#---- distribution class ----
validateDistribution <- function(object) {
#' Distribution class. See this class as an interface.
#' @export
#---- undefined_distribution class ----
#' Undefined distribution class. This type of object is automatically created
#' in method toExplicitDistribution() when the user does not provide a concrete
#' distribution. This is because S4 objects do not accept NULL values.
#' @export
#---- sampled_distribution class ----
validateSampledDistribution <- function(object) {
return(expectZeroOrMore(object, "sampled_values"))
sampled_values = "numeric"
#---- constant_distribution class ----
validateConstantDistribution <- function(object) {
return(expectOneForAll(object, c("value")))
#' Constant distribution class.
#' @slot value covariate value, single numeric value
#' @export
value = "numeric"
#' Create a constant distribution. Its value will be constant across all generated samples.
#' @param value covariate value, single numeric value
#' @return a constant distribution (same value for all samples)
#' @export
ConstantDistribution <- function(value) {
return(new("constant_distribution", value=as.numeric(value)))
#---- fixed_distribution class ----
validateFixedDistribution <- function(object) {
return(expectOneOrMore(object, c("values")))
#' Fixed distribution class.
#' @slot values covariate values, numeric vector (1 value per sample)
#' @export
values = "numeric"
#' Create a fixed distribution.
#' Each sample will be assigned a fixed value coming from vector 'values'.
#' @param values covariate values, numeric vector (1 value per sample)
#' @return a fixed distribution (1 value per sample)
#' @export
FixedDistribution <- function(values) {
return(new("fixed_distribution", values=values))
#---- function_distribution class ----
validateFunctionDistribution <- function(object) {
check1 <- expectOne(object, "fun")
check2 <- expectZeroOrMore(object, "args")
return(c(check1, check2))
#' Function distribution class.
#' @slot fun function name, character (e.g. 'rnorm')
#' @slot args list of arguments (e.g list(mean=70, sd=10))
#' @export
fun = "character",
args = "list"
#' Create a function distribution. During distribution sampling, the provided function
#' will be responsible for generating values for each sample. If first argument
#' of this function is not the size (n), please tell which argument corresponds
#' to the size 'n' (e.g. list(size="n")).
#' @param fun function name, character (e.g. 'rnorm')
#' @param args list of arguments (e.g list(mean=70, sd=10))
#' @return a function distribution
#' @export
FunctionDistribution <- function(fun, args) {
return(new("function_distribution", fun=fun, args=args))
#' Create an uniform distribution.
#' @param min min value
#' @param max max value
#' @return an uniform distribution
#' @export
UniformDistribution <- function(min, max) {
expectSingleNumericValue(min, "min")
expectSingleNumericValue(max, "max")
return(new("function_distribution", fun="runif", args=list(min=as.numeric(min), max=as.numeric(max))))
#' Create a normal distribution.
#' @param mean mean value of distribution
#' @param sd standard deviation of distribution
#' @return a normal distribution
#' @export
NormalDistribution <- function(mean, sd) {
expectSingleNumericValue(mean, "mean")
expectSingleNumericValue(sd, "sd")
return(new("function_distribution", fun="rnorm", args=list(mean=as.numeric(mean), sd=as.numeric(sd))))
#' Create a log normal distribution.
#' @param meanlog mean value of distribution in log domain
#' @param sdlog standard deviation of distribution in log domain
#' @return a log normal distribution
#' @export
LogNormalDistribution <- function(meanlog, sdlog) {
expectSingleNumericValue(meanlog, "meanlog")
expectSingleNumericValue(sdlog, "sdlog")
return(new("function_distribution", fun="rlnorm", args=list(meanlog=as.numeric(meanlog), sdlog=as.numeric(sdlog))))
#' Discrete distribution.
#' @param x vector of one or more integers from which to choose
#' @param prob a vector of probability weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled
#' @param replace should sampling be with replacement, default is TRUE
#' @return a discrete distribution
#' @export
DiscreteDistribution <- function(x, prob, replace=TRUE) {
assertthat::assert_that(is.numeric(x), msg="x must be numeric")
assertthat::assert_that(is.numeric(prob), msg="prob must be numeric")
assertthat::assert_that(length(x)==length(prob), msg="x and prob must have the same length")
return(new("function_distribution", fun="base::sample", args=list(size="n", x=as.numeric(x), prob=as.numeric(prob), replace=as.logical(replace))))
#' Binomial distribution.
#' @param trials number of Bernoulli trials per observation (=subject), integer
#' @param prob probability of success for each trial
#' @return a binomial distribution
#' @export
BinomialDistribution <- function(trials, prob) {
expectSingleIntegerValue(trials, name="trials")
expectSingleNumericValue(prob, name="prob")
return(new("function_distribution", fun="rbinom", args=list(size=as.integer(trials), prob=as.numeric(prob))))
#' Retrieve the parameter value (standardized) for the specified parameter name.
#' @param model model
#' @param paramName parameter name
#' @param default default value if not found
#' @param mandatory must be in model or not
#' @return the standardized parameter value or the given default value if not found
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
retrieveParameterValue <- function(model, paramName, default=NULL, mandatory=FALSE) {
assertthat::assert_that(is.character(paramName) && length(paramName)==1,
msg="paramName must be a single character value")
parameter <- model@parameters %>% getByName(paramName)
if (parameter %>% length() == 0) {
if (is.null(default) && mandatory) {
stop(paste0(paramName, " can't be found in model"))
} else {
# If parameter is OMEGA, it needs to be standardised before taking its value
# This way, value is always a variance (or covariance)
parameter <- parameter %>% standardise()
#' Create a parameter distribution. The resulting distribution is a
#' log-normal distribution, with meanlog=log(THETA) and sdlog=sqrt(OMEGA).
#' @param model model
#' @param theta corresponding THETA name, character
#' @param omega corresponding OMEGA name, character, NULL if not defined
#' @return a parameter distribution
#' @export
ParameterDistribution <- function(model, theta, omega=NULL) {
thetaValue <- retrieveParameterValue(model, paramName=paste0("THETA_", theta), mandatory=TRUE)
if (is.null(omega)) {
omegaValue <- 0
} else {
omegaValue <- retrieveParameterValue(model, paramName=paste0("OMEGA_", omega), mandatory=TRUE)
fun <- FunctionDistribution(fun="rlnorm", args=list(meanlog=log(thetaValue), sdlog=sqrt(omegaValue)))
#' Create an ETA distribution. The resulting distribution is a
#' normal distribution, with mean=0 and sd=sqrt(OMEGA).
#' @param model model
#' @param omega corresponding THETA name, character
#' @return an ETA distribution
#' @export
EtaDistribution <- function(model, omega) {
omegaValue <- retrieveParameterValue(model, paramName=paste0("OMEGA_", omega), mandatory=TRUE)
return(NormalDistribution(mean=0, sd=sqrt(omegaValue)))
#---- bootstrap_distribution class ----
validateBootstrapDistribution <- function(object) {
check1 <- expectOneOrMore(object, c("data"))
check2 <- expectOneForAll(object, c("replacement", "random"))
return(c(check1, check2))
#' Bootstrap distribution class.
#' @slot data values to draw, numeric vector
#' @slot replacement values can be reused or not, logical
#' @slot random values are drawn randomly, logical
#' @export
data = "numeric",
replacement = "logical",
random = "logical"
prototype=prototype(replacement=FALSE, random=FALSE),
#' Create a bootstrap distribution. During function sampling, CAMPSIS will generate
#' values depending on the given data and arguments.
#' @param data values to draw, numeric vector
#' @param replacement values can be reused or not, logical
#' @param random values are drawn randomly, logical
#' @return a bootstrap distribution
#' @export
BootstrapDistribution <- function(data, replacement=FALSE, random=FALSE) {
return(new("bootstrap_distribution", data=data, replacement=replacement, random=random))
#---- sample ----
sample_delegate <- function(fun, ...) {
sample_delegate_n <- function(fun, n, ...) {
return(fun(n, ...))
#' @rdname sample
setMethod("sample", signature = c("constant_distribution", "integer"), definition = function(object, n) {
object@sampled_values <- rep(object@value, n)
#' @rdname sample
setMethod("sample", signature = c("fixed_distribution", "integer"), definition = function(object, n) {
object@sampled_values <- object@values
if (length(object@values) != n) {
stop(paste0("A fixed distribution should have exactly ", n, " values, not ", length(object@values)))
#' @rdname sample
setMethod("sample", signature = c("function_distribution", "integer"), definition = function(object, n) {
fun <- eval(parse(text=object@fun))
args <- object@args
# If "n" is provided as value in args, this means the first arg of the function
# is not related to the size
hasNCharAsValue <- "n" %in% as.character(args)
if (length(args) == 0) {
args_str <- "SAMPLING_SIZE"
} else {
# Example: return 'mean=70, sd=2'
args_str <- purrr::accumulate2(names(args), args, .f=function(.x, .y, .z){
comma <- if (.x=="") {""} else {", "}
if (.z[[1]]=="n") {
if (length(.z) > 1) {
value <- paste0("c(", paste0(.z, collapse=","), ")")
} else {
value <- .z
paste0(.x, comma, .y , "=", value)
}, .init="")
if (hasNCharAsValue) {
# Size is not the first argument
args_str <- args_str[length(args_str)]
} else {
# Size is the first argument
args_str <- paste0("SAMPLING_SIZE, ", args_str[length(args_str)])
# Eval string expression
if (hasNCharAsValue) {
text <- paste0("sample_delegate(fun, ", args_str, ")")
} else {
text <- paste0("sample_delegate_n(fun, ", args_str, ")")
values <- eval(parse(text=text))
# Check result
if (length(values) != n) {
stop(paste("Calling function", object@fun, "with arguments", args_str, "does not provided", n, "values but", length(values)))
# Assign values
object@sampled_values <- values
#' @rdname sample
setMethod("sample", signature = c("bootstrap_distribution", "integer"), definition = function(object, n) {
data <- object@data
nData <- length(data)
replacement <- object@replacement
random <- object@random
if (n > nData && !replacement) {
stop(paste("Provided bootstrap function does not have enough data to generate", n, "samples (please set 'replacement' to TRUE)"))
if (random) {
values <- data[sample.int(n=nData, size=n, replace=replacement)]
} else {
values <- rep(data, length.out=n)
# Assign values
object@sampled_values <- values
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