
Defines functions GetImageMatrix get_clusterassignment makeassignment get_clusters_batch

Documented in get_clusters_batch

# The handwriter R package performs writership analysis of handwritten documents.
# Copyright (C) 2021 Iowa State University of Science and Technology on behalf of its Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' get_clusters_batch
#' @param template A cluster template created with [`make_clustering_templates`]
#' @param input_dir A directory containing graphs created with [`process_batch_dir`]
#' @param output_dir Output directory for cluster assignments
#' @param writer_indices Vector of start and end indices for the writer id in
#'   the graph file names
#' @param doc_indices Vector of start and end indices for the document id in the
#'   graph file names
#' @param num_cores Integer number of cores to use for parallel processing
#' @return A list of cluster assignments
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' template <- readRDS('path/to/template.rds')
#' get_clusters_batch(template=template, input_dir='path/to/dir', output_dir='path/to/dir',
#' writer_indices=c(2,5), doc_indices=c(7,18), num_cores=1)
#' get_clusters_batch(template=template, input_dir='path/to/dir', output_dir='path/to/dir',
#' writer_indices=c(1,4), doc_indices=c(5,10), num_cores=5)
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
get_clusters_batch <- function(template, input_dir, output_dir, writer_indices, doc_indices, num_cores = 1) {
  # bind global variables to fix check() note
  i <- outliercut <- docname <- NULL

  # check num_cores
  if (length(num_cores) > 1){
    stop("num_cores is longer than 1")
  } else if (!is.numeric(num_cores)){ 
    stop("num_cores is not numeric")
  } else if (num_cores %% 1 != 0) {
    stop("num_cores is not an integer")
  } else if (num_cores < 1) {
    stop("num_cores is not greater than or equal to 1")

  message("Starting cluster assginment...")
  # make output directory
  if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
    dir.create(output_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  # list files in input dir
  proclist <- list.files(input_dir, full.names = TRUE)

  if (num_cores > 1) { # run in parallel
    my_cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(num_cores)

    proclist <- foreach::foreach(
      i = 1:length(proclist),
      .combine = "rbind",
      .export = c("AddLetterImages", "MakeLetterListLetterSpecific", "centeredImage", "makeassignment", "angle")
    ) %dopar% { # for each document i

      message(paste("     Loading graphs for", basename(proclist[i])))
      doc <- readRDS(proclist[i])

      # check that doc$docname is not blank
      if (!("docname" %in% names(doc))) {
        if (!dir.exists(file.path(output_dir, "problem_files"))) {
          dir.create(file.path(output_dir, "problem_files"))
        file.copy(proclist[i], file.path(output_dir, "problem_files", basename(proclist[i])))
        message(paste("docname is NULL for", proclist[i], "\n"))

      # load outfile if it already exists
      outfile <- file.path(output_dir, paste0(stringr::str_replace(doc$docname, ".png", ""), ".rds"))
      if (file.exists(outfile)) {
        message(paste("     Cluster assignments already exist for", doc$docname, "\n"))
        df <- readRDS(outfile)

      # extra processing
      doc$process$letterList <- AddLetterImages(doc$process$letterList, dim(doc$image))
      doc$process$letterList <- MakeLetterListLetterSpecific(doc$process$letterList, dim(doc$image)) ### THIS SCREWS UP PLOTLETTER AND OTHER PLOTTING!!!

      imagesList <- list()
      imagesList <- c(imagesList, lapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) {
      imagesList <- lapply(imagesList, function(x) {
        x$nodesrc <- cbind(((x$nodes - 1) %/% dim(x$image)[1]) + 1, dim(x$image)[1] - ((x$nodes - 1) %% dim(x$image)[1]))
        x$nodesrc <- x$nodesrc - matrix(rep(x$centroid, each = dim(x$nodesrc)[1]), ncol = 2)
        x$pathEndsrc <- lapply(x$allPaths, function(z) {
          cbind(((z[c(1, length(z))] - 1) %/% dim(x$image)[1]) + 1, dim(x$image)[1] - ((z[c(1, length(z))] - 1) %% dim(x$image)[1]))
        x$pathEndsrc <- lapply(x$pathEndsrc, function(z) {
          z - matrix(rep(x$centroid, each = 2), ncol = 2)

      # get cluster assignments
      message(paste("     Getting cluster assignments for", doc$docname))
      cluster_assign <- sapply(imagesList, makeassignment, templateCenterList = template$centers, outliercut = outliercut)
      df <- data.frame(cluster = cluster_assign)

      # add docname, writer, doc, slope, xvar, yvar, and covar
      df$docname <- doc$docname
      df$writer <- as.integer(sapply(df$docname, function(x) substr(x, start = writer_indices[1], stop = writer_indices[2])))
      df$doc <- sapply(df$docname, function(x) substr(x, start = doc_indices[1], stop = doc_indices[2]), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      df$slope <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$slope)
      df$xvar <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$xvar)
      df$yvar <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$yvar)
      df$covar <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$covar)

      # calculate pc rotation angle and wrapped pc rotation angle
      get_pc_rotation <- function(x) {
        xv <- as.numeric(x["xvar"])
        yv <- as.numeric(x["yvar"])
        cv <- as.numeric(x["covar"])
        eig <- eigen(cbind(c(xv, cv), c(cv, yv)), symmetric = TRUE)
        return(angle(t(as.matrix(eig$vectors[, 1])), as.matrix(c(1, 0))))
      df$pc_rotation <- apply(df, 1, get_pc_rotation)
      df$pc_wrapped <- 2 * df$pc_rotation

      # sort columns
      df <- df[, c("docname", "writer", "doc", "cluster", "slope", "xvar", "yvar", "covar", "pc_rotation", "pc_wrapped")]

      saveRDS(df, file = outfile)
      message(paste("     Saving cluster assignments for ", doc$docname, "\n"))

  } else { # run sequentially
    out_proclist <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(proclist)) {
      # load doc
      message(paste("     Loading graphs for", basename(proclist[i])))
      doc <- readRDS(proclist[i])

      # check that doc$docname is not blank
      if (!("docname" %in% names(doc))) {
        if (!dir.exists(file.path(output_dir, "problem_files"))) {
          dir.create(file.path(output_dir, "problem_files"))
        message(paste("docname is NULL for", proclist[i], "\n"))
        # copy file to problem files folder
        file.copy(proclist[i], file.path(output_dir, "problem_files", basename(proclist[i])))

      # load outfile if it already exists
      outfile <- file.path(output_dir, paste0(stringr::str_replace(doc$docname, ".png", ""), ".rds"))
      if (file.exists(outfile)) {
        message(paste("     Cluster assignments already exist for", doc$docname, "\n"))
        df <- readRDS(outfile)
        out_proclist[[i]] <- df

      # extra processing
      doc$process$letterList <- AddLetterImages(doc$process$letterList, dim(doc$image))
      doc$process$letterList <- MakeLetterListLetterSpecific(doc$process$letterList, dim(doc$image)) ### THIS SCREWS UP PLOTLETTER AND OTHER PLOTTING!!!

      imagesList <- list()
      imagesList <- c(imagesList, lapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) {
      imagesList <- lapply(imagesList, function(x) {
        x$nodesrc <- cbind(((x$nodes - 1) %/% dim(x$image)[1]) + 1, dim(x$image)[1] - ((x$nodes - 1) %% dim(x$image)[1]))
        x$nodesrc <- x$nodesrc - matrix(rep(x$centroid, each = dim(x$nodesrc)[1]), ncol = 2)
        x$pathEndsrc <- lapply(x$allPaths, function(z) {
          cbind(((z[c(1, length(z))] - 1) %/% dim(x$image)[1]) + 1, dim(x$image)[1] - ((z[c(1, length(z))] - 1) %% dim(x$image)[1]))
        x$pathEndsrc <- lapply(x$pathEndsrc, function(z) {
          z - matrix(rep(x$centroid, each = 2), ncol = 2)

      # get cluster assignments
      message(paste("     Getting cluster assignments for", doc$docname))
      cluster_assign <- sapply(imagesList, makeassignment, templateCenterList = template$centers, outliercut = outliercut)
      df <- data.frame(cluster = cluster_assign)

      # add docname, writer, doc, slope, xvar, yvar, and covar
      df$docname <- doc$docname
      df$writer <- as.integer(sapply(df$docname, function(x) substr(x, start = writer_indices[1], stop = writer_indices[2])))
      df$doc <- sapply(df$docname, function(x) substr(x, start = doc_indices[1], stop = doc_indices[2]), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      df$slope <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$slope)
      df$xvar <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$xvar)
      df$yvar <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$yvar)
      df$covar <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$covar)

      # calculate pc rotation angle and wrapped pc rotation angle
      get_pc_rotation <- function(x) {
        xv <- as.numeric(x["xvar"])
        yv <- as.numeric(x["yvar"])
        cv <- as.numeric(x["covar"])
        eig <- eigen(cbind(c(xv, cv), c(cv, yv)), symmetric = TRUE)
        return(angle(t(as.matrix(eig$vectors[, 1])), as.matrix(c(1, 0))))
      df$pc_rotation <- apply(df, 1, get_pc_rotation)
      df$pc_wrapped <- 2 * df$pc_rotation

      # sort columns
      df <- df[, c("docname", "writer", "doc", "cluster", "slope", "xvar", "yvar", "covar", "pc_rotation", "pc_wrapped")]

      saveRDS(df, file = outfile)
      message(paste("     Saving cluster assignments for ", doc$docname, "\n"))

      out_proclist[[i]] <- df
    # rename
    proclist <- out_proclist

  # save clusters
  saveRDS(proclist, file.path(output_dir, "all_clusters.rds"))


# Internal Functions ------------------------------------------------------

makeassignment <- function(imageListElement, templateCenterList, outliercut) {
  dist <- min(unlist(lapply(templateCenterList, function(x) {
    getGraphDistance(imageList1 = imageListElement, imageList2 = x, isProto2 = TRUE)$matching_weight
  cluster <- which.min(unlist(lapply(templateCenterList, function(x) {
    getGraphDistance(imageList1 = imageListElement, imageList2 = x, isProto2 = TRUE)$matching_weight

#' get_clusterassignment
#' @param template_dir Directory containing a cluster template created with `make_clustering_templates`
#' @param input_type `model` or `questioned`
#' @param num_graphs 'All' or integer number of graphs to randomly select from each document.
#' @param writer_indices Vector of start and end indices for the writer id in
#'   the document names
#' @param doc_indices Vector of start and end indices for the document id in the
#'   document names
#' @param num_cores Integer number of cores to use for parallel processing
#' @return list of processed handwriting with cluster assignments for each graph
#' @noRd
get_clusterassignment <- function(template_dir, input_type, num_graphs = "All", writer_indices, doc_indices, num_cores) {
  # bind global variables to fix check() note
  i <- outliercut <- docname <- NULL

  # load cluster file if it already exists
  if (input_type == "model") {
    cluster_file <- file.path(template_dir, "data", "model_clusters.rds")
  } else if (input_type == "questioned") {
    cluster_file <- file.path(template_dir, "data", "questioned_clusters.rds")
  } else {
    stop("Unknown input type. Use model or questioned.")
  if (file.exists(cluster_file)) {
    proclist <- readRDS(cluster_file)

  # load template
  if (file.exists(file.path(template_dir, "data", "template.rds"))) {
    template <- readRDS(file.path(template_dir, "data", "template.rds"))
  } else {
    stop(paste("There is no cluster template in", template_dir))

  # get input directory
  if (input_type == "model") {
    input_dir <- file.path(template_dir, "data", "model_graphs")
  } else {
    input_dir <- file.path(template_dir, "data", "questioned_graphs")

  # make output directory
  if (input_type == "model") {
    output_dir <- file.path(template_dir, "data", "model_clusters")
  } else {
    output_dir <- file.path(template_dir, "data", "questioned_clusters")
  if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {

  # list files in input dir
  proclist <- list.files(input_dir, full.names = TRUE)

  my_cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(num_cores)

  proclist <- foreach::foreach(
    i = 1:length(proclist),
    .combine = "rbind",
    .export = c("AddLetterImages", "MakeLetterListLetterSpecific", "centeredImage", "makeassignment", "angle")
  ) %dopar% { # for each document i

    # load doc
    doc <- readRDS(proclist[i])

    # load outfile if it already exists
    outfile <- file.path(output_dir, paste0(doc$docname, ".rds"))
    if (file.exists(outfile)) {
      df <- readRDS(outfile)

    # extra processing
    doc$process$letterList <- AddLetterImages(doc$process$letterList, dim(doc$image))
    doc$process$letterList <- MakeLetterListLetterSpecific(doc$process$letterList, dim(doc$image)) ### THIS SCREWS UP PLOTLETTER AND OTHER PLOTTING!!!

    imagesList <- list()
    imagesList <- c(imagesList, lapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) {
    imagesList <- lapply(imagesList, function(x) {
      x$nodesrc <- cbind(((x$nodes - 1) %/% dim(x$image)[1]) + 1, dim(x$image)[1] - ((x$nodes - 1) %% dim(x$image)[1]))
      x$nodesrc <- x$nodesrc - matrix(rep(x$centroid, each = dim(x$nodesrc)[1]), ncol = 2)
      x$pathEndsrc <- lapply(x$allPaths, function(z) {
        cbind(((z[c(1, length(z))] - 1) %/% dim(x$image)[1]) + 1, dim(x$image)[1] - ((z[c(1, length(z))] - 1) %% dim(x$image)[1]))
      x$pathEndsrc <- lapply(x$pathEndsrc, function(z) {
        z - matrix(rep(x$centroid, each = 2), ncol = 2)

    # get cluster assignments
    cluster_assign <- sapply(imagesList, makeassignment, templateCenterList = template$centers, outliercut = outliercut)
    df <- data.frame(cluster = cluster_assign)

    # add docname, writer, doc, slope, xvar, yvar, and covar
    df$docname <- doc$docname
    df$writer <- as.integer(sapply(df$docname, function(x) substr(x, start = writer_indices[1], stop = writer_indices[2])))
    df$doc <- sapply(df$docname, function(x) substr(x, start = doc_indices[1], stop = doc_indices[2]), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    df$slope <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$slope)
    df$xvar <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$xvar)
    df$yvar <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$yvar)
    df$covar <- sapply(doc$process$letterList, function(x) x$characterFeatures$covar)

    # calculate pc rotation angle and wrapped pc rotation angle
    get_pc_rotation <- function(x) {
      xv <- as.numeric(x["xvar"])
      yv <- as.numeric(x["yvar"])
      cv <- as.numeric(x["covar"])
      eig <- eigen(cbind(c(xv, cv), c(cv, yv)), symmetric = TRUE)
      return(angle(t(as.matrix(eig$vectors[, 1])), as.matrix(c(1, 0))))
    df$pc_rotation <- apply(df, 1, get_pc_rotation)
    df$pc_wrapped <- 2 * df$pc_rotation

    # sample graphs
    if (num_graphs != "All") {
      df <- df %>%
        dplyr::group_by(docname) %>%
        dplyr::slice_sample(n = num_graphs)

    # sort columns
    df <- df[, c("docname", "writer", "doc", "cluster", "slope", "xvar", "yvar", "covar", "pc_rotation", "pc_wrapped")]

    saveRDS(df, file = file.path(output_dir, paste0(stringr::str_replace(doc$docname, ".png", ""), ".rds")))


  # save clusters
  if (input_type == "model") {
    saveRDS(proclist, file.path(template_dir, "data", "model_clusters.rds"))
  } else {
    saveRDS(proclist, file.path(template_dir, "data", "questioned_clusters.rds"))


GetImageMatrix <- function(letterList, maxImageSize = 50) {
  imagesList <- list()
  imagesList <- c(imagesList, lapply(letterList, function(x) {

  # letterList = unlist(letListFull,recursive=FALSE)

  for (i in 1:length(imagesList)) {
    l <- imagesList[[i]]$centroid[1]
    r <- dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[2] - imagesList[[i]]$centroid[1] + 1
    t <- dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[1] - imagesList[[i]]$centroid[2] + 1
    b <- imagesList[[i]]$centroid[2]
    if (l > r) {
      imagesList[[i]]$image <- cbind(imagesList[[i]]$image, matrix(1, ncol = l - r, nrow = dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[1]))
    } else if (l < r) {
      imagesList[[i]]$image <- cbind(matrix(1, ncol = r - l, nrow = dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[1]), imagesList[[i]]$image)
    if (t > b) {
      imagesList[[i]]$image <- rbind(imagesList[[i]]$image, matrix(1, nrow = t - b, ncol = dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[2]))
    } else if (t < b) {
      imagesList[[i]]$image <- rbind(matrix(1, nrow = b - t, ncol = dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[2]), imagesList[[i]]$image)

  for (i in 1:length(imagesList)) {
    if (any(dim(imagesList[[i]]$image) > maxImageSize)) {
      imagesList[[i]]$image <- imagesList[[i]]$image %>%
        as.raster() %>%
        magick::image_read() %>%
        magick::image_resize(paste0(maxImageSize, "x", maxImageSize)) %>%
        magick::image_quantize(max = 2, dither = FALSE, colorspace = "gray") %>%
        `[[`(1) %>%
        as.numeric() %>%
        `[`(, , 1)
      imagesList[[i]]$image <- rbind(1, cbind(1, imagesList[[i]]$image, 1), 1)
      thinned <- thinImage(imagesList[[i]]$image)
      imagesList[[i]]$image[] <- 1
      imagesList[[i]]$image[thinned] <- 0

      imagesList[[i]]$image <- imagesList[[i]]$image[-c(1, dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[1]), -c(1, dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[2])]
      # print(plotImage(imagesList[[i]]$image) + theme_bw())
      cat(i, " ")

  for (i in 1:length(imagesList)) {
    dims <- dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)
    lrPad <- maxImageSize + 2 - dims[2]
    tbPad <- maxImageSize + 2 - dims[1]
    l <- floor(lrPad / 2)
    r <- ceiling(lrPad / 2)
    b <- ceiling(tbPad / 2)
    t <- floor(tbPad / 2)

    imagesList[[i]]$image <- rbind(matrix(1, nrow = t, ncol = dims[2]), imagesList[[i]]$image, matrix(1, nrow = b, ncol = dims[2]))
    imagesList[[i]]$image <- cbind(matrix(1, ncol = l, nrow = dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[1]), imagesList[[i]]$image, matrix(1, ncol = r, nrow = dim(imagesList[[i]]$image)[1]))

    imagesList[[i]]$image <- imagesList[[i]]$image[, -c(1, maxImageSize + 2)]
    imagesList[[i]]$image <- imagesList[[i]]$image[-c(1, maxImageSize + 2), ]
  # apply(matrix(unlist(lapply(imagesList, function(x){dim(x$image)})), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), 2, function(x){all(x == maxImageSize)})

  images <- array(NA, c(maxImageSize, maxImageSize, length(imagesList)))
  for (i in 1:length(imagesList)) {
    images[, , i] <- imagesList[[i]]$image
CSAFE-ISU/handwriter documentation built on March 24, 2024, 6:23 p.m.