
Defines functions unlist_to_data_frame escape_regex experiment_name_from_filename get_text_between get_json_between get_header_end_index get_indicies_between header_section_was_serialised get_bottom_header_index load_header_section load_headers create_header_separator create_log_search_pattern

SEPARATOR_START <- "\\*\\*\\*"
SEPARATOR_END <- "\\-\\-\\-"

create_log_search_pattern <- function(log_name, exp_timestamp) {
  ptr <- paste0("_", log_name, "_")
  if (!is.null(exp_timestamp)) {
    ptr <- paste0(ptr, ".*", exp_timestamp)

create_header_separator <- function(string) {
  res <- list()
  res$start <- paste0(SEPARATOR_START, string, SEPARATOR_START)
  res$end <- paste0(SEPARATOR_END, string, SEPARATOR_END)

#' Loads the header portion from the log. Overall simply a wrapper around a 
#' \code{\link{load_header_section}} function which parses the header from a 
#' text
#' @param filepath path to the file
#' @return list of parsed settings
#' @examples
#' @noRd
load_headers <- function(filepath) {
  txt <- readLines(filepath, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
  result <- load_header_section(txt)

#' Parses brainvr framework headers
#' @param txt 
#' @return
#' @examples
#' @noRd
load_header_section <- function(txt) {
  res <- list()
  ptr <- create_header_separator("(.*)")$start
  i_subsections <- which(grepl(ptr, txt))
  if (length(i_subsections) > 0) {
    for (i in i_subsections) {
      section_name <- gsub(SEPARATOR_START, "", txt[i])
      # TODO issue in case we have nested values of the same name
      # Let's just say it won't happen
      name <- tolower(gsub("\\s+", "_", section_name))
      if(!header_section_was_serialised(res, name)){
        section_text <- get_text_between(txt, section_name)
        section <- load_header_section(section_text)
        res[[name]] <- section
  } else {
    res <- json_to_list(txt)

get_bottom_header_index <- function(filepath) {
  txt <- readLines(filepath, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
  ptr <- create_header_separator("(.*)")$end
  i_end <- tail(which(grepl(ptr, txt)), 1)

header_section_was_serialised <- function(res, section_name) {
  all_names <- names(unlist(res))
  # removes the past parameter name
  ptr <- "\\.(?:.(?!\\.))+$" # negative search from the last .
  all_names <- gsub(ptr, "", all_names, perl = TRUE)
  return(any(grepl(section_name, all_names)))

### TODO
### Can massively speed it up if only reads part of the text or do it line by line
get_indicies_between <- function(text, string) {
  out <- list()
  out$start <- which(grepl(create_header_separator(string)$start, text))
  out$end <- which(grepl(create_header_separator(string)$end, text))

get_header_end_index <- function(text){
  out <- which(grepl(create_header_separator(".*")$end, text))
  out <- max(out)

get_json_between <- function(text, string) {
  ls <- json_to_list(get_text_between(text, string))

get_text_between <- function(text, string) {
  indices <- get_indicies_between(text, string)
  if (length(indices$start) != 1 || length(indices$end) != 1) {
  text <- text[(indices$start + 1):(indices$end - 1)]

experiment_name_from_filename <- function(filename) {
  ptr <- "_test_(.*)_"
  if (!requireNamespace("stringr", quietly = T)) {
    stop("Needs stringr to continue")
  capture_groups <- stringr::str_match(filename, ptr)
  return(capture_groups[, 2])

## Helper for escaping characters in quest names
escape_regex <- function(string) {
  return(gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", string))

unlist_to_data_frame <- function(ls) {
  listNames <- names(ls)
  for (name in listNames) {
    row <- unlist(ls[[name]])
BrainVR/brainvr-reader documentation built on Nov. 2, 2021, 11:09 a.m.