
Defines functions xtab2df

Documented in xtab2df

#' @title Extract survey data and descriptions from crosstabs into a tidy data frame
#' @description
#' Like `read_xtab` & `read_weights`, this is a bespoke function
#' to make it easier to extract data from the DataHaven Community Wellbeing
#' Survey. Applications to other crosstabs are probably limited unless their
#' formatting is largely the same. After reading a crosstab excel file, `xtab2df`
#' extracts the question codes (e.g. Q4A), question text, categories, and
#' demographic groups, and joins those descriptions with survey responses and
#' values, making it ready for analysis.
#' @param .data A data frame as returned from `read_xtab`.
#' @param col The bare column name of where to find question codes and text.
#' Default: x1, based on names assigned by `read_xtab`
#' @param code_pattern String: regex pattern denoting how to find cells that
#' contain only a question code, such as "Q10", "Q4B", or "ASTHMA". This is
#' pretty finicky, so you probably don't want to change it.
#' Default: `"^[A-Z\\d_]{2,20}$"`
#' @return A data frame with the following columns:
#' * code (if questions have codes in crosstabs)
#' * q_number (if questions don't have codes in crosstabs, assigned in order they occur)
#' * question
#' * category (e.g. age, gender)
#' * group (e.g. 18–34, male)
#' * response
#' * value
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'   xtab <- read_xtabs(system.file("extdata/test_xtab2018.xlsx", package = "cwi"))
#'   xtab2df(xtab)
#'  }
#' @export
#' @rdname xtab2df
#' @seealso [cwi::read_xtabs()]
xtab2df <- function(.data, col = x1, code_pattern = "^[A-Z\\d_]{2,20}$") {
  # generally only includes first 2 hierarchy levels
  hier <- c("category", "group", "subgroup")

  marked <- mark_questions(.data, col = {{ col }}, pattern = code_pattern)
  headings <- make_headings(marked, {{ col }})

  # get just data rows, attach headings (gender, age, etc)
  out <- dplyr::filter(marked, !is.na({{ col }}))
  out <- tidyr::pivot_longer(out, cols = -c(code, q_number, question, {{ col }}), names_to = "column")
  out <- dplyr::left_join(out, headings, by = "column")
  out <- dplyr::select(out, code, q_number, question, dplyr::matches("^h\\d+"), response = {{ col }}, value)
  out <- dplyr::rename_with(out, ~hier[seq_along(.)], dplyr::matches("^h\\d+"))
  out <- dplyr::mutate(out, value = readr::parse_number(value))
  out <- dplyr::filter(out, !is.na(value))

  if (any(nchar(out$code) > 0)) {
    dplyr::select(out, -q_number)
  } else {
    dplyr::select(out, -code)

#################### HELPERS ##########################################
rleid <- function(x, default = TRUE) {
  cumsum(x != dplyr::lag(x, default = default))

short_patt <- function(pattern) paste0(stringr::str_remove(pattern, "\\$"), "\\b")

count_valid_cols <- function(data) {
  # count number of non-NAs per row
  dplyr::mutate(data, count_valid = rowSums(!is.na(data)))

mark_questions <- function(.data, col, pattern) {
  # mark which rows only contain question text
  # if x1 is a question & lead(x1) is also a question, extract code & collapse--deals with lead-in lines that have code attached
  # this is so ugly
  marked <- count_valid_cols(.data)
  marked <- dplyr::mutate(marked,
                          is_question = !is.na({{ col }}) & !stringr::str_detect({{ col }}, pattern) & count_valid == 1,
                          is_code     = !is.na({{ col }}) &  stringr::str_detect({{ col }}, pattern) & count_valid == 1,
                          is_leadin   = is_question & dplyr::lead(is_question, default = FALSE),
                          q = dplyr::case_when(
                            # is_leadin   ~ stringr::str_remove({{ col }}, sprintf("(?<=%s).+$", short_patt(pattern))),
                            is_leadin   ~ stringr::str_extract({{ col }}, short_patt(pattern)),
                            is_question ~ {{ col }},
                            TRUE        ~ NA_character_
                          rl = rleid(is_question))
  marked <- dplyr::group_by(marked, rl)
  marked <- dplyr::mutate(marked, q = dplyr::if_else(is_question, paste(stats::na.omit(q), collapse = ". "), q))
  marked <- dplyr::filter(marked, !is_leadin)
  marked <- dplyr::ungroup(marked)
  marked <- tidyr::fill(marked, q, .direction = "down")
  marked <- dplyr::mutate(marked, q_number = cumsum(is_question))

  codes <- question_codes(marked, col = {{ col }}, pattern = pattern)
  marked <- dplyr::filter(marked, !is_question & !is_code)
  marked <- dplyr::select(marked, -q)
  marked <- dplyr::left_join(marked, codes, by = "q_number")
  marked <- dplyr::select(marked, code, q_number, question = q, tidyselect::everything(), -count_valid, -is_question, -is_code, -is_leadin, -rl)

question_codes <- function(.data, col, pattern) {
  # split out question numbers, e.g. Q4A
  # major difference is 2015 has qcode, question text in same cell. 2018 has qcode several rows below question text
  # 2020 follows same pattern as 2018
  # if no true values in is_code, both qcode & qtext are in same cell
  if (!any(.data[["is_code"]])) {
    # no separate codes --> split codes & questions by pattern
    split_patt <- short_patt(pattern)
    codes <- dplyr::mutate(.data, q = stringr::str_remove_all(q, "\\."))
    codes <- tidyr::extract(codes, q, into = c("code", "q"), regex = sprintf("(%s)?(.+$)", split_patt))
    codes <- dplyr::mutate(codes, dplyr::across(c(code, q), stringr::str_squish))
    codes <- dplyr::filter(codes, !is.na(code))
    codes <- dplyr::select(codes, q_number, code, q)
    codes <- dplyr::distinct(codes)
  } else {
    # standalone codes --> reshape into 2 columns of code & question
    codes <- dplyr::filter(.data, is_question | is_code)
    codes <- tidyr::pivot_longer(codes, cols = c(is_question, is_code))
    codes <- dplyr::filter(codes, value)
    codes <- tidyr::pivot_wider(codes, id_cols = q_number, values_from = {{ col }})
    codes <- dplyr::filter(codes, !is.na(is_code))
    codes <- dplyr::select(codes, q_number, code = is_code, q = is_question)

make_headings <- function(.data, col) {
  # takes data after mark_questions, makes tiered headings e.g. h1 = age, h2 = 18-34
  hdrs <- dplyr::filter(.data, is.na({{ col }}))
  hdrs <- janitor::remove_empty(hdrs, which = "cols")
  hdrs <- utils::head(hdrs, 2)
  hdrs <- dplyr::mutate(hdrs, h = paste0("h", dplyr::row_number()))
  hdrs <- dplyr::select(hdrs, -code, -question, -q_number)
  hdrs <- tidyr::pivot_longer(hdrs, cols = -h, names_to = "column")
  hdrs <- tidyr::pivot_wider(hdrs, names_from = h)
  hdrs <- tidyr::fill(hdrs, dplyr::matches("^h\\d+"), .direction = "down")
  hdrs <- dplyr::mutate(hdrs, h1 = dplyr::coalesce(!!!dplyr::select(hdrs, dplyr::matches("^h\\d+"))))
CT-Data-Haven/cwi documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:45 a.m.