#' @title Load attribute information from a entity attribute yaml or csv file
#' @description The \code{read_attributes_file} function reads an entity's
#' attribute details from a "entity name"_attrs.yaml or "entity name"_attrs.csv
#' file in the working directory - the details of which are incorporated into
#' the EML metadata for that entity.
#' @details The \code{read_attributes_file} function reads an entity's
#' attribute details from a "entity name"_attrs.yaml or "entity name"_attrs.csv
#' file in the working directory - the details of which are incorporated into
#' the EML metadata for that entity.
#' @note Recent versions of the capeml package generate attribute (and factor)
#' metadata files in yaml format; the \code{read_attributes_file} function will
#' look also for attributes files in csv format to accommodate older projects.
#' @note The \code{read_attributes_file} function is intended primarily as a
#' helper to other functions in the capeml ecosystem (notably
#' \code{read_attributes} and \code{read_raster_attributes}) so is not meant to
#' be called directly (but can be).
#' @param string_pointer
#' (character) The quoted name of the data entity.
#' @param entity_id
#' (character) Quoted identifier of the data object that is being described,
#' this will usually be the name or hash of the data table (or otherwise) of
#' which the attribute is associated.
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load_file yaml.load
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest_wider unnest_longer
#' @importFrom tibble enframe
#' @importFrom dplyr pull select select_if case_when mutate
#' @return A list of a list of attributes and column classes
#' @export
read_attributes_file <- function(
) {
# load attributes from yaml or csv (default to yaml)
if (file.exists(paste0(string_pointer, "_attrs.yaml"))) {
attrs <- yaml::yaml.load_file(paste0(string_pointer, "_attrs.yaml"))
attrs <- yaml::yaml.load(attrs)
attrs <- tibble::enframe(attrs) |>
tidyr::unnest_wider(value) |>
} else if (!file.exists(paste0(string_pointer, "_attrs.yaml")) && file.exists(paste0(string_pointer, "_attrs.csv"))) {
attrs <- utils::read.csv(paste0(string_pointer, "_attrs.csv"))
} else {
stop(paste0("attributes file: ", string_pointer, "_attrs.yaml ", "not found in ", getwd()))
# column classes to vector (required by EML::set_attributes)
classes <- attrs |>
# copy attributeDefinition to defintion as appropriate; remove col classes
# from attrs (req'd by set_attributes); remove empty columns (targets here
# are max and min values, which can throw an error for data without any
# numeric columns) empty strings to NA
attrs[attrs == ""] <- NA
# helper function to remove missing columns
not_all_na <- function(x) {
attrs <- attrs |>
id = paste0(entity_id, "_", row.names(attrs)),
definition = NA_character_,
definition = dplyr::case_when(
grepl("character", columnClasses) & ((is.na(definition) | definition == "")) ~ attributeDefinition,
TRUE ~ definition
) |>
dplyr::select(-columnClasses) |>
# return(attrs)
attrs = attrs,
classes = classes
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