
pca.eval <- function(X, samplelabels, filename = NA, 
    ncomp = 5, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, legendlocation = "topright", 
    legendcex = 0.5, outloc = getwd()) {
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    print("Performing PCA")
    batchlabels <- samplelabels
    metabpcaresultlog2allmetabs5pcs <- pca(X, ncomp = ncomp, 
        center = center, scale = scale)
    # metabpcaresultnotransform10pcsallmetabs<-metabpcaresult
    result <- metabpcaresultlog2allmetabs5pcs
    r1 <- 100 * result$sdev/sum(result$sdev)
    r1 <- round(r1, 2)
    col_vec <- c("mediumpurple4", "mediumpurple1", 
        "blueviolet", "darkblue", "blue", "cornflowerblue", 
        "cyan4", "skyblue", "darkgreen", "seagreen1", 
        "green", "yellow", "orange", "pink", "coral1", 
        "palevioletred2", "red", "saddlebrown", "brown", 
        "brown3", "white", "darkgray", "aliceblue", 
        "aquamarine", "aquamarine3", "bisque", "burlywood1", 
        "lavender", "khaki3", "black")
    # col_vec<-col_vec[sample(1:length(col_vec),length(col_vec))]
    t1 <- table(samplelabels)
    l1 <- levels(samplelabels)
    col_all = topo.colors(256)
    dir.create(outloc, showWarnings = FALSE)
    print(paste("Generating PCA plots to evaluate batch-effect in ", 
        filename, " data", sep = ""))
    fname <- paste("PCA_batcheffecteval", filename, 
        ".tiff", sep = "")
    ## 1) raw data tiff(fname,res=300,
    ## width=2000,height=2000)
    col <- rep(col_vec[1:length(t1)], t1)
    # col<-rep(col_all[1:length(l1)],t1) Choose
    # different size of points
    cex <- rep(1, dim(X)[1])
    ## Choose the form of the points (square, circle,
    ## triangle and diamond-shaped pch <-
    ## replace(pch,which(pch==2),21) pch <-
    ## replace(pch,which(pch==3),17)
    pch <- rep(15, dim(X)[1])
    ## comp is the two dimensions you want to display
    ## ind.names is whether you want labels on each
    ## points rep.space determines the subspace to
    ## project the individuals ('X-variate',
    ## 'Y-variate' or 'XY-variate') plotIndiv(result,
    ## comp = c(1,2), ind.names = FALSE, rep.space =
    ## 'X-variate', col = col, cex = cex, pch = pch,
    ## X.label='PC1',Y.label='PC2')
    pca_res <- suppressWarnings(try(plotIndiv(result, 
        comp = c(1, 2), ind.names = FALSE, col = col, 
        cex = cex, pch = pch, X.label = paste("PC1 (", 
            r1[1], "% variation)", sep = ""), Y.label = paste("PC2 (", 
            r1[2], "% variation)", sep = "")), silent = TRUE))
    if (is(pca_res, "try-error")) {
        print("PCA plot could not be generated.")
    } else {
        col <- col_vec[1:length(t1)]
        cex <- rep(0.4, length(t1))
        pch <- rep(15, length(t1))
        ## The first two parameters are the x and y
        ## coordinates of the legend on the graph The third
        ## one is the text of the legend
        legend(legendlocation, l1, col = col, pch = pch, 
            pt.cex = cex, title = "Batch #", cex = legendcex)
        # dev.off()
BowenNCSU/xMSanalyzer documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:36 a.m.