# Run the simulation function skiping the erros and atributing NA if it occurs
RunSimUltimate2 <- function(myWorld, P.extinction, P.speciation,
P.diffusion, P.Arisal, P.TakeOver, nbs, independent,
N.steps, multiplier,
silent = TRUE, count, resolution = seq(1, N.steps, 100),
P.Arisal0, start = NULL) {
result <- try(RunSim2(myWorld, P.extinction, P.speciation,
P.diffusion, P.Arisal, P.TakeOver, nbs,
independent, N.steps,
multiplier, count = count, resolution = resolution,
P.Arisal0 = P.Arisal0, start),
silent = silent)
if (class(result) == "try-error") {
result <- NA
RunSim2 <- function(myWorld, P.extinction, P.speciation,
P.diffusion, P.Arisal, P.TakeOver, nbs, independent,
N.steps, multiplier, count, resolution, P.Arisal0,
start = NULL) {
# myWorld = The hexagonal world created with the function BuildWorld
# P.extinction = Probability matrix of extinction
# P.speciation = Probability matrix of speciation
# P.diffusion = Probability matrix of diffusion
# P.Arisal = Probability matrix of arisal
# P.TakeOver = Probability matrix of takeover
# N.steps = Number of steps in the model
# multiplier = The number that will multiply the probabilities according
# to environmetal fitness.
# start = the point ID in 'myWorld' that will give risen to humans.
# (humans origin will be in one of the existing positions)
folder <- paste0("./Module_1_outputs/myOut_rep_",
formatC(count, width = 2,flag = 0),
formatC(count, width = 2,flag = 0),
"_","params", "_P.speciation_",
paste(formatC(P.speciation, width = 2,flag = 0),
paste(formatC(P.extinction, width = 2,flag = 0),
collapse="_"), "_P.diffusion_",
paste(formatC(P.diffusion, width = 2,flag = 0),
collapse="_"), "_P.TO_",
paste(formatC(P.TakeOver, width = 2,flag = 0),
paste(formatC(P.Arisal0, width = 2,flag = 0),
collapse="_"), "_timesteps_",
world.size <- nrow(myWorld)
# Initialize parameters we will use later to build the phylogeny
rootnode <- world.size + 1 # standard convention for root node number
# set the seed for simulation
if (is.null(start)) {
start <- sample(1:world.size, 1)
myWorld[start, 4:6] <- c(0, 0, 1) # Setting root(0), time(0), ancestral(1, forager)
mytree <- TheOriginOfSpecies(world.size, start) # Empty tree
myT <- 0 # Time starts at zero
# Common input and output for all the internal modules
input <- list(P.speciation, P.Arisal, P.diffusion, P.extinction, P.TakeOver,
myWorld, mytree, myT, multiplier, nbs, independent)
# Functions order to be randomized
rand_order_func_run <- list("Extinction", "Diffusion", "SpeciationTakeOver", "Arisal")
cat("0% [") # Time count
for (steps in 1:N.steps) { # Starts the loop with 'n' steps
if (steps %% round((N.steps / 10)) == 0) { # Time count
cat('-') # Time count
}# Time count
if (steps == N.steps) { # Time count
cat("] 100 %\n")# Time count
}# Time count
# Randomize functions order
rand_order <- sample(rand_order_func_run)
# Run the functions
input <- do.call(rand_order[[1]], list(input = input))
input <- do.call(rand_order[[2]], list(input = input))
input <- do.call(rand_order[[3]], list(input = input))
input <- do.call(rand_order[[4]], list(input = input))
# Save
if(steps %in% resolution) {
myWorld <- as.data.frame(input[[6]])
myWorld[, 8] <- paste0("t", myWorld[, 8])
if(nrow(na.omit(input[[7]])) > 1) {
mytree <- makePhy(input[[7]])
} else {
mytree <- NA
myOut <- list('mytree' = mytree, 'myWorld' = myWorld)
save(myOut, file= paste0(folder,"_", formatC(steps, 10, flag = 0), ".Rdata"))
stats <- Module_2(myOut)
save(stats, file= paste0(folder,"_", formatC(steps, 10, flag = 0),
"_stats", ".Rdata"))
# Trunsform the input/output into the final result and return it
myWorld <- as.data.frame(input[[6]])
myWorld[, 8] <- paste0("t", myWorld[, 8])
mytree <- makePhy(input[[7]])
mytree$edge.length <- mytree$edge.length / N.steps
return(list('mytree' = mytree, 'myWorld' = myWorld))
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