		# class(tbdf)
		# class(tbdf) = c("tbl_df") #make tbdf a list

		# df2 = as.data.frame(tbdf)
		# class(df2)

		# dframe2= "tbdf"
		# dfstr= "df"

		# dfclass = eval( parse(text=paste('class(.GlobalEnv$',dfstr,')',sep='')))
		# eval(parse(text=paste('hascolumns <- ncol(.GlobalEnv$',dframe2,') > 0')))

		# ## [Aggregate to data set]
		# require(dplyr);
		# #Aggregate the dataset
		# test<-mtcars %>%
			 # dplyr::group_by(transmission,region) %>%
			 # dplyr::summarize(mean_mpg=mean(mpg,na.rm =TRUE))
		# class(test)
		# is.data.frame(test)
		# dframe='test'
		# dfclass = class(dframe)
		# tbl_df_index = which(dfclass == 'tbl_df')
		# length(tbl_df_index) > 0
		# eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(',dframe,')',sep='')))
		# eval(parse(text=paste('hascolumns <- ncol(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,') > 0')))
		# dframe = as.data.frame(dframe)
	#We may have to come back and fix the following commented code if our dframe class is only tbl_df and does not contain data.frame class.
	# # #if dframe class is tbl_df then we convert it to data.frame type
	 # # dfclass = class(dframe) #30Dec2020. This does not look right. dframe is supposed to be string. Fixed, line below
	 # # #20Jan2021 dfclass = eval( parse(text=paste('class(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,')',sep='')))
	 # # tbl_df_index = which(dfclass == 'tbl_df')
	 # # if( length(tbl_df_index) > 0)#length is empty if tbl_df is not found
	 # # {
		 # # dframe = as.data.frame(dframe)#30Dec2020. This does not look right. dframe is supposed to be string. Fixed, line below
		# # # #20Jan2021 dframe = eval( parse(text=paste('as.data.frame(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,')',sep='')))
	 # # }
	#### CHANGE THIS TO ls()
	#if(eval( parse(text=paste('exists("dframe")',sep=''))))#exists("dframe")) 
	# # # if(eval( parse(text=paste('exists("',dframe,'", where=globalenv())',sep=''))))#exists(dframe))	in any env
	# # # {
		# # # if(eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(',dframe,')',sep='')))) ##
		# # # {
			# # # ####29Jan2021  we do not need if check because we care making a local copy of the dataset
			# # # # if(!eval( parse(text=paste('exists("',dframe,'", where=globalenv(), inherits=FALSE)',sep=''))))
			# # # # {
				# # # eval( parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',dframe,' <- as.data.frame(',dframe,')',sep=''))) # making a copy of the dataset that may be in some package. This is will also take care of "tibble"
			# # # # }
		# # # }
	# # # }
	### 01Feb2021 Whole if block above can be replaced by following commented line.
	BSkyCheckIfTibble(dataframeName=dframe) # converts to data.frame only if dataframe has tbl_df class
	if(eval( parse(text=paste('exists("',dframe,'", where=globalenv(), inherits=FALSE)',sep=''))))#exists(dframe))
		#cat("\nDataframe exists\n Is it a DataFrame : ")
		varenv <- eval( parse(text=paste('getEnv(dframe)',sep='')))
		#print(eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,')',sep='')))) #.GlobalEnv$
		# if(eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(',dframe,')',sep='')),envir=globalenv()))
		if(eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,')',sep='')))) #.GlobalEnv$
			#print("HasCol and Has row")
			eval(parse(text=paste('hascolumns <- ncol(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,') > 0'))) #20Oct2016 data.frame has cols
			eval(parse(text=paste('hasrows <- nrow(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,') > 0'))) #20Oct2016 data.frame has rows
			if(hascolumns && hasrows)#20Oct2016 'if' condition added for the code below. And a full 'else' block is also added for this 'if'
				#at this point we need to assign some column name(Var1, Var2) to the column those do not have any col-names.
				GenerateUniqueColName(paste('.GlobalEnv$',dframe,sep='') )#its string so no need to enclose in single quotes
				#Now replace special chars with underscore and prefix 'X' if there is digit in the first index  of colum name.
				colcount <- eval(parse(text=paste('length(names(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,'))' ))) #colcount = length(names(datasetname))
				#ptm= proc.time()
				for( i in 1:colcount)
						cat("\nSpl Chr:OldName = ")
					eval(parse(text=paste('names(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,')[',i,']  <- make.names(names(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,')[',i,'])', sep='')))
					#names(datasetname)[i] = ReplaceSplChrsAndPrefixXForDigitInBegining(names(datasetname)[i])
						cat("\nSpl Chr removed ColName = ")
				#cat("\nIts Dataframe\n")
				#eval( parse(text=paste(dframe,' <<- dframe',sep='')))
				if(curidx == -1) # if not exists in list
					#cat("\n adding to uadatasets$name:")
					uadatasets$name <- c(uadatasets$name, dframe)
					#cat("\n added to uadatasets$name:")

					#cat("\nCreating filetype attribute\n")
					filetype <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,',"filetype")',sep=''))) ## this may not work. because dframe is new object. may not have attributes.
					#bskymaxfactors <- eval(parse(text=paste('attr(',datasetname,',"maxfactor")',sep='')))
				#cat("\n Creating Attrs for DS:")
				#eval(parse(text=paste('attributes(',dframe,') <<- c(attributes(',dframe,'), list(split = c(FALSE), splitcolumnnames = c(), splitcolumnindex = c(), filetype = c("CSV"), slice = c(FALSE), align = c("Left"), maxfactor= c(bskymaxfactors)))', sep='')))	
				if(is.null(filetype) || nchar(filetype)==0)
					filetype = "RDATA"
				#cat("File Type:", filetype)
				#eval(parse(text=paste('uadatasets$lst$',dframe,' <- .GlobalEnv$',dframe,sep='')))
				#cat("\n added to uadatasets$lst$dfname:")				

				UAcreateExtraAttributes(dframe, filetype)
				#cat("\n Finished Creating Attrs for DS:\n")
				success = "SUCCESS"
				#cat("\nFixing UTC")
				#cat("\nUTC Fixed")
				cat("Dataframe object does not have row(s) or column(s)!\n")
				BSkyErrMsg =paste("BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe: Dataset has no row(s) or column(s)"," Dataset Name:", dframe)
				warning("BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe: Dataset has no row(s) or column(s) ")			
			cat("Object is not data frame object");
			warning("BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe: Object is not data frame object ")
		cat("Dataframe object does not exists!")
		BSkyErrMsg =paste("BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe: Dataset with the same name already on the global list"," Dataset Name:", dframe)
		warning("BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe: Dataset with the same name already on the global list ")


#Closes a Dataframe, Makes it NULL
BSky.RemoveRefresh.Dataframe <- function(dframe)

	#BSkyStoreApplicationWarnErrMsg(BSkyWarnMsg, BSkyErrMsg)
	#curidx <- UAgetIndexOfDataSet(dframe) # current index of dataset if its already loaded ( before )
	#cat("\nCur Index of CSV:",curidx)

	if(eval( parse(text=paste('exists("dframe")',sep=''))))#exists(dframe)) 
		if(eval( parse(text=paste('is.null("dframe")',sep='')))) #Already closed from elsewhere
			#Just remove external attributes
		else if(eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(',dframe,')',sep='')))) # not closed. Close it from here
			#remove external attributes
			cat("Object is not data frame object");
		cat("Dataframe object does not exists!")
		BSkyErrMsg =paste("BSky.RemoveRefresh.Dataframe: Dataset with the same name already on the global list"," Dataset Name:", dframe)
		warning("BSky.RemoveRefresh.Dataframe: Dataset with the same name already on the global list ")


BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe2 <- function(dframe)
	success <- NULL
	curidx <- UAgetIndexOfDataSet(dframe) # current index of dataset if its already loaded ( before )
	filetype = "RDATA" #default
	#### CHANGE THIS TO ls()
	if(eval( parse(text=paste('exists("',dframe,'", where=globalenv())',sep=''))))#exists(dframe))
		varenv <- eval( parse(text=paste('getEnv(dframe)',sep='')))
		#print(eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,')',sep='')))) #.GlobalEnv$
		# if(eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(',dframe,')',sep='')),envir=globalenv()))
		if(eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(.GlobalEnv$',dframe,')',sep='')))) #.GlobalEnv$
			eval(parse(text=paste('uadatasets$lst$',dframe,' <- .GlobalEnv$',dframe,sep='')))
			#cat("\n added to uadatasets$lst$dfname:")				

			#UAcreateExtraAttributes(dframe, filetype)
			#cat("\n Finished Creating Attrs for DS:\n")
			success = "SUCCESS"
			cat("Object is not data frame object");
			warning("BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe: Object is not data frame object ")
		cat("Dataframe object does not exists!")
		BSkyErrMsg =paste("BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe: Dataset with the same name already on the global list"," Dataset Name:", dframe)
		warning("BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe: Dataset with the same name already on the global list ")


# dframe must be a name (a string) rather than an actual dataframe object
##Refreshes values in C1Datagrid, if dataset/dataframe was modified from syntax.
#Basically loads/refreshes the grid from memory(dataset/dataframe). Not by reading disk file from disk.

# BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe loads the specified dataframe in the BlueSky Statistics UI datagrid. 
# If dataframe is already loaded in the UI datagrid then it refresh it for any changes done.
# To use BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe you must run it from within the BlueSky Statistics application.
# @name BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe
# @param dframe is the dataframe object(do not use quotes around the object)
# @param load.dataframe is provided so that you can selectively refresh or not refresh the UI datagrid. 
# This parameter is defined in the dialog to make the decision, whether to refresh the UI datagrid or not.
# Default value is TRUE.
# @export 
# @examples
# df <-data.frame(A=c(1,2,3), B=c(4,5,6), C=c(6,7,8))
# BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe(df)
BSkyLoadRefreshDataframe <- function(dframe, load.dataframe = TRUE)
	BSkyLoadRefresh(dframe, load.dataframe);

### title should fit on one line, be written in sentence case, but not end in a full stop
### to print @ in the documentation, escape with one more @ (e.g. @@ prints @)
#' @title Loading a dataframe in the BlueSky Statistics UI datagrid
#' @description loads the specified dataframe in the BlueSky Statistics UI datagrid. 
#' @param bskyDatasetName is the dataframe name (use quotes around the name)
#' @param load.dataframe is provided so that you can selectively refresh or not refresh the UI datagrid. 
#' This parameter is defined in the dialog to make the decision, whether to refresh the UI datagrid or not. Default value is TRUE.
#' @examples 
#' df <-data.frame(A=c(1,2,3), B=c(4,5,6), C=c(6,7,8))
#' BSkyLoadRefresh('df')
BSkyLoadRefresh <- function (bskyDatasetName, load.dataframe = TRUE, load.UIgrid = TRUE, isRmarkdownOutputOn = BSkyIsRmarkdownOutputOn(), maxFactor=BSkyGetMaxFactor(), createAttr=TRUE)## change this to a string parameter from a dataset object 
	isPkgLoaded = FALSE
	isexists = FALSE
	error = FALSE
	pkgname = c()
	dsname = c()
	pkgEnv = c()
	ischar = is.character(bskyDatasetName) 
	originalDatasetname = bskyDatasetName
	#for FALSE we can just return from the function.
	if(ischar)## is argument a character. If not we print error in the sink and exit
		hasPkgname = grepl("::", bskyDatasetName)
		if(hasPkgname)#package name is passed
			arr = strsplit(bskyDatasetName, "::")
			pkgname = arr[[1]][1]
			dsname = arr[[1]][2]
			isPkgLoaded = pkgname %in% (.packages())
			if(!isPkgLoaded)# if packge is not loaded
				cat("\n") # forcing a new line in case someone created a cat() without a trailing new line
				cat("Package ")
				cat(" not loaded. Use library(packageName) to load the package.")
			pkgEnv = eval(parse(text=paste('as.environment("package:',pkgname,'")', sep='')))
			isexists = eval(parse(text=paste('exists("',dsname,'", where=pkgEnv, inherits=FALSE)', sep='' )))# DS exists in the pkg.
				# dsclass = eval(parse(text=paste('"class(',pkgname,'::',dsname,')',sep='')))
				# if( length(dsclass) > 1)
				# {
					#check if data.frame
					# isdataframe = "data.frame" %in% dsclass
					 isdataframe = eval(parse(text=paste('"data.frame" %in% c(class(',pkgname,'::',dsname,'))',sep='')))
					# if(isdataframe)
					# {
						# eval(parse(text=paste('"class(',pkgname,'::',dsname,')',sep='')))
					# }
				# }
				isdesign = eval(parse(text=paste('"design" %in% c(class(',pkgname,'::',dsname,'))',sep='')))#for DoE
				if(isdataframe && isdesign)#DoE
					eval( parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',dsname,' <- (',pkgname,'::',dsname,')',sep='')))##make a copy in globalEnv
					#dsname = 'mtcars'
					bskyDatasetName=dsname #overwrite bskyDatasetName as it may still have 'datasets::mtcars'
				else if(isdataframe)
					eval( parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',dsname,' <- as.data.frame(',pkgname,'::',dsname,')',sep='')))##make a copy in globalEnv
					#dsname = 'mtcars'
					bskyDatasetName=dsname #overwrite bskyDatasetName as it may still have 'datasets::mtcars'
					#lets check if it is a "ts" object, if it is, we try to convert it to data.frame object.
					ists = eval(parse(text=paste('"ts" %in% c(class(',pkgname,'::',dsname,'))',sep='')))	
						##make it a data.frame and also make a copy in globalEnv
						eval( parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',dsname,' <- as.data.frame(',pkgname,'::',dsname,')',sep='')))
						#dsname = 'mtcars'						
						bskyDatasetName=dsname #overwrite bskyDatasetName as it may still have 'datasets::mtcars'
				cat("\n") # forcing a new line in case someone created a cat() without a trailing new line
				cat("Dataset ")
				cat(" is not found in the package ")
				error= TRUE
		else#package name is not passed so, whatever is passed should be considered as a datasetname in global env.
			inGlobalEnv = eval( parse(text=paste('exists("',bskyDatasetName,'", where=globalenv(), inherits=FALSE)',sep='')))
			# if dataset is not found in the Global environment then we should not go searching it 
			# because same named datasets can be found in multiple packages. And user may get confused if we load
			# the first one we found. So we simply error out. User is supposed to pass package name to avoid ambiguity
				isdataframe = eval(parse(text=paste('"data.frame" %in% c(class(',bskyDatasetName,'))',sep='')))

				isdesign = eval(parse(text=paste('"design" %in% c(class(',bskyDatasetName,'))',sep=''))) # for DoE
				#check if it is a "ts" object
				ists = eval(parse(text=paste('"ts" %in% c(class(',bskyDatasetName,'))',sep='')))

				if(isdesign && isdataframe)
					##make it a data.frame and also make a copy in globalEnv
					eval( parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,' <- (',bskyDatasetName,')',sep='')))
				else if(ists || isdataframe)#DoE
					##make it a data.frame and also make a copy in globalEnv
					eval( parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,' <- as.data.frame(',bskyDatasetName,')',sep='')))
				if ( !isdataframe  && !ists ) #not a data.frame (and ts) and the object exists
					cat("\n") # forcing a new line in case someone created a cat() without a trailing new line
					cat("Syntax error (BSkyLoadRefresh expects the name of the data.frame (or ts) object as a character string) or the object referenced is not an object of class data.frame (or ts)")
					cat("\nCorrect syntax is:")
					cat("\n\tBSkyLoadRefresh('dataframe-name') #load an object of class data.frame (or ts)")
					cat("\n\tBSkyLoadRefresh('packageName::dataframe-name') #load an object of class data.frame (or ts) from a specific R package")
					error= TRUE
				isexists = eval(parse(text=paste('exists("'  ,bskyDatasetName,'")', sep='' )))# DS exists in the pkg.
				if (isexists)
					eval( parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,' <- ',bskyDatasetName,sep='')))##make a copy in globalEnv
					#dsname = 'mtcars'
					isdataframe = eval(parse(text=paste('"data.frame" %in% c(class(',bskyDatasetName,'))',sep='')))

					isdesign = eval(parse(text=paste('"design" %in% c(class(',bskyDatasetName,'))',sep='')))
					#check if it is a "ts" object
					ists = eval(parse(text=paste('"ts" %in% c(class(',bskyDatasetName,'))',sep='')))

					if(isdesign && isdataframe)#DoE
						eval( parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,' <- (',bskyDatasetName,')',sep='')))
					else if(ists)
						##make it a data.frame and also make a copy in globalEnv
						eval( parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,' <- as.data.frame(',bskyDatasetName,')',sep='')))
					if ( !isdataframe && !ists ) #not a data.frame or ts and the object exists
						cat("\n") # forcing a new line in case someone created a cat() without a trailing new line
						cat("Syntax error (BSkyLoadRefresh expects the name of the data.frame (or ts) object as a character string) or the object referenced is not an object of class data.frame (or ts)")
						cat("\nCorrect syntax is:")
						cat("\n\tBSkyLoadRefresh('dataframe-name') #load an object of class data.frame (or ts)")
						cat("\n\tBSkyLoadRefresh('packageName::dataframe-name') #load an object of class data.frame (or ts) from a specific R package")
						error= TRUE
					cat("\n") # forcing a new line in case someone created a cat() without a trailing new line
					cat("Dataset ")
					cat(" cannot be found. Please check the spelling of the dataset name or load the package containing the dataset")
					error= TRUE
	##Check if number of rows is greater than zero. Can't rely on column count because col count was greater than zero in subset-ed dataset that had no rows.
	rowcount = eval( parse(text=paste('nrow(.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,')',sep='')))
		hasrows = TRUE
		# The data frame 'bskyDatasetName' has zero rows, hence it will not be loaded in the datagrid
		cat("\nERROR: The data frame '") # forcing a new line in case someone created a cat() without a trailing new line
		cat("' has zero rows, hence it will not be loaded in the datagrid")
		error= TRUE
	if(load.dataframe && !error)
		# first check the whether the dataset exsits in the uadatasets list - if so no processing of the dataset is needed - Anil needs to verify this 
		# if the dataset name does not exist in the uadatasets, then do all prep (attrbutes, variables, etc) the dataset and add to the uadatasets
		#Following block is added by Anil. 28Nov2020
		#curidx <- UAgetIndexOfDataSet(bskyDatasetName) #strip out .GlobalEnv$ from the bskyDatasetName and then looks in to uadatasets$name
		#if(curidx == -1)
			#BSky.LoadRefresh.Dataframe(bskyDatasetName)#This is what we call from C# behind the scenes if the memory dataframe is a new one.
		##get dataframe object from the dataframename
		#dframeobj = eval( parse(text=paste('as.data.frame(.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,')',sep='')))
		##we can put dframeobj object=c(dframeobj)in the Sanjay's code below or we can just put the name object=c(bskyDatasetName)
		##if we put object then python gets the object directly. 
		##if we put name then python code must know that its a name and get object of that name from R memory and then process it.

		# if((exists("uadatasets.sk") && exists("BSkyKableFormatting", env=uadatasets.sk) && uadatasets.sk$BSkyKableFormatting == FALSE))
		# {
			# doKableFormatting = FALSE
		# }
		# else
		# {
			# doKableFormatting = TRUE
			# if((exists("uadatasets.sk") && exists("BSkyRmarkdownFormatting", env=uadatasets.sk) && uadatasets.sk$BSkyRmarkdownFormatting == FALSE))
			# {
				# doRmarkdownFormatting = FALSE
			# }
			# else
			# {
				# doRmarkdownFormatting = TRUE
			# }
			# isRmarkdownOutputOn = doRmarkdownFormatting
		# }
		# after the above processing do the following 
		# if(isRmarkdownOutputOn == FALSE && trimws(originalDatasetname)!= "bsky_piped_temp_dataset")
		if(isRmarkdownOutputOn == FALSE && load.UIgrid == TRUE)
			cat("\n") # forcing a new line in case someone created a cat() without a trailing new line
		#11/24/20 - The following code is for creating an in memory queue instead of a sync file to signal the new (Python, etc) application tier
		#if(trimws(originalDatasetname)!= "bsky_piped_temp_dataset")
		if(load.UIgrid == TRUE)
			if(!exists("holdBSkyFormatObjectNew", env=uadatasets.sk) || is.null(uadatasets.sk$holdBSkyFormatObjectNew))
				uadatasets.sk$holdBSkyFormatObjectNew = list(list(type=c("BSkyDataGridRefresh"), object=c(bskyDatasetName)))
				uadatasets.sk$holdBSkyFormatObjectNew = c(uadatasets.sk$holdBSkyFormatObjectNew, list(list(type=c("BSkyDataGridRefresh"), object=c(bskyDatasetName))))
		###### 23 Jan 2021 ### Add dataset in uadataset$name if it is not in the list ######
		datasetname <- BSkyValidateDataset(bskyDatasetName)
			uadatasets$name <- c(uadatasets$name, bskyDatasetName)
			UAcreateExtraAttributes(bskyDatasetName, "RDATA")

		# if maxFactor = -1 then we do not convert factor col to character
		# if maxFactor is a positive integer and factor columns has levels more than maxFactor we convert this col to character.
		## 09Oct2022 
		## we do not put maaxFactor limit to RDATA and RDA files while opening the file. 
		## Here we are mostly dealing with memory dataset. 
		## Say I loaded a RDATA file with a col having factor levels more the the maxFactor setting
		## because we do not restrict RData we load that col as factor (and not make it char)
		## now user made a copy of this dataset (in R Editor) and loadRefresh' this memory dataset
		## will load and the factor col turns to character because of the following code. User may get
		## confused why the factor to character conversion happened. 
		## So we should comment the code below (or make that IF FALSE)
		if(FALSE) ## (maxFactor > 0 ) ##
			# columns having more than 30 factors are converted back to character
			colcount = eval(parse(text=paste('ncol(',bskyDatasetName,')')))
			for(i in 1:colcount)
				coluname = eval(parse(text=paste('colnames(.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,')[',i,']',sep='')))
				colclass = eval(parse(text=paste('class(.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,'$',coluname,')',sep='')))

				if("factor" %in% colclass)
					lvlcount = eval(parse(text=paste('length(levels(.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,'$',coluname,'))',sep='')))
					if(lvlcount > maxFactor)
						eval(parse(text=paste('.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,'$',coluname,'<- as.character(.GlobalEnv$',bskyDatasetName,'$',coluname,')',sep='' )))

BSkyRemoveRefreshDataframe <- function(dframe)
	BSky.RemoveRefresh.Dataframe (dframe)

BSkyGetMaxFactor <- function()
	if(exists("maxFactor", env=uadatasets.sk))
		# -1 here means no restriction on maximum factors in a column

BSkySetMaxFactor <- function(maxFactor = -1)
		uadatasets.sk$maxFactor = maxFactor
BlueSkyStatistics/BlueSky documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 4:15 p.m.