
Defines functions create_backup_info backup_project

Documented in backup_project

#'Backup Project Directory
#'This function backs up a CIDA project to the shared (P) CIDA drive. The backup directory
#'can either be existing (in which only changed files/folders are updated), or
#'nonexisting, in which case a full project backup is created.
#'@param path_from Path from where the folders should be copied (project
#'  directory location).
#'@param path_to Path to where the folders should be copied (P drive, only used
#'  if specified).
#'@param exclude files/folders NOT to be backed up to the P-drive (useful for
#'larger files that don't change often). Currently not used.
#'@param recreate should backup be created from the ground up?
#' (can take longer, but useful for projects with many changes)
#' @param data_only should only subdirs including "data" (DataRaw/ and DataProcessed/) be backed up?
#' @param readme forces backup of project readme
#' @return This function has verbose output to ensure the back up is working, and
#'  ultimately returns a success indicator that's returned by file.copy.
backup_project <- function(path_from = getwd(),
                          path_to = NULL,
                          exclude = c(".DS_Store", ".Rproj.user", ".git"),
                          recreate = FALSE,
                          data_only = TRUE,
                          readme = TRUE) {

  # Check args, make into absolute paths
  path_from <- normalizePath(path_from)

  # Get proper path to Shared drive
  if(missing(path_to)) {

    path_to <- ProjectLocation()
    if(path_to == "")
      stop("Please first set project location, e.g., CIDAtools::SetProjectLocation('Branches/EmergencyMedicine/ThisProject')")

      stop("Please ensure the CIDA drive is mounted, or set `path_to`")


  path_to <- normalizePath(path_to)

  ## Check if specific project folder exists on P drive
  backup_path <- file.path(path_to)
  if(!dir.exists(backup_path)) {
    message("Note: '", backup_path, "' not found; directory was created.")
  } else if (!recreate){
    message("Note: backup path already exists, and will be updated unless cancelled.")
    message("Backup path:\n", backup_path,
            "\nProject path:\n",
  } else {
    message("Note: backup path already exists, and will be completely overwritten since recreate == TRUE.")
    message("Backup path:\n", backup_path,
            "\nProject path:\n",
            path_from, "\n\nType 'yes' to confirm.")
    delete_old <- readline()

    if(delete_old != "yes")
    unlink(backup_path, recursive=TRUE)

  message("\nDetermining current backup situation...")

  files_to_copy <-
    list.files(path_from, recursive = T, all.files = T)
  dirs_to_copy <- list.dirs(path_from, recursive = T, full.names = F)[-1]

  if(length(exclude)) {
    files_to_exclude <- c(
      unlist(sapply(exclude[dir.exists(exclude)], list.files, recursive = TRUE,
             all = TRUE, full.names = T)),

    files_to_copy <- files_to_copy[!(files_to_copy %in% files_to_exclude)]

    dirs_to_exclude <- c(
      unlist(sapply(exclude[dir.exists(exclude)], list.dirs, recursive = TRUE,
                    full.names = T)))

    dirs_to_copy <- dirs_to_copy[!(dirs_to_copy %in% dirs_to_exclude)]

  if(data_only) {
    string_matches <- "dataraw|dataprocessed"
      string_matches <- "readme|dataraw|dataprocessed"

    # find large files (>= 250 MB)
    large_idx <- file.size(files_to_copy)/1e6 >= 250

    # find file matches
    file_matches <- grepl(string_matches, files_to_copy, ignore.case = TRUE)
    dir_matches <- grepl(string_matches, dirs_to_copy, ignore.case = TRUE)

    files_to_copy <- files_to_copy[large_idx | file_matches]
    dirs_to_copy <- dirs_to_copy[large_idx | dir_matches]

  ## Check if any files can be ignored using time last modified time
  check <- file.exists(file.path(backup_path, files_to_copy))
  if(any(check)) {
    to_mtime <- file.mtime(file.path(backup_path, files_to_copy))

    # If no file found, set last modified time into future (kind of a hack)
    to_mtime[is.na(to_mtime)] <- Sys.time() +500

    from_mtime <- file.mtime(file.path(path_from, files_to_copy))
    files_to_copy <- files_to_copy[abs(difftime(to_mtime, from_mtime, units = "secs")) > 1]

  # Check and don't copy dirs if they already exist
  dirs_to_copy <- dirs_to_copy[!dir.exists(file.path(backup_path, dirs_to_copy))]

  message("\nI'm about to create or update ",length(dirs_to_copy)," subdirectories and ",
          length(files_to_copy), " files.",
          "'\nType 'yes' to confirm, or 'list' to list changes.")
  val <- readline()
  if(val == "list") {
    cat("Subdirs:", dirs_to_copy, sep = "\n")
    cat("\n\nFiles:", files_to_copy, sep = "\n")
    message("'\n\n Type 'yes' to confirm.")
    val <- readline()

  stopifnot(val == "yes")

  if(length(dirs_to_copy)) {
    message("Creating ", length(dirs_to_copy)," subdirectories...")
    pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(length(dirs_to_copy))
    r1 <- sapply(1:length(dirs_to_copy), function(i) {
      dir.create(file.path(backup_path, dirs_to_copy[i]))
  } else
    r1 <- T

  if(length(files_to_copy)) {
    message("\nCopying/updating ", length(files_to_copy), " files...")
    pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(length(files_to_copy))
    r2 <- sapply(1:length(files_to_copy), function(i) {
      file.copy(file.path(path_from, files_to_copy[i]),
                file.path(backup_path, files_to_copy[i]),
                overwrite = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE)

  } else
    r2 <- T

  result <- all(r1) & all(r2)


create_backup_info <- function(path) {
  fileConn<- file(file.path(path, "backup_info.md"))
  lines <- c(
    "This is a backup of the actual project directory. ",
    "If you do, changes may be overwritten by future backups.",
    paste0("This directory was last backed up at ", Sys.time()),
  writeLines(lines, fileConn)
CIDA-CSPH/CIDAtools documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 10:55 a.m.