
#' @title Format Steelhead trout JTRAP data needed for MYTSBE models
#' @description This function reconfigures JTRAP Steelhead trout data into the appropriate capture-mark-recapture format needed for the Multi-Year Time Stratified Bayesian Estimator (MYTSBE) models.
#' Steelhead trout "TU" dispositioned fish are marked individuals released upstream (nraw) of the rotary screw trap (RST) on a given date. "RE RC" dispositioned Steelhead are recaptured individuals (m) at the RST on a given date.
#' The sum of "TU", "TD", "NTT", "NTD", and "NTR" dispositioned fish are captured unmarked individuals (u) at the RST on a given date.
#' Individuals smaller than the fork length cut-off (flength.cut) are excluded from the formatting. Precocial Steelhead, designated with precocial disposition, are excluded from the formatting.
#' Years are standardized in that each year begins at the earliest trapping date and ends at the latest trapping date the RST was ever in operation since RST installation.
#'  PTAGIS data are needed to calculate the likelihood an individual is available for recapture during a proceeding day.
#'  Movement parameters of individauls are calculated using a MLE approach beginning with Day 1 (day after release) through Day 5, for the entirety of the data set. After day 5, it is assumed that migrating fish have traveled passed the RST
#' or left the population. "n" is the estimated number of fish available for recapture on a given date rounded to the nearest integer.
#' This package exports a .csv file to the working directory titled "Trap name, species, today's date, formatted data.csv"
#' @param JTRAP_data JTRAP data query
#' @param PTAG_data PTAGIS data query (needs to be specific to the species of interest)
#' @param strata length of desired strata in days (e.g. 1 week -> 7 days)
#' @param species character string needed to subset data (should be identical to the species name in the JTRAP_data set)
#' @param trap.name character string used for titles and descriptions of reports
#' @param smolt.date "MM-DD" smolt classification date needed for formatting
#' @param flength.cut fork length cut off for steelhead to be included in the analysis
#' @import plyr
#' @importFrom useful shift.column
#' @export
#' @return NULL

Format_Steelhead <- function(JTRAP_data,
                      strata = 7,
                      smolt.date = "06-01",
                      flength.cut = 80,

  JTRAP_data$PT2Date <-as.Date(JTRAP_data$PT2Date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
  JTRAP_data$Year <-as.numeric(format(JTRAP_data$PT2Date, format = "%Y"))
  JTRAP_data$jday <- yday(JTRAP_data$PT2Date)
  JTRAP_data$Smolt_pot <- yday(as.Date(paste(JTRAP_data$Year,"-",smolt.date, sep ="")))
  JTRAP_data$NFish <- as.numeric(JTRAP_data$NFish)

  day.effort <- count(JTRAP_data, "PT2Date")
  day.effort$freq <- 1
  colnames(day.effort)<- c("date", "effort")
  JTRAP_data$FLength <-as.numeric(JTRAP_data$FLength)

  #movement parameter from PTAGIS query
  PTAG_data$Days.Between <- as.numeric(as.Date(PTAG_data$Recap.Date.MMDDYYYY, format = "%m/%d/%Y") - as.Date(PTAG_data$Mark.Date.MMDDYYYY,format = "%m/%d/%Y")) #find days between mark and recapture
  PTAG_data <- PTAG_data[PTAG_data$Days.Between > 0 ,] # clean data with negative days between mark/recapture
  PTAG_data <- PTAG_data[PTAG_data$Days.Between <= 10 ,] # clean data by removing recapture days over 10
  PTAG_data <- PTAG_data[order(PTAG_data$Tag.Code, PTAG_data$Days.Between, decreasing = FALSE),] # order by Tag.Code & Days.Between so the shortest "Days.Between" values are retained for duplicates. These fish are presumed to be recaptured fish released upstream and caught again recaptured
  PTAG_data <- PTAG_data[!duplicated(PTAG_data$Tag.Code),] #remove duplicate PTAG codes

  Mig_days <- count(PTAG_data, "Days.Between") #count total # of fish

  Mig_days$Percent <- Mig_days$freq/sum(Mig_days$freq) #Create percentages

  #        nraw,m,u formatting      #
  # Choose  species dataset from original raw input
  JTRAP_data <- JTRAP_data[JTRAP_data$SpName == species , ]

  #Clean data of steelhead that aren't taggable length
  JTRAP_data <- subset(JTRAP_data, (JTRAP_data$FLength >= flength.cut) | (JTRAP_data$FLength == 0))
  trap_m <- JTRAP_data[JTRAP_data$Disposition_Acronym =="RE RC" ,]
  trap_n <- JTRAP_data[JTRAP_data$Disposition_Acronym =="TU" ,]
  trap_u <- JTRAP_data[(JTRAP_data$Disposition_Acronym == "TU") | (JTRAP_data$Disposition_Acronym == "TD") | (JTRAP_data$Disposition_Acronym == "NTT") | (JTRAP_data$Disposition_Acronym == "NTD") | (JTRAP_data$Disposition_Acronym == "NTR"), ]

  # Count the number of times the "PT2Date" shows up and weight it by "NFish" to get daily counts
  trap_m_total <- count(trap_m, "PT2Date", "NFish")
  trap_n_total <- count(trap_n, "PT2Date", "NFish")
  trap_u_total <- count(trap_u, "PT2Date", "NFish")

  # Merge the total count data sets back together
  trap_merge <- merge(trap_m_total, trap_n_total, by="PT2Date", all=TRUE)
  colnames(trap_merge)<- c("PT2Date","m","nraw")
  trap_merge <- merge(trap_merge, trap_u_total, by="PT2Date" , all=TRUE)
  colnames(trap_merge)[4]<- "u"

  names(trap_merge) <- c("date","m","nraw","u")
  trap_merge$date <- as.Date(trap_merge$date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")

  minyear <- as.numeric(min(format(trap_merge$date, format= "%Y"), na.rm=TRUE))
  maxyear <- as.numeric(max(format(trap_merge$date, format= "%Y"), na.rm=TRUE))

  dates <- as.data.frame(seq(from = as.Date(paste(minyear,"-01-01",sep="")),
                             to = as.Date(paste(maxyear,"-12-31",sep="")),
                             by = "days"))
  names(dates) <- c("date")

  #        Calendar fill, days, and effort      #

  # merge with calendar with trap data
  trap_date_filled = merge(trap_merge, dates, by="date", all=TRUE)

  #add a column "days" and fill with "1"s
  trap_date_filled["days"] <- 1

  #create an "effort" column that is filled with 1 if a fish was captured or a 0 if a fish wasn't captured
  trap_date_filled <- merge(trap_date_filled, day.effort, by="date", all=TRUE)

  #if the trap effort is "NA", change it to "0"
  trap_date_filled$effort[is.na (trap_date_filled$effort)] = 0

  #    Adding Julian Date & Year Variables      #

  trap_date_filled$julian = yday(trap_date_filled$date)
  trap_date_filled$year = format(trap_date_filled$date, "%Y")

  trap_full <-trap_date_filled

  #         Incorporating travel time     #

  # create matrix when a fish released at time 0 will be available for recapture
  trap_mig <- as.data.frame(trap_full$nraw*Mig_days[1,3])
  trap_mig$Nd2<- trap_full$nraw*Mig_days[2,3]
  trap_mig$Nd3<- trap_full$nraw*Mig_days[3,3]
  trap_mig$Nd4<- trap_full$nraw*Mig_days[4,3]
  trap_mig$Nd5<- trap_full$nraw*Mig_days[5,3]

  #apply a function that sums the diagonal of the matrix from lower left to upper right for each day
  trap_mig <- as.matrix(trap_mig)
  trap_mig[is.na(trap_mig)] <- 0
  vals <- as.data.frame(sapply(split(as.matrix(trap_mig), row(trap_mig) + col(trap_mig)), sum))
  #round the variables
  vals <- round(vals)
  #rename the header
  colnames(vals) <- c("n")
  #remove excess rows
  vals <- head(vals, -4)
  #add adjusted n back to trap data
  trap_full$n <- vals$n

  #shift n down one to the appropriate day
  trap_full <- shift.column(trap_full, "n", len=1, up=FALSE)
  trap_full$n <- trap_full$n.Shifted
  trap_full$n.Shifted <- NULL

  trap_full$n <- ifelse((trap_full$m > 0) | (trap_full$nraw > 0) | (trap_full$u > 0), trap_full$n, 0)

  #              Stratafying              #

  trap_full$strata=cut(trap_full$julian, seq(0, max(trap_full$julian, na.rm = TRUE)+7, by=strata), labels=FALSE)

  #Summarize by Year and strata for Chinook
  trap_week=ddply(trap_full, c("year","strata"), summarize,
                  m=sum(m, na.rm = TRUE),
                  nraw=sum(nraw, na.rm = TRUE),
                  u=sum(u, na.rm = TRUE),
                  days=sum(days, na.rm = TRUE),
                  effort=sum(effort, na.rm = TRUE))

  #Find the first and last Jweek the trap has operated through
  weeks=count(trap_week, "strata", "effort")
  trap_season=weeks[weeks$freq > 0 ,]
  trap_start=as.numeric(min(trap_season$strata, na.rm=TRUE))
  trap_finish=as.numeric(max(trap_season$strata, na.rm=TRUE))

  #Find the first year the trap was in operation
  years=count(trap_week, "year", "effort")
  trap_year=years[years$freq > 0 ,]
  trap_start_year=as.numeric(min(trap_year$year, na.rm=TRUE))

  #Chop trap data to only the 1st year of operation, first ordinal week, and last ordinal week
  trap_complete=trap_week[trap_week$strata >= trap_start , ]
  trap_complete=trap_complete[trap_complete$strata <= trap_finish ,]
  trap_complete=trap_complete[trap_complete$year >= trap_start_year ,]

  trap_complete$u<- ifelse((trap_complete$effort > 0) , trap_complete$u, NA)
  trap_complete$m<- ifelse((trap_complete$m > trap_complete$n), trap_complete$n, trap_complete$m)

  today <- Sys.Date()

  write.csv(trap_complete, file = paste(trap.name, species, today, "formatted data.csv"))
Boldemeyer/MYTSBE documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:58 a.m.