#' @title Create a default header block
#' @param title \code{(character)} Title to be wrapped in \link[shiny]{h2}
#' @param program \code{(character)} Program name to be wrapped in \link[shiny]{h4}
#' @param date_range \code{(Date)} vector to be collapsed with `" - "` in \link[shiny]{h4}
#' @return \code{shiny.tag.list}
#' @export
server_header <- function(title, ..., program, date_range, region, county) {
out <- list()
out$header <- shiny::h2(title)
if (!missing(program))
out$program <- shiny::h4(names(programs)[programs %in% program])
if (!missing(region))
out$region <- shiny::h4("Region(s):", paste0(names(regions)[regions %in% region], collapse = ", "))
if (!missing(county))
out$county <- shiny::h4("County(ies):", paste0(names(counties)[counties %in% county], collapse = ", "))
if (!missing(date_range)) {
out$dr <- purrr::when(date_range, length(.) > 1 ~ shiny::h4(paste0(.[1]," - ", .[2])),
~ shiny::h4(.))
.dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)
if (UU::is_legit(.dots))
out <- append(out, .dots)
do.call(tagList, out)
#' @title DT Datatable with some helpful defaults
#' @inheritParams DT::datatable
#' @inheritDotParams DT::datatable
#' @param add_options Options to add to the existing defaults
#' @param add_extensions Extensions to add to the existing defaults
#' @return \code{(shiny.tag)}
#' @export
datatable_default <- function(data,
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
dom = 'Blfrtip',
buttons = list(
extend = "csvHtml5",
text = "Full CSV",
filename = "data_full",
exportOptions = list(modifier = list(page = "all"))
responsive = TRUE,
lengthMenu = c(10, 25, 50, 75, 100),
lengthChange = TRUE,
pageLength = 10
filter = list(position = 'top',
clear = TRUE,
plain = FALSE),
width = "100%",
height = "auto",
extensions = "Buttons",
style = "bootstrap4",
elementId = NULL,
...) {
if (!missing(add_options))
options <- purrr::list_modify(options, !!!add_options)
if (!missing(add_extensions))
extensions <- c(extensions, add_extensions)
rownames = rownames,
filter = filter,
options = options,
extensions = extensions,
style = style,
elementId = elementId,
width = width,
height = height,
#' @title Give DT ready column numbers from names or numbers
#' @description Given a vector of column names or numbers, return the corresponding column indices.
#' @param x \code{(character/numeric)} Column numbers or names to be converted to column indices.
#' @param .data \code{(data.frame)} The data frame from which column names are extracted. This parameter is used only in the character method.
#' @return \code{numeric} A vector of column indices.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(A = 1:3, B = 4:6, C = 7:9)
#' which_cols(c("A", "B"), df) # Returns: 1 2
#' which_cols(c(1, 3), df) # Returns: 1 3
which_cols <- function(x, .data) {
#' @export
which_cols.numeric <- function(x, .data)
#' @export
which_cols.character <- function(x, .data) {
dplyr::matches(UU::regex_or(x), vars = names(.data))
#' @title Update datatable options
#' @param x \code{(datatables)}
#' @param options \code{(list)} of options to replace
#' @return \code{(datatables)}
#' @export
datatable_options_update <- function(x, options, hide_cols) {
out <- x
if (missing(options))
options <- out$x$options
if (!missing(hide_cols))
options <- append(options, list(columnDefs = list(
visible = FALSE,
targets = which_cols(hide_cols, x$x$data) - 1 # js numbers start with 0
# if (UU::is_legit(out$x$options$columnDefs) &&
# UU::is_legit(options$columnDefs)) {
out$x$options$columnDefs <-
append(out$x$options$columnDefs, options$columnDefs)
options$columnDefs <- NULL
# }
if (UU::is_legit(options))
out$x$options <- purrr::list_modify(out$x$options,!!!options)
#' @title Add \link[DT]{styleColorBar} or `styleDivergentBar` to datatable
#' @inheritParams DT::formatStyle
#' @inheritDotParams DT::formatStyle
#' @inheritDotParams DT::styleColorBar
#' @inheritDotParams styleDivergentBar
#' @param divergent \code{(logical)} Whether to use `styleDivergentBar`
#' @return \code{(datatable)}
#' @export
datatable_add_bars <-
divergent = FALSE) {
.args <- rlang::dots_list(..., .named = TRUE)
.args$table <- table
.data <- table$x$data
.data_nms <- names(.data)
if (missing(columns) && divergent)
.args$columns = stringr::str_which(.data_nms, stringr::regex("frequency", ignore_case = TRUE))
.args$columns <- columns
if (missing(valueColumns) && divergent)
.args$valueColumns = stringr::str_which(.data_nms,
stringr::regex("rank|from_mean", ignore_case = TRUE))
.args$valueColumns <- valueColumns
if (divergent)
bar_args <-
purrr::list_modify(.args[names(.args) %in% c("color_pos", "color_neg")], color_pos = "#28a745", color_neg = "#dc3545")
bar_args <- .args[names(.args) %in% c("data", "color", "angle")]
.args$background <-
~ rlang::exec(
purrr::when(divergent, . ~ styleDivergentBar, ~ DT::styleColorBar),
)) |>
\(x) {
purrr::when(length(x), . == 1 ~ x[[1]], ~ x)
server_debounce <-
wait = 1500,
e = rlang::caller_env()) {
ex <- rlang::enexprs(..., .named = TRUE)
exs <- purrr::imap(ex, ~ {
ex <- rlang::expr({
!!rlang::sym(stringr::str_remove(.y, "^input\\$")),
insts <-
purrr::imap(ex, ~ rlang::expr(`<-`(!!rlang::sym(stringr::str_remove(.y, "^input\\$")), function() {
inst <- rlang::expr({
ob <- rlang::expr(observeEvent(!!ex[[1]], {
}, ignoreInit = TRUE))
purrr::map(list(inst, ob), rlang::eval_bare, env = e)
#' @title Style DT divergent color bar
#' @details #' Style DT color bars for values that diverge from 0. From \href{https://github.com/federicomarini/GeneTonic}{federicomarini/GeneTonic}
#' This function draws background color bars behind table cells in a column,
#' width the width of bars being proportional to the column values *and* the color
#' dependent on the sign of the value.
#' A typical usage is for values such as `log2FoldChange` for tables resulting from
#' differential expression analysis.
#' Still, the functionality of this can be quickly generalized to other cases -
#' see in the examples.
#' The code of this function is heavily inspired from styleColorBar, and borrows
#' at full hands from an excellent post on StackOverflow -
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33521828/stylecolorbar-center-and-shift-left-right-dependent-on-sign/33524422#33524422
#' @param data The numeric vector whose range will be used for scaling the table
#' data from 0-100 before being represented as color bars. A vector of length 2
#' is acceptable here for specifying a range possibly wider or narrower than the
#' range of the table data itself.
#' @param color_pos The color of the bars for the positive values
#' @param color_neg The color of the bars for the negative values
#' @return This function generates JavaScript and CSS code from the values
#' specified in R, to be used in DT tables formatting.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' simplest_df <- data.frame(
#' a = c(rep("a", 9)),
#' value = c(-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
#' )
#' # or with a very simple data frame
#' DT::datatable(simplest_df) |>
#' DT::formatStyle(
#' "value",
#' background = styleDivergentBar(
#' simplest_df$value,
#' scales::alpha("forestgreen", 0.4),
#' scales::alpha("gold", 0.4)
#' ),
#' backgroundSize = "100% 90%",
#' backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat",
#' backgroundPosition = "center"
#' )
styleDivergentBar <- function(data,
color_neg) {
max_val <- max(abs(data))
"isNaN(parseFloat(value)) || value < 0 ? 'linear-gradient(90deg, transparent, transparent ' + (50 + value/%s * 50) + '%%, %s ' + (50 + value/%s * 50) + '%%,%s 50%%,transparent 50%%)': 'linear-gradient(90deg, transparent, transparent 50%%, %s 50%%, %s ' + (50 + value/%s * 50) + '%%, transparent ' + (50 + value/%s * 50) + '%%)'",
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.