
Defines functions lock_access lock_attempt unlock_access remove_lock check_lock_content lock_init

Documented in check_lock_content lock_access lock_attempt lock_init remove_lock unlock_access

#------ Synchronicity functions

#' Synchronicity with backing store locks
#' @section Note: My attempts at using lock/unlock functions from \pkg{flock}
#'   failed because unlock appeared to not free resources. My attempts at using
#'   such functions from \pkg{synchronicity} failed because of segfaults with
#'   \code{GetResourceName(m@mutexInfoAddr)}; additionally, \pkg{synchronicity}
#'   is restricted to unix systems. Instead, I use here ideas based on functions
#'   from \pkg{Rdsm} and Samuel.
#' @param lock An object of class \code{SFSW2_lock}.
#' @aliases lock unlock lock_init lock_attempt unlock_access lock_access
#'   check_lock_content remove_lock
#' @name synchronicity

#' Create and initialize an object of class \code{SFSW2_lock}
#' @param fname_lock A character string. Path to locking directory.
#' @param id A R object. Identifier used to test unique write access in locking
#'   directory.
#' @return An object of class \code{SFSW2_lock}.
#' @rdname synchronicity
#' @export
lock_init <- function(fname_lock, id) {
  lock <- list(
    dir = fname_lock,
    file = file.path(fname_lock, "lockfile.txt"),
    locker_id = id,
    code = paste("access locked for", id),
    obtained = FALSE,
    confirmed_access = NA)
  class(lock) <- "SFSW2_lock"

#' Check content of a backing store lock
#' @return A logical value. \code{TRUE} if lock file contains proper code of the
#'   lock.
#' @rdname synchronicity
#' @export
check_lock_content <- function(lock) {
  if (file.exists(lock$file)) {
    out <- readBin(lock$file, what = "character")
    identical(lock$code, out)
  } else {

#' Remove the files associated with a backing store lock
#' @return The return value of deleting the directory associated with
#'   \code{lock}.
#' @rdname synchronicity
#' @export
remove_lock <- function(lock) {
  unlink(lock$dir, recursive = TRUE)

#' Unlock a backing store lock
#' @return The updated \code{lock} object of class \code{SFSW2_lock}.
#' @rdname synchronicity
#' @export
unlock_access <- function(lock) {
  if (inherits(lock, "SFSW2_lock")) {
    lock$confirmed_access <- check_lock_content(lock)


#' Attempt to obtain access of a backing store lock
#' @return The updated \code{lock} object of class \code{SFSW2_lock}.
#' @rdname synchronicity
#' @export
lock_attempt <- function(lock) {
  if (dir.create(lock$dir, showWarnings = FALSE)) {
    writeBin(lock$code, con = lock$file)
    lock$obtained <- check_lock_content(lock)
    if (!lock$obtained)


#' Set a backing store lock
#' Access to the backing store lock is attempted until successfully obtained.
#' @param verbose A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, then each attempt at
#'   obtaining the lock is printed.
#' @param seed A seed set, \code{NULL}, or \code{NA}. \code{NA} will not affect
#'   the state of the RNG; \code{NULL} will re-initialize the RNG; and all other
#'   values are passed to \code{\link{set.seed}}.
#' @return The updated \code{lock} object of class \code{SFSW2_lock}.
#' @rdname synchronicity
#' @export
lock_access <- function(lock, verbose = FALSE, seed = NA) {
  if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  if (inherits(lock, "SFSW2_lock")) while (!lock$obtained) {
    if (verbose) {
      print(paste(Sys.time(), "attempt to obtain lock for",
    lock <- lock_attempt(lock)
    Sys.sleep(stats::runif(1, 0.02, 0.1))


#------ End of synchronicity functions
Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/rSFSW2 documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 5:20 p.m.