
.create2dclean <- function(record, config, freq) {
        dt.sofa <- create.cctable(rec=record, conf=config, freq=freq)

#' Create a 2D wide clean table - low memory
#' The cleaning process is specified by the YAML configuration. All the filters
#' presented in the configuration will be applied. It returns only the cleaned
#' data. However all the data quality information will be lost. This function
#' is useful when the memory is not sufficiently enough to hold all the
#' information. 
#' @param record ccRecord
#' @param config the full path of the YAML configuration file
#' @param freq table cadence
#' @param nchunks integer number. The larger the nchunks the less memory
#' requirement. 
#' @return A cleaned 2d wide table
#' @export create2dclean
create2dclean <- function(record, config, freq=1, nchunks=1) {

    config <- yaml.load_file(config)
    # number of chunks should not exceed the number of columns
    if (length(config) < nchunks) nchunks <- length(config)
    if (nchunks == 1) {
        return(.create2dclean(record, config, freq)$tclean)

    confs <- suppressWarnings(split(config, seq(nchunks)))
    by <- c("site","episode_id", "time")
    # create 2d tables in column groups.
    tbclean <- list()
    for (cf in confs) {
        dt.sofa <- .create2dclean(record, cf, freq)
        temp <- dt.sofa$tclean
        setkey(temp, "site", "episode_id", "time")
        tbclean[[length(tbclean) + 1]] <- dt.sofa$tclean

    # merge tables
    tbclean_all <- tbclean[[1]][, by, with=F]
    for (i in tbclean) {
        stopifnot(all((tbclean_all$time - i$time) == 0))
        colnames <- names(i[, -by, with=F])
        for(j in colnames) 
            tbclean_all[[j]] <- i[[j]]

#' @export 
create2dclean2 <- function(record, config, freq=1, nchunks=1) {
    if (is.character(config))
        config <- yaml.load_file(config)

    stopifnot(nchunks > 0 & nchunks < record@nepisodes)
    if (nchunks == 1)
        return(.create2dclean(record, config, freq)$tclean)

    op.seq <- round(seq(1, record@nepisodes + 1, length.out=nchunks + 1))

    tclean <- list()

    for (i in seq(length(op.seq) - 1)) {
        rc <- record[seq(op.seq[i], op.seq[i+1] - 1)]
        tclean[[i]] <- .create2dclean(rc, config, freq)$tclean
    tclean <- rbindlist(tclean, fill=TRUE)
CC-HIC/ccdata documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:23 a.m.