
Defines functions list.dbVariablesOfAllTables list.dbVariables list.dbTables dbVacuumRollack set_PRAGMAs PRAGMA_settings2 PRAGMA_settings1 dbConnect2 dbExecute2

Documented in dbConnect2 dbExecute2 dbVacuumRollack list.dbTables list.dbVariables list.dbVariablesOfAllTables PRAGMA_settings1 PRAGMA_settings2 set_PRAGMAs

#------ database-IO functions

#' Execute a SQL statement on a database connection with safeguards
#' A wrapper around \code{\link[DBI]{dbExecute}} that catches errors and
#' attempts to execute the SQL statement up to \code{repeats} before giving up
#' if the database was locked.
#' @param con A \code{\link[DBI:DBIConnection-class]{DBIConnection}} or
#'   \code{\link[RSQLite:SQLiteConnection-class]{SQLiteConnection}}
#'   object.
#' @param SQL A character string or vector of character strings. The SQL
#'   statement(s) to execute on \code{con}. If \code{SQL} is a vector of
#'   character strings, then the loop across individual executions is wrapped in
#'   a transaction.
#' @param verbose A logical value.
#' @param repeats An integer value. The maximum number of failed attempts to
#'   execute the \code{SQL} statement(s) if the database is locked.
#' @param sleep_s A numeric value. The average number to sleep before attempting
#'   to execute the \code{SQL} statement(s) if the database was locked.
#' @param seed An R object. Passed to \code{\link{set.seed}} if not \code{NA}.
#' @return A logical value. \code{TRUE} if the execution of the \code{SQL}
#'   statement(s) did not error out.
#' @seealso \code{\link[DBI]{dbExecute}}
#' @export
dbExecute2 <- function(con, SQL, verbose = FALSE, repeats = 10L, sleep_s = 5,
  seed = NA) {

  if (!anyNA(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  N <- length(SQL)

  k <- 1L
  repeat {
    temp_try <- try(if (N > 1) {
        dbWithTransaction(con, for (k in seq_len(N))
          dbExecute(con, SQL[k]))
      } else {
        dbExecute(con, SQL)
      }, silent = !verbose)
    success <- !inherits(temp_try, "try-error")

    do_repeat <- FALSE

    if (!success) {
      # Failed call; decide what to do about it
      try_msg <- attr(temp_try, "condition")[["message"]]

      if (grepl("database is locked", try_msg)) {
        # Sleep and retry the call
        do_repeat <- TRUE
      } else if (grepl("UNIQUE constraint failed", try_msg)) {
        # Ignore the error and pretend that all is fine
        success <- TRUE
      } else {
        # Report any other problem as failure

    if (do_repeat && k <= repeats) {
      k <- k + 1L

      # sleep on average shape * scale; and hope that afterwards, the db will
      # be available
      temp_sleep <- round(stats::rgamma(1L, shape = sleep_s, scale = 1), 1L)
      if (verbose) {
        print(paste("'dbExecute2': sleeps for", temp_sleep,
          "sec before attempt", k))


    } else {


#' Connect to \var{SQLite}-database
#' A wrapper around \code{\link[DBI]{dbConnect}} that catches errors and
#' attempts to connect up to \code{repeats} before giving up.
#' @param dbname A character string. The path including name to the database.
#' @param flags An integer value. See \code{\link[DBI]{dbConnect}}. Defaults to
#'   read/write mode.
#' @inheritParams dbExecute2
#' @return A
#'   \code{\link[RSQLite:SQLiteConnection-class]{SQLiteConnection}}
#'   object on success; an object of class \code{\link[base:try]{try-error}} on
#'   failure.
#' @seealso \code{\link[DBI]{dbConnect}}
#' @export
dbConnect2 <- function(dbname, flags = SQLITE_RW, verbose = FALSE,
  repeats = 10L, sleep_s = 5, seed = NA) {

  if (!anyNA(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  if (verbose) {
    t0 <- Sys.time()

  k <- 1L
  repeat {
    if (verbose) {
      print(paste("'dbConnect2':", Sys.time(), "attempt to connect after",
        round(difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units = "secs"), 2), "s"))

    con <- try(dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname = dbname,
      flags = flags), silent = !verbose)

    if (inherits(con, "SQLiteConnection") || k > repeats) {

    } else {
      k <- k + 1L

      # sleep on average shape * scale; and hope that afterwards, the db will
      # be available
      temp_sleep <- round(stats::rgamma(1L, shape = sleep_s, scale = 1), 1L)
      if (verbose) {
        print(paste("'dbConnect2': sleeps for", temp_sleep,
          "sec before attempt", k))



#' Set some useful \var{\sQuote{PRAGMA}}
#' @references \url{http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html}
#' @name pragmas
PRAGMA_settings1 <- function() c(
  "PRAGMA cache_size = 400000;",
  "PRAGMA synchronous = FULL;", # ensures that an operating system crash or
    # power failure will not corrupt the database
  "PRAGMA locking_mode = NORMAL;",
  "PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;",
  "PRAGMA auto_vacuum = NONE;")

#' @rdname pragmas
PRAGMA_settings2 <- function() c(PRAGMA_settings1(),
  "PRAGMA page_size = 65536;", # no return value
  "PRAGMA max_page_count = 2147483646;", # returns the maximum page count
  "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;") #no return value

#' @rdname pragmas
set_PRAGMAs <- function(con, settings) {
  temp <- lapply(force(settings), function(x) dbExecute(con, x))

#' Perform a vacuum operation if there is a rollback journal present
dbVacuumRollack <- function(con, dbname) {
  frj <- paste0(dbname, "-journal")

  if (file.exists(frj)) {
    dbExecute(con, "VACUUM")

    if (file.exists(frj)) {
      stop("'dbVacuumRollack': failed to vacuum rollback journal of ",


#' List tables and variables of a database
#' @export
list.dbTables <- function(dbName) {
  con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName,
    flags = SQLITE_RO)
  res <- dbListTables(con)


#' List variables of a database
#' @export
list.dbVariables <- function(dbName, dbTable) {
  con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName,
    flags = SQLITE_RO)
  on.exit(dbDisconnect(con), add = TRUE)

  dbListFields(con, dbTable)

#' List tables and variables of a database
#' @export
list.dbVariablesOfAllTables <- function(dbName) {
  tables <- list.dbTables(dbName)
  sapply(tables, function(it) list.dbVariables(dbName, dbTable = it))

#------ End of database-IO functions
Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/SoilWat_R_Wrapper documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 5:17 p.m.