
# `setup_*.R`: executed before tests, but not during `devtools::load_all()`
# (see `?test_check`)

# Environmental variable `RSFSW2_ALLTESTS` determines whether or not
# long-running expectations/unit-tests are skipped;
# default is "true", i.e., run all expectations/unit-tests.
# To set to false, e.g.,
#   * \code{Sys.setenv(RSFSW2_ALLTESTS = "false"); devtools::test()}
#   * \code{RSFSW2_ALLTESTS="false" R CMD check *tar.gz}
if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSFSW2_ALLTESTS"))) {
  Sys.setenv(RSFSW2_ALLTESTS = "true")

# Make sure that environmental variable \code{NOT_CRAN} is set to either
# \var{\dQuote{true}} or \var{\dQuote{false}}:
# \var{\dQuote{NOT_CRAN="true"}} should be set if run with:
#   * \code{devtools::test()} unless \code{NOT_CRAN} previously set
#   * \code{devtools::check(cran = FALSE)}
#   * \code{R CMD check *tar.gz}
# \var{\dQuote{NOT_CRAN="false"}} should be set if run with:
#   * \code{Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN = "false"); devtools::test()}
#   * \code{devtools::check(cran = TRUE)}
#   * \code{R CMD check *tar.gz --as-cran}

# \code{testthat::skip_on_cran()} requires the value of \var{\dQuote{true}}
# for it to not skip. However, only \pkg{devtools} sets \code{NOT_CRAN}.
# For instance, `R CMD check *tar.gz` without `--as-cran`) does not set
# \code{NOT_CRAN} and thus, \code{testthat::skip_on_cran()} skips even
# though unintended.

if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"))) {
  # `NOT_CRAN` is not set

  # Hack to guess whether `R CMD check *tar.gz` is run with/without `--as-cran`;
  # see section `if (as_cran) {Sys.setenv(...); ...}` of function
  # \code{tools:::.check_packages}:
  # NOTE: this likely changes from R version to R version!

  # currently, up-to-date for R version 3.5.0
  ascran_env_vals <- list(
    `_R_CHECK_R_DEPENDS_` = "warn",
    `_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_` = "10"

  temp <- Sys.getenv(names(ascran_env_vals), names = TRUE)
  temp <- toupper(temp) == toupper(ascran_env_vals)
  guess_ascran <- mean(temp)

  if (guess_ascran > 0.9) {
    Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN = "false")
  } else {
    Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN = "true")

# Environmental variable `RSFSW2_SAVETESTS` determines whether or not
# the otherwise invisible internal `testthat` results are saved to file;
# default is "true" in non-interactive mode, i.e., save results;
# default is "false" in interactive mode.
# To set to true, e.g.,
#   * \code{Sys.setenv(RSFSW2_SAVETESTS = "true"); devtools::test()}
#   * \code{RSFSW2_SAVETESTS="true" R CMD check *tar.gz}

# \code{RSFSW2_SAVETESTS} is a hack to obtain unit test information
# even if run with `R CMD check .` which, otherwise, reports only the last
# 13 lines of output.
# If \code{RSFSW2_SAVETESTS} is \code{TRUE}, then instruct \pkg{testthat}
# to save \code{results} to file before returning after erroring out with
# \code{stop("Test failures", call. = FALSE)}
# If \pkg{testthat} will allow to store output to file, then this hack could be
# removed (see https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/issues/795)
# See `teardown_testthat.R` for demo-code to load and investigate post-mortem.

if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSFSW2_SAVETESTS"))) {
  Sys.setenv(RSFSW2_SAVETESTS = "true")

if (identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("RSFSW2_SAVETESTS")), "true")) {
    exit = quote(saveRDS(results, file = "testthat_results.rds")),
    where = asNamespace("testthat"))

# Print environmental variables that are important for running our tests:
temp <- Sys.getenv(temp, names = TRUE)

message(paste("Testing environment is run with:",
  paste("\n\t*", names(temp), "=", shQuote(temp)),
  collapse = "")))
Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/SoilWat_R_Wrapper documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 5:17 p.m.