
Defines functions sample_delegate_n sample_delegate BootstrapDistribution validateBootstrapDistribution EtaDistribution ParameterDistribution retrieveParameterValue BinomialDistribution DiscreteDistribution LogNormalDistribution NormalDistribution UniformDistribution FunctionDistribution validateFunctionDistribution FixedDistribution validateFixedDistribution ConstantDistribution validateConstantDistribution validateSampledDistribution validateDistribution

Documented in BinomialDistribution BootstrapDistribution ConstantDistribution DiscreteDistribution EtaDistribution FixedDistribution FunctionDistribution LogNormalDistribution NormalDistribution ParameterDistribution retrieveParameterValue UniformDistribution

#----                        distribution class                             ----

validateDistribution <- function(object) {

#' Distribution class. See this class as an interface.
#' @export

#----                     undefined_distribution class                      ----

#' Undefined distribution class. This type of object is automatically created
#' in method toExplicitDistribution() when the user does not provide a concrete
#' distribution. This is because S4 objects do not accept NULL values.
#' @export

#----                    sampled_distribution class                         ----

validateSampledDistribution <- function(object) {
  return(expectZeroOrMore(object, "sampled_values"))

    sampled_values = "numeric"

#----                   constant_distribution class                         ----

validateConstantDistribution <- function(object) {
  return(expectOneForAll(object, c("value")))

#' Constant distribution class.
#' @slot value covariate value, single numeric value
#' @export
    value = "numeric"

#' Create a constant distribution. Its value will be constant across all generated samples.
#' @param value covariate value, single numeric value
#' @return a constant distribution (same value for all samples)  
#' @export
ConstantDistribution <- function(value) {
  return(new("constant_distribution", value=as.numeric(value)))

#----                       fixed_distribution class                        ----

validateFixedDistribution <- function(object) {
  return(expectOneOrMore(object, c("values")))

#' Fixed distribution class.
#' @slot values covariate values, numeric vector (1 value per sample)
#' @export
    values = "numeric"

#' Create a fixed distribution.
#' Each sample will be assigned a fixed value coming from vector 'values'.
#' @param values covariate values, numeric vector (1 value per sample)
#' @return a fixed distribution (1 value per sample)
#' @export
FixedDistribution <- function(values) {
  return(new("fixed_distribution", values=values))

#----                   function_distribution class                         ----

validateFunctionDistribution <- function(object) {
  check1 <- expectOne(object, "fun")
  check2 <- expectZeroOrMore(object, "args")
  return(c(check1, check2))

#' Function distribution class.
#' @slot fun function name, character (e.g. 'rnorm')
#' @slot args list of arguments (e.g list(mean=70, sd=10))
#' @export
    fun = "character",
    args = "list"

#' Create a function distribution. During distribution sampling, the provided function
#' will be responsible for generating values for each sample. If first argument
#' of this function is not the size (n), please tell which argument corresponds
#' to the size 'n' (e.g. list(size="n")).
#' @param fun function name, character (e.g. 'rnorm')
#' @param args list of arguments (e.g list(mean=70, sd=10))
#' @return a function distribution
#' @export
FunctionDistribution <- function(fun, args) {
  return(new("function_distribution", fun=fun, args=args))

#' Create an uniform distribution.
#' @param min min value
#' @param max max value
#' @return an uniform distribution
#' @export
UniformDistribution <- function(min, max) {
  expectSingleNumericValue(min, "min")
  expectSingleNumericValue(max, "max")
  return(new("function_distribution", fun="runif", args=list(min=as.numeric(min), max=as.numeric(max))))

#' Create a normal distribution.
#' @param mean mean value of distribution
#' @param sd standard deviation of distribution
#' @return a normal distribution
#' @export
NormalDistribution <- function(mean, sd) {
  expectSingleNumericValue(mean, "mean")
  expectSingleNumericValue(sd, "sd")
  return(new("function_distribution", fun="rnorm", args=list(mean=as.numeric(mean), sd=as.numeric(sd))))

#' Create a log normal distribution.
#' @param meanlog mean value of distribution in log domain
#' @param sdlog standard deviation of distribution in log domain
#' @return a log normal distribution
#' @export
LogNormalDistribution <- function(meanlog, sdlog) {
  expectSingleNumericValue(meanlog, "meanlog")
  expectSingleNumericValue(sdlog, "sdlog")
  return(new("function_distribution", fun="rlnorm", args=list(meanlog=as.numeric(meanlog), sdlog=as.numeric(sdlog))))

#' Discrete distribution.
#' @param x vector of one or more integers from which to choose
#' @param prob a vector of probability weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled
#' @param replace should sampling be with replacement, default is TRUE
#' @return a discrete distribution
#' @export
DiscreteDistribution <- function(x, prob, replace=TRUE) {
  assertthat::assert_that(is.numeric(x), msg="x must be numeric")
  assertthat::assert_that(is.numeric(prob), msg="prob must be numeric")
  assertthat::assert_that(length(x)==length(prob), msg="x and prob must have the same length")
  return(new("function_distribution", fun="base::sample", args=list(size="n", x=as.numeric(x), prob=as.numeric(prob), replace=as.logical(replace))))

#' Binomial distribution.
#' @param trials number of Bernoulli trials per observation (=subject), integer
#' @param prob probability of success for each trial
#' @return a binomial distribution
#' @export
BinomialDistribution <- function(trials, prob) {
  expectSingleIntegerValue(trials, name="trials")
  expectSingleNumericValue(prob, name="prob")
  return(new("function_distribution", fun="rbinom", args=list(size=as.integer(trials), prob=as.numeric(prob))))

#' Retrieve the parameter value (standardized) for the specified parameter name.
#' @param model model
#' @param paramName parameter name
#' @param default default value if not found
#' @param mandatory must be in model or not
#' @return the standardized parameter value or the given default value if not found
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
retrieveParameterValue <- function(model, paramName, default=NULL, mandatory=FALSE) {
  assertthat::assert_that(is.character(paramName) && length(paramName)==1,
                          msg="paramName must be a single character value")
  parameter <- model@parameters %>% getByName(paramName)
  if (parameter %>% length() == 0) {
    if (is.null(default) && mandatory) {
      stop(paste0(paramName, " can't be found in model"))
  } else {
    # If parameter is OMEGA, it needs to be standardised before taking its value
    # This way, value is always a variance (or covariance)
    parameter <- parameter %>% standardise()

#' Create a parameter distribution. The resulting distribution is a
#' log-normal distribution, with meanlog=log(THETA) and sdlog=sqrt(OMEGA).
#' @param model model
#' @param theta corresponding THETA name, character
#' @param omega corresponding OMEGA name, character, NULL if not defined
#' @return a parameter distribution  
#' @export
ParameterDistribution <- function(model, theta, omega=NULL) {
  thetaValue <- retrieveParameterValue(model, paramName=paste0("THETA_", theta), mandatory=TRUE)
  if (is.null(omega)) {
    omegaValue <- 0
  } else {
    omegaValue <- retrieveParameterValue(model, paramName=paste0("OMEGA_", omega), mandatory=TRUE)
  fun <- FunctionDistribution(fun="rlnorm", args=list(meanlog=log(thetaValue), sdlog=sqrt(omegaValue)))

#' Create an ETA distribution. The resulting distribution is a
#' normal distribution, with mean=0 and sd=sqrt(OMEGA).
#' @param model model
#' @param omega corresponding THETA name, character
#' @return an ETA distribution
#' @export
EtaDistribution <- function(model, omega) {
  omegaValue <- retrieveParameterValue(model, paramName=paste0("OMEGA_", omega), mandatory=TRUE)
  return(NormalDistribution(mean=0, sd=sqrt(omegaValue)))

#----                     bootstrap_distribution class                      ----

validateBootstrapDistribution <- function(object) {
  check1 <- expectOneOrMore(object, c("data"))
  check2 <- expectOneForAll(object, c("replacement", "random"))
  return(c(check1, check2))

#' Bootstrap distribution class.
#' @slot data values to draw, numeric vector
#' @slot replacement values can be reused or not, logical
#' @slot random values are drawn randomly, logical
#' @export
    data = "numeric",
    replacement = "logical",
    random = "logical"
  prototype=prototype(replacement=FALSE, random=FALSE),

#' Create a bootstrap distribution. During function sampling, CAMPSIS will generate
#' values depending on the given data and arguments.
#' @param data values to draw, numeric vector
#' @param replacement values can be reused or not, logical
#' @param random values are drawn randomly, logical
#' @return a bootstrap distribution
#' @export
BootstrapDistribution <- function(data, replacement=FALSE, random=FALSE) {
  return(new("bootstrap_distribution", data=data, replacement=replacement, random=random))

#----                             sample                                    ----

sample_delegate <- function(fun, ...) {

sample_delegate_n <- function(fun, n, ...) {
  return(fun(n, ...))

#' @rdname sample
setMethod("sample", signature = c("constant_distribution", "integer"), definition = function(object, n) {
  object@sampled_values <- rep(object@value, n)

#' @rdname sample
setMethod("sample", signature = c("fixed_distribution", "integer"), definition = function(object, n) {
  object@sampled_values <- object@values
  if (length(object@values) != n) {
    stop(paste0("A fixed distribution should have exactly ", n, " values, not ", length(object@values)))

#' @rdname sample
setMethod("sample", signature = c("function_distribution", "integer"), definition = function(object, n) {
  fun <- eval(parse(text=object@fun))
  args <- object@args
  # If "n" is provided as value in args, this means the first arg of the function
  # is not related to the size
  hasNCharAsValue <- "n" %in% as.character(args)
  if (length(args) == 0) {
    args_str <- "SAMPLING_SIZE"
  } else {
    # Example: return 'mean=70, sd=2'
    args_str <- purrr::accumulate2(names(args), args, .f=function(.x, .y, .z){
      comma <- if (.x=="") {""} else {", "}
      if (.z[[1]]=="n") {
        .z <- "SAMPLING_SIZE"
      if (length(.z) > 1) {
        value <- paste0("c(", paste0(.z, collapse=","), ")")
      } else {
        value <- .z
      paste0(.x, comma, .y , "=", value)
    }, .init="")
    if (hasNCharAsValue) {
      # Size is not the first argument
      args_str <- args_str[length(args_str)]
    } else {
      # Size is the first argument
      args_str <- paste0("SAMPLING_SIZE, ", args_str[length(args_str)])
  # Eval string expression
  if (hasNCharAsValue) {
    text <- paste0("sample_delegate(fun, ", args_str, ")")
  } else {
    text <- paste0("sample_delegate_n(fun, ", args_str, ")")
  values <- eval(parse(text=text))
  # Check result
  if (length(values) != n) {
    stop(paste("Calling function", object@fun, "with arguments", args_str, "does not provided", n, "values but", length(values)))
  # Assign values
  object@sampled_values <- values

#' @rdname sample
setMethod("sample", signature = c("bootstrap_distribution", "integer"), definition = function(object, n) {
  data <- object@data
  nData <- length(data)
  replacement <- object@replacement
  random <- object@random
  if (n > nData && !replacement) {
    stop(paste("Provided bootstrap function does not have enough data to generate", n, "samples (please set 'replacement' to TRUE)"))
  if (random) {
    values <- data[sample.int(n=nData, size=n, replace=replacement)]
  } else {
    values <- rep(data, length.out=n)
  # Assign values
  object@sampled_values <- values
Calvagone/campsis documentation built on Feb. 13, 2025, 10:21 p.m.